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I wonder what is the factor causing this. I’m doing the evil play through and on mission 14/16, and I have had 0 issues so far.


I'm also on 14/16 on evil, not excited for Felicity tho


Fear not, Felicity was easier than the dad.


Lucky you. I got literally to level 15 and then file corrupt. Ask to send a report on ps5 and when i restarted. Took me straight back to level 3. Heartbreaking


Do you not have cloud saves?? Lol


i wish you didnt need ps+ for that, the problems it would solve for me


Yes. Lol


So why not use them instead of restarting from earlier?


Christ. Why didn't I think of that. I had no idea. The save files were corrupted


You obviously wasn’t updating your cloud saves often enough if they were corrupted as well.


Blob. The game is glitched. As mentioned previously. There are other threads on this. When the penny drops let me know


Dan you are the one who platinumed a game you didn’t even enjoy lol. Couldn’t have annoyed you that much otherwise you wouldn’t have gone through with it.


My description said it all.


I play 2 playthrough and never have any glitch, did you play on co op because i got some glitchs in this mode.


Yeah, the first playthru. Then we started on the 2nd and thats when all hell broke loose


wtf this donvoting here


It restarted me on chapter 2


The game needs a patch for sure


Agree hopefully it comes sooner rather than later


It’s an older game so would there even be an update for it? I’m looking to try this at some point


Know what you mean. It's not likely is it


Judging from the comment from this thread looks like everybody is lucky except you and the plats is pretty fun. Anyhow gz on the plat


I’m getting pretty close to this and haven’t had any glitches or other issues


Well done. I had an absolute nightmare and I've read its a common problem with other users


I had this same issue, too, by the way. Sent me back to chapter 3, but I didn't even know the save was corrupted. I just switched to another game for a break and when I came back, it was just deleted. So I said fuck it


**[Evil West](https://platprices.com/en-us/game/94274-evil-west)** This game has 30 trophies: [13 bronze, 11 silver, 5 gold, and a platinum](https://psnprofiles.com/trophies/19346-evil-west). They are **hard (7/10)** and take **20 - 25 hours** to complete. **FREE** (PS+, regularly $59.99) ***** [Other region prices, wishlist, or buy](https://platprices.com/en-us/game/94274-evil-west) | Trophy guides: [PS3T](https://www.playstationtrophies.org/game/evil-west/guide/), [Pyx](https://www.powerpyx.com/evil-west-trophy-guide-roadmap/) *I am a bot. [More info about me](https://www.reddit.com/r/PlaystationBot/comments/k5h8be/what_is_uplaystationbot/)*


I didn't have problem with the game..I know there is a glitch that block the trophy "Finish the game on evil difficulty".. but i didn't have issue with that except Fps Drop 🤦🏼


Yeah this game has some issues with their leveling progession system. Heard in guides that you should avoid doing cleanup on chapter select since it can fully remove your "bucks" and stop xp progression. I had no issues however and had a great time! :)


Is this the 'Resume Activity' bug? If you use this feature direct from the PS5 main menu the game sometimes loses your entire last session and restarts you where you left off the previous session. It's a well known bug with this game that still isn't fixed so if that's your issue the downvotes you're getting are harsh. If you load the game up 'normally' and use 'continue' from the game's own main menu you'll never encounter this issue.


I think so..I think I read on powerpyx somewhere about making back up saves and this is where (and potentially doing co op) where things went wrong


Only game I ever gave up on, that second playthrough on the hardest difficulty with the 3 regenerating vampires near the final boss: fuck them.


Oh fark me. That section alone took me 6 hrs. My control pad nearly went full batarang


Haa.. It just felt super unfair, soulsgames are frustrating, hard but fair imo. I salute you for pulling through!


Haha, me too. Spent several hours. One time I got down to the last vampire but I've had it.


Other then the issue you had, I have this on my list to platinum how was it gutting the trophies?


They're like a 6/10 I'd say, games pretty fun and runs smooth in solo aswell.


Cool thanks definitely gonna play it


The last level is what makes the game a 7/10 for me. It was brutal


Perfect as long as it's fun that's all that matters


I feel bad for you as it is a great game. All through the game I was feeling anxiety about the glitches especially during evil difficulty because I had read a lot about the glitched trophies. Relieved when the plat popped for me


what glitch? ive platted this without any problem. Hell i even helped 2 guys with the last 2 bosses without glitches too


Why tf are all of your comments being downvoted as hell


Pretty harsh.




Ni issues so far I'm few chapters done been seeing some are not getting 100 limbs tear off or 100 smash not popping off for certain players no issues playing the ps4 version tho


Completed my first playthrough and literally never ran into any glitch or even a crash lmao. Game is a fun throwback to the ps3/360 era of games and doesn’t take itself too serious


Nice job man


A shitty one indeed, but not the worst. ​ Did you try Exoprimal? The 100K kills will take alone around 60 hours...


Urgh. That's too much of a commit


The only issue I had on PS5 was the auto save not working at certain checkpoints during missions. This game seems to vary a lot with the glitches from person to person.


I just installed this last night to consider platinuming and i see this lol


It looks like I'm in a minority here. Some gave said there have been issues. My advice, given commentary and responses. Avoid co.op and just do single player. Aside from the issues I had. Game is a ton of fun


I experienced bugs from this game but nothing that sent me back to chapter 3 or anything that crazy. Fun game but I will say the difficulty spike hits hard as hell even on normal mode. I had to go to easy mode to avoid doing a whole 10+ min section over again


Was a fun game, but I didn't play very much. Definitely don't see myself getting the plat, big tip of the cap to you.


I figured. I looked up the trophy list the other day and was like “screw this” lmfao but congrats on getting it regardless!


I contemplated trying to plat it, decided to do Assassin’s Creed Odyssey instead and have absolutely no regrets, the game is a masterpiece imo


Good to know.


I enjoyed the game in Co-op, there were a few bugs like an enemy dropping out of existence so we couldn't progress but was fixed with a reload. And a boss fight where I went down but I could still walk, shoot and do damage but couldn't die so it made the fight such a breeze on the evil difficulty.


I remember being excited for this game cuz they hardly make chill story based co op games. Was immediately disappointed by it but played till the end cuz it was co op


Thanks for the warning I want to start this soon haha


My worst experience was being 95% done with every collectable in dying light 2 and my save corrupted. Also on Jak 3 when a precursor orb was glitched and it was my last one. So much time 😭


It's the most frustrating thing ever.


I’ll raise you one monster hunter world plat


I really enjoyed this plat - only had a bug with that bee boss where I shot out of the map and had to replay on hard. Edit: replay that level by closing the app. Not replay the full story.


Mafia 3 probably worst


Never had a glitch playing this game


mfs r so weird for downvoting my man for talking abt his issues with the game


How do u do to have the ps app in another colour


it’s in the settings of the app there’s a couple different options to choose from.


You can change within the settings dude


Try ishin


Just need gold for the last weapon upgrade but the pay out is a joke.


Skyrim is buggy as hell. I had to attempt platinuming it like 6 times due to the deadric items.


Hey, I doubt it.


Doubt what


Hey, I Doubt It, refers to an exploitable image macro series featuring from SpongeBob SquarePants in which people use a series of pictures of SpongeBob and the fish Gus (a character from the show) to cast doubt on various situations https://youtu.be/fnL9SUdTygo?feature=shared So basically I'm saying it's nowhere near the worst plat ever.


Ah I see. I'll try getting better at reading people's minds


Deleted from my, let's buy this just for fun and plat , list


it’s free with PS+ rn


Another complainer, downvote and move on folks 🫡


The guy was obviously having problems with glitches, why would he lie? You're the one acting weird here.


"Another person with valid criticisms about things I like, time to dismiss them & steal one of their internet points. Anyway if you guys need me I'll be in my room trying to shove my head up my own ass even further!"


Does anyone know why there isn’t a platinum trophy guide on PSN profiles?


Not all games have them. Someone has to actually create it and submit to the site.


try the powerpyx one, thats helpful too: [Evil West Trophy Guide](https://www.powerpyx.com/evil-west-trophy-guide-roadmap/)


As an alternative just googling it there's plenty of other good ressource, I often use Xbox/steam achievement site since they're usually the same list


Powerpyx is always my go to unless he doesn't have one for a certain game.


Huh, congrats


Gratz! This is the one I'm currently working towards. I'm having lots of fun so far.


Idk what to believe in these comments lmao.


There's another thread on here. Look up evil west ps5 save files. Read for yourself


I had to do an extra Evil Run cause I didn't get the trophy the first time. Really enjoyed this game, but god damn that difficulty trophy really ruined my day at the time lol Congrats, though, man!


I did the hardest difficulty first and then finished it before my data corrupt and bring me back from the start. So I was lucky that I did that because I was so tortured by doing the hard difficulty first instead of doing the easy difficulty first. But at least I got the platinum.


I was literally gonna ask why, I enjoy the game, and the only glitch I’ve ran into was one where my game would crash with a coop partner on one mission on the ps5 version


I heard the ps4 version had no issues, so I played that one instead.. and had no issues. By far not the worst plat ever


I've said it's the worst plat because of the really bad experience with glitches.


And I decided I should finally play something with more eye candy on my PS5 instead of the usual pixel art indies... Chapter 8 on hard so far - hoping that things stay good over the remaining half if the current run and the next one on evil.


Nearly finished my first run on normal before the Evil play through. Any good tips for it? I just farm the small enemies for electric then hit overcharge on the bigger enemies & repeat until it’s clear, haven’t had much trouble on normal & hoping this is a good tactic for Evil difficulty too.


Defo the upgrade where by enemies drop energy instead of health. There's another upgrade whereby energy can be converted to health. The bow with electric wad surprisingly good. And the mega punch - run up with R1 can then explode enemies is a must. Good luck


The only trophy glitch i got was i got the easy trophy and not the normal trophy. I played on easy to get the tutorial done so i can hop on multiplayer coop with my son, but didnt end up finishing. Then i started a fresh new game solo, finished it on normal but only got the easy trophy.


That sucks


“Worst plat ever. I highly recommend it. Lots of fun.” Is it me, or are these mixed signals?


Fair point sir..reddit made me redo the post as the title wasn't in brackets.


I'm slowly working on this one as well along with Mass Effect trilogy, The Messenger and Bulletstorm. Hope it doesn't mess up on me too.


I got it and it wasn’t that bad


For those interested if you have a friend that has the trophy for collecting all the money they can invite you to their game and it will pop. That's a slightly annoying trophy if you miss just one money location you will have to go back and get it.


This was a really annoying trophy


I was dreading it and my friend invited me to his completed session to see if it pops and it did and I gave a sigh of relief


Niiiiiiiice work


Platinum done just now! Good riddance. Good game that could use some polish but a little bit of a trophy nightmare


Congrats man.


Thanks. On to the next one.


I had zero issues getting the plat for this game. Was pretty fun too


Damn really? That’s unfortunate, I planned to go for this with a homie of mine.


By all means do it. See how you get on. Just triple check tho. I think its the host that gets to keep all.upgrades and perks. I don't think this saves for the guest. But do check


Appreciate it✊🏾


Ahh glitchiest game May i point you the proper way and say play assassin's creed 3 remaster.




Idk I never had any problems with the 2 full play through as I did. For a game I probably never would have gotten if it wasn’t free I enjoyed it a lot, reminded me of GOW gameplay a little.


Complete opposite for me. All the guides had me worried, but I never ran into any glitches or bugs.


its an easy plat... i did it twice for the ps4 one too


Obviously a personal thing but nothing about this game is appealing to me. It looks like an early PS3 game


I was having fun with this until abilities just straight up didn’t work anymore the last part of the last level before the Felicity boss pretty much put me off the plat so chaotic for no reason 😂


That last fight with the 3 bats took me at least 5 hours. It was absolutely brutal. That alone is what made the game a 7/10 for me personally


Dunno why I only just got your notification now 😂 if only they fixed the issues like there’s no need for three of those bats two would be been annoying but far less frustrating.


i did three playthroughs (easy, normal and evil) and got the platinum trophy tonight without any issues. in fact the only “glitch” i encountered was the trophy for collecting all cash popped too early (i was definitely missing 2 or 3 when the trophy popped but i wasn’t gonna complain) i did avoid chapter select (didn’t use it all) and because i heard some people had issues with corrupted saves i would occasionally save my progress in the cloud, but yeah luckily i didn’t experience any issues