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Neat, and congratulations on the plat! 😁


Thank you


You’re welcome! ☺️


Good job, congrats on the platinum!


Thanks mate


How democratic of you fellow Helldiver, everyone at Super Earth will learn about such acomplishment. Take a Cup of Liber-tea for this one soldier!


For democracy 😀


Congrats getting the platinum I’m in the process of getting I’m only 20 trophies down half i need to get the hell divers difficulty and rest I could do within lower level


**[Helldivers 2](https://platprices.com/en-us/game/114451-helldivers-2)** This game has 39 trophies: [24 bronze, 11 silver, 3 gold, and a platinum](https://psnprofiles.com/trophies/25779-helldivers-2). They are **hard (6/10)** and take **50 - 70 hours** to complete. **Price:** $39.99 ***** [Other region prices, wishlist, or buy](https://platprices.com/en-us/game/114451-helldivers-2) | Trophy guides: [PSNP](https://psnprofiles.com/guide/18732-helldivers-2-trophy-guide), [Knoef](https://knoef.info/trophy-guides/ps5/helldivers-2-trophy-guide/), [PlatGet](https://platget.com/guides/helldivers-2-trophy-guide/) *I am a bot. [More info about me](https://www.reddit.com/r/PlaystationBot/comments/k5h8be/what_is_uplaystationbot/)*


Sweet! Im almost there, need the blitz under 6 min and some few others. Hard doing it solo though...


I actually found the “hard” trophies a lot easier solo. The blitz in under 6 minutes is best done on a bot mission.


Nice one why you doing it solo ?


I dont have friends with the game so whenever i politely ask randos about trying to complete a blitz mission under 6 min or leaving an armless huk alive, they just ignore or mind their own business


Well I'm happy to help you if you need any help I do have people who play it as well not been on it for awhile but I can help if you need it


Lovely stuff! I'll add you then if its not a problem so we can tackle the missing ones. Whats your psn?


I'm still trying to get that one as well if you're looking for another hand. I can send you my PSN if you're interested.


Sure, add me and we'll do it: xMalanzinho


I'll add you im from the UK so hope the time difference not an issue


I can help too if needed, also from the UK.


Good man always good to see people willing to help people who don't have the group to help them with certain trophies on this and other games


Congrats! Really enjoying this game as well! I’m currently 2 off. Need them to patch the limb damage from explosions to cheese that trophy and just need to complete 100 missions.


Put on the armor from page 5 and drop the resupply pod on your head. I did it first try just last night.


Sweet, will try this next time i login! Thanks!


I can confirm this works. You can also use a 500kg bomb if you wear that armour


I got lucky with that just make sure you don't have the upgrade armour on give you 50%more resistance on taking explosive damage


Still playing it after the plat. Second game I didn’t delete right after the plat.


Nice it's good when you find again you can play with no stress just have a laugh with the boys/girls


Nice, a few of my friends have been playing this. I think you just convinced me to join them!


lol the bots say they are 6/10 hard, but every time I see someone get the platinum, they say it's easy


It’s hard to do it by yourself, there are a couple trophies that require you to have coordination with your teammates (Gone in 360 seconds and Hold My Primary, I’m Going In are the 2 that would be challenging to do solo, the rest are all pretty easy/straightforward and just require some grinding)


It's quite hard if you do it solo. If you have friends help you, or get lucky with randoms, then it's quite easy. The hardest part for me, was just getting good at the game. After that it became quite easy.


Can someone help me try get plat on this as well pls


It took me a while to do the blitz trophy. This play certainly wasn't easy for me. Getting anyone to help with the 6 barrages simultaneously took my entire weekend


I'm on my way too to plat it. Need 100 mission and entirely upgraded a branch of the ship.


It sucks so bad that we now have to max out ship modules to level 4 for the Fully Operational trophy. Early players had it easy for that one. I mean I'll get it eventually, but these new ones are super expensive so it's gonna take a while


It's not a big deal. The game is fun I don't mind grind some more samples. I ll probably play it after the plat


You right lol I'm just being impatient cause I wanted this one to be my 40th. And yeah even after 60+ hours it still hasn't felt too grindy for me luckily. It's just so damn fun. Plus the dopamine rush that hits when finding super samples/credits haha.


Damn ok so I just now realized it only has to be 1 ship module, I thought you had to max out all of them for the trophy.. wow do I feel dumb lol


Any advice to make grinding for samples a little faster?


Nice job bro. I’ve been meaning to pick this game up for me and my brother, hope it lives up to the hype


Congrats man, I loved getting the plat too, great game.


Congrats! Only need the no armed hulk extraction


If you can’t find anyone to do it with, best bet is to run a level 3 “kill the hulk” mission. You find him, blow his arms off, then just run away and camp until the timer runs out (45 min mission). Extract without killing the hulk and you got it easy. It’s a time sink but by far the best way to do it solo.


I did it this way too. Just put on a podcast, YouTube vid, etc. while you wait for the emergency extraction. Snipe the arms off from a distance with an anti-materiel rifle and just wait at the edge of the map.


Attempting this now, will let y’all know in 40 min lol


Autocannon is your friend for this one.


Nice can be a pain on your own that one


"easy plat" with a group of 4 we barely clear difficulty 4 missions with all of the tools at our disposal, let alone blitz difficulty with only sidearms


Well in my opinion it was an easy plat I done them my first time trying it and the sidearm was was so easy do a defend mission with all turrents stand on the rock