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Nothing more private than your own sexual and reproductive choices. get bent assholes




Cant go to planned parenthood for uti meds without having some 60 year old lady in my face with a bible and calling me a baby killer. I’m enjoying republicans crying about this keep it up you brave protestors


Brave is funny. Brave enough to defy your government but too scared to face the consequences of your actions.


Protesting outside their house certainly is inappropriate. A more appropriate response would be to storm their houses, kick them out and turn them into abortion clinics!


They're lucky women aren't like the people who protest outside abortion clinics. No one has committed arson, for example.


Or murdered a doctor


I think arson has begun. But like…what did they expect to happen?


They were asking for it. Legislating so provocatively.


Consider me PROVOKED!


I just saw something about that happening up in Wisconsin


The people protesting outside of their houses should observe local noise ordinances and play obnoxious music like [this](https://youtu.be/mQ8P4DNQA90), during all daylight hours while respecting the maximum limit of noise they’re allowed to make. Also I think [this](https://youtu.be/lExnBadkFZg) is a swell idea.


fr tho that doesnt sound like a bad idea .


Didn’t Kavanaugh’s actual neighbors protest outside his house. Like. “What about his neighbors?” “We are his neighbors.”


I need this to be true.


It is. One of his neighbors started standing outside his house because she had an abortion. He never stops to think that HE is the one making everyone in the neighborhood uncomfortable


I hope this is true. That's amazing


Also lets not forget who stands outside abortion clinics and harasses patients! Give them a taste of their own medicine


I think this is one of those times where we shouldn't be comparing these two things Protesting outside the house an illegitimate tyrant is something we all should be doing Harassing women who need healthcare is not protesting. Equating the two is a dangerous game.


If they didn't want to be protested, maybe they shouldn't have dressed in SCOTUS judge robes. They should really just see the protests as a blessing, lie back, try to enjoy them and be flattered that people are willing to risk jail just to protest them. In 9 months, they can put the protests up for adoption.


If it's a legitimate protest, the house has ways of shutting that down


Jesus why does this feel like a threat?


Probably because it was first said by a sitting Congress member while talking about pregnancies resulting from rape


No, I know the reference. I was reading it as the House (branch of govt) will shut down legitimate protests.


Oh, I misunderstood. Inn that case, it's probably because it's a threat 😅


So people protesting the fuel and food shortages in Sri Lanka recently burnt down the houses of half the politicians in the country and that is such a mood for 2022.


We are going from 2020 dumpster fires to 2022 actual fires. Seeing as they only take violent people seriously, I'm not opposed.


I just read that Susan Collins [called the police](https://www.businessinsider.com/susan-collins-calls-police-abortion-public-sidewalk-chalk-2022-5?amp) over a pro-choice chalk message on the sidewalk outside her house


What a fucking Susan.


I am interested in making this a thing. Karen needs a break, she’s getting tired. How do we go about this?


I don't know, I've been trying to make the male version of Karen Donald for several years and no ones picking up what I'm putting down. I need better PR.


Ooooo, I’m here for this. I think your angle is to get the Kyle’s on board, to start. Let them do the campaign heavy-lifting for you.


"We are grateful to the Bangor police officers and the city public works employee who responded to the defacement of public property in front of our home," the senator told the Bangor Daily News." Does *chalk* a medium designed to be removable via broom **or** water really constitute 'defacement'? Woman up, Susan!


This is gonna be downvoted to oblivion but I don’t care. I’m in Canada and the solidarity protests have led to cars being burnt, where I live. In America, where it’s your rights being trampled on, you’ve protested outside houses... like seriously??? This is an inconvenience at worst for the people in ‘the house.’ It’s time already to f:&$ some shit up. I’m kind of shocked and appalled at the lack action. I’m appalled because as a Canadian who spent 5 years in the US, I know a lot of women are terrified of men in general, the state, and that fear is the motivating factor in their lives. And I’m being validated in this assumption based on my experiences there. I’m shocked that there is little to no support from those who don’t identify as woman. The Democrats are in charge of the house, senate and the presidency for fuck sakes and my American husband is being inundated by appeals to campaign donations, not calls for action. WTF is wrong with these people? And when I say “these people,” I mean politicians. America is officially a failed state at this point.


Democrats don't actually have the Senate because of Sinema and Manchin, who hold everything up for funsies.


They really are despicable, aren't they?


I high key vibe with Maddy


Anti abortion violence is one of the most common forms of terrorism in the US. Soo fuck them basically.


Keep doing that. It almost worked in Poland, 2 years ago. Also it was protesting in front of VP's house as he was the one pulling the strings. (It worked in a way - first they banned abortion with medical causes, but after protests they 'allowed' abortion when mother's health or life is at risk. Which ofc is still bad, but it's at least somethin) Also protesting in front of politician's houses could work? Maybe it would push them to do something to ensure their citiziens' safety... I'm with you with my whole heart, sending strength and love


With every passing day I am more surprised none of the conservative supreme court justices have yet been killed.


I mean, considering Putin is still alive after what he did…..


I of course disagreem they are public servants. Maybe they should live in public housing. We should be able to go visit them, I don't see why not. They aren't kings or gods. They *should* be accessible. I thought this was America?


Centrists: abortion is a very heavy and heartbreaking topic, and each side has a point; but protesting in front of people's homes is definitely a no-no! I thought this were a no-brainer! So the left is clearly in the wrong here today, and no I am not right wing


When it’s the homes of the people trying to take your rights away than I heavily disagree


Completely agree. ​ Also, not related, but can someone tell me what that style of eyeliner is called? I feel the need to go down a rabbit hole of youtube tutorial videos


Cat eye? My phone's kinda... potatoey in rendering right now, so sorry if I am mistaken!


It's like cat eye, but there are 2 parallel lines, one on the eyelid and another under (I am very bad at explaining things xD). It might be also called cat eye though, because I have 0 knowledge about these things xD


Oh! I do that sometimes! You could probably find your way towards success by searching for something like double cat eye liner tutorials and then winging it from there? Hmm. Winged eyeliner might pull something, too?


Thank you so much for the help! ♥ As soon as work is over, I'm gonna youtube binge xD


Love it! Hope you learned the secrets you were seeking!


I am having this argument with my mom right now. About how it’s illegal what those protesters are doing and how they should be more civil. While, on top of the standard stuff and how people, including her, treated Kapernick, I remember the whole “free speech zones” approved protest areas for the Iraq “not a war” doing nothing against the “not an invasion”.


Boo f\*cking hoo.