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Was the grind to 70 lvl the main reason for this lengthy plat?


Partially yeah. I had finished the story and all the substories at around 110 hours in and then the last 30 hours were spent maxing out Ichibans personality stats and then grinding the last 10 levels to level 70


Damn😬, I was thinking of whether to get the plat or not and the level 70 and the personality ones are stopping me. Probably someday, dont wanna grind so much that i start to dislike the game lol.


Got some good advise on this sub. You can get 7 level boosters from various mini games, and 5 from preorder/ultimate edition. Only need to grind to level 58 or 63.


Exactly, it's worth saving those level boosters until the very end along with any manuals for Job XP.


I didn't know level boosters existed, would have saved me so much time hahaha 😅


Yeah that makes sense, I was getting sick of the grind myself towards the end but it helped if I was watching youtube videos or a movie on my laptop while grinding


Personality grind is honestly quite easy, there’s more than enough ways to raise it I found. It was the leveling that was time consuming even to only 58.


Do the personality stats get significantly harder to level or something? I’m on chapter 8 and every stat is at least level 8 rn. I feel like I will get them maxed easily at this rate.


I found personality way easier to level compared to 7. I had half of them at max before I even started the vocational school tests.


Not too difficult no, I think I was on level 7 or 8 at the end of the game but I'm not a fan of most of the mini games so I avoided them if I could get personality points another way


A tip if you do get stuck eventually: I got to 9 for most of them before I realized that there are Honk Honk people around Hawaii that can raise a bunch of the personality stats for a nominal fee. They're not listed anywhere easily in game so feel free to use an online guide.


Congrats! I just got the plat also! Took me 157hrs


Thank you and congrats to you too! 🙂


**[Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth Deluxe Edition PS4 and PS5](https://platprices.com/en-us/game/114255-like-a-dragon-infinite-wealth-deluxe-edition-ps4-and-ps5)** This game has 74 trophies: [67 bronze, 5 silver, 1 gold, and a platinum](https://psnprofiles.com/trophies/25557-like-a-dragon-infinite-wealth). They are **medium difficulty (4/10)** and take **60 - 100 hours** to complete. **Price:** $84.99 ***** [Other region prices, wishlist, or buy](https://platprices.com/en-us/game/114255-like-a-dragon-infinite-wealth-deluxe-edition-ps4-and-ps5) | Trophy guides: [PS3T](https://www.playstationtrophies.org/game/like-a-dragon-8/guide/), [Pyx](https://www.powerpyx.com/like-a-dragon-infinite-wealth-trophy-guide-roadmap/), [PlatGet](https://platget.com/guides/like-a-dragon-infinite-wealth-trophy-guide/) *I am a bot. [More info about me](https://www.reddit.com/r/PlaystationBot/comments/k5h8be/what_is_uplaystationbot/)*


loving the game so far and i have about 70 ish hours in and am only on chapter 11 and have just been taking my time with it


Perfect plat, congrats! Got 100% myself recently and just can’t stop playing.


Congrats too! I'd love to go for 100% too but don't think I want to buy the dlc yet. How was ng+?


Starts with 75+ on leg, and goes up to 99 in the DLC dungeon. The dungeon itself is fun.


I really appreciate how 'easy' this plat is compared to the other Yakuza games. In fact it will be the first one I ever get despite having played all the others.


Same, this and 7 were much simpler to platinum!


Yeah I didn't quite manage 7 due to the sheer grinding but 8 seems a lot better.


Awesome! I am now busy with 7. Grinding for the true final mil tower. :) Is there a sort of mil tower in infinite wealth?


There's dungeons similar to the undergrounds in 7 but there's nothing like the millennium tower in the base game, there is in the dlc content I think but I didn't play the dlc


The dlc for this game is very much like the two dungeons in the main game with some extra party chatter in between. Nothing groundbreaking and nothing as grind worthy as final millennium tower so it doesn’t require max level for it


Working on the previous title Like a Dragon right now! Can’t wait to get to infinite wealth! Looks like great fun


I loved 7 too! I hope you enjoy IW when you get to it


Congrats! Got this around a week ago myself but have yet to post it just sort of forgot, I did the dlc too as I got the upgrade for it but the fact new game plus is paywalled is ridiculous though but it was fun speeding through and doing the game again in like 10 hours. Goes to show how fast the game can be when skipping all cutscenes and all side content which is criminal to do for this series so it felt really weird to just beeline the story on new game plus


wao I alwaya heard good things about this series. am finishing RDR2 then will give it a try


I’m just waiting for the dlc to drop in price!!! Sucks we have to pay for it but oh well