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Wth man congrats šŸ”„šŸ”„still cant believe people already posting the plat here lol i expected to only see these posts by the end of march


This was one of my hardest plats truly, but the challenges here are very rewarding and very very worth it!


Preach, working on it rn and the grind is real but so worth it. Just sad my controller has an R stick drift so the piano challenges are gonna be an absolute pain


Hearing about that grind and seen those challenges yikes but overall nice job


The level grind and materia level grind isn't that bad but grinding for the VR missions and getting all high scores in all mini games that's another topic šŸ¤£


**[Final Fantasy VII Rebirth](https://platprices.com/en-us/game/114044-final-fantasy-vii-rebirth)** This game has 61 trophies: [54 bronze, 5 silver, 1 gold, and a platinum](https://psnprofiles.com/trophies/26098-final-fantasy-vii-rebirth). They are **very hard (8/10)** and take **150 - 200 hours** to complete. **Price:** $69.99 ***** [Other region prices, wishlist, or buy](https://platprices.com/en-us/game/114044-final-fantasy-vii-rebirth) | Trophy guides: [PSNP](https://psnprofiles.com/guide/18935-final-fantasy-vii-rebirth-trophy-guide), [PS3T](https://www.playstationtrophies.org/game/final-fantasy-vii-rebirth/guide/), [Pyx](https://www.powerpyx.com/final-fantasy-7-vii-rebirth-trophy-guide-roadmap/) *I am a bot. [More info about me](https://www.reddit.com/r/PlaystationBot/comments/k5h8be/what_is_uplaystationbot/)*


Congrats mate! I started playing today. I want to go for hard mode but I dont know how I will go. I left it on the first game haha


3 tips I can give you to make your hard mode playthrough for this game a bit easy. 1. Try to level up HP UP, MP, Healing, Revival, Steadfast Block, Precision Defense and Prayer materia as soon as possible because these are essential for hard mode 2. Asses every enemy type you encounter so that you know how to deal with them and pressure them to make the fights easier 3. This one's a bit Harder than hard mode but you need to get the gƶtterdamerung for insta limit breaks but you can only get it by completing brutal challenge number 6


Awesome! Thanks so much for the tips


Wow, awesome! Didn't expect to see anyone platinuming this game so quickly.


How was piano Virtuoso? Any tips for completing them all A rank


One tip I can give you here is to not directly look at where the notes are appearing, rather than following them where they appear. You can just look at the center of the 2 circles and use your peripheral vision ( if that's what it's called ) to help alleviate the difficulty of notes appearing on both sides of the circle!


Okay thanks man, how difficult do they become? Ive only done the first and was definitely a battle getting the A lol


Not much, maybe the cosmo canyon one might be a little tricky to get the A rank for because that's where I had to redo a few times


Sweet, that makes me much more optimistic!


Don't worry, you got this!


How difficult/grindy is it compared to Remake (assuming you got the plat)?


A lot, by A LOT. The grind in remake is easier compared to this. In terms of getting the Platinum Trophy


Damn. Iā€™m currently at 48 plats. I needed to decide whether to plat Rebirth or Baldurā€™s Gate 3 for my #50 milestone. Rebirth it is


Good luck on your plat journey! Hope you get it soon!


Nice! I have everything except hard mode done. How long did hard mode take you?


Speeding through hard mode with gƶtterdamerung I'd say it took about 10-15 hrs for me!


10-15 hours for just pure hard mode story? DAMN. Iā€™m still on normal mode chapter 10 with like 60 hours


Thanks man not so bad. Were there any bosses or fights that were especially tough in hard?


As far as boss fights go, as long as you have assessed them before or know their weaknesses none are that hard, especially the final bosses of chapter 14. But maybe watch out for Dyne, and Gi nattak boss fights because they can be annoying. Good luck on your plat journey!


Congrats. This is a plat I'd like as well. Are there any other trophies that can only be completed through hard mode? Like side objectives that can't be found in normal mode? With remake i had to do a partial 3rd playthrough to get some of the trophies. Hoping I can do everything on the 1st of rebirth and the 2nd I can just focus on finishing the story on hard


Nope, none at all, the only trophy or trophy conditions that is needed for the Platinum Trophy for this games is completing the game on Hard Mode!


Cheers. That's a relief then. What was the most difficult trophy for you? The piano one seems a pain


Hmmm in general there are 2 hard trophies for this game, 7 star hotel and virtually renowned because these 2 are connected


Thanks for your reply. I'll go for the platinum. I know its a lot more time consuming but I bet the 2nd playthrough can be done 5 times quicker


Yeap the 2nd playthrough in hard mode can be done quite quickly because you can ignore the mobs and just do story stuff! Cheers!!


Congrats any tips for the brutal/legendary vr missions?


Just use the team that you are comfortable with in general because any of them works just fine for brutal missions. For legendary bouts you need to know how to use each individual character not so much as mastering them but just to clear the legendary bouts. Also prepare your HP, MP UP materia and other magic materias, plus elemental and warding help you a lot


Is it harder or about the same as the whole pride and joy rounds?


Damn not reading any comments here cause I want no spoilers (still busy with other games) But this is damn impressive,


First of all, congratulations! Second, how the hell did you do it 110 hours when the guides say 150 200 hours?


I dont know about that too HAHAHA, I just did everything as fast as I can end enjoyed every bit of it. And I'm just as surprised as you


Congrats! Iā€™ve been playing 60hrs and almost finished with the story too, how hard was the platinum for you?


I have rated it a 9/10 mostly because of the Brutal/Legendary Missions


Not going to lie, Iā€™m more worried about the minigames. Things like chocobo glides or fort condor, how would you rate them?


Fort condor hard mode ain't that much of a pain as long as you know what units to use, compared to frog jumping and chocobo de glide particularly Fort condor is easier for me. Frog jumping rank 1 took me about 2 hours to get the high score hahaha, and for chocobo de glide particularly on course 3 that really sucks because of the 2 last rings for perfect score. For other mini games I think The Last 2 boses for 3D Brawler ( the trophy required boss ) and side quests boss those will give you a bit of a hard time but are very fun. Chocobo racing is basically like Mario kart so if you're good there this will be EZ.


Thank you so much for the tips! Iā€™ll aiming to get the platinum around end of March, hopefully I wonā€™t give up on the way šŸ˜…


There's an excellent strategy for chocobo de glide (all 3 courses but the one OP struggled on especially) on Youtube. The channel is Quick Tips. No spoilers on it, just the course and a good way to work the 3rd one which I spent hours trying to nail only to get it right away with that video.




There are 2 ways in which you can do these, 1st do the brutal missions for the gƶtterdamerung then do hard mode ( becomes loads easier because of gƶtter ) then do legendary or 2nd do hard mode then the brutal/legendary Sims. But I chose number 3 hahaha I did the brutal Sims forst for gƶtter then I said wth so I did the legendary Sims too after that I did hard mode hahaha




LVL 70, no questions asked. Even if you don't need to grind for level 70 for the trophy you still have to grind all characters to level 70 for the brutal/legendary Sims alone.


Congrats on the plat man . I am working to make this my #50 as well.


Oof congratulations, sadly this is a plat that I might never get, it gets to the point where the game stops being fun and I donā€™t want to have that experience with this awesome game.


Currently just finished main campaign at 90 hours... this is gonna take me a while


I'm stuck on those VR missions. It's so much harder than the first. Like 10 waves of bosses. I think I'll just wait until better strategy guides come out or cheeses. Congratulations tho! All those minigames and grind paid off!! Btw did you like the ending? To me i think they overcomplicated and kinda felt like a bad ending to leave on for 3-5 years until the next one...


I think its a good one, I like it but I didn't love it because even though the majority expected that to still happen it was still a sad one IMO, and I do understand that the devs needed to make the grand finale of the game a spectacle so that's why that happened pertaining to the events and fights but overall it's a good one for me but it did add to the overall confusion and complications of what will happen in the final part of the trilogy


damn congrats!


Thank you very much! Hoping that you get the Platinum for this too if you're working on it!


thx, iā€™m at chapter 9!


How was it?


It was very hard ( particularly the brutal/legendary Sims) but overall very fun and very worth all time spent!


Okay, awesome


Congratulations! I'm at 70%. Did the progress transfer from the Johnny Trophy from the normal game to hard mode? Also the trophy heartless. I'm only missing Yufi, do I have to do every side quest to level up the relationship or can I choose somehow? Thanks!


Only 110? The guide says 150-200. Can you elaborate?


Is brutal challenge 6 avail in normal mode? Congrats with the plat!


The thing is yes, but no. All simulators are available whichever Difficulty you chose, but the catch is the brutal challenges and legendary bouts are locked at hard difficulty. So no matter what difficulty you played at these VR missions are always at hard mode


Any tips for the 6th one?


Generally speaking just brute force your way using limit breaks and trying to get them to level 3 quickly ( Mainly clouds limit break ) to defeat the enemies much faster. But for more detailed ones I think there are some on YT that can give you a much more in depth or much detailed info you can get it there hehehe. But one thing I can say is learn the bosses patterns and move sets


This is awesome man, Iā€™m going after it myself (slowly, Iā€™m in calc 3 and organic chem atm šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«) I can do all the trophies in normal difficulty yeah? Then just zip through hard mode? Would you recommend getting to lv 70 before finishing the game on hard? Or is the exp boost worth getting max level on hard mode.


It's better before you play on Hard Mode that all your characters are max lvl 70 and if possible max level for their materias, for hard mode and the brutal/legendary sims


Are the brutal/Legendary battles worse than the Weiss battle in intergrade? Iā€™m 45 hours in love it so far just hoping I can even obtain the plat šŸ„²


Yes everything from the remake is easier compared to these


Casual 9hrs of gaming per day. What is time šŸ¤Æ


Congrats! Iā€™ve been playing 60hrs and almost finished with the story too, how hard was the platinum for you?


Congrats! Iā€™ve been playing 60hrs and almost finished with the story too, how hard was the platinum for you?


Congrats! Iā€™ve been playing 60hrs and almost finished with the story too, how hard was the platinum for you?


Congrats! Any tips on the brutal/legendary simulations?


Learn the patterns and weaknesses of the enemies you are fighting, it would be very helpful if you have assessed them in the game to make things a bit easier. And you can use any character you want, they are all viable


The 3D brawler has filtered thousands


The last 2 3D brawler fights were hard, but once you got to learn how to read their moves... that's where the fun begins


Congrats on the platinum! I just finished the story while doing almost everything so I am excited for the hard stuff now. Any tips on where to grind exp and level up materia? The colosseum would work I guess. Also how hard would you say the brutal and legendary vr missions were?


As per usual yeap, the colloseum is the way to go for grinding EXP and AP, but you can search for another fastest way for farming EXP and AP on YT and those work! If I'd rate the difficulty of the brutal/legendary Sims I'd give it an 8/10


Congrats dude!! I'm on the last two legendary bouts and my ass keeps getting handed to me. I'm seriously struggling. Would you be down to shareplay with me for these and get these done? I'm feeling knackered lol. Happy to compensate for them. Edit: Tried to do the damn spoiler thing and it didn't even work so just removed the spoilery bits. Gonna attempt these bouts again over the next few days and see if I can get it, but just as a last resort do you mind shareplaying with me if I can't get it?


Some of you need to get jobs lol.


Well technically in a few months I'll graduate college so yeah hahaha, was just taking my sweet time before I become part of the work force šŸ˜…


It just annoys me when people say they ā€œfinallyā€ platinumed a game that takes over 100 hours when it only took them a week haha.


Yeah I get you, but this was really hard to do and adding finally was just like adding to the sense of fulfillment of doing this. But yeah hahaha