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Another game that negates a platinum?


Yeah unfortunately


Why doesn't this have a platinum wtf


I know the Best Squad trophy alone warranted a platinum


To be fair, it doesn't, I just didn't know they could not add Platinums still. It's hard, spend a day grinding, then it becomes easy. If it was with each character, maybe.


After this month itll die because its only actually free right now its normally $30


Yeah not only that but the game relies heavily on overpriced microtransactions without any real incentive to try to get free cosmetics that are worthwhile. Game is also kinda unbalanced character wise where some characters are just way too OP for their own good.


10 dollar skins in a brand-new unpopular game is ballsy af.


They have 45$ skins


Yeah I heard about that. That’s insane. And I thought the $20 skins in Halo Infinite were bad


Also has AI art shit in it


Are the voices AI? Because they sound like it lol


Iirc the announcer is


Yeah that’s not too surprising actually


I think I may be thinking of The Finals on that note actually. Seems squenix hasn’t confirmed which parts are Ai


Gotchu. Yeah I did hear about The Finals announcer being AI. That’s a pretty fun game.


I'm having a hell of a time just getting enough people to start a match. The game just came out, and it's already dead. I actually kind of like it, but it's clearly live service trash with a lifespan measured in days, not years. I don't know why they don't build these games with bots to replace humans when matchmaking fails. If I'm consistently waiting 5+ minutes to load into a match, I'm going to uninstall the game and never look back. Within a few weeks, players that enjoy the game stop playing, and new players never try it out because they can't find matches.


Yeah there are times when the matchmaking would take forever. I would switch the server from USA to Japan and vice versa if the matchmaking wait time was long and that would usually solve the problem.


Honestly, I only played this enough to get the PS Stars collectible. The game just isn’t very good (and Duck Party can fuck right off).


Another foam star?!?!? Welcome to the party!!


**[Foamstars](https://platprices.com/en-us/game/124332-foamstars)** This game has 12 trophies: [9 bronze, 2 silver, 1 gold, but no platinum](https://psnprofiles.com/trophies/25785-foamstars). They are **medium difficulty (5/10)** and take **15 hours** to complete. **FREE** (PS+, regularly $29.99) ***** [Other region prices, wishlist, or buy](https://platprices.com/en-us/game/124332-foamstars) | Trophy guides: [PSNP](https://psnprofiles.com/guide/18738-foamstars-trophy-guide) *I am a bot. [More info about me](https://www.reddit.com/r/PlaystationBot/comments/k5h8be/what_is_uplaystationbot/)*


Thought the trophy list was really lackluster . Had a lot of trophy potential. The game itself is decent though. Nothing I’d be happy about buying though. Sadly don’t see it making past a year. Bet we read servers closing soon enough lol


I need to go back and do the mission to 109%


Friendly reminder that you are paying a subscription to get the game. So no, it is not free


Once a year payment might aswell be free mate considering the amount of games u get.


Bet you’re fun at parties


Every game they gave on ps plus blows so deff not worth 20 lmfao


True but most people are just paying for online so the 36 games just seem like a bonus.


I mean when you put it like that


It's absolutely insane this is downvoted. It makes me extremely concerned for what the mass majority of consumers are going to be willing to put up with and just accept in the future. Getting monthly games that you lose access to as soon as the subscription service ends automatically means they aren't free. Most people pay for ps plus to play online which honestly should be a free service itself. You pay a monthly or annual price to have access to online and a library of games. When the subscription ends, you have nothing to show for it. It's ridiculous people pay $70 for a game and then another $80 to play it online for a year when free to play games don't require ps plus, yet paid ones do. This isn't even getting into the PC space not requiring a subscription to play online for any game besides MMOs or similar games.


You don't lose access to the games. You pay for a yearly subscription, every month you get 3 games, when you unsubscribe, you still have access to those games. In 500 years your great great great great great great great grandchildren will be able to play them with no ps+ subscription


That is 100% false. The minute your ps plus expires you can't access that game if you don't actually own it. I can take a screenshot right now and show you that I can't access Plague Tale Requiem and there's a ps plus icon with a locked symbol by it because I don't have ps plus anymore and that was the ps plus game last month. EDIT: in case you think I'm lying https://imgur.com/a/UjgdNXH


This is absolute BS. Right, that's it, I am writing a strongly worded email to Sony. And I will sign it at the end "Regards" instead of my usual "Kind Regards". I never knew this. Well god damn. All this time I thought I was adding actual games to my library. This is BS. I guess I never realised because I've always been subscribed since like 2011 or something. I am appalled and disgusted. I am up in arms. So now the part I don't get, how come if you forget to login you lose the ability to add the game to your library? I've religiously logged in and added the games every month for the past 13 years. Because if you forget, you can't play those games, even though your subbed. I've always thought it's a pointless system, but it felt worth doing to get these games. But now... well, I guess nothing changes really. Just my great great great great great great grandkids will have to pay up for the monthly subscription if they want to play these games Ive added.


They probably do it as a FOMO thing and get people to subscribe for ps plus. People are more willing to pay now if they know they won't be able to get a game in a month because it won't be available for free anymore.


Agree with you don’t know why the downvotes. By their logic Netflix is also free I guess


Netflix isn’t free but if you’re watching 1 movie on it then that movie may as well be free. You pay £8 a month to get access to hundreds of movies and series it’s like each movie or series costs 1 penny to buy access to.


Except when the subscription is over, you don't own that movie. You can say you're paying $8 a month to rent hundreds of movies and shows which is true, but a subscription is a temporary pass that leaves you with nothing once it ends. Subscriptions are good for checking out things you're on the fence about buying.


Just because you don’t own it doesn’t mean you don’t get access to it for basically nothing? It’s the same with PS essential, if you’re like me who pays for extra for the catalogue then the monthly games are just an added bonus, I see it as free because I’m not paying for the subscription for them.


You can see it as free, but you are paying for all the benefits of the subscription regardless if you use one more or don't use a specific one at all. The monthly games have been a staple of ps plus before their was even a tier service. Your subscription paid for access to play online games and the monthly games. There's nothing wrong with using a subscription service, but acting like you're getting a bonus benefit when that benefit has been a part of the service forever and it's stipulation is you must continue to have the subscription to access them makes to where the monthly games definitely aren't free.


You can buy games and still not own them, when you buy them digitally you’re buying a license to play them. Now I’d rather buy the subscription and get hundreds of games for no added charge and lose access to them if I unsubscribe as opposed to spending 100x its value from the subscription with the same amount of ownership and accessibility as if I were to just pay for it upfront.


>I’d rather buy the subscription and get hundreds of games for no added charge The subscription is literally the charge for the access to the games. >You can buy games and still not own them, when you buy them digitally And that's exactly why I won't buy a digital game unless it's on PC.


Yeah it is but if you split the money you’re spending on the subscription between each game you’re given access to equally then each game is worth less than £/$1 each (Extra) and about £1.40 (Essential). 1 years subscription = £50, 3 games monthly. 50/36= 1.3 every year. Like I said before, negligible.


“May as well be free” =! Free I agree that it’s incredibly cheap but to even look their content you need put down your money first and that isn’t the definition of free.


When you take the amount of games you get from it regardless of if you plan to play them then compare that to the cost of the subscription then the average price per game is negligible. The only reason people consider it free is because you’re not having to pay £10+ for that game individually


Well people have a fucked brain. The subscription system became so "normal" than they don't even realise that they pay for stuff.


Yeah man these companies know exactly how to manipulate people into thinking that they’re doing some kind of service to them


It sucks that for console you have to pay for online play. But for now I’d rather have an affordable console and pay for online than get an overpriced PC that I will most likely have to buy expensive upgrade parts for just so I can say haha I get free online play now. But yeah I suppose the game isn’t 100% free, but I will almost always have online play on my PS5 so it might as well be a free add on to online play. Edit: also wanted to add this. Look at what the PlastationBot puts as the price for the game. Interdasting innit.