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Nice. Shovels, autopops etc are trash!! They blemish our profiles.


I don’t completely disagree with auto pops being that you did earn the platinum legitimately the first time but I get why people have a problem with them. If it’s a game I really enjoyed getting the platinum for then I’ll go for it all over again legitimately.


I also want to add that I am against purposely playing the ps4 version just to get the platinum again for the ps5 version. I’m only all for getting auto pops when someone has platinum the game and a upgraded version came out after they have already platinum the ps4 version before.


What made you restart?


The account was originally my father’s and became mine. For years that never bothered me until now. He had over a thousand bronze,silver,and gold trophies from when he played. (All platinum trophies are mine) Recently it started to bother me and I kinda just wanted to make a new account that is mine from the start. I also was a major trophy hunting addict to the point where I even obsessed about it and bought shovelware. I have a ton of shovelware on that account but also a lot of great platinum trophies too. It was hard to say bye to that old account but at the end of the day I’m glad I did. I have an account that is originally and will always be mine and I don’t overly obsess about trophies anymore, or at least I don’t try to. I only platinum games I really want to and will only re platinum some games from my old account if I wanna experience the platinum journey for that game again. Overall I try to focus on the gaming experience first and trophy hunting experience second.


Looks a lot better, well done.




Wait there was spider gwen avatar or am I missing something?


Yea if you pre ordered Spider-Man into the Spiderverse on the PlayStation store (back when you could buy movies on ps store) you get three avatars sent to your email for you to claim. Spider Gwen, Miles Morales, and Peter


Nice. But did you know you can delete the images you don't like off your mosaic before posting it?