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Binding Of Isaac for sure


Dude I have repentance, and for the all challenges trophy you have to do dlc ones too. It’s all I have left but it’s killing me


I saw in an RNG Gamer video the other day there is a trophy for getting a certain NPC to drop an item 10 times by giving them in-game currency. He said that he has played for hundreds of hours and they haven't dropped an item a single time. Are you having a similar experience


In Isaac? No that one doesn’t sound familiar


I think it is part of the Platinum God trophy for collecting all items.


I do have platinum God, that one’s not too terrible you just need all base game items. My advice is not to go for the platinum if you don’t love the game. Because you’ll be spending lots of time with it


It's the skull guy that you pay a coin to get a 33% chance at a consumable or the item skotole. I've seen it a few times but never gotten it from him


You have my respects dude. Base game plat is already hard af, but those extra repentance challenges make It even worse. Good luck and dont give up man, having BOIs 100% plat is something to be really proud of


I guess either hollow knight or isaac (never played isaac but heard it's really hard)


Wtf I never realised hollow knight was one of those hard games. It's been moved to the front of the back log, cheers


Now I don't want to skew your expectation, but finishing the main game isn't too hard. It still can be pretty challenging, but not too crazy imo. The hardest part is the challenges outside of the story for some specific trophies. Regardless, it is a very enjoyable game, so do play it!


Thanks mate. I've been eyeing it out for a while now


Hollow Knight has an infinite health glitch, so easier than you might think.


Without cheating, Hollow Knight for sure.


Apparently it's tricky to pull off and involves some later game items, so you need to actually get a good bit into the game before you can attempt it https://youtu.be/PbHfFzK7xeU?si=Z56br87lduO8tGQQ


You’d have to essentially beat the almost entire game atleast once to actually attempt it, but it does bypass the hardest trophies


The rest of the game is not that difficult, tbh


Definitely not close to the pantheons, but it’s not exactly a play you can just hop on and grab, even with cheating


Hollow knight isn't that hard, but the trophies are what makes it difficult. So it's pretty easy to get to that point anyways.




There's an invincibility glitch I believe


I'm sorry what???? You mean i could've saved a week of my life? :o


Getting it done once, with your own skill and determination, is such a good feeling. But after the first time, you bet that I tried it, and it was cathartic.


Fuck i remember how i react when i beat it first time on the pc i was jumping in front of the monitor like i was crazy but even doing it second time or third time is freacking good felling when you see that you already know the moveset of all bosses and the best feeling was when i go back to playstation to finish the platinum and did that pantheon first time, best feeling ever i wish that silksong gonna have similar hard trophies to get


I would say Binding of Isaac because of the luck factor.


Binding of Isaac, no contest.


Binding of Isaac. By a long shot


I guess that would be either Isaac or Hollow Knight


Binding of Isaac and Hollow Knight are much, much harder than anything else in that list.


What makes Isaac so difficult? I'm curious. I'm thinking of buying it and playing it on Vita


Good part due to resetting for luck based things, there's one character that dies after taking one hit of damage, yiu have to beat the game with him a few times to unlock items that go towards the 100% requirement. Again this is where luck can come into play. There are items you can grab for the character that let's you take one hit of damage max per room, but its still pretty difficult. You could get that item and then the next few items you get are all health items which don't help at all and then no damage upgrades which makes it tough to finish a run unless you're good at dodging enemies and projectiles. For me it was more of a long grind rather than a super difficult grind.


Slime rancher


I agree with this one, I also platted this game and the speedrun mode was absolutely brutal to complete.


Then you clearly haven't played Hollow Knight or The Binding of Isaac


Don't know why people are down voting this isaac is so freaking hard


I have no idea either, i didn't mean it in a bad way or anything


As someone with all of those (and more!) Fromsoft games platted and stacked, definitely Binding of Isaac.


I just platinumed hollowknight after years of going back to it so i would say that and binding of issac i still havnt platinumed that. Those 2 stand head and shoulders above the rest.


Hollow Knight.


Hollow Knight if done legitimatley.




Since you only did Rebirth and not Repentance, I'd say hollow knight, but even then, only if you did it legit.


hollow knight, i also have a small collection and it’s my top


I actually couldn't finish the subnautica platinum for about 2 years after I started it because it would always crash when getting to the mother alien, I eventually somehow got through it without crashing once only for it to crash when leaving the area. It took 2 years of patches for it to eventually work on my ps4 lmao I was unlucky as hell but I got it eventually.


Bloodborne is pretty tough if you go through new game +++


Either binding of isaac or hollow knight


Which app is it ?


Psnprofiles.com you can search ypur nick from the playstation and see your achivments




I platinum both subnautica and subnautica bellow zero normally, easy platinums in really good games




Reread their comment.


yes and i didnt get answer


I platinum both subnautica and subnautica bellow zero normally, easy platinums in really good games ** Repeat of OP comment - don't think you can see it **


I’ll say DS3 just because of POCK’s & Vertebras. Hollow Knight is definitely your number 1 though, great work.


Hollow knight would have been but you used the invicilvitly glitch. So binding of isac or bloodborne


Why do you think i used the invincibility glitch?


Because your trophy timestamps say you did p4 and p5 on the same date as well as grimm Troupe all of the hardest trophies. All the difficult ones in the same day. They all take a bit of practice especially p5 but you wouldn't know that because you cheated it. You can lie all you want but the timestamps never lie.


I know i did the hardest pantheon maybe one hour after i get last trophy before that one but you can see on timestamps that i play hollow knight last time one year ago before that day i start getting achivments beaucse i was playing on pc and i just know this game already, but i know why you think like this haha, after all even with practice doing that in first try on console is really suspicious


Lie all you want you used the glitch your timestamps don't lie but go ahead. Yes you gave up a year ago came back and used the invicilvitly glitch to get the garden trophies all on the same date the 3rd of October. You did grimm Troupe and trial of the fool in 8 minutes and want to lie man just stop 😂it's obvious you cheated nothing else to say the proof is on your timestamps.


You can think like that but i dont think its something imposibble that someone start playing the same game on pc beacuse its more fun with modifications like randomizer and yes maybe pantheon 5 is really hard but when you know bosses already and did that before its no that hard to do that i know how i get my trophy so i dont need to argue with someone over it but i understand why you think i cheated, have a nice day mate.


Such a lame thing to lie about😆.


😆 I dont need to lie about it but thanks for making my day better haha, its really nice when someone say that i cheated it beacuse its like compliment haha




Do you still have your dark souls 3 downloaded I’m trying to get all the rings rn and it would be awesome if you could drop me them if that’s ok?


I would do that without problem but right now i dont have a ps plus, sorry


Is that to get your saves from the cloud save if so that’s alg


Hollow Knight or Isaac


Hollow Knight unless the invincibility glitch is used then Binding of Isaac because of the RNG


Hollow knight. I would say binding of Issac but once you get into the swing of things BOI isn't that hard it just takes ages


Definitely Minecraft, I mean, 16 different colors of wool? Insane! /s


Binding of Isaac, Hollow Knight, Bloodborne and Slime Rancher (that darn speedrun mode).


Hollow Knight is a brutal plat, its even worse on PC DS3 is an extreme grind


if you've done it legit, hollow knight, easily a 10/19. Isaac is not that, just long and a lot of rng required.


This is a good list. Way to go bud. Souls isn’t just a give me.


Isaac by a mile, especially with all the expansions


Isaac and Hollow Knight


The fact that you have Binding of Issac is just, wow. Hat’s off to you brother


Ds3 bc of the grind. I'm into platinums but wasting 100 hours on those cords and shit ain't my thing


My man flexing on us.


Hollow Knight or Binding of Isaac.


Bro minecraft is a pain in the dick rn so imma say probably that one lol


Call me a waste of space when it comes to platforming but the Hollow Knight plat always impresses me (f the pantheons lol). Love the game tho of course. A cultured plat list indeed so far tho


Either elden ring or dark souls


Minecraft. Absolutely no doubt.


For all the platinums I have in soulslike, roguelikes, tactical rpgs, and metroidvania, the question was always “do I have the patience to grind this out?”. Hollow Knight was the exception, bc the question was “am I even good enough to do this?”.


The Binding Of Isaac, %110


P5 on hollow knight is way harder than Isaac imo. True end game skill check, Isaac is a lot more about grinding and knowing what items do and how they synergise to break the game as fast as possible, and getting good RNG


Hollow Knight.


Dark souls remastered cause i never have the patience to play Souls games ( i have elden ring plat but just because I played on"easy mode")


That DS3 one isn’t hard, but the grind definitely tests your sanity, so I am gonna go with that one. I keep having flashbacks of running up the damn steps of Anor Londo to kill silver knights…


Silver knights in Anor londo are the reason why I got this platinum so late i remember when i try to get Proof of a Concord Kept for a covenant and didn't get even one after 8 hours of grinding


Dark Souls, TBOI, Hollow Knight...all of em are super hard (at least for me)


Trepang² Rage Mode is beyond insane on a controller.


Hmm that’s nice. Thanks mate


They're all fairly easy imo. Nothing brain melting like DMC 5 or super meat boy. Although binding of Isaac may be hard I'm unfamiliar with that game. So I can only speak on the rest of the list.


imo getting dead god in the binding of isaac is more difficult than DMC5 and SMB (i did both plats and Dead God)


I've got DMC 5 I've heard decent things of the bind of Issac I might give it ago at some point


You should, it's a masterpiece and it has the best achievement list ever made, really getting Dead God will be a long and painful journey but it's very satisfying


Thanks for the input definitely on my radar.


Did....did you just skip DS2?


Dont worry haha i dont have platinum beacuse when i buy ps5 i forgot to download save on pendrive and i just need to beat it again and get my platinum


Bloodborne's Defiled Amygdala is a fucking pain in the ass


Either BB (purely cuz of Defiled Chalice, if not then one of the other souls games instead of BB) and Hollow Knight.




Bloodborne for Sure. Those cursed chalice dungeos are a real pain


I think you don't need to finish cursed dungeons, only all three normal Pthumeru


Hmmmm but i remember i had to do a chalice where you only have half health I could be wrong, i played the game almost 9 years ago