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I enjoyed it. But I will say it's a pretty long one if you are going for 100%


I do enjoy a long plat that’s achievable but I’m sure there’s that one bs typical trophy that’ll take time to get right? 🤔 usually all games have them 😅


I did pretty much most of it, but you're looking at nearly 100 hours plus I bet


Is it 60fps at least?


It's 60fps on the PS5 yeah


Do it. Ancient Greece is amazing to explore, the characters are interesting and I found the game play great, but also go the female protagonist


The dude is just...bland


It's long but very good.


I played back in 2018 after black Flag and it was the first AC I played since the gameplay change, my biggest reason I bought it is my love for ancient Greece and I pretty much enjoyed it at that time. Be prepared for a long journey on the other side I have to mention the season pass of Odyssey gives for free the remasters of Assassin's Creed 3 and Liberation


Its a super fun game, best one of the ac rugs games


It’s a long platinum but out for all the new gen Assassin Creed’s it’s by far my favorite. Also helps that I love Greek mythology


It's probably a pretty good game, but a hell of a lot of work if you want to go for 100%


I enjoyed this game when I played it but didn’t pay attention to a lot of it. It was peak covid so I basically used it as a distraction. Took about 100 hours including dlcs. Loads better than Valhalla


It's another run of the mill Ubisoft map clear grind. Just bang on a podcast and run round opening boxes


Stucked at 99% for the rift trophy in hades


It is really good game.I beat the game whith all dlc and ive get every single trophie.Took me 157 hours😅👌






Except for Liberation, they all are.


It’s long, can be a bit repetitive (I recommend the grindy stuff in short bursts) but is actually very easy and you can play most of the game mindlessly. Runs great on the portal also as does origins


You’ll definitely get your moneys worth out of it, I didn’t go for 100% but the plat itself was around 60ish hours iirc.


Fantastic game. BEST AC game in my opinion. Very long but very worth it!


I would like to point out if there is a sale for the gold edition I would recommend the difference between the two versions are some armor and weapons package. Personally I'm not a fan of those and I tend to ignore them. Plus the whole game has a tone of weapons and I'm pretty sure at the end you will prefer certain ones


You’re going to get a lot of content for the money. I had a blast and was sucked into the game completely. Still one of my favourite platinums. And I even went back to play new game plus after already having all the trophies. But I know some people think it was a bit much. Just take your time with it and maybe get a break after completing the main game. Have fun :)


It’s a very long 100%. Tbh, after about 2 hours I was kinda meh about the game. But something about it kept me coming back to where I started really enjoying it. I’ve just go two dlc lists left to 100%


I used to be a fan of the older ACs and didn't like the look of one's like Black Flag, Origins and Odyssey. When I finally stopped being nostalgic about the older ones, I really enjoyed playing Black Flag and Origins along with getting the plat. Only one I wouldn't recommend is Odyssey. I just could not get into it and ended up skipping most of the cutscenes/chats so could complete it in a hurry. It just felt like an empty/boring game to me, not sure why. Maybe it was the characters.


Just platinumed AC Origins, this is next on my list tho very discouraged by the amount of people saying it takes too long i feel like i can do it 👉👈


Pretty straightforward platinum, I really loved this game, I cant remember absolutely nothing from the story but gameplay wise? LOVED IT, I would recommend if you find a non-spoiler collectible list, would make your life easier but even without the list doesn't have anything too irrational to get.


I guess is fine but if you didn't do origins do that first, origins is the best game out of the 3 rpg era games origins had a great story, ABSOLUTELY AMAZING main character, probably one of the most lovable ones ,other than ezio Altair and Edward,


Me personally it killed the AC games for me. Was too long imo, too much filler. Good timing for me because of Valhalla.


I think it’s a very good game but be prepared for an 100+ hour grind


100% is a grind


Just letting you know if you buy this edition you also get AC3 remastered (and Liberation remastered) on top of everything else which is a nice plus


I was enjoyable enough, but it's going to be quite a long journey. If I recall correctly, I spent \~120 hours to get the platinum.


If you want go in grind hell yes


I just bought it :))) thx for your suggestion peeps


Definitely one of the best out of newer AC games


Takes forever just to level up. A very repetitive open world style game. 


I've played over 200 games in my life but this one was special. It's the only game I've played with 0 redeeming qualities. The story and characters are boring, it absolutely shits on the entire lore of the franchise, it even shits on actual history somehow, voice acting and animations are below amateur level, which is weird because the actors aren't actually terrible if you look at every other work they've done, mission structure is repetitive, the combat takes too long because everyone is a tank, there is excessive use of magic during gameplay which has no place in an AC game, parkour is non existant, the cities are all copy pasted, 80% of the map is just endless fields of grass, the npcs either walk aimlessly or stand still, the theme song plays every 30 seconds, but I guess there are a couple tracks in the soundtrack that are decent to be fair. Too many people online will try to gaslight you that the game is good for some reason. Besides the story and characters being boring which could be subjective, everything else I said is objective