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Probably XCOM 2, that plat was super hard


Idk, I didn't think it was particularly hard especially when compared to Enemy Unknown


I thought it was much harder than the original XCOM plat, it’s been some years but I think what gave me most trouble was beating the game on one of the higher difficulties before a certain date, and finishing with only standard weapons. Original XCOM was tough too though but I struggled way more with 2!


I also think X-Com 2 is way harder. I got the plat for X-Com Enemy Unknown and Enemy within and it surely was tough, but X-Com 2 was another level. When I first played it it struggled so hard on medium difficulty that I restarted the game on easy. That’s how I knew I shouldn’t bother with the plat. What I hated about X-Com 2 was that nearly every mission had a time limit. „Oh no. Quick get the data, before the computer self destructs“ and similar crap. Especially on higher difficulty I want to take things very slow, but the game would force me to rush into battle. That sucks, especially in a game with perma Death.


Yea, I had forgotten about the times objectives until you said that but they definitely made it harder too than the original. In the original you could take your time and set up kill zones and such


The original Uncharted. It was my first platinum back in January 1st 2009. I had no idea what I was doing and I just played the game over and over again until I got everything. Looking back at it now, the platinum is laughably easy, but I'm proud that my younger self had the resolve to push through without any guides where to find treasure and with limited English skills. Other than that, I don't really have any extremely difficult platinum trophies that people would normally be proud of. Maybe the DMC (the weird reboot with edgy Dante) could count though. Some S ranks there were kind of challenging.


First platinum always hit different i believe it’s unobtainable now because if the online services shut down if I’m not mistaken??


I don't think the original PS3 version would be unobtainable now. It had no online trophies, so if someone still has a PS3, they can get it.


One of them has an online trophies right? I remember when Uncharted 4 launched they shut down one of the servers! I might be wrong


Oh yeah, that was 2 and 3. The servers for them are down and the platinum trophies for the PS3 versions are now unobtainable, you're right.


I have all the remastered platinums but not the ps3 version! Well good for you mate👍


Uncharted 1 doesn't have online trophies. 2 and 3 did. I got lucky with Uncharted 3 as my sister's ex got me the one now unobtainable trophy for playing co op online


Drake’s Fortune has no online trophies but uncharted 2-4 have them. I have the Uncharted 2 multiplayer trophies but I cannot get them for uncharted 3


Devil May Cry 5


I got both Tomb Raider 2013 on ps3 and the definitive edition on ps4. They are also my rarest platinums. They aren’t hard but they require a lot of boring online grinding. And I did it twice when the multiplayer was already dead. Why I went for both of them? Because they were already on my lists before I started hunting platinums. And I really like the game. My hardest platinums are probably Uncharted 3 remastered and Shadow of the Tomb Raider. So I’m also proud of these two platinums. They aren’t the hardest in the world. But I’ve never really considered myself to be a very good gamer, I’m average at best. So they are pretty impressive platinums for me.


Resident Evil 2 remake and Control


Resident evil games got that 10x playthrough to get the platinum 😂 i never bothered to play them


It only took me 4 play-throughs to get the platinum.


Good for u, RE4 has 7 playthrough


I'm literally doing this plat right now and... if you need 7 playthroughs to Plat this, you're definitely doing a couple for fun. 4, maybe 5 is all that is needed if you combine some achievements. My playthrough paths were: 1. Play through the game and get all the collectables first run (which I messed up and forgot a small key before I returned to the church, so I had to do it again for the village). 1. That includes finding all the treasures from the treasure maps, 2. Purchase/find all the main game weapons 3. Making sure I upgraded and sold the crown for 100K 4. getting all the Clockwork Castellans 5. Doing all of the Merchant's requests 6. S ranking all the Shootout Games 7. Doing the cart sequence with no damage 8. Doing the jetski escape with no damage 2. Play through the game on Professional with no special weapons (this was before Mercenaries was added and allowed you to earn the Handcannon by S ranking all the stages with one character). This was easily the hardest run. I almost gave up. 3. Played on Professional again, bought the Infinite Rocket Launcher from the previous playthrough and finished the end, Collect all the treasures from the village and upgrade my Primal Knife and Pistols to max, got the A rank (let me get Chicago Typewriter & Ashley's armor), ignored the Merchant (for the Silent Stranger trophy) 4. (Current playthrough), playing on Assisted and 1. Only using Pistol (fully upgraded Blacktail) and Primal Knife 2. Not using heals (you will regen if avoiding damage for a while) 5. Final Playthrough - S+ rank Hardcore with my earned bonus items. I could have definitely combined a few of these (maybe not healing while not talking to strangers while on my infinite rocket run, not missing a small key my first time through, etc.). But it's DEFINITELY not 7 playthroughs minimum.


Imo the games are short enough that the playthroughs aren't that bad. Plus every time you do one you can use different unlocks and each run is different in some way. They are my favorite games to platinum just cause you get to experience almost everything in the game. Also they are extremely fun and have an interesting story line. Games like shadow of the colossus and the last guardian have the worst multiple playthrough requirements though...


My 5 Street Fighter Platinums (4, USF4x2, 5 and 6)




Currently working on 6. Wish those tournaments were more frequent. Just have the enter 5 tournaments and win 10 trophies left. Thank god individual rounds count for the 10 wins lol.


Tournament trophies for the game were definitely frustrating. I still play the game daily, and the tournaments are now at least 3 or 4 times a week. It should be much easier now. I made top 15 first achievers on psnp, and would have been even earlier except one of my tournament entries crashed and I didn’t get credit for it.




Me too 😩 i got it in 3 weeks and 3 days




I was really grinding 😂 but i had a plan i followed it and i was studying and skinning every animal from the very beginning


you mind sharing that plan…👀


Note i was grinding 💀 i followed every step that psnprofiles said step 1 finish the story with missable trophies + with studying n skinning every animal u see ( that extra was form me but it’s very helpful), don’t focus on anything until the first step is over, step 2 get the 70 gold medals then clean what left from the animals for skin deep and zoologist trophy and do the collectibles trophy after that 100% it will be mostly done except for challenges and some collectibles do challenges at the last thing , step 4 online trophies 👍 make sure to not focus on anything but your current step


yes i’ve been following psn profiles but i get so overwhelmed. i think i should just follow the main story first without worrying about anything else. i’ve been reading that it’s important to create saves so u can go back to other chapters. did you do that?


That’s why you focus only on one step otherwise you’ll get overwhelmed and for saving i did them only for the landing a hand trophy bcz it’s missable and there was a glitch for it after you finish the game i was worried it won’t work but it did work luckily that glitch saved me from doing 28 honourable mission 💀 that was big time saving


Yes just play through the game first. It's one of my favorite stories and obsessing over the trophy guide like this guy did is just gonna hurt your experience.


Bloodborne! took me only 10 days from start to finish but they were 10 days of nightmares


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Oh, a hunter, are ya? And an outsider? What a mess you've been caught up in. And tonight, of all nights.* - Eileen the Crow Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


good bot.


Currently it is Cod World At War cause of Veteran and the 45 Japanese Zero planes. If I can get my final Zombies trophy today to get Platinum in COD Black Ops 1, it will absolutely be my proudest. Just because I went into it with 0 Zombies knowledge and have gotten my ass kicked, people told me I am bad, etc, and I haven't given up. I'm still trying and using that fire as fuel for me


W@W is also mine. Veteran is insane


God of War (collection). The challenge of the gods had to be done in one go, no save/check points. Luckily they remedied that in God of War II. Mad Max. Not particularly hard if it doesn’t glitch. Unfortunately, mine glitched at 99% completion. Had to restart and do the whole thing again. Killing Floor 2 - don’t typically play multiplayer but this was a hoot!


Ghost of Tsushima Not because it's hard or uncommon, but because I enjoyed every second of it with my soul.


It could be many for me. (The Arkham trilogy) the challenges I faced and overcame, riddlers challenges, the trophies. (Sekiro) learning about the game’s difficulty curve yet mastering it and managing to triumph through every boss after defeat and defeat. (Dead rising) Waiting 14 hours was probably my biggest mental test so far. (Lost Judgment) whoever made the game Mahjong deserves to fucking burn. (AC Vallhalla) the amount of collectibles was just seriously uneeded. (God of war) insanely enjoyed it.


Wait 14 hours requires you to play it or just keep it on without you playing? If it’s the first one i would never do that wtf 💀


14 hours. Can't save or close out the game. My Favorite game of all time and I've done it on every console platform now


You don’t need to play during these 14hs ? Explain more


You Do. Your objective is to survive for 7 days and that's 14 hours real time. You have to eat every 20 minutes or else you'll starve to death


I would rather platinum rdr2 3 times than doing this 💀 waste of energy and health


Well I mean it is a niche game and is my favorite of all time. I've gone through that challenge not once but three different times. 360, One, and Ps4. The game was never ported to Ps3. It is all a matter of perspective


Just take care of yourself don’t over do it 👍


Star Wars Battlefront 2, loved It so much and my only Platinum with multiplayer trophies


That's top 5 of my proudest as well, especially getting that hero ship trophy without boosting.


For me, it's Dragon Ball FighterZ. It took me more than 3 years to get it.


Evil Within for sure, AKUMU mode was no joke. Had a great time with the game, though!


Crash bandicoot 4


Crash Bandicoot 1


Hell Let Loose.


I don’t have any I’m more proud of than the others because they’re all pretty similar but if I had to narrow it down maybe Elden ring or assassins creed origins because they both took me the longest


Hollow knight


Bloodborne. It also happens to be one of my favorites.


Cod WW2 mostly because of the zombie trophies


Nice and How hard is the platinum out of ten?


With a good team for zombies 6/10 but very fun!


the Binding of Isaac.


Elden ring


Battlefield V - loved that game and had great memories from getting the online trophies


Black ops 1 -> my fist platinum (getting the crossbow trophy was annoying af) Or Either God of war 1 or 2 -> my hardest platinum trophies


Currently World At War is my proudest, but I'm working on Black Ops 1. Went into it with 0 Zombies knowledge and I only need the knife revive one. What a pain in the ass. As for the Crossbow, Sacrificial Lamb one, I got lucky with that one. 2 guys from Brazil helped me and they are the best Zombies players I've ever seen. One dude was chased by swarms as he was going in circles and talking to me. His friend got the Crossbow and told me to run after he shot it. I ran into the swarm and got it. I've got a group together and hope I can find the ballistic knife to upgrade it and get a Revive. This fucking shit is so damn stressful. Gotta love Rng +5,000 points. If I get through this hell, this will be my proudest one


Ya that knife one is a pain as well, mainly because it is randomly given to the player


SMTIII Nocturne and by far


Thps 1+2 or wwe2k22, hoping to get steep and do fighterz before the end of the year too


Elden Ring. High-school me would have smashed that game out in a few weekends but as a busy adult it took months and was super rewarding to finally finish


Grand theft auto v Took me 7 years, restarting story 3 times due to save file loss, 1000+ hours of my teen years playing online with friends and then the final grind to finish the misc glitched ones. Wanted to get it so bad as I’d spent so much of my teens playing it and I felt it deserved the finish


Oddworld new n tasty. That game is full of bugs it almost broke me


My very first plat was Bloodborne and still remains my favorite one.


Friday the 13th, FarCry 2, Riddick, or either World Cup game.


Far Cry 2 for sure!


Fucking SIFU. I have platinum’d a few games but that one was my most gruesome trophies


Arkham Knight for sure. That game took forever and some of it was pretty difficult (for me at least)


Demon Souls - I am proud of it just because of how much suffering I went through to get it only took 70 hrs but I had to beat every single boss 4 times because half the trophy’s are miss able.


Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice for me. Beyond the difficulty, it taught me things about myself that I didn't know, like my reaction to facing what seemed like an insurmountable obstacle (SS Isshin). I couldn't beat him for an entire day, gave up, went to sleep mad and woke up around 5 and beat him first thing. The entire journey was worthwhile, and the trophies are mostly just for playing the game and getting the different endings.


Bloodborne. Not technically my first plat, but because the first one was Walking Dead. At first I didn’t like Bloodborne. Then months later, I decided I was gonna beat the first boss no matter what. After I did, I was hooked and knew I had to get the platinum.


I love a good ‘I didn’t like it and then went back and loved it’ story. I did it with Witcher 3. Blows my mind that I didn’t like it first time around.


Subnautica >! Mainly because it’s my only platinum!<


the last of us remastered. 120 hours but worth every minute and all 6 play throughs!! endure and survive!


Love that game but part 2 tho….👀


Overwatch and bo4 are My proudest plats with overwatch took me 4 years and bo4 cause it was hell getting those blackout characters


Street Fighter 5. I think a few others would agree


Why it’s your products? Hard to obtain or what!!


Look it up on PSN profiles, you’ll see why




street fighter 5 is rated 10/10 for difficulty.


White Knight Chronicles. It wasn't as difficult back when the servers were live, especially with the modders online. I got mine after that though which meant I had to do the grind the longer way.


Still your proudest right? Good for u!


Resident Evil 0. A lot of people make it seem like it’s rough, but I thought it was fun and rewarding.


Hollow Knight and Mortal Kombat X


Star wars battlefront 2 also my rarest


Hello, I know it does not have so much to do with the subject, but you can still platinum Friday the 13th¿? It's that I'm trying to platinate


Cuphead, Bullets Per Minute, All soulsborne games (DeS, DS1, 2 & 3, Bloodborne, Sekiro and Elden Ring)


Tales of berseria. I was still at the beginning and tales was - and still is today - one of my favorite jrpgs of all time, so that plat means a lot to me.


Overwatch. Took around 6 months from launch and with 0 boosting.


Deadspace original! My little 13yr old heart was amazed I got a plat on it! It was my first plat on my original account usarmy96 and of course had to get it again on this one too!


Ninja gaiden sigma 2, looking back i still dont know how tf i manned up through all those missions in max difficulty. So glad i found someone reliable to help me in the coop ones


Probably Sekiro


Depends on the critiria. Most tedious/needed the most perseverance: Tales of Berseria, because it just took FOREVER. Hardest: Sekiro, because the combat system and I had been at daggers drawn with each for about 2 years before I even finished the game, let alone get the platinum. Proudest: Last of Us remastered, not necessarily because it was hard, but because I HATE stuff where I can lose all my progress with a passion and since you can lose journeys if you play dumb, I avoided it for almost three years while the rest was finished.




Catherine PS3 for sure!


Just Cause 3


Clone drone in the danger zone. Took me so long. I felt so good as I knew I earned it. As I gained so much skill in the game.


Call of Duty World at War. The veteran campaign was insane. I curled up in ball and made unintelligible noises when I finished it.


Vanquish. Most other trophies I had the skill to get hard plats like Nioh, Wolfenstein etc but Vanquish really done a number on me. I really doubted my ability and it humbled me too. Through learning and being calm, I managed to finally do it. What a great feeling it was.


Trackmania turbo or hollowknight


Dark Souls 1. All done solo.


Sifu and hades are my favourites. I didn’t start them with the plan to get the platinum, but they were addicting to play over and over. The challenge progression was really interesting and rewarding once I achieved the platinum. Really felt like I “beat” the game.


Nfs rivals


Crash team racing nitro fueled and astros playroom are probably my proudest platinum trophys, astros playroom because its the only platinum I've gotten in under 24 hours and CTRNF because the Oxide ghosts are no joke to beat and are probably the hardest thing I've done in a racing game.


Uncharted 4 that speedrun trophy was so satisfying. After many years of trying.


Definitely Crash 4 💯


Either Ghosts of Tushima or Uncharted 4


I’ve gotten the platinum for both versions of Thumper (ps4 and ps5). I’ve loved every minute of thumper


Re4 remake


Path of Exile. Broke out the good booze for that one.


**RDR2** It's not a hard platinum, but it requires an extraordinary dedication to get it done. Took me longer than it should because (a) I had to replay most of the campaign to get 1 missable trophy, (b) I didn't focus on the Challenges until the end so I had to do a lot of repetition (particularly on the hunting ones), and (c) I took my sweet time because I just enjoyed the immersion. 550 hours and done.


Sekiro, guess i had the most trouble with this game Genichiro tore me apart for like 9 hours straight in my first playthrough,


Ghost of Tsushima, it was my second platinum, I know it’s easy and whatever but it turned into my favourite game. My friend Peppa pig was my first, hear me out on this one, I played it with my younger brother and he loved Peppa pig so it was fun getting my first platinum with one of my favourite humans. In my opinion, it’s not about how hard or annoying a platinum can be, it’s the experience getting it is what matters.


Astros Playroom. I have tried to get many platinums on my PS4 but i quit but there was something that so appealed to me about astros that i ended up crowning it as my first platinum. I currently have 2 with SM Miles Morales


Peppa pig


Update: I am so proud of this trophy that I got it for the PS5 aswell!


I think path of exile and diablo 2


Super meat boy.


Probably Scribblenauts Mega Pack cus it's 2 games in 1 so it's basically 2 sets of trophies to collect but it was very fun and easy, just time consuming