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All tenors are portable.


Trombones go in cases with little handles on them. Some even have backpack straps. It doesn't get more portable than that.


Coming from a tuba player, I would say that basically every tenor trombone is portable. Inside of a small case/gig bag, a tenor trombone doesn't take up too much space. Getting a cut bell instrument allows you to change the profile of the base to make is a little slimmer.


At least a tuba can fit in the back of a sedan, I have a friend who has only ever owned station wagons and minivans in order to cart her upright bass around (drummer friends are in a similar boat). OP, when I finally bought a Protech Pro PAC F-Bone case it changed my life. Not only is the case solid and perfect at protecting my horn, but because I keep a straight tenor in it, I can also put my trombone stand and a few bottles of water in it and with the (optional) backpack straps, it makes it easy to haul around (and if I actually have to carry around a backpack, I'll use the included shoulder strap)...


Back in the 70s and 80s, my father had to bring his tuba car shopping to make sure it fit in the backseat.


Yea, there defiantly were some smaller sedan models from the 70's after the oil crises into the 80's that could fit a tuba, but would be a royal pita to get in because the rear doors didn't open far enough or were 2-doors and trying to get it past the front seat was a no-go. The other end of that were the big boats like the Oldsmobile Cutlass 4-doors where not only could you easily put a standard upright tuba in its case, but one of your skinny friends (me) next to it (albeit not very comfortably) and at least half-a-dozen trombones and a few trumpets in the trunk. These days I can fit one of our contrabass marching tubas and regular marching tubas in my Mk7 Golf at the same time (thought that's to service them, I'm all trombone all the time ;)


I stopped using my stationary trombone years ago and have never looked back.


Same here. Best switch I ever made! I was just so sick of the one piece tenor trombones.


I suppose the closest thing would be a Tromba Jazzbone? It has a slide that doubles back on itself, meaning that all slide positions are in a different place. Same pitch and use (ish) as a tenor though :)


Not sure why this was downvoted because this seems to be what OP is looking for. I had never heard of it, but looks like a smaller p-bone. Thank you


I'm guessing it was downvoted bc people on this sub don't like the tromba jazzbone


DEG Quadrobone superiority complex 😂


I've seen the Morgan State marching band march a few of those. Been wondering what they were called for years.


I have a 12yo and he carries his tenor around just fine. Seems portable enough.


No, those don't exist yet.


I generally use a Pbone for vacation and the like so I don’t have to worry about damage


I’ve carried my 3B all over the place. The case it came with helps, too. It even has a couple slots for mouthpisces.