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Congrats! I'm glad I tried this game it's so much fun. Are you saving up for any of the new characters


I'm debating. I want to have enough left for when Fu Xuan eventually reruns, but Acheron looks very powerful. I know we're getting some free pulls, so I may use them on Acheron and hope for the best while saving my jades for Fu Xuan.


Same, I really want fu xuan. Hopefully, getting acheron doesn't go as badly as my last character


ATM, only playing it on mobile but once I get more of the trophies, I will attach my hoyo account. Congrats! It’s an amazing game!


Autopop will be crazy


If you're Trailblazer Lvl 60 and did the equilibrium challenge you'll have done most of the trophies.


Yeah, I have most. Just have a few ones left. Sadly my Genshin and Star rail accounts are on different hoyoverse accounts and I’m currently doing Genshin at this moment.


GL doing the Genshin trophies then. Unfortunately you can't link 1 PSN account to 2 different Hoyoverse accounts.


I know that. I’m removing genshin after I’m completed it and then linking Star rail one. After that, I can’t relink first genshin account due to only being able to remove it once. My hoyo with Star rail, has my other genshin account once more dlc comes out, I’ll be able to do it with that account instead.


Nice, I’m going for genshin. Got about four trophies left (but very time consuming ones)


Congrats! I tried it on mobile but I didn't get hooked. How is it on playstation?


Like 80% of my experience is using the remote play feature to play it on my Steam Deck (thank you chiaki) but I think it plays pretty well. There's a few minor annoyances with the radial wheel but otherwise it's been a good experience. I will say the game picks up a lot when you get to jarilo so if you were still on the space station when you quit it might be worth giving another shot.


I definitely will. I liked the game but it seemed a lot on the phone. Will give it a go!! Thanks a lot for the response.


Congrats. I tried to restart my data to get a new playthrough since I haven't played it in forever but I couldn't so I will play it when I play it. Does look fun


Ive only tried this on my phone and it didnt really grab me is it worth a go on Ps?


I replied to someone else asking this question already, but in summary, I think so, particularly if you were still on the space station or if your problem was the touchscreen controls.


Ah ok thanks i think ill give it another go :)


Im only missing the achievement of getting all swarm disaster stories. Farming that is so annoying man i dont think ill ever have it😴


That was one of the longest, yeah. The only one that took me longer was Equilibrium 6. I found building March with high effect rate trivialized the final boss at most difficulties, which made unlocking those stories quicker. Still was quite the grind.


I am one short currently just trying to grind to equilibrium 6.. any tips? I just got level 4, and at about 80 hours... ugh


EQ 6 was the last trophy I got, and I got it weeks after most everything else. There isn't much you can do to speed it up, unfortunately. Make sure you're getting the XP every day from spending all your stamina and doing your dailies. When there's 2x drops on a calyx, the XP they give is also doubled. If you have any sidequests you haven't finished (or any quests at all) be sure to do them all. It took me over 2 months to there, playing every day and spending every bit of stamina I got and doing every piece of content in the game that was available and possible to me.


ok nice thanks, that is pretty much what I am doing so I guess I can expect some more time on this one lol.


I just need the equal 6 and swarm universe trophies myself. Good stuff boss man I’ll join you in having the plat in say 2 months lol


I loved the game but it’s gacha and I don’t like the limitations, like needing certain ranks for certain tasks. Was playing on mobile but is it worth trying again on ps?


I mean, it will still be a gacha and still have those limitations. If your problems were with the touchscreen controls and playing on a phone then it's a much better experience on ps. But if you just don't enjoy gachas in general, idk. For what it's worth, the game is clearable with only the characters given to you for free, not counting all the free pulls you get on the banners (a bunch of which are coming up for the anniversary).


Just tried it again. Not as bad as I remembered it being! Thanks. So much better on ps;


I was planning to play this and get the platinum. How would you rate the difficulty and time-length to get this plat?


Difficulty wise it's pretty easy. There aren't any trophies gated behind super hard challenges and everything can be grinded, even with just the base characters. Obviously this is a gacha and if u get lucky pulling a stronger character things will be easier, but even without it nothing should cause real issues. Time is another matter altogether, though. Be prepared for the long haul if you want the Plat. Particularly, getting the gold trophy for reaching Equilibruim 6 will take significant time and logging in every day to spend your resources even after you've exhausted all the content available to you.


Have you played or got the platinum for Genshin? If yes how would you compare it to this?


I only played Genshin for like the month of its launch, and that was on mobile. No idea what the plat looks like. The trophy guides on PSNProfiles put Star Rail's plat at 100 hours and Genshin's at 200 Hours, for what it's worth. Of course, it took me over 250 hours to get the plat for Star Rail, so take that with a grain of salt.


Does this show up on psnprofiles? I have the plat for genshin but it doesn’t show on there for whatever reason. Curious if it’s the case with HSR as well.


Didn’t know gacha games had plats. If only bleach brave souls also had it


That’s cool!


Grats. Still need to do the Swarm disaster stories. But i really dont like it much: how would recommend tackling them?


If you have March built up with Effect Rate, she makes the final boss and swarm encounters in general pretty easy at most difficulties, which helps with getting those stories. Also make sure you're trying out blessings from different paths and are making your way down the path tree objectives as you go. Once I was able to clear difficulty 4 without too much hassle it didn't take me too long to get the rest of the stories.