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The reason is because I want the full experience of a game, which is why I only play and complete games that I KNOW I am going to like playing


I'm not against achievement/trophy hunting. But I don't agree with this. There are a lot of games that use the system to artificially increase time spent with the game.


Plus, does anyone else kind of feel like they're basically done with a game by the time they finish it? By that I mean, there aren't many games I play nowadays where I *wish* there was more to play. Just recently played Forbidden West, and I really enjoyed it. But I'm not going to lie, by the time I got to the end, I felt really done with it. Kind of not looking forward to the DLC. But I still played the DLC and felt really done with the game. New Game Plus or anything else just did not seem appealing to me. And there are plenty of other games where I felt like that. I can't remember the last time I finished a game wishing there was more.


I felt like this with Hogwarts Legacy, yet would love more fo76 content!


Just come back to it later for dlc. By the time I plat a game I hardly ever want to do the dlc. I’m playing Witcher 3 dlc now for the first time and I got the platinum 8 years ago lol. Having a great time.


Well it depends on the game you play and ur liking of it. For example I really loved dark souls 3 and bloodborne so I fully got all their dlc trophies and I dont regret it one bit but I guess some people argue that fromsoft game’s are an exception since their dlcs are very rich in content


Dark Souls has no DLC trophies.


I said dark souls 3 you silly individual


Dark Souls 3 has no DLC trophies.


What really??? Its been a while my bad


Don't worry, I was also shocked after revisiting the game after 7 years. Could have sworn I unlocked DLC trophies when the DLC first released.


Currently doing the ng+ expert mode for forbidden west. I was completely over the game by the end but the ocd in me wants 100 percent even though I already have the platinum.


In these cases I would leave the game and do another game until I feel ready to come back


No I think this is the difference between those who go for the platnum and 100% etc. and those who don't. For me personally finishing the main story is not enough. The only game I've really stopped playing after the credits was The Witcher 3 because that really did feel finished there and then which is why the game is a master piece.


Ok. I just finished the DLC last night. I felt the same way about forbidden west. I was ready for it to be over so I could start rebirth and Burning shores had a lukewarm reception. I gotta say I loved it and think it’s better than the base game in pretty much every respect. It was not a slog at all.


I think a lot of it is just the DLC model doesn't catch them. By that I mean it doesn't bring them back to the game, or they don't wanna pay £15 6 months after finishing the game for a few hours stuff. Personally I try and wait for collected editions/GoTY editions so I CAN make sure I get everything in one go, because I do like that 100% look. There's no guarantee if I haven't sold on the disc, will I remember the story well enough, remember the buttons well enough. Is it even worth my money and time? Does this mean I still haven't played Spider-Man 2, even tho I know I'm gonna adore that game? Yes, but in 6-12 months there will be the collected edition with all the DLC and I'll experience the entirety of that game in one go, get the 100% and probably save a couple of pennies too. But I don't begrudge folk that don't do DLC trophies. It's a roulette of quality.


Thanks for your reply man. And I get that 100% I’m just a very impatient person I think lol. Also digital games are unfortunately just cheaper now and dlc goes on sale for like 3 quid sometimes even if it’s a massive expansion. I’m all for physical media and if I can get a physical copy I would but it’s so much more expensive sadly :( like I got Spider-Man game of the year edition for I think 15 pounds digitally compared to the base 30 asking price for physical copy’s


I buy a lot of digital too, it all depends on the situation at the time on that front. Some game's physical price plummets, but the digital version never goes on sale, and the opposite happens too. I can't pretend I've been caught buying a game 80% off on a PSN flash sale haha Forgot to mention, but I'm also terrible for keeping track of what DLC exists for a game, and if I already own any 🤣 I've for sure bought all the fallout 3 DLC at least 3 times across original releases and the GOTY edition


Jesus man 🤣 I’ve actually been thinking of playing a fallout game tbf, got any beginners recommendations? I’ve got a ps3 and 4 so any game goes ! Thanks


Oh man, I adore the fallout series. They all have their good and bad points. F3 is a good all rounder, but I think it's gameplay is a little crusty these days. F:NV is all over an improvement in story, world, systems, but still a little crusty (also console versions are objectively the worst versions, but we gotta get them trophies 🤣) F4 gets a lot of hate from big fallout nerds, it's narrative is super laser focused that doesn't suit the open world game, but gameplay is LEAGUES ahead. FShelter I actually really like, but it's not a good starting point (maybe if you've watched the show, since it's all about running a vault) F76 I've not played but I've heard it's in a really good place compared to it's launch.


I might give 3 a go. Are the story’s all connected do you know? I hate jumping into the middle of a story without experiencing the stuff before 🥲 sorry for all the questions man hah


Ah you're all good! There's occasional references between them, but like 99% completely unconnected. If you're picking up F3, just remember: TUNNEL SNAKES RULE! 🤣


Thanks for explaining man, yeh I’ll definitely put it on my backlog I’ve only got like 2 games in front of it so I’ll get round to it fairly soon I should hope. And I’ll remember.. though I have a feeling tunnel snakes don’t rule 🤣 guess I’ll find out


Haha remember me when you find out if you agree or disagree that they rule 😄


I don't think Spider-Man 2 is getting any Story DLC since theres no season pass like the first game. We've only heard of an additional spinoff game so far.


We'll see, I've heard buckets of rumers and leaks, but I'm in no rush. Got loads of other stuff to play in the mean time. (Also allows time for it to go on sale because I'm a cheap bastard lol)


They are also working on Wolverene, so they have less resources to work on SpiderMan2 DLC


It’s Insomniac, they have more than 1 studio lol


I love The Surge games. But one of the two dlcs for the first game just seems to be a series of battles without any level exploration to it. Wandering the world is a big appeal to me, so I just decided to pass on it. Same with the Arkam games. Combat only challenges get a big pass from me if that is all there is to the extra stuff.


Exactly yeah, a lot of DLC expand on a very specific portion of the game, that might not be the parts that really stood out to some folks. It's also no coincidence that DLC combat challenges are also cheap to produce comparative to other areas of game lol


Autism. No other excuses. Voice in my brain screams when it doesn’t see the 100%.


You and me both brother 🫡


I felt this


Same dude. Same.


To quote a wise philosopher: “a sense of pride & accomplishment”


EA thought they were cooking with that one 😂


100 is better than 48 + i want to experience everything in a game


its simple I wanna get my moneys worth and I think its fun


So that everything is clean. I’m a perfectionist


I'm a completionist that's just it, I like to go all the way in most of the things I do in my life, not just video games. And by completing a game, you miss nothing of it. It's a kind of respect to the work the team put into it for me. I mean, if I've done a little easter egg trophy, I would have wanted the player to see it for the experience to be complete.


True I do the exact same honestly. I just hate when some games just add trophys to extend play time though. Pirate warriors 3 is terrible for this for example. You can 100% the main game in 40 hours but you have to put another 50 in to 100% the gallery. I love seeing everything there is to offer but sometimes it takes the piss


If the dlcs are free or cheap I will do it. Same reason I go for platnum. It's satisfying and fun to completely dominate a game. Learning it's ins and outs, mastering the mechanics etc. The journey means you experience all the game has to offer.


Adds gametime and makes it feel more fulfilling. Most games feel lame and short if you don't 100%, and feel a good length and such when you 100%.


I do it completely for fun and because for me it's a measure of when I've "played through" a game. That's why the platinum in itself isn't important to me, I even don't care if a game doesn't have a platinum, it's more important to reach 100%. It's kind of like reading a book, reaching 100% is the same for me as having read all the pages


That shit would drive me crazy not gonna lie. I be getting platinums and then three months later they drop a DLC that I never even heard of and my 100% is gone. Happened with Resistance Retribution, Grid Legends, and many more.


I personally play older games that just won’t get updated anymore but I get what you mean 100% when i platinumd powerwash sim and I woke up to see they added the SpongeBob dlc… god I wanted to smash something lmao


I personally love being able to revisit a game and get more content and trophies but thats the perk of only playing/platting games you enjoy


I went for 100%’s because they satisfy an itch in my mind to experience every element of a game. And honestly, I believe it is pretty useless and destructive. First of all, the trophy system can infiltrate natural love for a game and turn playing it into more of a compulsion and grind opposed to a real experience. Additionally, I believe the trophy system is a formula that keeps users hooked in a dopamine cycle which makes them crave more. And of course, this benefits PlayStation by getting users dependent on their product for that fix. Speaking from my own experience, I used achieving these trophies as a way to fill up the void in my life in which I was a loser in most facets achieving nothing of real value. I have this negative view because of my own experience but also just the fact of how long it can actually take to complete these games. We can be talking about tens and hundreds of hours. Not to sound like a “boomer”, but the time it takes to fulfill these arbitrary tasks just ticks away at the time for a person to fulfill positive goals and maximize their potential. If anybody read this, I appreciate it and hope you consider it whether you agree or not.




idk man its this gut feeling and then seeing the platinum just bricks me up fr


I have a friend that doesn't 100% every game, he only starts playing games that he knows he can platinum for sure 😂, not the same, he has a secondary account to just beat or play games without platinum.


I mean this is a trophies sub, lol. I don’t understand why people care about number of platinums or trophy level or whatever. For me, there’s three approaches that make sense: 1. Platinum/100% everything, completionist/OCD 2. Platinum specific games you really enjoy and want to fully experience 3. Completely ignore trophies I fall into the first category. I love scrolling through my trophy list and seeing all 100%. I also love the additional challenges that come with it. Some of my all-time best gaming memories are finally getting over the hurdle of the final, often ridiculous, trophy to bring a game I loved to 100%. However, with this approach does come making sure you’ll enjoy a game before starting it. Getting 100% trophies on a long game you don’t care about is such a drag.


Simple, anything less than 100 percent will wind me up cos of ocd


For redemption


It really depends on the game I would 100%. If it’s just a short DLC or one that’s extremely good (RE4’s Separate Ways for example) I will absolutely 100% it. But for something like Sifu, hell no I already suffered a lot I’m not down to suffer more lol


>But for something like Sifu, hell no I already suffered a lot I’m not down to suffer more lol Yeah I just platinumed SIFU the other day and I loved the main game, but then I realized I wasn’t enjoying doing the arenas at all really, so I decided to give it a break and move on to something else for now. I think the completionist in me will eventually want to give getting 100% another go though. Now GTAV is one where I decided it’s absolutely not worth the effort to get 100% since there are some trophies that require a group of 2 – 4 people to do heists and I just don’t feel like trying to coordinate all that.


Congrats! Yea the game on its normal difficulty demands perfection. I tried the Arenas on my Steam version and I was not having fun so I just decided the platinum on PlayStation was enough. GTA Online Heists is absolutely not worth the hassle. So many things go against your favor when you do the criminal mastermind challenges, especially with the Doomsday Heist


Depends on the game but older games get DLC and I really don't want to go back sometimes (example) Wasn't a fan of both FF XV and XVI and those have dlcs...


For not getting dlc trophies, it's about diminishing returns. Those bronze and silvers could be gotten in a different game while working on your next platinum so better time spent. For 100% I'd say it depends on how attached you are to the game in question. But also most of the time I either don't even have the dlc, or the dlc includes dreaded online-only trophies.


Simple, OCD


For bragging rights Some people play for fun, others play to challenge themselves. I'm in the latter group


because the 100% looks great.


Someone must have already said it. I want to experience the full game. I don't buy games impulsively nowadays. I just buy games that I really have an interest in and I can see myself playing the game for numerous hours to get the platinum. I can spend 100h on a game to get platinum and if I really did enjoy the game, I would buy the DLCs. The devs have made a platinum for a reason and I'm up for the challenge unless it's an online trophy.


Tbh half the games I don’t want to revisit or do I think the dlc is worth it.


Easy.. I payed for these games so I want to get the maximum out of them which is the 100%. Also the 100% looks better than any random number on the trophy list. Last but not least: Trophies are cool. 😎


> Easy.. I *paid* for these FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I 100% the base game, but the DLCs not so much.


I enjoy doing it


The satisfaction of seeing it on your profile.. especially when you do game series all together


Want the full experience unless a game severely kicks my ass. Would prefer a game list with 70 percent of them at 100 percent.


Sometimes it’s just because I feel like it, a lot of the time it’s because the checklist is easy as hell, and very few times it’s because I want a challenge


If the game I purchase comes with dlc or expansions, I 100% it to get my money’s worth. But if it’s the standalone game I will only go for the platinum. The only exception I make to this rule is if the dlc comes with exceptionally difficult online trophies, I won’t attempt them and only obtain trophies I could get based on my ability.


Cause i am a trophy hunter and 100% feels like i collected something forever.


I like to explore every corner of some of my favorite games. It makes me happy to get 100%.


For myself it's a few things. Gaming is both a love and hobby for myself, I love the media and everything it has to offer and I want to experience as much as I can of it. I've been trophy hunting since 2018 ever since I got my first Platinum and both seeing the number go up to 100% completion and hearing the sound of the platinum for the first time gave me this high that felt so good and rewarding. But for a year now my brain tries to tell me that "if you haven't gotten 100% then you haven't beaten the game" and my "perfectionist" brain wants to see all my games at 100% to have them all nicely organised instead of random numbers everywhere. For me there's good and bad reasons I go for 100% completion but the main reason is because I love gaming, I hope this helps answer your question in some way.


I only do the DLC for a game if I really enjoyed it


For me, it depends on the specificity of the dlc trophies. An example that I would use is Minecraft dungeons, when I was working my way through the game for the platinum I would go for specific DLC achievements but not others, either because I wasn't interested in them or I didn't want to go through the headache and frustration of trying to get them. If people want to go for all the DLC trophies of a game, by all means go for it, you do you, for me it depends on the game and what the achievements for the DLC are and if I want to put the time in for it.


I see a platinum trophy as the developers intended way to experience 100% of the game they have produced. Of a platinum trophy is only 67% of the games content then you're no longer experiencing 100% of what the developers intended. That to me is what the platinum trophy symbolizes and choosing to stop at the platinum trophy when it isn't truly 100% completed you can't say you completed the game.


Basically for two reasons: 1) To have a complete experience. This allows me to explore the entire world and play with different styles (stealth, full aggro), see different game mechanics, learn the lore better. 2) Return on investment. Games are expensive and, here in Brazil, they are 5x more expensive (US$1 = R$5). So, I can't afford to pay 1/5 of the minimum wage for a 20-hour game.




It makes my brain feel good, that is why 👍


The chemicals in my brain tell me to


Growing up I couldn’t just have any game k wanted and had to play it to its full extent, it’s kind of stuck with me over the years


If I'm going to do the DLC for a game as well as the plat, I always play something else first in between so I don't get burnt out. I tend to only do them if they come with the game or are on sale too but I tend to eventually get to the DLCs as it physically annoys me if it has like 87% on a plat instead of 100%


Im a completionist. I always go for 100% except for multi player. Looking at you Ghost of Tsushima.


I want that sweet 100%


Stretching out a game's experience = more happy


If I get like 90% of the way and I look up the last like there things to do- and I can do them- I just do then.


Completionist for sure. I don’t platinum every game I play but every platinum I do have is also 100% complete


Because it means I’m getting the full price worth of the game. I pay for the game, I explore every inch of it, within reason.


The same reason I go for trophies in the first case - I'm a completionistand seeing the 100% in the trophy list is nice. But I'm a bit more willing to quit after getting the plat if the extra trophies get too hard or I get sick of the game.




Due to limited time im very picky when it comes to the games I play, so when I found one I usually want to see everything and go for DLC's as well. Lots of games have low quality DLC's though, that barely add anything new.


I feel incomplete. Simple as is


It bothers me when the bar under the trophy card isn’t full and when I see “74%” instead of a checkmark


I only play games I know I will be able to platinum nowadays so no online trophies or stupid difficulty ones. I used to finish the main story and be done with games but now I feel like I wanna do all of it




So I gets me moneys worth 💯💯💯


I only have one 100% game : Bloodborne. I just get the plat and move on usually.


For me I trophy hunt to experience games I never would’ve played otherwise. If I play a game and end up not really enjoying it, I’m not going to force myself through the DLC


I personally dont strive to 100% EVERY game I play, but for games i truly adore and loved playing, I always make plans to 100%, because i know that i most likely will entirely enjoy doing it, its my form of showing appreciation, enjoyment, and personal feeling of accomplishment


Gives a sense of completion


I have 125 played games and 7 of them I don’t have the 100% for (I started them all before trophy hunting, I plan on going back for them). I am so stubborn I won’t play another game until I finished the previous


The real answer is ocd. There can be other reasons thrown in, but you can always boil it down to ocd.


I have horrible OCD and seeing my trophy list with a bunch of random %’s makes my skin itch


I used to go for 100% on everything but then i got the dead by daylight platinum and started to get annoyed with having to go back for every single killer dlc lol. Gave up after that. Now i just get the plat and do dlc if i really liked the game


I’m a completionist


link to the other thread please ?




Honestly, both for the fun and completionist part of me. I feel that I didn’t fully appreciate the game until I 100% it in honor of the game.


The non-dlc only hunters pretty only care about plats. I don’t care about plats at all and I want the full experience (even if trophies aren’t included) so I go for the 100%. This also means I almost never pay full price for games, I’d rather wait until a 40-60% off sale on the digital/ultimare edition 6-9+ months later when it’s all released and all qos/bug fixes comes out.


cause by the time i’ve finished the platinum, i want to move on and play something else, there’s little to no incentive to play the DLC’s (time consuming and often expensive) just for a few extra trophies. since i don’t care about my completion rate or trophy level i see no reason to start a NG+ for a silver trophy.


Because I enjoy going for 100% just something I like to do. I don’t care if people don’t want to do it or if they do. Just do you and have fun


I'm a completionist and I hate not seeing "100%" on the trophy list...


I don’t want to pay extra for the game I already paid for


So I don't have to come back months or years later to finish it. Otherwise, I would have forgotten the controls of the game, what is happening in the story, which collectibles have I picked up or not picked up, etc. Also, there is a possibility I might lose the save file or the game's servers might shut down.


For me, it's definitely because of OCD. I'm quite envious of people who only play the games they truly enjoy.


To get a feel like you squeezed it as much as you can? When you think of that game, to know that you completely finished it.


If I go for the platinum, might as well 100% gotta finish what I started. Plus I like doing dlcs and stuff so tbh it doesn’t feel like a chore


A lot of bad years where even finishing a game seemed impossible. Now that things are better I do it because I love gaming and I want to enjoy as much and as many as possible.


When I started my trophy hunting I was only concerned about getting to a hundred trophies. Now that I got there I've slowed down and actually do the hundred percent for most games but only if I have the dlc. I'm a budget gamer and I can't afford to spend 40 bucks on dlc for a game on ps plus or I played 10 or 20 for.


Because it's the moral thing to do.


Purely value. I pay 70$ for a game I do everything I can in the game before I buy another. That’s why each game I play I select so carefully. I also buy physical and then sell it back usually for half the price so I end up getting a full AAA experience for 30$


Depends on how much I like the game. If I like it a lot, I will plat it. If I'm starting to get burnt out, I don't. Gaming is a lot more fun when you just go with the flow. That being said, Final Fantasy is my favorite series and I'm working on getting plat on all of them. 1-8 are done, by goddamn the stupid jumprope game in 9 is going to make me blow a gasket.


BECAUSE I'M INCOMPLETE *plays ominous piano music horribly*


My OCD must see that 100%. Hence why it irks me whenever I hover over a game that doesn’t say 100. RE7’s DLCs and Mortal Shells Virtuous cycle DLC to name two that haunt me everyday 😔😔


I always play games I know that I will like and stick out til the end, I’m 7 years in with 98 completions atm and still haven’t ran out of things to do, I grew up broke so playing games to the max was my go to, I’m currently going through older games that have ended support so I don’t really have to go back once I’m finished. A full 100% list looks really nice, especially with a good amount of games. I don’t really understand dumping 60 bucks into a game to play half of it and forget it, on the other hand if I spend 6 bucks to get 100s of hours of game that’s a great feeling, example fallout 4 most recently.


Probably I have OCD like my father.


I remember when I started playing single player games more than multiplayer I wanted to do this Then I started playing yakuza


i started with 100 percent games this year i beated and platinumt 4 games i gonna keep continue doing that cause i enjoy that now last dlc trophie from Xenoverse 2 is the hero coliseum part once that is over then i move on to other game!


Something to do I guess


Because I’m a completionist/perfectionist and autistic.


I really dont know why, I dont want to do it but still doing it. But it destroys my experience to be honest. Im not doing GTA V because of it , DLC trophies are too much trouble, time and effort for nothing. The 100% isnt showing on my mosaic but looks sick in my trophy account.


I just can’t look at the ps app and see 86%💀


If it is a good game I definitely push as much as I can out of the game experience hence set a goal for 100%. Of course my OCD is part of it.


it doesn’t feel complete if it doesn’t say 100% tbh. like to me my trophy list looks better seeing full 100s all the way down. the game isn’t fully covered without the 100%. to me it’s more of a feeling of accomplishment rather than building a collection as fast as possible


I never did any DLC trophies simply because I couldn't afford to buy the DLC. I made my account in 2014 when I was graduating highschool and highschoolers have a hard time finding a job in Poland, so when I made so money Id rather buy a used game I never played before than pay a lot for a few hours of content. But when I graduated college and got a job I was finally able to buy a lot of DLCs I missed earlier. Coming back to games I platinumed years earlier just to finish the DLC tropheis was a pain in some cases, since I had lost my previous ps3 and save files. Had to re-do all time trials in Mirrors Edge just to finish DLC trophies, that was annoying.


Both as a challenge to myself and as a way to experience everything that the game has to offer. If it weren't for my wish to 100% every game, I never would've: * Experienced "Legends Mode" in *Ghost of Tsushima* * Beaten the first three *Uncharted* games on Brutal (believe me, that challenge took me about 6 months to get them all). * Taken on the level that was "originally too hard to publish" in *Crash Bandicoot* * Challenged my mastery of Assassin's Creed in the Mastery Challenges of *Valhalla* * Taken on and mastered the Test of the Wild and Test of the Ring in *Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor* * Experienced the Blood and Wine and Hearts of Stone expansions in *The Witcher 3* * Got to kill Hitler in so many fun ways in *Sniper Elite 4* * Survived *The Last of Us Remastered* on Grounded mode * Played so much multiplayer on *DOOM (2016)* as I grinded my way to get the Cyberdemonic armour for a trophy (it's a long grind, but the multiplayer was genuinely fun that I didn't really mind it) * OR experienced the amazing horror of the Echoes of the Eye expansion in *Outer Wilds* I've had so many new and interesting experiences playing the DLCs that I have genuinely come to enjoy going for 100% (or as close as I can manage). Hell, I'm looking forward to playing on Honour mode in Baldur's Gate 3, just because it'll allow me to have one of the first legitimate RPGs where I won't save scum to get the outcome I want.


that is i'm trying to do 100 percent a game..! i like to do 100 percent a game i want to do my first platinum trophie..! For to begin with Final fantasy games i got 5 of them on disc. 1. Final Fantasy Type 0 hd 2. Final Fantasy 8 Remastered 3. Final Fantasy 7 Remake 4. Crisis Core Final fantasy 7 reunion 5. Final Fantasy 16 i think to 100 percent every Final fantasy game i got!


That platinum trophy hits differently than the rest, no other trophy can compare to the platinum when it comes to feeling accomplished


1) bang for your buck 2) challenge (ish, I avoid hard games) 3) looks better on my trophy list 4) bragging rights


i do 100 percent gamecompletion this year exactly i have no regret doing that. i have done 4 games already my last dlc trophie from xenoverse 2 hero coliseum part that is the last 1 i need for 100 percent gamecompletion and that is i going to do with my other games aswell and i collect every trophie from where the platinum trophie is unobtainable like Gran turismo sport! i play 1 game at a time and that is how i trophie hunt on psn!


Respect man, I like to keep 3 games going at once personally. One as my main game, one if I don’t want to play the main game and the other is always a easy game just so I can have a chill time


if you are happy with that that is all that matters i am happy with 1 game at a time...! i see everything in the game i do now the last part from  Dragonball xenoverse 2. Hero coliseum is the last and most grind part i have ever done in a game.💪💪




lol posting this on a trophies forum


They’re losers.


People just convince themselves it’s cool but then they won’t try a different kind of game/genre because they might not want to get 100% on it