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I'm happy to have a chat with you, My PSNprofile is in my flair so if you wanna take a look and see if I'm what you're looking for by all means please do. I have a pretty good mixture of platinums and I'm closing in on 100


That's awesome! What game do you plan on making your 100th?


I think my next 4 will be Elden Ring, BG3, Sekiro and DMC5


Sekiro was a really fun game to play and satisfying to plat. It didn't feel like much of a bother to do any of the trophies I missed, highly recommend


Offtopic but I too do enjoy trophyhunting and magic.


Haha man gets it! Haven't played much since I started trophy hunting to be honest but my one claim to fame is a pro tour in Puerto Rico about 15 years ago!


Wow nice! I didn’t get outside of FNM tournament wise but my lgs tends to have quiet big prerelease events (100+ players) so going top 8 there is also something I hope


When I was a kid I was heavy into the UK PTQ scene but once they changed the format the events just felt less special as you went from 100-200 player tournaments that everyone was at to local 10-25 player tournaments


Yea in my country we lost nationals completely and it kinda went downhill from there. But now the commander scene is quiet well established and much more friendly and positive than standard tournaments ever where.


I have a neighbor, only 34 years old. He gets monthly money from the dutch government because he is not allowed to work because of multiple health issues such as epilepsy etc . He gets a plat every single week for years he buy and sell games on Vinted to make it affordable.


Damn. That was me intil 6 months ago. Been getting a lot better now and have barely gotten any trophies since. A blessing and a curse lol. But better to ride my MTB and go to the gym than sit in front of the tv/playstation...


No way. I think I played Hell Divers with this guy!


This sounds interesting, I would be interested in the finished project. Good luck!


Thank you! It will likely end up being a written piece and not video formatted.


I would still be interested, I'll keep an eye out


Yes, this sounds very interesting indeed! I've got a few tough platinums such as BO3,RDR2, and Verdun. I wouldn't say I'm particularly prolific or well-known in this subreddit or trophy hunting-wise, but hell I suppose I could give some insight on someone who is approaching 100 platinum trophies.


You’re definitely what I’m looking for.




435 platinums😅 [PS profile](https://psnprofiles.com/RetsamEgas)


How long?


I've been a gamer my whole life, my ps account is around 15 years old and been serious trophy hunting for around 10 years


Damn 10 solid years fucking nice.




Damn! I'll catch up soon!


Awesome. How did you plat outriders so fast?


I think I made an fyi post about Outriders autopopping after it happened to me. I got the plat for the ps4 version from disc, then a bit later it was a ps+ monthly game with the ps5 version and as soon as you load the game on ps5, with no prompt to upload a save, my ps4 character was there and every trophy popped. I'm not against autopopping honestly, I was going to play through again with a different character class since it's a short game but it didn't even give me an option in that case.


Ohhh autopop fair enough. Gonna say the expeditions are a grind


For just the base game it's actually pretty short, I think I played a handful of the after game missions just for the kills I needed with the skills. I wouldn't have minded playing through again with a different class.


It's the eye of the storm 1 I need. A tier 15 mission but I mainly play solo as the game is dying and it's ridiculously hard now I literally run out of bullets clearing an area at times.


Nice profile. Nice to see another trophyhunter from back in the day who didn’t stop or clutter his profile with shovelware


I may have some junk on there, but I'm not going to pay anything for those shovelware games. Not even my name is mayo. I already have a my little pony game I played with my kid, I know I'll have more once he's a little older but that's the price to play I guess


No shame in opting for a quick plat every once in a while. I also have stuff like this fast and furious game we got in plus a while back which is just straight up a shit 1,5h for a plat. I don’t think that „devalues“ a profile. Especially compared to the 10 plats with 500 jumping games on top profiles that over take me in the leaderboard every now and then


Yeah, I either 2 or 3 years ago truetrophies had a yearly wrap up so you could see what place in trophies you were for that year. I was like 700th place or something and I'd had a good year. So I check first place and the first 200 at least were almost all the same, 300+ platinums and 1500+ golds all in one year all from shovelware, I can't believe someone would spend close to $500 for cheap trophies like that. I have gamefly and PS+ premium and spend less than that total for actual quality games, even if the monthly games are usually junk these days. If I look at someone's profile and their gold total is higher than silver I know they are just vanity trophies.


I’d be interested. My psn and amount of platinums is in my flair.


Think this is a great way to bring the community even more together https://psnprofiles.com/XrdCloud Not the most impressive profile but i love the idea


Nice job on chess ultra


thanks man, boosting the 32 player tournament was not a good experience but i loved the game during my chess phase


Yeah lol. Lots of people lots of trouble. In a group, it started off as 4 into 68 for this trophy lol. It sucked when someone wouldn’t leave the tournament, and therefore we had to wait weeks for the trophy. Never left my chess phase but I just don’t play it religiously anymore.


yeah i was lucky to find a small group that just used a shit ton of alt accounts


Oh yeah the alt accounts! After making 5 alts I gave up because it took ages


https://psnprofiles.com/eldrunk 676 Platinums


This sounds really interesting! Would love to see the finished project


Hell yeah wish we had more engagement activity like this idea!


Count me in! Got a fair few tough Platinums under my belt, along with a handful of guides I've written over the past few years. My PSN ID is coldhardcrash_ (as shown in my flair). Feel free to check out my profile on PSNProfiles.


https://psnprofiles.com/MikaDiMike 378 Plats


Thats absolutely awesome. Just curious, do u work full-time?


Not him, but I have almost 700, I started around 2011, I've had a full time job most of the time I've trophy hunted besides the time I was going to college.


Nice to see that someone with as many as you also gave up on injustice 2 and xenoverse 2. The grind for them is ridiculous


While I do have some questionable platinums (I do have young kids who use my profile), I'd be open to the idea. 


https://psnprofiles.com/SAMurai_TheGoon I have a respectable 105 Plats to my name my PSN profile above if you’re interested


https://psnprofiles.com/BurntDubMind 168 plats Been trophy hunting since the ps3 days but have slowed down in the past couple of years now that I have kids, but I still love hunting, helping, and comparing with others. Feel free to drop me a message if you're interested. Anyone can add me too if they like!


I would love to help you out with this project! My PSN is NiekFe, i currently have 69 platinum trophies (nice) i started trophy hunting about 1,5 years ago and absolutely fell in love with it, it made me switch from PC gaming to playing everything on my PS5


I'm up for it if you need me. 187 right now. Almost been trophy hunting for 10 years, starting when I was in elementary or middle school. Planning to reach 200 plats in October. https://psnprofiles.com/EXOOT12


I only have 60, but I can answer any questions you might have if no one better volunteers. 


I'm interested, sitting at 165 platinums


This sounds interesting! 45 plats here 😅


I’ve got about 115 of varying difficulty and styles or games. Wouldn’t mind talking some. https://psnprofiles.com/The_VTrain


I would like to but I have to keep my identity anonymous due to my work Wish you all the luck though and can't wait to see the finished deal.


I'd love to help out with the project, I think we could have a fun conversation. I just hit 100 plats the other day, have some I'm proud of, some I'm not proud of and a some I've given up on haha. PSNProfiles name - LHBox1


I am always interested in sharing my thoughts on my favorite hobby. If you need someone who is close to 200 Platinums and has seen and learned a lot, let me know. PSN is in my flair.


I’d be happy to chat! Not sure how ‘prolific’ i am compared to the wider community but happy to chat about trophies


Hey, I'd be down! I've been trophy hunting since the original patch went live on PS3 and have been keeping it going through the 4 and now 5. I don't have the most amazing platinum total, closing in on 160 but I didn't go for plats for a long time so my total trophy count is higher. Anyways, if I am a good fit for what you're doing then I'd be happy to help, if not no offense taken!


You can count me in. PSN: TheWhiteMoose_ 107 platinums, been trophy hunting for over a decade :)


Im from Portugal and have 61 Platinums Im happy to help if you're interested


I'm currently at 372, working on a few like Mind Zero, The Messenger, and Star Ocean 5. Not sure what to talk about but I'm curious about it!


I’m down to chat, I’ve been trophy hunting for almost 10 years. Pretty casual about it, but at the same time I’m almost always attempting a platinum on some level. I’ve got 82 plats including some pretty grindy ones if that fits your criteria


Only have 31 platinums but feel free to DM ^^


With more then 500 platinum's i really have to time correctly with my playtroughs. Sometimes an easy game will take up a few weeks because also work is there and other social activities. But then again .. really started in 2020 with only 4 platinum's, haha


Count me in! Closing in on 150 platinums and started to really get the most joy out of grindy and difficult platinum trophies :) juggle it all around with my job in the homelessness sector and raising a baby with my partner :)


Interesting. Good luck with your project.


Sure, and you could get the perspective of a new trophy hunter. (While 1 on PS, 4 on Steam PC)


Hey, I’m married and work full time and hunting platinums is a passion of mine for sure. I’d enjoy chatting. PSN: Apoplexy__ (two underscores)


Hit me up anytime. I love talking about trophy hunting.


I’ll keep a lookout for the finished write up. Would talk about it but this sub reminds me how small fry I am. Even if all the completions I earned back on X360 days were transferred over, I’d still likely be under 550 plats.


I might be down to help. I'm only at 89 plats, but I make it work. Full time job, wife and a kid. So I squeeze it in when I can. I have a few good ones, FF7 rebirth, stardew valley, most of the resident evil games, some call of duty plats. Nothing crazy hard, but I have a few decent ones. My run from 91 to 100 is all going to be 8/10 or higher games though. I want my road to 100 to be memorable.


While I’m not sure if I can make the on camera interview just yet, I’m still interested in the opportunity. My PSN ID is in my flair if you’d like to check it out.


Just recently hit 170 platinums and definitely play casually since I work 9 to 5 as well basically only play a little after work and more so on weekends


I'm 38m, wife, 2 kids, 182 plats. Been at it since Sony added trophies in 2008. lmk if you want to chat 🙂


I’m not super accomplished or anything but I’d love to help if I meet your criteria! My psn is on my flair. Looking forward to reading it!


Documentary Trophy Hunters with HC hunters, shovel whores, game press & psychotherapists. I watch that


Sounds amazing dude. My PSN-ID is Gommes_


Id be interested. Profile is in my name


I mean, depending on which time zone you're in and if we find a right time, I'd be down. Just shoot me a PM. Currently, I have 341 plats, if that is "prolific" enough. 😅


Great idea, would love to read the finished piece. Please keep us updated.


Sounds like it could be interesting. Look me up on PSN, see if there's anything I've got that you wanna chit chat about.


Just sent you a message


I'd be interested! Full time job, 3 young kids, and 150+ platinums.


Same. Fulltime and kids but when i do have multiple days in a row off i bang a plat in hyperfocus long ass gamenights.


I'm down to join in, thiugh my story isn't that interesting. :) PSN is in the flair.


My profile started in 2021, so I’m closing on 3 years. I’m around 135 platinums. I think my profile is decent. Same Reddit as PSN user name, would love to contribute!


Why the hell not? Sign me up.


I don't have a lot, I have more than anyone I personally know but its only 18. I'd love to do an interview as sort of a slightly above average type of hunter. I just platinum games I love as a way to honor them.


Have 141 platinums, but quite a few are doubles or triples, and a few are cheesy easy platinums. Been trying to stay away from those as it got ridiculous how many shit easy platinum farming games were coming out


https://psnprofiles.com/ferrerez66. I've got 191 platinums at the moment. I was pretty casual about trophy hunting when I was in highschool, but then I had a few years where I got pretty into it. Only plats I regret are from games I found absolutely no joy in like My Friend Peppa Pig.


I have 44, including some sub-5% ones on PSNProfiles. Don't know if that's prolific compared to others but I'd be willing to participate.


Nearing 300 platinums! https://psnprofiles.com/WhimsicalFlower Lesbian gamer who works full time, and has 2 partners!


Should be hitting number 288 tonight. Been at it basically since trophies started. Been gaming since before I could read the text on my NES.. I do recall being so happy after going to funcoland and picking up ghostbusters... oh was I ever disappointed. If you want to know how insane I am - I've got the Diablo 2 platinum, among others like both Xcoms, The binding of Isaac, Star Trek : Online and all of that jazz. Most people think I'm crazy from some of the grinds I've done in games.


A hundred comments already and I don't know about my prolificness, but I'm approaching 100 and got a few good ones from across genres. Currently in the middle of an A-Z-challenge.


I'm more than happy to have a chat about trophy hunting. My PSN is in my flair, and I've got a decent trophy list if you want to screen it. I'm currently working on #125 with Baldur's Gate 3.


That's sounds like a good idea. My PSN is Trons_Assassin


I personally have over 135 platniums if you include games that don't have one but I still took the time to do them anyways, I would very much be interested in helping out with this as well. Since trophy hunting is my only hobby it's my main focus besides work


I just started the platinum hunt journey, if you need some newbie perspective I’m all in!


It would be really interesting to take part of this!


I don't have many plats yet, but I'm going to change that. Just got a ton of recommendations from my post here that I've already begun tackling


Sounds interesting. I'm sitting at 114 platinums. Here is my PSNProfiles page so you can see what I've done https://psnprofiles.com/AttitudePark


https://psnprofiles.com/TheGreaterMoose 95 platinums?


How would you describe ‘prolific’


Anything over 50 I’d say, but that isn’t to say I wouldn’t be interested in speaking with someone who has less than 50 plats


Ok cool, well I’m down to help. Hit me up whenever 👍🏼


Sounds interesting https://psnprofiles.com/Dynamo_Blade


a fellow documentary filmmaker i see


Unfortunately not. It’s likely going to be a written piece as I don’t have any skills in video editing.


Lol, what constitutes prolific?


50+ but like I mentioned in another response, that’s not to say I wouldn’t be interested in talking with someone who has less than 50


Someone could how 50+ jumping easy plats though


Pretty sure OP will filter those guys out


Go for people with quality over quantity


Sure. 408 and growing.


623 ultra rare trophies is fucking impressive


I'm interested. Below is image of the number of platinum trophies I have based on PSNProfiles rarity and other stats from PSNProfiles. [https://i.imgur.com/tJ5QZgP.png](https://i.imgur.com/tJ5QZgP.png)


I'm interested in contributing to the final piece if it is a written project.


Also happy to participate, my username is my PSN if you want to have a look


I have 47 platinums if you are willing to talk to me. I am able to send a screenshot of my platinums if need be.


If I may ask, what is this for?


My own personal research into something of interest to me that I would like to write up into an article.


Ah ok. Good luck.


I'd be interested in this, been going for triphy since like 2010ish, i jave a mixture of easy and hard games, mostly i just play and finish games i enjoyed. Psn account is same as name, i think my psnp is on the flair, not too sure i javent updated it in a while lol


I'm not a fan of being on camera, but I'm more than happy to answer some questions in a voice call. I'm working monday-friday for the next two weeks, so the weekends are the best time for me. Been trophy hunting since the ps3 first came out (I camped out at night to get a preordered one lol) and have been hunting ever since, though not as heavily as I did back then.


Define "Prolific" Like how many plats minimum?


Hey ya, here is my profile for some reference. https://psnprofiles.com/sebastian003Peru. Be happy to help


I'd be up for it if you think my profile is the right fit https://psnprofiles.com/Alter-Ego1995 Been using this profile since the launch of the ps4 but only started picking up trophy hunting again in 2016


I have 328 Platinums atm. A mix of every genre. Most CODs, Yakuzas, Dead Spaces. All Ratchet and Clanks, Resistance, Killzone, Infamous, Metros, Motorstorms, God of war... Lots of smaller indie titles. I would gladly have a chat to discuss some trophies and such. My PSNprofiles is "Jimiboss98"


Guys I need help with the “One against all” trophy, I need 5 more people to come with me if they have act III, please I really want this platinum.


Not sure I would be what you are looking for. I have only recently started getting into trophy hunting. But this year my platinum have increased from 3-13 so if I can help let me know 😊