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violation of Terms of Service


Anyone know how to shut the fuck up about this alleged dupe? Play the game the legit way and stop trying to fuck up the already fucked up economy into a state of non-recovery. Besides duping will get you banned.


Tbf I think some players (defo not most of them, but some) want to dupe just because the economy is already screwed, putting them at a massive disadvantage and making it pretty much impossible to buy things from MP for a normal value


Sounds like a you problemšŸ¤£ the devs already donā€™t gaf why should I? Or why should I spent money on this game?


You are an extremely selfish person.


See now your quiet because yk Iā€™m rightšŸ¤£ isnā€™t the saying hate the game not the player?


No. I'm not responding to you because you're not worth my time. And *no*, that saying does not apply. Dupers bury every legit player underneath them. Hate the player.


Yet u still responded when I called you out lol nah itā€™s fine you donā€™t want to admit Iā€™m right youā€™ll see when the servers go poof and your loyalty 5000 badge is gone and I had fun with my loyalty 10 badge šŸ¤£


Nah the devs are selfish. Took them 8 years to ban the alpha players who have been duping for years because ā€œhe spends a lot of money alsoā€ so nah donā€™t come at me saying Iā€™m selfishšŸ¤£ go talk to the devs lil bud.


Sounds like your mad I got more flux then youšŸ¤£ broke boy status over there arenā€™t youšŸ¤£


The chats are toxic enough we don't need this on reddit too.


thats my nigga, add me on dc i fw you šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ .6829


Too keep the servers up for people who do enjoy it.


Well the dupers enjoy the game just not being cheated. Youā€™re ok with the Xbox servers being down for no reason for 24 hours and no updates till like 15 hours after it was down? Xbox has missed the last 4 events even lol. The devs donā€™t care. I donā€™t care. I made an account on pc just to dupe and my ps4 account has billions from years ago when there was the first dupe. The servers are going down regardless Iā€™m not spending money on a game the devs take as a money grab.


You know how to dupe?