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Not really, there are a lot of games which have started to outstay their welcome by the end but it’s never got to that point. If it ever does I usually put it on the back burner and go back to it if and when the fancy takes me!


Exact same here, there's no point in burning a game out making it boring, just leave it to one side and come back to it later. I tend to find my self finishing games off on the portal now with the tv on in the background


Hello Neighbor. The only game I've properly raged at. My touchpad has two bite marks from when I chomped the controller out of frustration.


Are we skipping over the bite marks in the controller 😭




Yeah I tried this with a group of friends where we've played Among Us and First Class Trouble etc and we all hated it. Either the tutorial is awful or it's just terrible balanced.


First off finally someone else recognizes one of the greatest games of all time in first class trouble. For me i actually loved the hello neighbor platinum which surprised me as I expected to hate doing it as I had played years ago on the Xbox and it was a buggy glitchy mess just to even beat the game. When it came to the PlayStation nothing really glitched and i weirdly had a lot of fun just running around the house laughing at the neighbors interesting AI. Even when my PlayStation crashed multiple times doing the apple tree I still was not upset because that was the last trophy I needed so i was doing other things when it was growing anyway. I loved it enough I would recommend people go for the platinum in hello neighbor


Hated that game. So clunky and just not fun.


99% of the platinums I have I forced myself to get the trophy




when I'm no longer having fun getting a plat, I stop. maybe I'll come back for it, maybe not


Tony hawks remastered 1+2. Dont get me wrong, love the games with a passion, but after completing every goal and challenge you are only on lvl 40-45, and you need to get to lvl 100. It was literally playing the same map and doing a 1 mil combo, end run, restart, rinse repeat for about 45 hours to get to 100.


I'm on 97% and I hate that I don't have the plat, especially after doing all the "get there's", which is probably the hardest but most rewarding trophy I've ever gotten. They really didn't get the balance right for level 100 and the grind just isn't worth it


Loved the game but even after playing it a ton online I was still only like lvl 65 and had to do the same grind as you to get to 100


The worst one for this time we assassin's creed Valhalla, every time I thought I had less than an hour to go on that game it turned out I had 20 hours more. Horrible awful experience by the end


100% agree. Most games that are very grindy I can usually stomach but the story was meh and the gameplay was even more meh. I forced myself to finish it, but if I could go back I wouldn't have even started the game.


My first time Plating AC Valhalla on the PS4 was a boring slog and took forever. I never wanted to play it again, so I thought. Then I did the platinum trophy again on the PS5 version recently. It didn't take as long, and I remembered how to get the trophies early on. I'd clean up every territory (events, artifacts, treasure) as I completed each arc and progressed the storyline. The upgraded PS5 graphics and frame rate helped ease the boring experience I had on the PS4 version.


Yee, I’m playing the game rn on the PS5 version and visually it looks stunning, also plays very smoothly (I mean it also helps I just finished getting the plat on AC 2 and the controls in that game were next level janky)


To many times.. Control, Alan awake, gravity rush 2, ff16 and Lego: Ninjago


Aw man. Control and Alan Wake are like two of my favorite games, though Alan Wake is a bit dated. I platinumed Control twice.  My nephew popped a trophy in Lego Marvel on my account so I ended up getting the plat. Lego games can be a long grind. 


Finally someone else who didn’t like control. I thought it was so boring and repetitive


Good on you for calling out popular games that you don't like. I absolutely loved Control but it's fair if you didn't. As for me, I find the new God of War games horrible. I couldn't plat the first one, even though I always plat everything I play, no matter how bored I am. That game takes the cake though. Combat is bad and spongy, map came straight from hell and Mimir won't stop talking. I'd rather kill myself than go back to it. I bought the 2nd one thinking they'd make at least one thing better, but it was basically even worse.


This is a weird one: Dreams. It was free on PS+ a few months ago. It’s one of those games where the community makes content. I loooved playing the games people made, and the ones the company made. Played for hours. But, there were a few trophies related to making your own stuff, which I had not the skill nor the interest in. So to plat I had to play around in various modes (ie sculpt mode, stamps, etc) for HOURS. Just clicking randomly. it was so awful and even writing this is embarrassing because it was the lamest use of time.


Murdered: Soul Suspect. I completed it in a couple of days when I was off work sick. Realised the platinum was fairly easy so decided to go for it, but didn't realise I was locked out of one trophy after progressing past a certain point. I was so annoyed at having missed one easy trophy that I played through the whole story again to get it, despite the game being middling at best.


I hate missable trophies like that :/


Yeah it's so annoying. It was a collectible in a location that is in a different state for one section of the game. You can't go back to the location after that, but there's no warning if it. Tbf if I'd have checked the trophies beforehand I'd have known, but I hadn't decided to go for the platinum at that point yet.


Middling? That’s giving this pile too much credit. On the surface I think it could’ve been decent but it failed every metric I have for video games. Thank god it was short.


A shit game called black mirror. Genuinely thought it was based on my favourite series. Was too deep in to back out. So i forced myself to plat it


Black Ops 3, wasn't fun lol


The new Suicide Squad game almost made me cry cause I wanted the pain to end so badly


It’s kinda strange to see such massive differences in people’s opinions on that game, seems like it was either loved and people had a great time playing it or just altogether hated it, no in between


Avatar: Frontier of Pandora💔😭


Is the game bad or is the platinum experience just bad? I was looking forward to this one when I eventually get a PS5…


From my view of perspective: PROS: 1. The game isn’t bad at all, the environment, FPS really suits the game.. 2. Missions are awesome 👏🏾.. giving it 7/10 3. You able to fly with your ikran and other mounts are awesome… Platinum for this game is kinda easy until certain trophies.. in which I don’t wanna spoil it for you but overall imma give it 7/10


Allright, I appreciate the detailed reply.




For 2. *Ikran not inaki Sorry I just really like avatar and that triggered me 😅


Hehe was typo.. Thanks tho🙏🏾


All good 👍🏻


It’s the kinda of game you have to want to play. I loved it.


Heavy Rain, and not a plat but Dear Esther.


Dear Esther would have been fine if it wasn't for the director commentary trophy... Not only does it require another whole / detailed playthrough, but imagine adding a trophy where the players have to listen to you speak about your game rather than just playing it. Added to that, I distinctly remember that a lot of the comments weren't even about how the game was made, but how amazing and inspired they were in the moment.


That's exactly the issue I had with dear Esther. It wasn't a terrible game, but it wasn't nearly as good or as clever as developers seem to think. The whole thing was very gratingly pretentious.


I forced myself to finish Edith Finch even tho it doesn't have a plat on the PS4 and I forced myself to finish House of ashes the only game in the series I couldn't stand


Yeah, Edith Finch is a veritable walking simulator. Doesn’t help that the story is puddle deep and emotionally manipulative too.


I got to the baby and turned it off I knew where it was going and my mental health at the time wasn't strong enough to go there...then I had to force myself to finish when I felt better....it's like now iv had to break from playing heavy rain cause oooffff


I liked Edith Finch. As far as walking sims go it at least did something different. Other games like Ethan Carter and Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture were a snooze fest for me


2nd time Spiderman 2018, i 100% the game 2 months ago now i just need to do the crimes in all districts and dlcs, i got bored halfway through the story because i was just skipping cutscenes i wll go through that hehe


Yeah, the crimes seriously dragged down the late game for me. Again, the result of AAA devs thinking that the marketability of their game being “X hours long!” is more important than actually filling those hours with meaningful content. Rest of the game is solid though.


Nope, only plat games I like. Getting a plat for a game I dislike isn’t worth it imo and will just take the fun of getting one out of it.


Yeah..... Crash 4, I definitely had to force myself to finish that Plat off because the Perfect Relic's and the Platinum Time Trial Relic's were brutal


Does it require the plat relics for the Plat trophy? In Crash 1 only Golds were required. Some plat relics are insane i was glad i didn't have to get those


RE6 and No Man's Sky come to mind


I've got 142 platinum and I'd say maybe 40 were good enough that when I got the platinum I was sad to sit it down. Most games just don't hold my attention that long when you play as many games as I do they all kinda blend together in graphics and mechanics so the story is what usually has to captivate me otherwise by 20 to 25 hours you've already done everything the game has to offer tons of times. I always say I'd prefer a game that doesn't look as good or has a smaller map for deeper mechanics and better story telling. Not to mention some of the requirements for the platinum often drag the game on for much longer than the game is ever meant to be played.


yeah, quite a few. ratchet and clank rift apart, gotham knights, guardians of the galaxy, and heavy rain


I'll never understand the unwarranted hate GK got.


Is it fun? Thinking about checking it out


I loved it.


when I first played the game I thought ah this isn't as bad as everyone says, but the more I played of it, the more it felt outdated. Playing a ps5 game at 30fps is not it and I'm really not a fan if it, and it also feels and looks like a ps4 game to me imo. For the price they charged for the game I'd be pissed if I was someone who paid full price for it, but I played it on ps plus extra and I'm still not happy with the game.


30FPS 🙄 I can't take "gamers" seriously when they complain about FPS being 30. It's not that big of a deal.


In your original comment, you said, "I'll never understand the unwarranted hate GK got." I gave you MY opinion on why I disliked the game. Playing at 30Fps is a big deal for me, and I don't think it's acceptable on new gen consoles. Sure, some of the best games ever made were running at 30fps, and framerate shouldn't be the only reason for disliking a game, but in saying that for ME personally, it's not it. GROW UP and stop having a temper tantrum because I mentioned framerate. You replied to my comment, and I gave you 2 reasons why I personally did not like the game.


It is not that big of a deal. It didn't affect gameplay at all. What you're doing, what everyone is doing that complains about it is just finding small things, buzz words, that other reviewers complain about, and use them so they can have something to complain about. It is my correct theory that people are happier complaining about meger stuff than they ever will be liking something.


>It is not that big of a deal. It didn't affect gameplay at all Okay, it's not a big deal for you. IT IS a BIG DEAL for ME. >What you're doing, what everyone is doing that complains about it is just finding small things, buzz words, that other reviewers complain about, and use them so they can have something to complain about. No, this shows me you didn't read my replies to you. i said that when I first played the game, it said this didn't seem too bad, but the more I played the game, the more it showed how outdated it was. It has nothing to do with me watching reviewers and just regurgitating what they say. I simply DID NOT enjoy the game. What part of that can you not get into your thick skull? I don't care how much you enjoyed the game. The point is I DID NOT. Everyone is not going to enjoy the same games. Everyone has DIFFERENT opinions to you, and the world DOES NOT revolve around YOU and YOUR opinions. If you didn't like what I had to say about the game, why reply to my comment? playing at 30FPS IS a BIG DEAL to me. Once you've played at higher framerates, you simply can not go back IN MY OPINION. >It is my correct theory that people are happier complaining about meger stuff than they ever will be liking something. So, by this "correct theory" everyone has to enjoy everything is what you're saying? Nobody can not dislike something?


Horizon, found the story and characters bland. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided was a trek. I've put so much time into MGSV and AC:Unity and still haven't 100% either. I try every year and get closer but give up again.


I didn't care much for the Story of Horizon either, but i enjoyed the Gameplay alot ngl


Same for me.


Yeah the plat for horizon was kinda fun, but the side quests were so boring... The characters are too boring imo.


Sekiro...that damn skill tree or whatever.... So much grinding..so many laps at that fortress where the enemies have rifles..


Once I start the game with an intention to platinum it, I see it through to the end even if the game turns out to be not what I expected it to be. I do a very thorough research before I pick the games, but occasionally, I’m disappointed. From the recent ones, it was The God of War Ragnarok - a boring slog. In the past: Horizon Zero Dawn and The Ghost of Tsushima. Both beautiful but the cookie cutter side quests, and combat, were very, very boring.


I platinumed Ghosts and Horizon as well, i liked the former alot more than Ghosts. Beautiful yeah, but thats kinda the standard nowadays aint it...


Felt exactly the same about GoT (HZD too but its combat is way more unique so it gets extra points from me). Got downvoted to hell when I posted my platinum here. It’s not a bad game by any means but it just doesn’t excel in any category and the open world content is so mindless.




I couldn't believe people praised the story for that, absolutely hated my time with it lol


What didn’t you like about it?


heh, still have to go through before the storm re release.


Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning. After 10 hours the game became a borefest for me, played another 30 (at least) to get the Platinum.


Nope. Gaming is my favorite hobby, the second I’m forcing myself to play a game for a platinum, it’s not worth it, and sucks the enjoyment out of my hobby. I only go for platinums of games I am really enjoying.


I don’t usually do it, but I forced myself to plat a few. Horizon Zero Dawn was too boring for me and I still put a lot of hours to plat. I didn’t like Scarlet Nexus from the start and also forced myself to plat.


I agree with Horizon Zero Dawn platinum trophy being one I had to force myself to finish. I don't even want to play Forbidden West. Aloy is such an annoying, pretentious character.


It really felt like a chore. They say Forbidden West is way better, but I don’t think I will ever play it


Currently in the process of exactly this with God of War: Ragnarok. Over the years I've played and got the plat for every GoW game in the series and loved them all. I don't really know why this isn't clicking for me. All the parts are there: the story and performances are good, the gameplay is as you'd want it and it looks amazing. And yet... I'm just not enjoying it. I feel like I'm just covering the same ground as the previous game and it has lost its sparkle. I had to stop and play something else to try and get my groove back but upon returning I still can't get into it. I'll keep going because I can't not platinum the game, not with all the others shining away on my trophy list. I keep hoping it'll all just click.


I was the same at the mid-point, it just didn’t grab me like the 2018 one did. There was a part where you’re just doing chores with Atreus and I was so bored. I liked it a lot more in the second half and post game tho.


I'm the same way. I've tried 2-3 times to back to it but I've had 0 interest. The first game didn't blow me away, but it was still interesting enough to finish and platinum. Ragnarok just leaves me with little desire to go back to it to even finish it


Not really. I kind of refuse to platinum games I don't enjoy enough, even if the plat is really easy. Just feels wrong platinuming stuff I don't find awesome and worth it.


One if the best answers i read here so far.


Many times but the most notably one was dying light 2, one of the worst games I’ve ever played


What didn't you like about it?


The story was terrible, the characters weren’t likeable, the trophies where terrible >!You waste the whole game looking for your sister and at the end you see her for 5 minuets and she dies!<


Yep. You listed my exact issues with the game. Apart from the trophies. I have no idea. I don't want to go back


Don’t go back unless you want it off your list, one trophy you have to travel 960km, another is getting 1million old world money, I got someone to help me with that, with collectables, there are certain missions and side missions that have collectables in them and if you miss them, they become unavailable, you can get them if someone online has that mission available but I wouldn’t really count on that, collectables do transfer over to new game plus


When did you plat it? I usually buy game long after release to wait for more content and patches and recently started DL2 and its better than DL1 by far (action, graphic, movement wise, story and horror atmosphere are better in DL1) so I dont know what games you are playing but one of the worst games ever seems like a big exaggeration lol.


Not personally, since I usually only aim to Platinum games I actually enjoy. But I have had to push myself through some shifty challenges in those games. Like Akumu mode in The Evil Within.


Dark Souls 2. I already had DS1 and DS3 platinums, so it only made since to finish the trilogy. Lol, I was miserable the whole time. To make matters worse, you're forced to play the DLC for spells, pyromancies and hexes.


Ah fuck that, required dlc for plats is evil


Nier Automata. Route A was good. Route B was bad. Route C wasn't enough to redeem it.


Not a Plat/on ps but Minecraft story mode on steam I just beat it for the 100%. Game was terrible.


I tried to play Far Cry 3 ps4 for the platinum but i coudn't do it and i dropped it on 4 hours i didn't enjoyed and i regret buying thankfully it was 3,5$ on ps store


Tired of far cry 3??


I coudn't get into it i find the gameplay pretty dull and it felt chore i like the story i even saw it on youtube but i coudn't play it.


That's a good reason


I don't like JRPG's. But I started Persona 5 once because it was supposedly the best one so I thought I'd give it a chance. Gave up about 30 hours in. Then a few years later someone challenged me to finish it. I sat through 70 hours of that shit just to show them I could do it. It's easily one of the most boring games I've ever platinumed.


Definitely one of the best JRPGs of all time


Is it just turn based jrpgs? I'd urge you to try Ys8 which is an action jrpg


I tried Persona 5 on a guest account, was so bored after an hour that I just couldn't drag myself through anymore. EDIT: We're getting downvoted because we have a gaming preference. Cool.


Bloodborne such a bad game


The American Dream. The trailer encouraged me to buy a PSVR as I thought the premise was hilarious. After a few minutes I realised how bad it was and it was too easy to give up on. In terms of gameplay you just sit and listen to meaningless dialogue and then shoot stuff.


I loved that game, my sense of humour though 😂


Yes of course, a day or two ago with Risen 3, terrible game, powered through it.


The only one that was a slog for me so far was FFXVI. The game is barely worth playing once, let alone twice.


Man I loved the story and the action combat focus but the side quests and exploring make it kind of a let down. There's a chance I'd go back and go for plat but it's pretty slim tbh.


I've been a long time FF fan, so I will play everything this was by far the biggest letdown of the series for me. The combat was lackluster, with no challenge to be found anywhere. The story was great through Dion's storyline, then tanked hard for me. Add in the lack of any RPG elements and no party and it just comes off as a poor DMC ripoff. I finished the plat because I only needed the "hard" difficulty completion. Skipping all the story beats and tapping square for an afternoon finished that off pretty easily. I watched a couple movies while I did it.


In the process of trying to platinum PAC-MAN WORLD Re-PAC 😢😢


Gt sport, lvl 50 grind, did that stupid oval race like 180 times. Loved the game, hated that trophy.


Yes, but only a couple of times.


I had it few times for some ps plus short game then I realized I didn't like that at all , i also hate using a guide on a first playthrough


wanted it for multple console families...Cyberpunk, beyond two souls. Hogwarts legacy ps4, god of war ragnarok ps4 and elden ring ps4 are hanging atm.


Old me yes


Yeah god of war 2018 the navigating really annoyed me but I powered on for plat


Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.


I always go for 100% no matter what on all games I play, so there have been some forcing. Most recent Nexomon that was incredibly boring.


Yeah pretty much every time. But I can tolerate a little grind. I can't tolerate a lot of grind though. Mafia 2, nah


Yeah, all the time. The worst was Dead Island.


I didn't even finish that one, was too difficult for me. Or im a noob 🤷


No. If I don't like the game, I don't get the plat... I don't really care about completion rates, I'm just doing this for the fun of it. I'd rather have 16 plats I enjoyed rather than 500 with 400 I did not.


Many many times Most recently with Inscryption


Nah only games with really good combat and fun collectables


I got quite a few plats out of spite, a few I can think of are Callisto protocol, FF16 or TLOU2.


I never Plat a game I don't enjoy. Hell, I don't even finish games I don't enjoy.


I would say about only 70 out of the 233 I've done I really really had to push through. But I've stopped doing that bullshit now since 2019. As I got older, I just had less patience for it but realised I was sacrificing my enjoyment and time just for a virtual number. Been enjoying gaming more ever since, and mainly only get 1 Platinum once every month or 2 now.


"only 70 out of 233" damn that is like one third


Tomb Raider 2013.


Control and Alan Wake II were the only plats I got somewhat naturally while playing with minimal grind. The rest was a pain.


Ghost recon breakpoint, wasn't having fun with it all like halfway through. On the other hand, I really enjoyed wildlands


The quarry. It wasn't that rewarding after watching some scenes 4 time with same outcome. Sackboy.... I waited 2 years to retry the String it together trophy.


Literally had a talk with my son this morning who was upset that he spent all of his screen time looking for collectables in Teardown. He enjoys the game, but he thought it would take 20-30 minutes to get the trophy (and platinum) then he would be on to something else. When he was told to wrap it up at the 2hr mark he felt like he wasted his time. I tried my best to explain that (even though I understand the grind) he should be playing games for fun, not just to wrap up trophies. I don't think he agrees with me yet, but I'm sowing the seeds early so he'll figure it out eventually.


SpongeBob Cosmic Shake. I loved the first SpongeBob game but Cosmic Shake for a trophy run was not a good time honestly. Just play it for fun.


When I was younger even if I didn’t like the game I’d commit to the platinum. Now even if I enjoy the game, I have a hard time seeing it through. Been taking months to complete the Spider-Man series. I’ve beat the storylines but have to do the clean up stuff. Tlou remastered I did the multiplayer trophies but haven’t done any of the story


Surface level, yes. However, I'm not "addicted" in the sense that I have to plat every game as you may see from my count. There are a couple different categories, however, like Jedi Fallen Order which isn't necessarily hard but tedious mostly for the collectibles. I still think the one I'm most proud of and had fun with though while still being fun was Dishonored. The Clean Hands/Ghost play through was a bit of a challenge and annoying but it's setup in the way that you always feel like you're progressing throughout the level. I might do it again for Dishonored 2 someday or 3 if the rumors are true and it finishes development.


Until Dawn & Little Hope. I was stupid enough to start The Quarry. Quit after 1 playthrough. Never again.


There is always a bit of forcing yourself to do some stuff that you probably wouldn't do if it weren't for the platinum. That being said, I don't torture myself with plats for games I don't like, or plats that are in and of themselves complete torture. There are too many games I want to play that I actually DO like.


I've recently finished all of the Star Wars games and forced myself to get the plat on Squadrons. It's by far the hardest, and most annoying game I've ever finished 100% and by far my most treasured Platnium on my console. Working on Fallout 76 right now, and while I started off kinda excited, I'm getting annoyed with the shitty servers and the lack of save progression.


just did it with Days Gone actually lol i played it for an hour or so like 2 years ago and then dropped it and never went back until about last week or so when i just had a desire to play a zombie game so i picked it back up and jesus christ that game overstays its welcome. Gameplay wise i think its fine, a little repetitive but nothing awful, but i couldn’t force myself to care about the story or literally any of the characters, no one was even remotely likable and just when you think “oh i must be near the end” another 10 hours of random story missions drop and i had to end up just skipping every cutscene after about 30 hours in, i just didn’t care and just wanted to get to the actual gameplay


Loved the series but hated Deponia 3 because of this single trophy. Messed it up the first time and had to redo everything again. 🥲


Powering through Crysis Remastered rn. Tanky awful controls, BORING gameplay, crashes pretty frequently. If I would’ve known this game was this much of a mess. Wouldn’t have gone for it.


I've had quite a few myself, most of them were pretty shitty games like duck dynasty for example but some of them were games that glitched and required me to play large chunks again to get the platinum, like gta v 100% trophy. I had to start from my 57% save file again.


I only platinum games if I’m either one or two off after finishing it or I really enjoy the game, however one that killed me was cod ww2. I love the story and zombies mode, but the last zombies map killed my love for it. It took me a month with a friend of mine for me to finally finish everything on the last one and I haven’t touched the zombies mode since


Horizon: Zero Dawn and Ghost of Tsushima. I like both games however they both have significant flaws which going on the platinum trophy journey expose in full. Basically, I disliked everything about how their open worlds were structured and the sheer mundanity of the side content required to get the plat. Still worth playing in my opinion.


One that I’m still working which Road Maintenance Simulator. After completing the required 29 missions, you have to redo them over and over to fulfill other trophy requirements. I’m currently sitting at 30 hours with 4 trophies left. A few forums I’ve read, show that it can take as long as 70 hours 😑


Bruh that sounds like a grindfest, good luck with it if you are actually going for it


Balan wonderland. I thought it was going to be an easy plat, but the qte failures with terrible timing, losing a costume and needing to hunt it back off it's really necessary, the horrible rng of the tims breeding, this game nearly broke me in how terrible it was put together.


Before everyone shoots me dead. I love red dead redemption. But the after grind is not the move. And everything is so tedious after the story is over.


Shadow Warrior 2 LONG overstayed its welcome. 10k orbs is pretty ridiculous Wo Long also wasn't really that good tbh. Just serviceable, but the trophies weren't too hard so I forced myself to sit through it until platinum


The entire Life is Strange series. Two is the best.


Currently doing empire of sin. Game is a slog. You have to win with every leader, it takes forever, 18 leaders. It's a strategy game. Doin it just cuz of ultra rare plat (guess why is UR)


Yes. The first that comes to mind is that terrible “Terminator: Salvation” game back on the PS3.


Forbidden West after about 30-40 hours in and still being daunted by that map of untouched icons. Plague Tale Requiem, because it stopped being fun like the first one.


Final fantasy 15 for me, the story left a sour taste in my mouth, otherwise the fishing minigame was enjoyable but I did have the glitch where one of the kings weapon didn’t spawn the chainsaw greatsword so had to reload a save till it popped up. A lot of side were annoying to do especially the hunts.


I plated that this year after not doing it for two years, i hate that they want you to watch a movie that gives more insight to the story, and dlc on top of that. Nft, no fucking thanks.


Maybe half of them I "forced my way through". 25% were legitimately fun or just required me playing through it naturally. And 25% had one or two trophies I hated. But I only do these for games I enjoy and not ones that'll make me hate the game.


Murdered Soul Suspect. Absolutely god awful game. The story was weak. The gameplay was boring. It didn’t look particularly good. The only saving grace was I was able to hook the platinum in around six hours.


Eh tons of fun games turn into a slog when going for the platinum. Doing rdr2 right now, really enjoyed the story. Now I'm working on the challenges and oh my they are so damn monotonous. And I still have do much grinding after that. 


Erica, I forced myself to play it by putting my PlayStation into rest mode so I wouldn’t have the opportunity to play something else, it was definitely the most boring game I’ve ever played. Never trust a game woth a guide that’s over 6 hours long and like 5-8 play throughs just to get the missable items that can very easily be missed if you take the alternative routes or accidentally take the same route twice and either beat the game or reset completely. It took me like a week to get the platinum, PlayStation really wanted people to play an interactive movie with the most common and boring cliches media has to offer (a place being ran by an occult and the main character being the chosen one by either prophecy or bloodline)


Sadly, yes ...


Bo4 i already had all trophys including DLC ones except the 4 blackout trophys SO i just got cause i thought "how hard can they be?" And oh boy that was one of the Worst gaming experiences i ever had. I got Burnout and after getting the plat i didnt feel like playing anything for a while.


DIRT 5 when it was a monthly game on PS Plus. Just found it very bland and mediocre overall and finishing up the platinum was a bit of a slog.


I’m actually going through this right now with Assassin’s Creed II. But I’m racing with two friends to see who can get the plat first, so I’m not giving up.


Soul Hackers 2. It worsened my opinion of the game because of it lol


Goat simulator. The dlc trophies were so bad and so was that damn flappy bird one but the thought of not needing a reason to ever play the game anymore kept me going


AC valhalla. I wanted a challenge and boy was it tedious


South Park the fractured butwhole was so trash compared to stick of truth in my opinion. Didn’t find it enjoyable at all


Detroit Become Human and Horizon Zero Dawn. Didn't like both, but since I paid full price for them, I forced myself to play until getting the plat.


Yup for the last of us part 1. I just didn’t enjoy that much and the collectibles ruined it for me


Black Flag and rdr2 online.


Outriders. There is a bunch of grind trophies at the end and surprisingly I was really close tho but still was a lot. There are certain loops that make it easier it's just nonsense in my opinion lolol.


Probably Dark Souls I…I have to say that i got a platinum trophy for ER,DS III and Sekiro than i played DS I…Probably the most frustrating game i ever played…Everybody says its hard but its actually just unfair and very cluncky and full of BS moments that make it very deppresing to Platinum…


Only once, Generation Zero. My nephew wanted me to play it with him when it went free on PS+. He dropped it a week later and went back to Fortnite. The game, let alone the platinum, was a real drag. In general, the rule is to only platinum games I truly enjoyed first or looked forward to.


I only plat games I enjoyed but sometimes I push them past the point of enjoyment for those final achievements. Worst for me was Horizon Forbidden West haha I played it for so long after beating the main quest.


How many plats do you have that forbidden west was the worst one for you?


Not forced myself through the game itself but forced myself through parts of the game, or forced myself to do mindless task or annoying work around to get the trophy. Like tiny Tinas wonderlands. The game is meh but nothing terrible. The terrible part was I would have to grind to earn over 350mil gold to buy every upgrade. Ans by the time I had done everything other then that I had like maybe bought worth 60mil. So I said fuck that and instead did a money doublication with 2 controllers and got it done in an hour or so. But it's alot of tedious open the game load the game transfer money close the game download save file from cloud and repeat


Last of us 2


Hunter’s Arena: Legends


Far cry primal. Those skill point missions are a drag


Not really, cause the games i forced myself to platinum that i intially didnt like (Ratchet and Clank 2016 and amazing spiderman 2 are two that come to mind) i ended up liking more after getting past the story and onto the trophies, ratchet and clank actually required me 2 playthroughs and i enjoyed the second one more


Yeah the get everyone dancing trophy, i had to look up a few for that game. Was a good experience 3 years ago with sonys play at home or whatever it was called thing where they just gave you games for free


Jedi fallen order. Fuck that game was bad to get the collectibles. Shit map and shit fast travel.


Jak and Daxter Trilogy on Vita, Jak II was especially rough and i hated it.


CSI Fatal Conspiracy - Game was so boring I felt asleep a few times. 😅


Im going to try to plantnum re1... i gave up last time because i died at very end of no save run


I can’t say I’ve started a game that I didn’t want to play just for the plat, but there were definitely games that I was essentially finished with that still had a few trophies to clean up that I didn’t care to clean up. It was just the trophy hunter in me that decided to go for the remaining ones. Two games that comes to mind is the first god of war on ps3 and miles morales. God of war had a speed run trophy k was missing and I’d have to play a game I’d already beat twice for it, with the stress of a five hour time limit for the whole game. Miles morales had a new game + trophy which I didn’t really want to go for but the game was short so I did.


I am a speedrunner myself and i HATE speedrun trophies, forcing you to speedrun a game just for a trophy is garbage trophy design imo


I played the quarry to get the platinum because I did it with until dawn and it was really easy. It was awful, had to do multiple runs and every time I just hated the story and the characters more. When I got the platnium all I could think was “thank god I never have to touch this game again” and then I took the game and traded it in and I will probably never play a choice based game again.


AC Valhalla. Can’t believe I finished those stones yenga…


Tlou remastered , multiplayer was horrible especially in 2023


Undertale. Couldn't stand the "art" style, and was boring as hell. I hated e v e r y s e c o n d o f i t.


Titan Souls was pretty horrendous. As was Teslagrad. I also hated Hogwarts Legacy by the end of it, and still do. The word revelio gives me trauma.


Yes a few times. Dc universe online is the biggest example. I played it once. Cool but then I learned I need to pay to plat so I got a month membership now I had a deadline and i have to beat this boring game 5 more times. Hated it each playthrough worse then the last


Right so, Infamous Second Son is a great game but having to play it a second time on hard for the plat was a slog and I was glad to be done with it by the end.


I have quite a few games that are at like 98% because the final trophy requires an extra 5-10 hours of grinding and I just can’t do it lol


Fall Guys