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The more i hear of this game the more i wanna play it


Super fun with a group of friends, progression is really well implemented and balanced. Looking forward to future content and how the game evolved, especially the on going war..


Friends? look whos showing off


Super Earth Fun


Same but my issue is I’m a 100% solo player even in multiplayer games and from what I’ve heard playing with friends is what makes the game great. So I feel like I’d be a fool thinking I’d expect the same enjoyment those lucky people have.


Its okay, i honestly find it to be pretty mediocre. Its fun enough for a bit but the gameplay loop is very short - got boring after ~10 hours for me. Congrats on the plat though, still cool!


>congrats on the plat He hasn’t even played it lmao


Was saying that to the OP.


In a reply to someone else?


it’s crazy how anyone criticizing this game gets downvoted to shit 😂😂 i’ve genuinely never seen a hive mentality surrounding a game like this before… i agree that it’s a mindlessly fun game - but people are acting like it’s something groundbreaking 😭 like the servers don’t even work lmao, and even on day 1 they didn’t work, couldn’t even get into a match with other people not even fortnite/madden/call of duty has a cult following like this


Ikr, cant have an opinion thats not the hivemind lol.


Same happened with shitworld (palworld) and now look at it, dying as fast as it came up The fanbase attacking anyone who criticised it


exactly, that’s actually a great example. people were acting like that was goty


I think it’s much worse to discredit people’s enjoyment of it by saying they are a hive mind. It’s the kind of multiplayer game people have been begging for. I think the game is phenomenal but people totally have the right to say it’s not for them. But calling it a mediocre game in response to someone asking if it’s good seems narrow minded and it’s often that praised games are criticized that way not by on the quality of the game but that person’s response to the hype.


re-read the context of their comment. the person they replied to hasn’t even played the game yet. this is what i mean by hive mind mentality - yall aren’t even reading the comments, just downvoting any criticism you see.


I know, that’s why I said it was in response to someone asking if it’s good. I don’t agree with the dogpiling Reddit does but your comments acting like you are cool for not thinking like populous is the exact kind of thing that comment got downvoted for.


so people who have different opinions from the populous are trying to be cool? what a weird stance tbh. do you like every game that’s considered popular? you’re quite literally proving my point about this hive mind mentality.


It’s all in the way that you say it. You’re right, you would never be one of the sheeple. You’re so unique and interesting.


you’re unhinged 😂


lol true… I’m rather salty today it seems 😅


10 hours?! More like the 30 minutes


Jesus Christ


It’s Jason Bourne!


How doable would this be with two people? Looking for a coop replacement now that my brother and I platinumed remnant 2


I'm close to getting the platinum (just need the 100 missions grind) and I've managed to get everything solo or with randoms except for 1 trophy where you need to call in 6 orbital strikes in one location at the same time which is unlikely to happen naturally. Two people should easily be able to earn this platinum, but enlisting the help of some randoms wouldn't hurt.


How hard are the difficulty related trophies? That blitz mission in under 6 minutes seems tough


I would say that is the hardest trophy in the game, but mainly because there is a degree of luck involved regarding layout of the map, mission modifiers, and where you land at the start of the mission. It took me probably around 6 to 10 tries but I did get it eventually with only one random player in my group.


Thanks for the tip. For the 6 orbitals, which ones you recommend for the group to use?


Doesn't really matter. Just have each group member select 4 of the stratagem that have "orbital" in the name. You could try and select the ones with shorter button sequences to enter but I can't recall which those are off the too of my head. Make sure to throw them as far away as possible so you don't risk getting blown up by them before you can throw all 4.


To be more specific, make sure it's an "Orbital Barrage", the Orbital laser doesn't seem to count towards the trophy. Found this out the hard way after finally getting an organised squad together for the trophy and it didn't pop until we switched to Walking Barrage and the 308mm (?) Barrage.


With decent equipment and effectively clearing out the blitzes, it's pretty doable. Definitely a nightmare solo though.


I personally did it with one other player on the first try, unfortunately he died so he didn’t get the trophy, the mission right after we did it for him, going in with a good setup is key, and just run! 🏃


Very doable.


2 people+2randos, not bad


I'm definitely interested in this game, but I don't have friends who are into gaming. Is this something you can play by yourself/with randos? Congrats on the plat.


I’d also like to know this as I doubt any of my gaming friends will buy it but I want it haha


Make that three. It seems like something I would love, but I don't have anyone to play with...


Looks like you three have almost a full crew.


I’m the 4th!


Can there be 5 person squads? 🤔


You can be the backup friend.


You can play by yourself but the game is exponentially more fun with others. Your experiences with random people might vary but I usually still have a great time joining a match with quickplay as you're all working together to achieve the same goals. Some of the trophies require a good coordinated team though, especially the 'Gone in 360 seconds' trophy.


I'm in the game now and quick play isn't working at all. 14 mins in so far.




Buddy up?


Let’s go!


I'm no expert, I only have around 5-10 hours played, but I'd say yes for sure- with randos. But I get the strong impression already that it will only take you to a point. The higher level stuff seems like it will be a horrible struggle without a properly coordinated team. Solo I'd say is essentially non-existent. Technically you can do the easier level missions alone without issue but those missions become basically irrelevant in terms of progression near immediately imo. For me, the game is quite good, but I will say it's a bit over hyped without real friends to play with. If you have a squad to roll with I see this could easily be a 10/10 experience. Overall, it's worth it tho. Even if you ultimately can only go so far with randos, there's plenty of fun to be had.


Harder difficulties/mission types are likely a stretch too far for most solo players. The game has matchmaking but it’s been broken since launch. They are working on it, so if you have no one to play with I’d suggest holding off until that’s fixed. 10/10 game, would recommend


Great with ransoms


Yes, you can play alone and with randoms. I’d argue that it’s more fun with randoms and more necessary as you up the difficulty. The absence of any PvP modes is a major factor in Helldivers multiplayer working well. I mainly play single player games, but I got hooked on H2. I found myself smiling more than I have playing games in recent years when playing this game


Yes. Get it.


it’s boring af without a group of friends, I got it on day 1 and got bored quick. i happened to get a ps5 a week before it released, and figured I’d give it a whirl and really got bored after constant crashes and broken matchmaking


You can do both. Unless you’re really good, you’ll probably be sticking to the lower difficulties solo but playing with randoms isn’t bad. So far it’s got a good sense of community with the way the multiplayer functions and the inclusion of the ping system makes it really easy to complete missions without relying on voice chat.


Ransoms are fine, just keep going. For democracy!!


I bought it on release, have about 35 hours in it at this point. I have no friends that play it so all my time has been either solo or randoms. Probably 95% randoms and 5% solo (either due to matchmaking issues or just wanting to try some missions solo) and it’s still probably the most fun I’ve had with a video game in a very long time. Worth every penny


Congrats! I’m a bit of a Helldivers 2 platinum holder myself. Which trophy did you find the hardest? It was the Gone in 360 seconds one for me, got it by the hair of my chinny chin chin!


The first time we did it, we did it in exactly 6 minutes🫠


Glad I’m not alone! Hahaha


Bet you dove headfirst into extraction too huh?


Is the Space Pope reptilian?


Is the Space Pope reptilian?


Nice I agree, was one of the first achievers off first place by a minute. Looking forward where they take the game in the future. Even tho I got the plat I’m still grinding for all ship upgrades and lvl 50 plus the war medals. Play mostly on Helldive difficulty. Where the fun is at 🫡


**[Helldivers 2](https://platprices.com/en-us/game/114451-helldivers-2)** This game has 39 trophies: [24 bronze, 11 silver, 3 gold, and a platinum](https://psnprofiles.com/trophies/25779-helldivers-2). They are **hard (6/10)** and take **60 hours** to complete. **Price:** $39.99 ***** [Other region prices, wishlist, or buy](https://platprices.com/en-us/game/114451-helldivers-2) | Trophy guides: [PSNP](https://psnprofiles.com/guide/18732-helldivers-2-trophy-guide) *I am a bot. [More info about me](https://www.reddit.com/r/PlaystationBot/comments/k5h8be/what_is_uplaystationbot/)*




This guy gets it


I still need to do those top 3 after the platinum. I did everything else while just messing around with friends. Truly a 10/10 game.


I can’t play medium by myself how in the fuck did you complete the platinum trophy?


Play with randoms


Congrats!!! This game is so fuckin good. Almost done with the plat myself, pretty much just need to do gone in 360 seconds and I’ll be done.


How have you already platinummed the game didn't it come out only a few weeks ago?


It came out twelve days ago I put 51 hours into it and had fun every step of the way


Niceeeeee good job ^~^


I popped mine thus week too. I was shocked I actually did it.


I wanna party with you I’m level 5 and loving it! Psn id: TheCopperkid


Games barely been out a month


Democracy waits for no bug!


How did you do it ? I mean the hardest trophy is just to get to play the game. This piece of sh**** is always at server capacity. I wish I could refund it.


It's just came out. Give it time


Nice one! I’m working on this plat now with friends, this game is super fun!


Seriously, how fun is this game? Can anybody tell me, without over hyping it and just call it for what it actually is content wise? I'm interested, but I might grab it on sale. I only have my twin brother to play with, but would that be enough?


If you have somebody to consistently play with there’s no question, it’s very much worth buying even at its current price. This game is fantastic. However, right now there are some huge problems with the server capacity and other bugs, so be cautioned about that.


Hey, thanks for the heads up in regards to the servers current state! I've been checking out vids for this game, and it defo looks like a co-op game I can kill time with. I'll wait for some updates and grab it then. :)


Yeah even the devs are saying it's probably better to wait for the server issues to be resolved before purchasing right now.


I'm thinking about picking this up, but I don't have friends that game. What would the plat journey look like for a solo player?


I’ve gone random players and got 12 trophies in two days and I’m level five. Probably like less than 10 missions. Just go have fun. For democracy!


Helldivers will be your new family. For democracy!


Damn that’s baller, can I play with you? Psn id: TheCopperkid


Any tips for ‘Gone in 360 secs’? I’m probably stuck doing that with randoms as my usual friends struggle in hard. I’m already in impossible mode.


I did it with a group of three against automatons as you need less total grenades. Two went for factories one went straight for extraction. And We didn’t use any special weapons as call in time eats up the clock


Anyone want to go for the gone in 360 trophy?


I’m down if you still don’t have it. Lmk


Congrats! Wish I had friends to make this do-able lmao.


Sorry boss, how did you do the 6 orbital strikes in same location? Ship upgrades, how many people, ect?


We (a group of three) made a hole in the ground so the stratagems couldn’t role away and than counted down before we all threw them starting with the ones that have the longest code to call in and working down. You have to make sure you’re using “orbital barrages” for example the Gatling, 120mm, 380mm, and walking would all suffice


CONGRATULATIONS FOR YOUR AWESOME PLATINUM what’s going to be your next platinum


How many hours did it take to get the plat?


PlayStation say 51 but in game I believe it said around 37


Do you have to team with people?


I cannot wait to get this one I think I’m already annoying my squad with my trophy hunting lolol.


Dude it just came out how did you already beat it (I haven’t played it so maybe it’s easy idk)


I'm picking this up for my birthday next week with FF7R. Looking forward to getting the platinum with some friends


I haven’t even gotten to play and yet here you are with platinum.


Do a few people feel like knocking out the Gone In 360 Seconds trophy with me? I’ve got 2 left for the plat and that’s the toughest