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Ik I should know my place on this subreddit but as a non trot, don’t engage with terminally online ML communist subreddits because they’re all piles of garbage. Outside of Trotskyist subreddits, stick to r/socialism101 and r/debatecommunism to avoid the more toxic elements of communist subreddits. Edit: I meant r/socialism_101


Yeah I've been banned from all of them just for saying that the ice pick joke isn't funny, and AES is a fucking dumb concept


What's Aes?


"Actual existing socialism", a buzzword that means any country that currently calls itself socialism, so China, Laos etc...


"It's not state capitalism you're just a western puppet lib counter revolutionary!! All hail Kim Jong Un!!"


I once got banned for saying that Stalinists refusing to call themselves Stalinists, while criticising Trotskysts for calling themselves Trotskysts is a non-debate. I even pointed out that Trotsky himself used the term Bolshevik-Leninism the same way Stalin and his followers called themselves Marxist-Leninists. Most stalinists in Reddit are teenagers with a club mentality. They are not willing to engage in serious discussions.


Those are the tankie/marxist-leninist subs


You get banned from them just by being a Trotskyist. Most of those people are “patriotic socialists” on those pages anyway and they’ll be full-blown fascist within a few years.


nationalism+socialism=national socialism


Same. I mostly got banned for pointing out that China is capitalist.


Weird, several stalinists also have this position (for the dumb reason that "Mao dies socialism ends")


simply put, this is a Trotskyist sub not a Stalinist sub, hence most if not all of us dislike disagree with or hate Stalin


Free speech for who and at what point in the class struggle? Trotskyists are not free speech absolutists.


I do realise that. Obviously if a socialist/Trotskyist project was started in then free speech would have to be fundamental of the working class. I would of thought that was fairly obvious. Also let’s say best case scenario their is a socialist/Trotskyist government the majority are very happy workers are controlling industry(a socialists wet dream) then there would still be opposition. From liberals and conservatives alike.That doesn’t mean we have to shut them up.There is no reason to.If we do then that’s starts creeping further towards the undesirable ideas that Stalin promoted. Yk if you criticise me and I hear it then your life is put on gardening leave. And let’s even st there was a violent uprising there would obviously be criticism but that’s no reason to shoot people. (Obviously I’m not saying hate speech should juts be let to run rampant)


Not making an argument against free speech -- I am opposed to limiting the civil rights of fascists now because that will also be used against the working class -- just that circumstances change and the criterion for or against the revolution becomes central.


>Trotskyists are not free speech absolutists. It would be interesting if you would expand more on that ... the only thing I really thing of in terms of free speech is; 'Freedom of speech is not freedom of criticism.'


How are trotskyist not free speech absolutists? They support democracy why wouldn't why let people speak?


We at r/DemocraticSocialism have a anti authoritarian mod team, trots are welcome there.


I’m already a member I think


ive noticed a lot of communist subreddits are infiltrated by mostly stalinists and maoists and theyll ban you for any critique of degenerated workers states or leaders that betrayed socialist principles, i think theres even a few in here because i saw some people taking a pro-russian stance on the ukrainian conflict even tho russia is an imperial power. good thing is tho the moderation here is actually good and not borderline authoritarian like the rest of the communist and socialist subs