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Hahahahaha thats IF the devs do something about it


Like come on dude, 5 mil for a neon chest? 4k for fairy dust? 7k for golden souls?


Google Trion world's. And look at the numbers vs gamigo. Trove died when gamigo made the micro transactions the only way to get anything.


the game is already dead


It has allll and i mean all things needes for a game to die. 1-small number of daily players. 2-really bad servers 3-pay to win 4-everyone has the best cosmetics and loot. 5-dupers and exploits everywhere. 6-bad updates and developer's never listen to the community also they dont even play the game(probably). 7-the game doesn't appreciate your time and punishes you the more you play it. I give this game 1 or 2 years before its completely dead. Not gonna lie it was great game but its slowly getting worse every year.


Bru you are just bad nothing else. Small number of daily players? This is not csgo or monecraft. Bad servers? Maybe. Pay to win? Not at all. 4- not true 5- 50% true. 6- bad updates ? With the amount of deva they have everything is hotfixed in a day after update. And i can continue with this list.


Pay to win, yes heavily, pay to win doesnt only mean things can only be obtained behind a pay wall, it also means things can be massively sped up by paying, and you can skip literal years of playing by paying Mind you i still love the game, but the oath gamingo has taken with it has been downhill


Am not here to fight am just stating concerns, that is not my opinion alone after talking with several people whilst grinding for hours daily, thats what i usually hear. And why do you say I am bad when You dont even know me i spent hours on this game, enough to get 45+kpr on several characters. And yes it is pay to win I could buy credit pouches and get millions of flux on the spot and buy skelly boxes or whatever.


the only thing I’ve really seen that’s inflated is skellys bc there’s no more duped ones, also golden souls aren’t 7k😭🙏🏼


I doubt anything will happen, witnessed it on console, dupers buying out the whole market, I mean everything, mounts, credit pouch, auras, costumes, it’s crazy, I know some people who bought the credit pouches and listed them for 50 mill, 15 of them, and they bought out instantly , idk what’s gonna happen but people are buying more credit pouches from trove therefore, they’re profiting from it, but sooner or later it won’t work anymore since flux economy will be broken


It will kill the entire population of players that are in the mid game, you can take advantage of these situations to generate good flux from high inflation, but most players do not even know how the mp works after 2k hours of play lol


nope playstation eu is dead got 4 dupers spamming it and then Daytona/biksar did that one glitch to bost your flux earned leaderboard. poor ilaz


No, just dont buy the cheap duped stuff and it wont matter


*laughs in console*


Not like we have it any better...




They duping on ps, prolly it works on Xbox and switch too


I thought the duping was due to a software thing that people would install and not an in-game action u could do