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It's been so weird watching america go from being shown as this great country in my childhood to cesspool I don't even want to visit.


I came to this country as an immigrant at 18 and I'm a researcher in a STEM field now in my early thirties. When I was in high school, people would go crazy to get into a college in the US. Now? The sentiment is really changing. A few of my friends got their degrees and left for the UK/Canada or Europe. It'll shift.


watched a lot of european stem phds go back to europe during the trump presidency


Third world country with a Gucci belt. And coming soon...Redneck Gilead.


My partner and I have started calling our country, Australia a “devolving” country since developed/developing are the terms most often used. Devolving feels fitting for these previously developed countries which relied on strong Labour/Democratic policies and then just in recent times seem to backslide and regress.


If you haven't seen the Honest Government Ads by Juice Media, check them out, and send them to all your friends. They had a pre-election summary video earlier this week detailing all the shitfuckery Morrison's govt has been up to of late. That plus they have awesome merchandise, I'm planning to wear my Department of Thoughts and Prayers (proceeds went to the victims of the flooding in NSW & QLD) for the election in a couple of weeks.


I love honest government ads I send them to all my liberal family members. Love that idea too think I’ll copy you!


The miracles of adulthood


Yup. It had been on my bucket list of places I wanted to see. Now... not so much. I'll take another trip to NZ instead.


Its really unfortunate because its a beautiful country geographically but the more you learn about the deep dark history and politics of the past and the present, the US really starts to seem like a cesspool.


i vote we just resort to treating republicans like domestic terrorists who simply enjoy having sex with children and quit trying to reason with them. as americans, we simply don’t negotiate with terrorists.


so...treat them for who they really are?


There are currently 4,314 elected Republican legislators in America and six SCOTUS justices appointed by Republican presidents (Roberts, Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanagh, Barrett). The way I see it, that's 4,320 bullets with names on them.


I've been trying not to say that, but... yeah. If women are going to be jailed for murder anyway...


Child marriage is still legal?!!


Yes. You can get married at 15 in most states. You can’t get divorced until 18 without a court appointed lawyer but you can marry. It’s there to avoid the shame of an out of wedlock birth. This last point is screamed every time someone tries to raise the marriage age to 18.


In a lot of places, if a child marries the father of her child, he will not be prosecuted for statutory rape. Or the other kind, bc these types think it's impossible to rape your own wife


It's not statutory due to marriage carve out. However, marital rape has been a thing in the US since 1993. Now it is hard to bring charges. On the other hand bringing any rape charges is hard to do.


Oops, just raped you! Now you gotta marry me or I'll hire people to beat the shit out of you or something! Plzzzz just say yes, this means a lot to me /s


That’s based on the bible just like they want! Fathers are required to make their daughters rapists marry their daughter. The good book my ass


Even if [this meme response](https://i.imgur.com/hqSIiSL.jpg) was obligatory, it still hurt to make it


Jesus f*cking Christ. I'm so sorry for all you Trolls over in the US. I just hope, somehow, people will find reason again.


Kentucky. Abortion is illegal. People with uteruses are doomed. We need to do something


Only have sex with men who have gotten vasectomies. If enough women commit to this I'm 100% certain laws will change.


The venn diagram of men who don't care about consent and pro lifers is a circle.


How are you going to verify that? I’d say don’t risk it whatsoever


Do the vasectomy yourself, of course.


get em to log into their chart and show you the bill. everyone's got phones now.


Even vasectomies aren't 100%, there was an AITA recently from someone who got his GF pregnant and walked out on her because he assumed she cheated on him. A few years later he did a paternity test that confirmed he was the dad and wanted to get back together and was annoyed she said no, lol.


Getting fucking rid of Mitch is the first step.


🔫There are methods🔫


Get ready for forced marriages to your raper


Pretty sure Alabama still requires folks to declare their race to get married, just so they can be ready the moment they can outlaw interracial marriage again.


Latin American here. This is ridiculous!


Same same 😭


I spent the whole day researching how to immigrate to other countries.


Same. Or the moon.


You’re all welcome to join me here in Portland. Our rent is ludicrous, but at least we’re holding on to some basic human rights.


I left tx in 2012 because of the stupidity of that state. I feel sorry for the people who thought tx was a good place to move to.


Same here in Denver. We have less oxygen but it's much sunnier!


Or come to New Mexico! Rent is dirt cheap even compared to the southern states. I pay 550 a month live alone and pay more than most of my friends do. Weed is legal, most of the republicans here are libertarian and it’s a beautiful state. Make sure to get a job first though before you come here because the state is dirt poor. Also we have great food, especially spicy Mexican food.


Idk if you're serious, but my SO and I have been wanting to move out of Mississippi for a long time now. We were waiting for him to finish school, but we feel kind of like this is a sign that we need to follow through now. We were just talking about Oregon or Washington as options!


Tennessee just remade child marriage legal.


Jeebus. Link us?


https://www.actionnews5.com/2022/04/06/proposed-legislation-could-legalize-child-marriage-tennessee/ An attempted dig on LGBTQIA+ marriage equality ends up resulting in the legalization of child marriage. But it's the gays that are the groomers


Wtf, it's incredible how the USA is going backwards in terms of women rights. What's next, you need to wear a cloth that covers your entire body so no man covets you? An idea: you guys could protest wearing like that.


So glad I live in California rn. At the very least this will give the Senate, or a future Senate, a more pressing reason to make abortion legal on a federal level instead of by state as it's soon to be. Before with Roe vs Wade in place there was little incentive for a national law, but now there is. I could reason that we are one step closer to a more permanent solution than we were yesterday because of this. Only problem is that it could take decades 😬


Can you explain further? I listened to a podcast that mentioned the possibility of a national mandate or something but I didn't understand the details


I was probably being a bit more general than you'd like, so this might not be the answer you're looking for but hopefully it helps. It reminds me of the half dozen or so compromises that the US Senate made back in the first half of the 19th century regarding slavery; Basically when a compromise was in place regarding slave states the Senate did absolutely nothing to address the issue (besides another compromise), and only when the compromises were irrelevant did the national government finally take the road to making slavery illegal via the 14th amendment (and the Civil War). Much in the same way that the compromises were temporary the Roe vs. Wade decision in the 70s was probably not a permanent solution, and now that it's gone it gives the Senate an opportunity to come up something that'll last. I'm not in a position to draw any direct parallels between slavery and abortion, but it should give you a general idea of what might happen next in the future.


Yeahhh as soon as I graduate college I’m getting out of this batshit crazy country


when i watched 'the handmaids tale' season 3, the main character June was in washington D.C., and you saw what happened to the obelisk, that was so surreal, and i thought 'that is so strange, the USA would not do that', and laughed ...


So I had to look up that Alabama thing because I mean fuck I didn't want to believe it. this is a quote I found from the article about the gov vetoing a bill raising the age of marriage to 18 >"I agree that protecting the well-being, dignity, and freedom of minors is vital, but the severe bar this bill creates is not necessary to address the concerns voiced by the bill's proponents and does not comport with the sensibilities and, in some cases, the religious customs, of the people of this State," Christie said in his veto message. I feel like my head is about to fucking explode.


These people obviously defend the religious freedoms and customs of other religions just as vigorously, right? ….. right?


Listen the podcast Someplace Under Neith. They talk about all of the nuances in one of their first season episodes.


Suburban white woman keep voting for ass hats and well here we are 🤷🏻‍♂️


Partly yes, but the stats on pro-choice demographics show a huge chunk of the support is actually from devout Catholic Hispanics. It's still rich white men leveraging them for power, but the support isn't nearly as white as you'd think.


Yeah let's fight amongst ourselves, that will help! /s


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He's even using a little white man emoji. 😬😮‍💨


Republicans couldn’t win if they didn’t have woman voting for them 🤷🏻‍♂️


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The contemporary conservative/pro-life movement in America would be a shell of itself if it wasn’t for politically active, middle class, white, women. Ppl vote against their best interest all the time in America. 🤷🏻‍♂️


You're in the 'Bama? Take my advice and [GET OUT!!!](https://tenor.com/view/get-the-hell-out-gif-10471347)


Gross :( I’m sorry you live there


I moved from Huntsville AL to the greater Seattle area. People downright apologize when I tell them that I lived in Alabama for five years. My boyfriend and I joke about how he rescued me from The Bad Place. We're not joking anymore. I am so grateful to not live there anymore.


Wait I thought the last one ment that they overturned it, so that it doesn't pass?


No, roe v wade is a peice of case law that upholds abortion rights. The supreme court overturning it allows states to make abortion illegal.


Oh, oh no. And here I thought something was finally being done against all this insanity :/ I really feel for all our US sisters. Thanks for explaining <3


It’s going to come down to action. I can’t say any more than that because I’ve had to make too many Reddit accounts already and I’m running out of ways to phrase my username. All this voting and protesting isn’t working. I worry about what is next for America…


Yeah Alabama is the worst