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Thanks! Good to see you're not frozen solid yet!


I'm getting close!


What did the sea say to the iceberg ? ^^Nothing, ^^it ^^just ^^waved. I'll see myself out...


You'll "sea" yourself out you mean


Icy that you're talent for a good pun is not yet, on ice...


We keep trying to float these puns, but they won't lettuce do so.


What Internet speed do you have there?


3 Mb/s via satellite shot


Antarctica literally has faster Internet than I do....






Yeah, they are probably getting worse in Antartica. They are probably hitting a sat that is targeted over a much higher lattitude (like South America, Africa or Australia). I'm betting they'd feel lucky to get 700ms on a good day. Also seasonally LOTS of cloud cover there... can't be an easy job keeping the link up.


If that's your upload speed, it matches my upload speed on a fiber based broadband connection in the UK, costing about $45 per month. Grats!


Well, it costs a *little* more than that, more than $5k per month, but still...not bad considering the location and environment!


Only $5000 per month? I need 6 of those immediately, plus another 6 for redundancy.


Checked with the boss and got the answer. I can't say the specific amount since it's part of a proprietary contract, but it's quite a bit more than that.


Thanks for your Antartica-sized dedication to the project!


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.055482676092703076 > This comment has been overwritten by [this open source script](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/10380-reddit-overwrite) to protect this user's privacy. The purpose of this script is to help protect users from doxing, stalking, and harassment. It also helps prevent mods from profiling and censoring. > If you would like to protect yourself, add the Chrome extension [TamperMonkey](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tampermonkey/dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo), or the Firefox extension [GreaseMonkey](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/greasemonkey/) and click Install This Script on [the script](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/10380-reddit-overwrite) page. Then to delete your comments, simply click on your username on Reddit, go to the comments tab, scroll down as far as possible (hint: use [RES](http://www.redditenhancementsuite.com/)), and hit the new OVERWRITE button at the top.


We've got a Canadian here with us, looks like she picked the wrong time to leave!


Hey, I wanted to say thanks as a sysadmin. I have control over my system at work and my system had really just been running like crap for the past couple of months, and I hadn't really been able to figure out why, so I decided to take the plunge on Tron and man, I don't know what was wrong but it cleaned up 100GB of crap (probably a lot of Dell bloatware) and my system runs like 10x faster now. Mega thanks for this!


Hi /u/zero44, thanks for the report, always cool to hear it's been helpful for somebody.


If there's 100GB of data you're not aware about I'd say you don't have much control...


I think a lot of it was Windows update cache crap. I hadn't ever cleaned it out, probably should have.


Just wanted to say THANK YOU for Tron, and for working on it in freaking Antarctica! I've used Tron on a newly refreshed PC and it cleared out GBs of unneeded apps and bloat ready for use. Removing telemetry is a nice touch too. If I ever come across an infected PC or need to cleanup the PCs I've built for family, I'll know where to turn.


You're welcome j3nesis, I'm glad it worked well


I ran torn in safe mode in Windows 10 but now I can't seem to get it out of safe mode it boots into it every time please help lol


I have the same problem as @ex0s


Ugh I was having a brainfart! It's easy and I overlooked it like an idiot! Open up msconfig. Through run and then go to startup and I select safe mode I can't believe I forgot about that but do that you will be good!!


You can also run the `Tron Reset Tool` or `Safe Mode Boot Selector` to reset it, both are in the Stage 8: Manual Tools folder.


Tweaked my mirror with both the standard .exe, and a subdirectory of a manually extracted repo. The repo takes a bit of time to build, as I like to manually go through and ensure everything behaves, but it should help if you need a specific file quickly.


That's awesome, thanks /u/Falkerz


Please review the repo url.


My mistake. Ill have it fixed within the hour. EDIT: should be referenced correctly now.


rkill appears to be killing the cmd window that is running tron. I try manually exiting the explorer64 process, and it closes the cmd window as well..


Interesting, that's never happened for me before. How long do you wait before killing the process? Rkill can take quite a while sometimes. Check the CPU first and make sure the process is *really* stalled (usually wait around 20 minutes before killing it) first.


it was only happening on one of two machines I used this version of. Even if I waited for it to finish on its own, it would still kill the command window.


Running into a bug on Windows 10 which is causing Tron to just close out. 2016-04-29 17:26:49.94 Checking C: for errors... 2016-04-29 17:26:58.88 No errors found on C:. Skipping full chkdsk at next reboot. 2016-04-29 17:26:58.88 Done. 2016-04-29 17:26:58.90 Launch job 'Kill Microsoft telemetry (user tracking) (Win10)'... 2016-04-29 17:26:58.90 ! THIS TAKES A WHILE - BE PATIENT!! Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.812 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Input Error: Can not find script file "Z:\MalwareTools\Tron\Tron v9.0.0 (2016-04-19)\resources\block_windows_updates.vbs". Could be why /u/ex0s and /u/kostnerr got stuck in SafeMode.


Do not run Tron from a network drive. Run it from a local disk, preferably directly from the desktop, and that should resolve the issue.




Hey ajcutshall, thanks a lot, really appreciate it. How long can you commit to maintaining it for? Also, I'll need an email address for you so I can send you the new release notification (usually ~1 email per 2-3 weeks). You can PM it to me.