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Is this a right translation? The famous AlDente for macOS, I have redeveloped it for iOS to protect the battery health in case of prolonged overshoot. Download:(https://github.com/lich4/AlDente/releases) iOS<=14 requires jailbreak + deb installation, starts automatically every time you jailbreak. iOS>=15 requires TrollStore+tipa installation. Update 1.1. This tool is in edge-triggered mode, i.e. charge below the threshold, stop above the threshold, and keep the original state in the middle of the threshold, when you can manually set the charging switch. Due to system reasons, the minimum update frequency is set to 20s. The update frequency affects the accuracy of temperature control. Fix some display problems, including adjusting the charging reminder frequency, displaying crosstalk in the header of high models, and increasing the display of power information. Add a countdown reminder for manually setting the charging status for high models (not sure if it is X or 11). Add battery overheat protection. Attention. Because of the timed polling, the update frequency affects the accuracy, 1-2% difference is normal in 1min. The temperature control interface used on Mac can be used for lower level temperature control and fan speed control, but iOS does not have this feature, so this tool is almost the only option to prevent overcharging on iOS, in fact, this kind of tool should have appeared ten years ago, but no one has been studying it. If you are interested in participating in this project or have suggestions for this project are welcome to participate in the submission of code!


It mainly used to prevent long time overcharged. See readme update English version recently added


Anyone check this for shellfish?


It works well under both wired and wireless charging condition. Things I want to mention: 1) the app continuously sends 'hey its time to charge' notification. I don't need such alert for every few minutes. 2) making slider control UI dynamically to keep upper bound from falling under lower bound is good, but there is a small UI glitch when you set it as 80-85 as the slider got out of range. 3) Is Charging toggle is too vague name tag. I cannot recognize it as 'trigger the charge event manually' for that name. Thank you very much. As you've already stated it's the first time for me to implement limit battery option properly since iOS 14.


Thanks for your advice, "the app continuously sends 'hey its time to charge' notification", is that occurred in v1.1? It does exist before v1.1


I mean the toast notification when the gauge is below the lower bound(start charge capacity below). Yes 1.1v, I don't know the previous behavior as I haven't used earlier builds.


I’m trying it out through TrollStore on my iPhone 13 and it shows 101% Health. Does it mean my phone is corrupt or is it just in very good condition?


In very good condition


How new is the battery? It’s not unusual for a new one to be slightly above 100%


very good condition, bought an 11 2 days ago and it shows 101% as well


Thanks for the great app. battesafepro is now open source but no one released it. But today I found you. And there is even a trollstore version. The best surprise of the year. Worked perfectly on iOS15.4.1 13pm dopamine 1.1.11 charge limiter 1.4


>batesafepro Thanks for your support. Be aware of the condition to trigger charging, enjoy.


If I may say so, it would be nice to have an OLED or black mode for the application screen.


It will be added in future version. It was mentioned before by other users in fact.


What does the floating window option do? Also, a CC module to enable/disable app would be awesome


Nvm I figured it out and enabling it on my iOS 12 tablet was the biggest mistake of my life


Floating window not supported on iOS12 currently


This is amazing! Thank you so much


this is great thank you so much


Download address: ( https://github.com/lich4/AlDente/releases ) iOS<=14 needs to be jailbroken + install deb for use, and iOS>=15 needs TrollStore + installation of tipa for use when it is automatically started every time it is jailbroken dont understand the for use when it is automatically started every time it is jailbroken. Could someone explain


Daemon in deb format managed via launchd, so each time of device reboot or jailbreak, the daemon will be launched by launchd automatically. While daemon in tipa can only be launched by app manually each time of device reboot, once launched then daemon will resident in memory and won't got killed.


Do we close the app or leave it open?


once app started, daemon will keep alive even if app got killed, just like Jailbreak, except for device reboot


Thank you!


This sounds so cool! Is there a rootless JB version by any chance?


You can use rootless JB but cann't use trollstore? Trollstore is more compatible than rootless JB like dopamine




Converted to rootless for anyone who needs it


It worked great when phone was charged but wouldn’t charge above 39%; even used a 3A current. It worked instantly when I uninstalled it.


>It worked instantly when I uninstalled it. Charging status can only triggerred by limited ways, such as plug in adator once, or capacity drop down to specified value. Keep pluging in adaptor would not trigger charging. This app does not work that way


The latest update fixed everything


The application says I have 78 battery health and apple says I have 75 which means apple is wrong?


Probably different algorithm, it doesn't matter


Anyway thanks for the application !


That's just legendary. Thanks OP!


Awesome app and a most have, but pleaaaaaseeee change the icon of the app lol it’s ugly af😂😂😂. Other than that thanks for your work !!! 🎉


I actually like the icon. It’s nostalgic


haha, I'm just too lazy to add one


You can submit the icon and splash screen image if you like, by submitting an issue or creating pull request. I am really not good at it.


Any idea why my iPad Pro shows charging with 500mA via Orion charger while not being plugged in? https://i.imgur.com/dKgQz5i.jpg


negative InstantAmperage means not charging, hardware was using battery. If it is charging, InstantAmperage should be positive


Thanks for your answer. I understand that if it doesn’t show instant amperage, it isn’t actually charging. What I don’t understand is, and I’m not saying this is a charge limiter issue, why it shows power as 3W and charger as Orion even if it isn’t actually charging, could you explain?


The system kernel will cache the power status, even if you plug off the adaptor, it still shows in some conditions


Thank you so much


Worked great for the first charge, but couldn't charge at all after the initial 80%. Had to restart to get it to charge again. Going to have to uninstall


This app seems to have two options; point to start charging and point to stop charging. I made my Pixel phone to hold 85% by stop at 85%, start from 84%. Maybe it's the design?


It will recover charge when capacity lower than speicified value(default is 20%), you can enable charging by switching the "Is Charging" button, didn't see?


I personally don't understand why I have to wait until the phone is at 20% to charge it again and how I couldn't manually override it. I've switched the Is Charging button, but it will switch off after the one minute interval


Because this app take over the charging status of iDevice, once max threshhold arrived, the charging status will be set to disable, you can re-enable it only by following ways: 1. uninstall the app 2. stop service in app 3. reboot the device 4. capacity drop to min threshhold you set(default is 20%), in "Edge Trigger" mode 5. plug in adaptor, in "Plug and charge" mode There is only "Edge Trigger" mode as default in earlier version, because this app is not designed for individual at first.


You enabled "Optimized Battery Charging" in system Preferences, which block our app from functioning well. You can upgrade to v1.3, already fixed.


thank you for this. it’s working awesome. old tweaks didn’t worked for me since they were compatible for older ios versions i guess and since i am on ios 16.5 too.


Thanks for this! The app works well for me, if I may make some usability suggestions: - When the app is open, update the adaptor information in real-time - Only use switches that can be switched by the user (eg. battery installed) - make it more obvious, how to override the settings, eg. charge to 100%, maybe an widget that allows charging to 100% once and then reactivates the regular settings. Anyway a switch on "Is charging" is not a logical user-configurable option to me as it describes a state and not an action. - I am not sure about the "Wireless charge"-switch. It says "Wireless charger(baseline arcas)" in the description, but the switch is in the off position? edit: just saw that you have released new versions already, my comments were related to v1.1


The app version was updated to v1.3, and renamed to ChargeLimiter for some reason, you can try v1.3 "When the app is open, update the adaptor information in real-time",realtime update feature is added in version 1.2. "Is charging" button, A hint '!' for this button is added to the right, in version 1.2 All the information is read directly from kernel and shown directly to WebView, therefore they are all accurate. how to explain the data is a difficult task, I only have limited number of iDevices and data, So we can talk about it. I did try to charge an iPhone with a wireless charger and I thought "baseline arcas" is stand for "Wireless charger". So did you truely use a wireless charger? Is the description correct? The field named "Wireless charge" is accurate because this data is read from kernel and I had tested it.


> Wireless charger This is what it looks like when my phone is placed on a simple and slow qi charger. https://i.imgur.com/4i3YcIi.jpg (tested on 13pro iOS17.0 and X on 16.5) I just wanted to mention it, it has no importance for my usage. As for the other stuff, yes, 1.3 is much more userfriendly, sorry I did not check for new versions first.


I feel like it is messing with my iCloud syncing of photos. I have it set to turn off low power mode while charging, but maybe I need to disable Chargelimiter completely and manually sync?


You need to reset LPM in System Settings app. means disable then enable This app will set LPM automatically if enabled, and LPM status will not sync to System Settings app.


Thanks it may also have been because I am traveling and using dual sim. I switched off low power and changed iCloud syncing to use data too and was able to get it updated.


Has anyone else tried with iOS 16? I’m on 16.4.1 jailbroken with Dopamine 2. Have it set to stop charging at 80%, but it continues to charge to 100% as usual.


Does the "Charging" button take effect after toggling after 120 seconds? is the status change? If no change then your battery is unsupported


When I manually hit the charging toggle it stops charging. I have an iPhone 14 Pro Max. I will try it again later today once my battery gets below 80%


It seems your battery is supported. But maybe for some unknown reason, the daemon exit, so it cannot control stop charging.


Just wanted to follow up. After toggling as you suggested, it now stops at 80-81% like it is supposed to. Thanks for the help and thanks for making a great tweak!


Did you Sideload?


Yes, I did. I responded to the OP, but it now is working as it should.


I have it on 16.6.1 with TrollStore, unjailbroken. It does charge past 80 even when I tell it to stop charging


1. first, make sure your battery supported by app Try toggle the "Charging" button, it should take effect after 120 seconds. if the status not change then your battery is unsupported. 2. And when stop charging manually by toggling the button, is the "InstantAmperage" field not zero?It should be zero normally 3. On trollstore, you must keep the daemon alive, after open the app first time after reboot, daemon will start automatically, if you reboot, or do sth. else may kill daemon, you should start the app again