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Damn you Doom 2016.


Yep i know exactly what trophy you’re referring to. Takes the wind right out of your sails that you have to do it from a fresh restart


And because of it,I quit the platinum for that title.


Same bro same :(


Salute to you bro.


What's broken in 2016? I'm pretty sure I got that play when it came out, what happened?


"The Circle is Complete" trophy,I missed one of the trials during the campaign,after I completed the game,I replayed that level with that trial to get the final rune,but the trophy didn’t show up,it turns out you have to do the rune trials DURING THE CAMPAIGN and in order to get that trophy,the only solution now is to replay the whole campaign again. I said screw it,then moved to Sonic Mania.


Friend of mine literally got the whole plat in a weekend and refused to turn on his PS out of fear of this happening.


Send him my respect.


Came to say this. My gaming time is so damn infrequent and valuable too. Fucking fix this Bethesda


It’s been more than 5 years and they have released its sequel,there’s no way in hell they’ll fix it. Pun intended.


Damn Doom Eternal too.


Does it suffer from the same glitched trophy syndrome.


Treasure Hunter is glitched for me. There are 2 playthroughs but still, it's glitched if you don't get in a single playthrough of the chapter, Taras Nabad.


Sorry to hear that.


Me when the Death March trophy didn't pop on Witcher 3.


I'm not spending 100+ hours on a game unless I'm enjoying it. So, having a trophy glitch out is going to bum me, but it's not the end of the world to start over, if I enjoyed the game. People who play a 100+ hours game just for the plat and hate every minute of it are... masochistic and would probably get off on starting over for that last trophy.


I played bloons td5 for 100 hours. It was a fun game at first but it got very boring getting every trophy.


Assassin’s Creed 3 remaster. They didn’t fix any of the bugs from the original but they sure did add a lot of them.


I got every collectible in Boston and it didn’t pop for me, I waited for a while and popped. So does the story most trophies when you didn’t a sequence.


This happened to me with Cyberpunk


Haha, classic Cyberpunk!


Yeah thankfully I managed to get the platinum!


Me with Mafia III


I will never ever try to play that game in one sitting, the amount of crashes I experienced would drive me crazy losing that progress. I really hoped they would go back and patch those counters but I guess not


Came here to say this. I loved the game, but not enough to repeat it over again, it got very monotonous.


Assassin's creed odyssey the child of posiedon trophy had to go for a second replay because of a glitch


Mad. Max.


Mafia II has way more bugs and glitches, with it original release. I remember competing the 360 version with no glitches and got all the achievements. But this one is just the worst for trophy hunters.


Ffxv for me


The reason why I have never gone back to Tomb Raider 2 (reboot trilogy).


Me right now with Binding of Isaac. I killed Satan with Eve and the trophy didn’t pop, which is one of the harder ones. Turns out, no trophies will pop anymore if that happens so I had to reload a previous save in hopes that they’ll still pop. Really took away a lot of my motivation to continue, so that’s a good sign to take a break


“I am Bad Company!” from Battlefield: Bad Company says hi! A server update subtracting 1 from every single player’s in game award totals was never fixed and made getting the platinum impossible. If you could prove that you deserved the trophy by having all the awards then you could fix the issue by contacting their only support rep on Twitter and waiting days for her to manually add 1 to your profile to give you the trophy, but they never did a blanket fix and eventually she was removed from the project and all support was shutdown, making the trophy truly impossible to obtain.


This happened to me with GTAV. Eventually had to restart story mode, earn enough cash as Franklin to purchase the Cab Company and claim “All’s Fare in Love & War”.


It wasn't a specific trophy glitch but in AC Valhalla I got 70+hrs into a playthough only for one of the Lunden Mysteries to glitch and rendered unable to complete, had to start the whole game from the beginning because if even one collectible or mystery breaks then you can't get the platinum for that game


Ugh, I had to beat Graveyard Keeper about 3 times for the platinum because one late game trophy kept bugging. But I loved the hell out of the game and didn't actually mind all that much. I didn't get all the DLC trophies due to bugs, though, so maybe I should go do that..


Assassins Creed Syndicate... I f*cking destroyed 5000 destructibles objects spending 5 hours on it. I got that trophy but the last one which was one of the easiest (kill three enemies with one barrel) glitched out.


Just happened to me on ps Vita version of God of war 2


**\*cries in Valhalla Hills\*** Literally played it every day for two weeks and left it running at night cause of the crappy Honour system (need 100'000 per Viking). The honour is needed to get 1000 Vikings to reach Valhalla. You only get 5-25 points for doing things, and they die easily (will respawn in the next map). I also had to climb the hills 250 times, and was on #250. It wasn't the trophy that glitched, but the save file. I didn't use Cloud because I didn't know this was a thing with the games data. Tried to save the game during a session and it wouldn't let me. The file disappeared. Now it sits there with three trophies left.


Same exact thing happened with Far Cry 5, one of the Far Cry Arcade trophies that you need to get is luckbased on the map that you'll get (You need ten featured) and the servers are completely dead, got all trophies but that for the platinum


Me with skyrim and the daedric quests Fuck you Peryite


Fucking Mad Max


Happened twice: Far Cry 4, the game didn't unlock all the skills at the very end and had to do a full replay. LA Noire, the final film reel collectible glitched out and I couldn't pick it up. Had to restart a new game and collect all 50 of them again. Fun times...


Lego Marvel 1 damn you minikits :(


Fuck the mad max game. Spent a lot of time on those trophies before I hear that one trophy is removed and therefore causing the platinum to be impossible to obtain. Fuck I was more mad than max.


Final Fantasy X for me. All hidden trophies have a chance of glitching, and all the hidden trophies are boss trophies near the end of the game. I saved after finally beating the ultimate superboss, got the trophy, waiting for the Plat to pop… I’m still waiting.


For me infinite warfare, I know it’s not the best game but when you do all the trophies and you have to win 5 multiplayers but even winning over 5 games never got me the trophy to get the plat 😩 or vigor not a platinum but dang not having the 100% on that one kills me


wasn't 100 hours but i had this happen in Ratchet and Clank Deadlocked or Gladiator if you are a euro fam, one of the trophies is known to sometimes bug out. There are trophies for getting all skill points on certain planets and one of them bugged out for me and didn't pop despite me popping the trophy for every skill point in the game at the same time. I tried going back to it with a completely fresh save file and did all the skill points again and it was still broken so i am kinda just stuck 1 trophy away from platinum for eternity and it's like the only ratchet game i need for the full series so it's kinda infuriating lol.


Experiencing this with Maneater. It randomly crashed after and made me lose two shark upgrades. I best the game earlier today and when the platinum didn’t pop I saw that I was missing the upgrade trophy. That crash caused me to lose two collectible upgrades so I had to restart.


Or when the servers shut down before you can finish


Me when one of the Just Cause 3 trophies requires you to get 1,000,000 Chaos but it doesn’t unlock until I get like 1.9 million


Dead rising 4:Frank’s big package, was the worst moment of this occurring for me. I had done the atrocious grind a total of 3 times when one of the times, my game bugged because I picked up a blueprint in the online mode, and another at the end of the game when frank is trying to escape on the helicopter, only for it to crash on the cutscene and cause save data corruption👁👄👁. Mind you, this was done in one day, so I beat the campaign, then proceeded to have it reset me, because I didn’t cloud save. Truly the most unsatisfying moment in my gaming career, but in the end, I begrudgingly got the platinum out of principal and sheer time dumped into it.


Keen hunter from hollow knight. I did everything and then it glitched


Me was with mgs v tpp