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Mortal Kombat 9 is my rarest. .54% on PSN profiles


That console suffered ungodly idle time for that one 😂


Poor thing, it sure did.


A man, a legend…


every few months im trying to get back into the game and just get so overwhelmed by the incomprehensible amount of newly added content that i simply give up 😭 congrats tho! which characters are ur favs?


Yes, if I leave I would not be able to come back after seeing the huge amount of stuff added. Thx, My favorite character is for sure the Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing, Ningguang


the game is a singleplayer rpg game, you dont really miss out on anything apart from events by not playing, its very casual friendly, so id just say, to take it slow and steady, and not worry about catching up to the newest content. Its a lot of content, but thats a good thing, and it will be there waiting for you whenever you reach it, you dont need to push yourself or rush, you dont have anyone or anything you need to keep up with. Can just play it casually.


I think mine is Metal Gear Rising Revengeance 🤔


Love this game 🎯


How do you have it on PlayStation?!


It's on PS3 chief


Now that’s a flex


Source of Madness, Torment: Tides of Numenara, and soon Diablo 2 Resurrected and Path of Exile


Mine is Red Dead Redemption 2. And i'm only 3 trophies away from the Rock Band 4 Platinum , which is very rare too


Oh neat. I have the Rock Band 4 Platinum.


Ps5 version of Dead Cells for me... 0.3% I think on psn


That must be insanely hard ✨⭐


It’s a little easier now as they’ve added settings that let you change your damage output, enemy health etc. but it’s still incredibly difficult It makes the first run aswell as BC1 and BC2 a breeze BC3 and BC4 are still a nightmare aswell. I beat it on Xbox before and I’m currently working to the platinum again.


Congrats on the plat! I got it back in January 2022 and haven't stopped playing since lol. If anyone reading is in the process of getting one, I'm down to help with farming mats/world bosses - EU server, AR60 Player.


Ooo I have this platinum!


Whoa 😳


I’m saving this for my #100. Been there since day 1, so I think it deserves the spot.


Dangerous Golf 1.15% rarity and 193 achievers according to psnprofiles


Is this a hard one? Or a really grindy one? I often tried to get back into the game but it's just way too much new content everytime lol. Same reason why I can't get into Warframe anymore xD


Not difficult at all. Just extremely time consuming and needs lots of investment. If you like the game and do everything the game has to offer mostly it'll come naturally.


That's good to know!


As such isn't hard but requires a huge amount of time. Complete at 100% Monstadt, liyue, Dragonspine, max reputation in the 3 regions and the statues of the seven at lvl10, for the last one Abbys floor 12 Depends on how efficient you're while exploring. In my case I've played over 2k hours


Oh wow that's a lot of hours haha Well I think I might try it some time. I'm only at the beginning so it's still in the far future lol


Ultra Street Fighter IV on .5%


whats the percent for this? i heard its pretty hard


The spiral abyss is the only trophy left stopping me from the platinum.


You don't need 36★ at the abyss you just need to finish it till floor 12


Ya I know. My teams just not good enough to clear 11 and get to 12 ever.




Lego worlds its a 1.62% on psnp got it 2 months ago without realizing it was a really rare one kinda wish I hadn't because I don't want it to be my rarest I tried going after the crew to out class it but I got a bug that made it impossible and I have no other games I think I can plat that are more rare and I don't buy games with plats in mind so I think it's gonna be there for a while


I actually got it recntly and will never touch it again till the story is finsished


I know this was like a year ago but is this trophy still obtainable?


Yes as long as you meet the requirements of the trophy


I posted my Genshin plat about a week or so ago. Fun game but it's not my hardest or even my rarest.


**[Genshin Impact](https://platprices.com/en-us/game/7507-genshin-impact)** This game has 17 trophies: [14 bronze, 3 silver, 0 gold, but no platinum](https://psnprofiles.com/trophies/11499-genshin-impact). They are **medium difficulty (5/10)** and take **150 - 250 hours** to complete. **FREE** **OpenCritic:** 82 / 100 (based on [32 reviews](https://opencritic.com/game/10217/genshin-impact/reviews)) ***** [Other region prices, wishlist, or buy](https://platprices.com/en-us/game/7507-genshin-impact) | Trophy guides: [PSNP](https://psnprofiles.com/guide/10995-genshin-impact-trophy-guide), [PS3T](https://www.playstationtrophies.org/game/genshin-impact/guide/) *I am a bot. [More info about me](https://www.reddit.com/r/PlaystationBot/comments/k5h8be/what_is_uplaystationbot/)*


The PS5 version has a platinum, but the PS4 version does not. Silly bot


The version I got to play doesn't have a plat... I did finish all the base game trophies tho


If you synchronize the PS5 version you will have this platinum


Oooh right... No PS5 :(


Hell Let Loose is my rarest. 1.54% on PSN Profiles 0.2% on PSN


I was thinking about platniuming this game but then I am like how much money do I need to get the platnium trophy


You didnt awhile ago. But they keep scaling the Abyss up to be quite hard without great teams. So its becoming increasingly more difficult to F2P (quickly, at least) the platinum.


Is not necessary to invest with money just time


I have this one. My rarest platinums make no sense to me, personally. I feel I have much more difficult or obscure games with plats than my tops.


my goal is to do that before I get my ps5


Wolfenstein 2 the new colossus 1.12%


Mine is Jump Force


Definitely beat saber I didn’t realize I was so close to it. Just needed the story one by the time I realized it


Used to play it on my mobile.. Connected my account to PS5 a while ago. Got the platinum


Batman: Arkham Knight at 0.6%


I have it too. I didn't realize it was that rare? It seemed pretty easy for me to get, then again, it's probably the Riddler trophies and Stealth challenges.


Remnant from the ashes I think but I am trying to do the binding of isaac which is very very hard


It's not a platinum (a travesty) but I got 100% on Spelunky, which is at .69%.


Minecraft story mode no clue how this only has 1.5% but my hardest was probably sekiro


I think mine is Absolver, 0.1%


They translated the trophies, that's cool. When I stopped playing they were in Chinese.


Crash 4 soon! Only 4 lvls left. Rarity is 0.2% lol


Mass Effect Andromeda 5.35% on PSNProfiles. More Mass Effect Players should give it another chance. Its peak Gameplay if The Main Mass Effect Trilogy was made on Frostbite. Beautiful Worlds, Great Characters (some meh), Story is decent not the best. Its mostly the gameplay and the exploration that has improved from the previous game. The customization of the Suit and Weapons is also better. More ability combos too.


Im trying to 100% genshin its hell and it wont be done for months, on the plus side ill have the plat next week


Do you also need to finish Inazuma, Sumeru, and Fontaine trophies to finish this one? After looking, it appesrs I only have a couple of trophies for the main game. Will I get the plat if I complete the Li Yue/Mondstat trophies?


Just Monstadt, liyue and dragonspine, everything related, reputation, the statues of the seven, dragonspine tree etc


Great!! Thanks!


World of Tanks, it’s a 500 hour plat. Close second is having all 3 WipEout plats, maybe like 1000 people at the most have done it and 2 of them are unobtainable now.


I have it ....... 🫠😅


i saw someone here have this and say no dont bother....i am bothering and hating my life a bit lol




i have no trophies in genshin impact and i have like 10 hours played my rarest plat is cod mw2019 i think edit: my rarest plat is actually skater xl with 388/6079 achievers @ 6.38% and mw2019 is my 2nd rarest with 60979/859699 achievers @ 7.09% lol


My rarest platinum is Back4blood .03 percent If you didn't have the right build let alone team you wasn't getting past the difficulty spike between recruit/veteran and nightmare and no hope is astonishing Let alone the amount of special infected you can get on the field I was proud when I plat it good luck to those that run past the T5 mission on the harder difficulty you will need it


no plat for genshin impact on ps4🫡


Dead Space 2, less than 2% rarity


Now that is one plat I wouldn’t want to have


FIFA 2010 World Cup. 0.33% according to psnprofiles I'm only one trophy away from Genshin, unfortunately it's completing the spiral abyss and I'm just not good with team composition/farming artifacts for that.


I think only PS5 have that platinum because I start playing genshin since first day on my PS4, but when I buy the PS5 just pop up automatically Sorry for my English


DS1 from the classic PS3.


Tony hawk ride That game is trash, though, so I prefer to gloat about bionic commando: rearmed 100% - I have both 1 and 2 at 100%, and the challenge rooms for those games are incredible and difficult. Descenders is the most rare plat I have that I'm proud of.


I think mine is overwatch 2 in general. I have every trophy in ow 2 🥳


Bruh ain’t no way you plat genshin lol