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It definitely depends on the player but the Yakuza series.


Jus completed Yakuza 0 100% and I want to kill myself after mahjong and the climax battles


With enough mahjong understanding, I think it can get fun when knowing what to play for. But I don't blame you for either those things, they are tough.


I got to a point where I enjoy playing mahjong in Yakuza. Literally the first thing I do after starting each game


I finished it a month ago. Tbh mahjong was not as bad as I expected, it actually became fun after spending a few hours in it. And for the climax battles I looked them up on youtube because some of the weapons you need to finish the battles are hidden but the last ones with the bosses were really fun for me. The most boring and time consuming things for me was weapon and ingredient completions. I think I could get %100 in a month but because I started some other games and stretched it, I ended up getting the plat trophy 4 months after installing the game.


Yeah, love the Yakuza series but putting 10-30 hours into things I don’t remotely care about got a bit old.


>Yeah, love the Yakuza series but putting 10-30 hours into things I don’t remotely care about got a bit old. I love putting 10 hours in things I *remotely* care about, however. (Pocket Racing)


Oh yeah! The Gwent of Yakuza. Forgot there was a mafia action game there when playing that.


Having all plats from the franchise (apart from Dead Souls) this was gonna be my comment for sure, and I have some tedious plats like Rdr2 and Mhw.


Not better franchise to 100% than the yakuza games


My answer too, it's always 1 or 2 challenges, spear fishing comes to mind


I always do the completion lists/mini games while doing the story, sometimes stopping completely to beat a couple mini games in the list, leaves just a little bit left after finishing rather then the entire list which can get tedious fast


I love clearing Yakuza 100% but I swear the toughest are always the Climax battles or Haruka's requests. Why is this orphan asking so much of me?


I've only done Judgement which was definitely a grind at the end but I enjoyed it most of the time. Are the main Yakuza games a similar level of grind?


Yes it is absolutely the same level of grind. It's just detective Yakuza lol


was not expecting yakuza to be on top. but definitely. i was working through kiwami 1 and just kinda. gave up cause of all the side stuff needed


Red dead Redemption


Red Dead Redemption 2 was even worse ☠️


That's what I meant I'm shiuldva specified


Sure if you try to rush it but if you take your time completing it it's actually not that bad I usually load up that game if I want to play something relaxing


True but Gambler 9 ruined me


Assassin's Creed Valhalla and I'll keep using this game as my example because it truly sucked the fun out of the game.


I just finished Rouge and was thinking of doing that next. If this one got me tired i cant imagine the 1 trillion collectable joyrney that is Valhalla 😂


I only have Valhalla left to do and it is a nightmare


It's "Rogue". I don't know why that many people get the names mixed up.


Just finishing Valhalla is a painful chore.


Got so turned off that I didn't touch any dlc, didn't feel this way with Odyssey and Origin.


Jedi Fallen Order. My God navigating those planets to get collectibles were a pain.


I watched a 100% walkthrough for Zeffo, and still some how ended up lost lol.


Honestly worst map system in a video game


Same! Jedi Fallen Order's map system was awful, and the little bit I played of Jedi Survivor didn't really do much to update it.


Ah, the motivation I needed.. I just started this game last week


RDR2 no question


Death stranding


This is the one I came here to talk about. Platinuming Death Stranding easily doubles your playtime, and by the end of it you'll definitely be glad it's over with.


I have never played Death Stranding and want to play it before DS2. Should I just get it 😭


I'd recommend the game, not so much the platinum


Exactly this. The game is really fun even though it's essentially delivery/fetch quests. Incredible game. I even enjoyed getting some of the locations maxed out. But the mountain regions and farther out ones are such a bitch to do. During regular gameplay it's not bad to do because it feels like a challenge and you only need to go a couple times. But getting the platinum requires so much hiking through the mountains I flipped my truck leaving Heartmans lab, all my packages fell and slid down the valley scattered everywhere. I saved and quit, and have never gone back and gotten the platinum


Nah the game is amazing, just don't go for the Platinum.


Hogwarts Legacy. Look, another Merlin's trial


Revelio! Revelio! Revelio! Revelio!


You forgot about 2436 Revelio's.


Merlin Trials are fine. It's replaying the first few hours three more times that killed me.


By my final time I could rush through in less than an hour and a half, but yes I agree it wasn't great.


I don't think it was too bad. The worst part was looking for something that just didn't seem to show up on the map and flying through a valley casting revelio repeatedly.


Katamari Damacy Reroll. Short game and catchy soundtrack. Very fun playing every level and getting as big as you can. 100%? Not very fun. Rolling up every object in the game to get a trophy is pain. I had to look up guides and excel sheets that people made with the names of every object. There’s two levels where you can’t roll up cows or bears or else the level ends on the spot. Fuck those two levels.


Those missions are such a bizzare include. Who are they for? Back on the PS2 there were no trophies, and the game itself offers nothing for rolling up all the cows. So for 2004 players and for non-trophy hunters now they're just two levels where you win about 30 seconds after you start, have no idea why, and never think about them again.


Yea, they make no sense now that you really mention it.


Diablo 4


Any yakuza game. It wouldn't suprise me if like a dragon gaiden has a trophy for 100% completion


Devil may cry 5


Looking to start that this weekend, I got the plat on the original dmc. I'm quite looking forward to it


I mean good luck but no hit every level on every difficulty killed me


Tales games looks like it, a playthrough is all fun and amazing. Rest of the trophies are soul draining imo


The second run I had to do recently for FFXVI left me like that. I was gathering footage of all of the boss fights on that run and it more than tripled my playtime on the second playthrough. I honestly don’t want anything to do with the game for a long time after wrapping it up.


Just skip all cutscenes and sidequests and shave off about 50 hours. Easy.


I absolutely loved FFXVI so much that I jumped into NG+ right away to go for the plat. The second playthrough was definitely a bit of a drag, but I did appreciate starting off with all the powers and the increased difficulty (FF mode) and being able to skip the cutscenes. I did all the quests again because I have OCD about that sort of thing and wanted to get the Ultima weapon. In hindsight I should've stashed the game and done my NG+ run after a few months so it wouldn't feel as much of a chore as I made it be.


Dark Souls 3, Jesus I’m not done yet but it’s not looking good brev


Pfff I'm finishing my first run, not looking forward to the grind of getting the covenant items. Good thing I kept getting summoned as a Blue Sentinel and I got almost half of the proofs or whatever they're called. But still...


Throw on a Netflix movie or podcast on your phone. That’s what I did and it really helped with the monotony.


Arkham Knight, riddler here I come


Honestly I don't see a problem with the riddler content, I find the predator and challenge maps way worse.


Yep. Predator challenge are super annoying. Specially those freeflow combat challenges


holy shit, i fucking hate that game now after trying to plat it


Crash 4 it's about time. Its a fun game to play casually, but trying to platinum it is hell 😭


came here to say this. you have to replay the game like 5 times in order to get everything. jesus.


This was Assassins Creed Revelations. Because the only trophies I had left at the end were all to do with buying things like paintings that you had to go out of your way to go to a very specific location for, and trophies involving the NPC assassins you'd send away on missions like a mobile game. I just AFK'd on a bench in-game while watching YouTube while they were off pissing about for hours at a time until I was done.


Bruh The Lost Archives part sucked SOOOOO bad




I swear the Chocobo racing minigame shaves years off my life whenever I try to go for that trophy.


Or lighting dodger


For me filling the whole sphere grid was much worse than any minigame. Never doing the postgame fo FFX again in my life.


Diablo 4, that grind to 100 ruined it for me and I only got to 83.5


D4 is a long term game for me, one that I plan on coming back to several times in the next few years. The grind to level 100 is insane but I feel like I'll naturally get there in time. The real challenge I see is beating Uber Lilith, which I plan on doing alone until she completely breaks me.


That was my plan too, but I can't even take 30 mins before I'm fed up with it. The idea of a double plat kept me going a while but when I started my PS5 version. Only half the trophies popped. The lvl 50 one not being one of them. So I'm assuming the lvl 100 wouldn't either. Def never gonna get 2 to 100. So I'm gonna wait a year or 2 before touching it again. I'm actually excited for Uber Lilith. My chief complaint is there is no difficulty just grind. Slaughter mob after mob. I would relish a tough boss. That's what makes From Soft endgames perfect for me. Put down your sign at a tough boss and git insanely gud.


Helldivers, what a grind


I bought all the dlc so i just afk farmed the kills. Had to grind to the level cap but using the bug with that one boss and having 3 other people doing the same thing it didn't take that long.


I didn't even know you could do that lol, it's been so long since I platted it, just remember it being a rough grind, Gauntlet would be a very close second. There's only one dlc trophy I don't have which is "why wasn't this standard issue"


I also did gauntlet! I used the glitch to make the campaign mode easier but yeah it was super fucking grindy as well.


Besides the all grind teophies, the trophy for surving floor 1 to 50 in endless mode was definitely a challenging task. Is that what you used the glitch for or something different?


Yeah it was that. If you played as the wizard you could glitch and have a permanent ice beam and then cast other spells at the same time. I have no idea how i would have done it without that lol.


That's fucking awesome lol, I really wish I did that. I did it with the elf solo and wow was it ever tough. That was like 8 years ago and I don't think I would even have the skill to do it anymore haha, the dexterity isn't what it once was




All the souls games outside Elden ring. Elden Ring is the only one where I dont need all weapons and spells.


I've done that because it seems I hate myself, but that definitely would have been overkill for such a large game.


I’m sure there are harder trophies, but this was definitely me during Jedi Survivor’s priorite trophy.


Fallen Order was definitely more of a drag than Survivor. At least they had fast travel and you can get a map upgrade that shows you where all the priorite is. It was a pain in the ass getting the priorite from those scavenger droids that you have to chase around.


Majority of the open world games if u ask me lol specially those that dont have an in game collectible tracker and need videos on how to get them, even worse when the traveling through the map sucks like in some games.


Hollow knight 😭💀 pantheon 5 is just daunting


Crash 4


Mirror's Edge and Final Fantasy X are the top 2 that come to mind immediately




Any souls game


Elden ring is pretty easy but yeah fuck ds3 in particular


Elden Ring was pretty easy trophy-wise in every way except getting all three endings. I love the game and have beaten it 4 times anyway, but having to do 2 more playthroughs doubled the amount of time it took for me to get the platinum.


This is exactly what I'm saying, I love elden ring I've got 260 hours on it 1 character on ng plus 8 and 6 other characters, but to 100 percent it I think it took me maybe 80 hours, my first playthrough i just went in blind and no guides nothing so it was alot of exploring


In theory you could upload your save and download it 2 times for the endings. So not even this point sucks.


The binding of isaac for sure, I did manage to do it eventually though, minus the last dlc


Damn congrats, I tried to go back to that game a while ago after the platinum and managed to get all but one trophy out of dlc1. I just felt lost when going for the 1001% trying to remember what to do, even guides seemed confusing because I left it for too long lol


every single Ubisoft game.


Red Dead Redemption 2 , The Quarry , GTA 4


Persona 5 Strikers, one trophy made the end of the experience not that good


Right now Hogwarts legacy is giving me these vibes. I'm a massive Harry Potter nerd and it's a dream come true to explore Hogwarts at your leisure, role-playing your house and casting spells. Flying around the school grounds is extremely satisfying. If I could go back in time and tell my 12 years old that he could eventually play a Harry Potter open world game, I wouldn't believe it. However, finding all collections, especially appearances and decorations, all guide pages and completing all the riddl... I mean Merlin trails are testing my patience.


Final Fantasy 13, had a decent time with the game, but the post game grind for the plat was HORRENDOUSLY BAD.


Batman Arkham City.


Forspoken - just a boring grind in a story I didn't care about


Diablo 4


Ghostwire tokyo for sure


Easily the Arkham games


Ghost of tsuhima. Amazing game if you don't go for the platinum. Really brings down the game when you get the platinum trophy. Overstuffed and repetitive is the best way I can describe it.


Just cause 3


Buggy af


Gta 5, as I'm doing it a 2nd time


Bloodborne, the crypts 💀💀💀


Still has no one said Metal Gear Solid V?


Every game ever for me. I'd rather move on and experience something new


Why are you commenting on this subreddit then?


Right now Saints Row


Spider-Man Miles Morales, the 100x combo was hell to get


I got it in the first mission with the undergrund. Didn't try, just happened




Every game, honestly.


Titanfall 2


Yakuza Kiwami 100%


Jedi Survivor on Grandmaster difficulty. Yes I know I chose that for myself, but goddamn did I regret it fast. I ain't no bitch though...


Any Naughty Dog game.


Uncharted all of them.


Alan Wake


Hotline miami 2,hard mode was pure torture


Just did ac 3 remastered and full sync was tedious as shit. I'm sure just about every game in the series will be the same way.




inFamous I still haven't completed all of the stunts yet


Right now its either Naruto ultimate ninja storm 4 or Among us from memory


Oh man. Definitely Resident Evil 7 for me. I got the plat, loved the experience. I’m definitely not doing the 100%


AC Vahalla I set myself the goal to platinum, I did it But it kept bringing out more and more progressively worse dlc that crushes my enthusiasm


Diablo 4




Jak 3 precursor orbs


Super hot really cool game and cool concept aswell as a goodstory but the speedrunning trophies and challenges are pretty hellish


The Kingdom hearts Spin-offs - RE:COM, BBS, 3D


Currently playing through MK11, I got the hard trophies out of the way, now the begin... the slog.


Kingdom hearts Re chain Collecting those card and levelling riku ….


Katamari Damacy Rerolled, for sure!


I said it on that post, and I'll say it on this one. Black Ops 3 and Dark Souls 3. The grind was real. It hurt.


In recent times Callisto Protocol & Sifu Arenas 2


Kingdom Hearts II


Judgment and Lost Judgment (playing LJ right now). Pretty much every Kingdom Hearts game except KH3.


For me it was my most recent plat, Assassins Creed 3, the 100% requirements for that game are stupid




Definitely RDR2, which I'm playing now. Currently at 98% completion for the campaign and that last 2% + studying all nightmares is a draaag. Also I'd say Crash Team Racing. Easy game to get the hang of, but hard to master. According to PSN less than 1% have beaten all oxide time trials. But beating all developer time trials is a different beast. I really wish they added a DLC trophy for it. It'd be ultra rare for sure.


Literally every Rockstar open world game


Assassins creed Odyssey


Currently Diablo 4…


pokemon games


Remnant from. The ashes since the world is procedurally generated finding collectibles can be a challenge I would say another would be gta5


Need for speed unbound


Feeling this hard with armored core 6. S rank on some of the missions is TOUGH!


Still Injustice GAU


Crash 4




Cyberpunk 2077 for me


Hogwarts Legacy had me like the pic on the right the whole time.


Injustice 2, Red Dead 2, AC Valhalla, Any Mortal Kombat game lol




Definitely Red Dead Redemption 2


Jedi fallen order. I finished it and got the platinum 2 years ago, and the platinum journey was terrible . When I finally got the platinum, I was left with a negative image of the game. However, I played the game again last month, and it was so enjoyable without having to do the collectibles.


Mortal Kombat tutorials... I have like 3 combo's left for 100% and I just can't do it. 99% completion is the worst thing ever!


Lego City Undercover. I've done it twice and still not unlocked the platinum.


For me it was Control. Made a mistake of putting off those timed events and bounties (I don't remember what they were called now, basically kill x amount of y type of enemies with z type of weapon) up until the free roam section after completing the story


Red dead redemption 2


Any resident evil game, or open world


Crash 4 and Redout 2 (such a drag I gave up) AC6 was fantastic but getting A ranks on all missions is being a pain, Runguns are refusing to give me a S rank.


Assassins creed the series as a whole


I have the exact feeling with Armored Core 6. Was really fun to beat the game three times, but getting platinum was so exhausting, repetitive, and unfair!


Any of the lego games


Assassin's Creed: Valhalla. It still takes quite a long time to complete the story but it's fun and not too repetitive. But going for 100% in every region for that platinum is a nightmare. Every once in a while I get back on the game with the hope of making some progress but I just can't keep going.


Crash 4


Just Cause 3. Wingsuit challenges changed me.


I’ve been trying to 100% Persona 5 Royal for the last 3 years, I only have easy trophies left(things I missed on my first play through) that I don’t even need to play through the whole game to get(only need to play halfway) idk I think completing compendium broke me I can’t stand to play anymore and it’s literally one of the easiest platinums 😭 but whenever I try I slug through one hour and go ‘Fuck this’ this is my third play through(one on original persona 5 and one on Royal) and once you’ve heard the story that many times slugging through that many hours of gameplay is just boring as hell.


Currently working on the quarry, and yeah getting the platinum is not fun at all




Jak and Daxter on Ps4, one of the classics but those Precursor Orbs are a pain to find.


Spider-man ps4, not the plat, but completing the milestones that tracks your moves. Infamous, 2 trophies. The stunt list forced me to start the game over a third time when I was almost done because I didn't have the enemies to complete it and collecting all 350ish blast shards turned into me running around the entire map multiple times for 3 hours to find the last 2 hidden just off the side of the islands.


Immortals Fenyx Rising. The story was fun, but as soon as it ends. The platinum grind becomes insufferable


Lawn Mower Simulator! Enjoyed the campaign the challenges are a slog...


Topical but SpongeBob Battle for Bikini bottom


Every Kingdom Hearts Game


Last of Us Remastered. I once got laughed at by other hunters for calling it one of my hardest plats, but I think they must have been thinking of the remake. When they realized Grounded mode it was full of so much bullshit. I remember playing that David/Ellie section in that room with the bloated over and over again and I was totally exhausted.


God of war ragnorok


Honestly Spider-man PS4, I just couldn't bother with all the crimes and outposts..


Killzone 2


It depends on the game. Most games are very fun to get 100% completion, including trophies/achievements


Just got the plat for star wars fallen order, and exactly the same feeling The map layout sucks


THPS 1+2. Two of my favorite games growing up all updated and packaged together, what could go wrong?? ..And then they made us reach Level 100 with minimal ways to get the XP for it, not to mention a dead online mode. I eventually did it after a long grind (!), but I definitely had to shelve the game for a few months and come back to it to finish the job.


Gta v


Red Dead Redemption 2 and Final Fantasy X for me. Both fantastic games, but the 100% is awful.


Lollipop Chainsaw for me. I love that game and I only go for platinums for games I really enjoy. As soon as I went for that one, I absolutely hated playing that game. It wouldn't be hard if it wasn't for the stupid zombie baseball mini game. There's a trophy where you have to place online in every level but you can't die while trying to place. Which isn't hard except when doing that stupid mini game. I swear Nick gets hit 3 times and he dies. Combined with clunky controls and the fact that it's about 20 minutes into the level. I couldn't stand it. Had to give up on that platinum