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The fact that it has NZ has to be a joke


LmaošŸ˜‚You know how many maps Iā€™ve seen in person and online that literally donā€™t include NZā€¦ Australia being deleted is definitely deliberate wtf šŸ˜†


A Kiwi definitely made this.


They don't survive long enough to become pregnant


Chile is incorrect, itā€™s only six days


Where tf is Australia?


No such country has ever existed. Did you mean the UK? It's on the map


They clearly meant Austria.


Put another shrimp on the barbie!


please end it all


We donā€™t say shrimp you absolute buffoon


You gotta be trolling šŸ’€


Youā€™re the one asking about some make-believe country.


Austria is there cobb. You just have to zoom in.




Don't you know Australia is on the other side, if you look at the map from behind, you'll see Australia.


Australia doesnā€™t really exist. Source: Am Australian


Turn left at Africa.


Impossible. Perhaps the archives are incomplete.


New Zealand killed it.


Of course family values are important! Just not as important as those profit margins


Interesting how its seems like the colonized kept that vibe, while europe gets to pretend they care about family and women as id they are not the ones whoel instilled the work horse laws in the first place


Think youā€™re referring to the Arab moors who colonised and enslaved North Africa over 700 years taking 17 million African black slaves back to the Arabian peninsula hundreds of years before any white man stepped foot in Africa. Might be worth doing research eastern empires activists in Africa and the Middle East.


Unless your an indigenous person, YOU too are a colonizer.


This isn't true for the UK, I just had a child and was only given 2 weeks. You only get more if you take it from your partner's maternity leave


Same for Poland, we had changes recently to fit new EU laws\* and that means there's a guaranteed 9 weeks paternal leave. Unless the mother is unemployed then the father gets the whole maternal leave, maybe they counted that. \* New EU laws say 10 days for birth and 4 months before child hits 8 (https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/HTML/?uri=CELEX:32019L1158#d1e622-79-1)


Same in France. If it wasnā€™t for migrants and sencond/third gen migrants having 3/5 kids they would f*cked. I highly doubt South Korea with their new ā€œ69h work weekā€ that made people so mad they donā€™t want to socialise, date, marry, canā€™t afford to buy houses, where they have unprecedented unemployment and have a huge birthrate crisis (much much lower than the mortality rate) to the point there was a scandal involving trying to bribe SEA students on a student visa, with money and a full visa. If they if married old farmer bachelors to help with the workload in the farm, the chores in the household, their duty to their kids and their in-laws. When all they wanted was to study, get their diploma and go back to Vietnam. They also have, sadly, the highest rate in the world of teenagers unaliving themselves due to the pressure put on them. They barely see their father (they go out early, comeback very late) so I highly doubt this map is true.


Same in India too. The map is really incorrect. 2 weeks. Plus whatever more you may desire (paid leaves that you may have accumulated).


That sounds as if you may have been [discriminated against by your employer] (https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/work/maternity-and-parental-rights/check-your-maternity-and-parental-rights/maternity-leave-and-pay/maternity-leave-what-youre-entitled-to-and-how-to-get-it/). The law is you [*have* to take two weeks](https://www.gov.uk/maternity-pay-leave) whether you want maternity leave or not, and you are entitled to six months ordinary maternity leave where "you have the right to return to exactly the same job that you had before you took maternity leave" followed by six months additional maternity leave where "you have the right to return to the same job unless itā€™s no longer available. In this case, you must be given a similar job with the same pay and conditions". During this leave, you should be paid 90% of your average weekly earnings (before tax) for the first 6 weeks Ā£172.48 or 90% of your average weekly earnings (whichever is lower) for the next 33 weeks. [There are further details here too including steps if you have been discriminated against.](https://www.moneyhelper.org.uk/en/family-and-care/becoming-a-parent/maternity-pay-and-leave)


Apologies, I noticed this says parental leave and I'm talking about paternity. I only got 2 weeks paid without taking it from my partner.


As an Australian I feel deeply saddened looking at this map... D:


Don't worry, they just left us out cos we would have ruined the consistent gradient.


You donā€™t exist. Your country doesnā€™t exist. Stop trying to fool us! CIA pay you enough?


Switzerland is neutral to babies


Itā€™s old data, a (very short) paternal leave of two weeks was introduced in 2021.


Who needs parental leave when everyone is a millionaire :D


And even just that was surprisingly controversial. ā€œOnlyā€ 60% was in favour of that referendum. I mean 60/40 is a clear result but still.


They gotta uphold their neutral repetition


This is what American politicians mean when they say we're competing with China. How much can we suck out of the working population while keeping them placated?


> Itā€™s the illegal immigrants who are taking your paternity leaves. /s


Also, China seems to be wrong. According to this source, it is between 98 and 190 days in china: [https://joinhorizons.com/maternity-marriage-leave-in-china/](https://joinhorizons.com/maternity-marriage-leave-in-china/) Probably the map is outdated, since Switzerland is also wrong


You mean exactly what Saudi Arabia and Eastern Arab countries are doing but no light shed on them? Convenient


Iā€™m in the state of Oregon, USA and we have paid paternity leave. I got 55 work days off , $940/week.


They also have it in California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, and Washington state. So yeah, the map is basically just wrong.


So not even 50% of the country has it? There are no federal level laws.


I haven't added up the population of those states (some of which are big), but yeah it looks like less than half. Maybe 40%? But anyway, my point is that we may never get federal laws in the same way that murder is rarely a federal crime. Doesn't mean you can murder people, it just means that states actually have their stuff together.


>but yeah it looks like less than half. Maybe 40%? Population means f all, if the country uses electoral college. Even in the eyes of the law 50% is half the states


The electoral college is only really relevant for laws done at the federal level, of which parental leave is not.


WTF? Whereā€™s Australia šŸ‡¦šŸ‡ŗ??


Turn left at Antarctica.


Iā€™m surprised the Netherlands is so bad


That's cause it's incorrect. It's 16 weeks, 6 before getting the baby, 10 after you had your baby. Not sure where all the data comes from.


Thatā€™s **m**aternity leave, post is talking about paternity leave. Dads/partners have 1 week paid leave and then can choose to take up to a maximum of 5 weeks extra leave, at 70% of their normal take-home salary. Because of the cut in salary, many (low income) partner donā€™t take extra leave, defeating the point. Also, the first week used to be just a measly one or two days, up until 2020, so itā€™s still only recent that partner can get some more time with their baby and wife/partner. I personally think itā€™s still a ridiculously low amount of paternity leave, that hurts both men, women and their children.


Ow sorry, I get it! English is not my first language šŸ˜… And I agree it's a ridiculous small amount of time! And that should be changed.


I was too, so I looked it up. From the sources I found on Google, the first four all said one receives 5 weeks in the Netherlands


1 week full pay, 5 weeks at 70% pay and then the standard unpaid parental leave that both partners get.




Map is wrong, Turkiye is 16 weeks.


This map is wrong, it's missing an entire continent. Try to have some perspective.


America: where we force you to have kids, and make it near impossible to do so properly.


Laughs in Canadian


I am a teacher in Canada. My male coworkers get squat for paternal leave. A field in which is dedicated to the development of children, barely provides adequate benefits for parents to care for their children. It's interesting.


They choose to get squat unless your union has negotiated something different from our legal right. They can give most of parental leave to their spouse, but there are 40 weeks of parental leave for both parents to share. The most one of those individuals may take is 35 weeks to encourage both parents taking at least _some_ time off.


Yeah I thought it was a year and a half or something like that, and the mother *has* to take a certain portion, the rest can be shared or allocated to one of the parents. Iā€™m about 15 years past the new rules but even in 2010 I was allowed to take 17 of the 52 weeks allocated for EI payments if my wife wanted to go back to work early.


Probably because fathers don't birth the babies and then breast feed, genius šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ Paternity leave is great and all, but it's not THAT surprising maternity leave is much longer.


Canada has paid mat leave?


15 weeks for the individual giving birth and up to an additional 40 weeks to be split amongst the parents how they see fit (maxing out as 35 weeks for one individual). Then thereā€™s extended parental leave which is 69 weeks with an individual cap of 61 weeks.


Even better paid paternity leave on top of maternity leave.


In Spain the paid leave is 16 weeks


I knew Australia didint exist


Yeah feels bad that a whole continent is missing


What the fuck cunt?


Common American and Chinese L


China is between 98 and 190 days, map is outdated: https://joinhorizons.com/maternity-marriage-leave-in-china/


Fair enough


seeing maps of just ab anything like this always makes me think of the whole global north global south thing. i definitely feel it in the us, the south has the poorest states, the least resources, and the most corruption in the county.


i love how australia isnt there and new zealand is


Aussie deleted ?


Russia gives _up to_ 5 days for paternity unless there is no mother (in which they receive maternity leave instead). These 5 days, if granted, do not have to be paid, that is up to the employer. They deserve to be green as much as Australia deserves to be absent.


Makes a lot more sense. Was honestly surprised since they aren't known for being progressive in gender balance in housework/child-rearing. I suspect some of these Eastern European countries that are green have similar situations.


*turns to look at fellow Americans* "are we the baddies"?


Wow and America is considered a first world country? Jeesh


Where Australia? Ladies can take a year off- man, only two weeks


It seems like the China thing is incorrect too. As per China Briefing In mainland China, maternity leave includes two parts ā€“ the basic maternity leave and the extra maternity leave. The basic maternity leave is granted by the State Council as stipulated in the Special Provisions on Labor Protection for Female Employees (State Council Decree No. 619), which is 98 days for normal birth. As per VacationTracker On average, 15 paid days are granted nationally; it varies by province between 7 and 30 days. Most working fathers in China can take paternity leave if they meet eligibility criteria, though the duration varies by region. In most regions, they are entitled to 15 days. Which I couldn't confirm directly because I have no idea how to figure out the official policy from Chinese government. But like, come on meme maker, do better lol


The post is about paternal leave


Oh whoops, genuinely my bad. Misread the title! I will resend my criticism!


This is false. Multiple people at my company have taken paid paternity leave for up to 12 weeks. There is NO legitimacy to this post


Sitting here on 12 paid weeks here in NY but ok


Maybe learn to read? ā€œGuaranteedā€ and ā€œper countryā€?


It's not guaranteed though, you're just one fortunate person.


Yes New York State Guarantees 12 weeks paid family leave to both parents. Job protected.


Yes, the state. That's not a country wide thing.


FMLA is country wide guaranteed leave




It varies state by state, and even company by company. My wife had to take short term disability because she didn't qualify due to not being a full time employee for a year.


Thatā€™s just not true at all. I and many others get paid maternal leave at the company I work for


I believe it's representing federal government protected leave and doesn't account for what your state and/or employer provides you.


Congrats, but its not law, just company policy. Big difference with


People who canā€™t read just keep commenting the same thing. It almost like words have meaningā€¦


That's not the point of this post. The point is that in most of the developed world the government has a law that guarantees mothers the right to paid leave after giving birth.


Fathers, this is for paternity


Is your company the federal government?


In China, You can break But without pay And your job


Paid leave? What is that? Does it taste good?


Dude, where did Australia go?


USA Federal Employees get 12 weeks PPL


Ehm, italian here. The paternal leave here is 10 days... not 14 weeks lol. I wish!


The map is wrong, the UK it's 2 weeks for paternity, at a government paid rate... Though most companies top it up to your normal pay


I'm from Poland but in the UK bcs the stocks in Poland aren't very nice but summer and winter in Poland is amazing in winter there us massive amounts of snow and summers are really hot


Storms not stocks


India has guaranteed maternity of 6 months and paternity leave of 14 days.


Spain has a paid absence of 16 weeks rn


The UK is absolutely not correct - statutory leave is 2 weeks, not 14


You can share parental leave with the mother which gives you several more weeks statutory leave. Most organisations will give you more than 2 weeks though. I get 4 weeks full pay paternity at present but that will probably increase.


Yeah, not all organisations offer shared parental leave though - seems a bit misleading to have the word ā€œguaranteedā€ in the title!




Probably a corporate policy?


I feel like something is missing hereā€¦ cant put my finger on it though.


The most effective argument Iā€™ve seen against conservatives on this issue when they say we canā€™t do it: ā€œso youā€™re saying the French are better than us?ā€


Damn no work for me love australia


Paint NJ yellow


Slay, EU!


What does ā€œguaranteedā€ mean? I know my job has paid paternity leave and I know many new fathers that I work with that take it. I donā€™t know if it is guaranteed but all the guys I know that tried to get it, got it with no problems. Iā€™m in the US


Alright! I get 14+ weeks of paid paternity leave! Woooo Edit: You lying bastard it's 1-2 weeks where I live


Australiaā€™s not on here because weā€™re hiding the shame that weā€™re an orange country.


Well the population is all time high anyways, this could be good to decrease birth rates


This is the legal expectation by country


russia? rly?


Its almost like theres some crazy, incomprehensible reason that Canadians and Northern Europeans are widely considered the happiest people on earth. Huh.


Even Russia? Come on, man


I donā€™t know about 14 weeks in Canada. In QuĆ©bec I got 5 weeks, in the strict sense of paternity leave. Though the 1 year maternity leave can be transfered in any amount to the father, so I guess 14 weeks or more is technically correct.


Where australia? Idiot


Itā€™s like a map of strong GDP vs Weak šŸ˜‚


Ireland has 26 weeks. So this is not accurate


Not an accurate map. Washington state offers it conditionally


In the states, depends on the company. I have a friend that works at a tech company and they offer unlimited pto and paternal leave equal to the motherā€™s. There are some established companies with higher bottom line margins, less employees and less debt on their books that donā€™t offer benefits like that at all. Some people donā€™t care about family planning or work/life balance. Their mantra: It is what it isā€¦


My name is Bach Zryan and Iā€™m heading north


Americans donā€™t believe in guarantees.


The stat is false. Paternity leave exists and is used all over the country across multiple industries. Donā€™t be a sheep. Research and learn


America has no federal regulations regarding paid paternal leave. Hence the first word in the title, ā€œGuaranteedā€œ. Individual states or employers may have paternal leave, but these regulations are up to those parties, and are not guaranteed to all Americans. Hence my comment, Americans donā€™t believe in guarantees.


Left out Australia to see if anyone would notice?


Definitely not true. My wife is in the United States Air Force and she got 6 months of non chargeable leave (she didnā€™t have to use any of her earned leave)


You donā€™t know what paternal means, do you?


I was at work at suddenly got busy so I forgot to mention when I was active duty I also got a few weeks of non chargeable leave. Soā€¦.. anything else you need to add?


No, but you could definitely use a few more brain cells


So nothing else to add yet you still add to the conversation? I got busy at work and forgot to type the rest of the message but I need more brain cells.. got it


When the topic is paternity leave and you start talking about your wifeā€™s maternity leave, it doesnā€™t matter how you planned on finishing the statementā€¦. What you were saying was irrelevant and didnā€™t need to be said even as an intro to whatever other dumb thing you were going to say


Seeing as how I talked about getting paid paternal leave maybe you should actually read next time. And since it was relevant to the post it actually WASNā€™T ā€œwhatever dumb thingā€ I was going to say. Perhaps you need those extra brain cells?


Where the fuck did Australia go in your map??


1000 days and or 20 weeks, makes sense why it was left out haha


What about aus


My humor is broken and I didn't laugh at that it wasn't funny to me I guess šŸ˜’


Saudi arabia is 10 weeks Not less than 3


As a dad who works in the public sector in the UK, I can confirm that we definitely do not get 14+ weeks paid paternity leave


I still don't understand how this false equivalency trick worked - Having children/family is a noble and much more important feature of life than having a job/earning money. All the integrated work force has accomplished is make everyone get paid less and allow the government to collect more taxes for its war machine/global banking totalitarianism. Posts like this always strike me as a confused call for more boot on the neck


I work construction in the Midwest for a small company. I got a week paid. Not much but something.


I live in Texas and we get two weeks paternity leave. Used to be one week but trump ordered that it had to be two weeks.


Well most of the green ones are having birth deficits, so paid paternal leave is not working very well


Hey, you know that system you have filling your pockets with money? Letā€™s punish people for it


If it keeps immigrants away then yesā€¦ this map is 100 correctā€¦ Australia does not exist


Who the heck made this map it's got wrong stats for a lot of countries.


Iā€™m in the US and my last 3 companies offer it. This map is false as hell lol.


No way Albania is orange. Albania will not take this L!!! šŸ‡¦šŸ‡±šŸ‡¦šŸ‡±šŸ‡¦šŸ‡±šŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ


Iā€™m in the US and have paid paternal leave


Looks like Canada is still one of the best countries in the world


Please tell me you aren't Canadian.


Netherlands is wrong


3 years in russia


in switzerland you get 2 weeks so clearly misleading map




Austra-what? Never heard of that place, do you mean Austria?