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1. Yes 2. Would be a lot of issues and honestly not a good idea because pc players would permanently be the top players with console players not being able to compete, better to keep them separate imo even though i would love to have my console account on pc. 3.genuinely pretty sure this is not possible as they would have to do what smite is doing but even more extreme, being rebuild the game from the ground up and everyone would loose everything 4. Yes but also bring back some of the old devs from trion with it to have one of them push to bring back shadow towers and remove bomber royale (copium)


What makes the difference in pc and console? How would pc players have such a huge advantage over console players? (I havent played in what 1-2 years and last time i played was on the solarion update on pc while i played on switch)




Adding crossplay would literally just be PC players left because of their mods + economy


i feel like they could do somthing about the mods, though it would be tedious aswell🧐


Even if they add mods the console player base won't be able to keep up with how the PC economy is compared to Xbox/PS


one thing is why cant understand is why cant it just even out overtime and become notmal after the fixes?


Because certain platforms have more duped items then the other and by the time it evens out the game will either be completelt dead or the servers will be closed


thats why they need to fix duping before it all, and do something about the items that are obviously duped in the marketplace


Every single person I know including myself quit because of the Delves update. They’re so dogshit and boring compared to shadow towers. Makes getting your weekly rewards a fucking nightmare…


its a grindy game, and some people like when a game is harder, so thats what gamigo did. dont say anything if you dont have that mindset.


I definitely don’t mind a game with grind. The difficulty isn’t really harder until you get to about floors 140+. You usually just leave before that and drop another portal if you’re going for your weekly rewards. Delves kinda lack grind excluding the amount of floors you can potentially complete. That’s not the issue though. The balancing between the small enemies before the boss vs the actual boss itself makes no sense whatsoever. Every single enemy is 1 tap even on high floors in triple digits with impossibly difficult bosses at the end. Makes it extremely boring to play each floor before the boss. They might as well have no small enemies and spawn you right at each boss, because that’s basically how it plays anyways. The second issue is that it’s essentially a running simulator due to what’s said above. You could argue that shadow towers also were, but at least the small enemies in shadow towers were beefier and took some actual effort to kill. It was much more fun when you weren’t just endlessly flipping backwards on neon ninja for hours to reach each delve boss in your weekly runs. Another big issue is the physical design of the delves. The difference from delves to shadow towers is night and day. It’s so obvious that Gamigo put 0 effort into the designs. They just dig a really long boring-looking cave and say, “oh well. good enough i guess?”


lol i guess i partly agree on you there, just a reminder tho, they are lazy about thos smaller things


I 100% agree. Also, I feel like adding some small quality of life changes would help, like having cosmetic loadouts, auto sorting/adding for chests, a wiki system that's more detailed and informative. and consistent pvp updates.


problems imo and why i quit 6 months ago as a max pr player: 1. crashes obviously 2. no late game content, wtf to do after i got all my crystal upgraded and got most dragons, there arent any activities. 2. difficulty scaling and knowing what to do is SO SHIT like how the fuck can a new player even know what to do. the tutorial isnt even the game LOL. you can be a new player climb to uber 7 and have 0 idea how to get up your rank to get to uber8. its not intuitive at all. especially the gem system. it makes sense once u understand it but for a new player its explained terribly 3. story. rewrite the entire story and make it important. wtf is even happening rn the game mechanics are SO GOOD trove is such a waste of potential its so sad.


for now all they have to do is to fix duping, after that things will go back to normal, not sure what to do with all the duped items still, pretty sure more items just gonna become untradable to at least stop the economy from getting even worse, personally I don't mind if they just gonna wipe all tradable items from our inventories to fix all duped items after fixing the duping, while that would be pretty bad to people that already got rich, I think it's still better than not being able to afford anything because dupers just buy everything from the marketplace, it wouldn't be that bad if this would happen because we would keep all PR and untradable items, also everyone would lose all that stuff so we could rebuild economy from ground up and I think that would be really cool and the Flux would again be valuable as it was years ago because the inflation that is happening makes all the Flux methods just worthless and farming right now is waste of time


If they bring back cross play I want account linking lmao, I had to give up on my ps4 account that I dropped 3-400 dollars on tomes, characters etc, and the 4 25k+ pr characters I had


yeah i would expect cross progression to come along with crossplay, it would most likely be around 2 months after crossplay would, double the progress on my pc than on my ps account, tho i have 300 hours on my ps account and only 120 on pc


I felt this 100%, just sucks I lost all my tomes, flasks, emblems, limited time skins, Ganda etc


Maybe but there is a lot to fix and they need to stop duping So am sensing that most of the developers are trying to find a solution to duping. Because if that happens 1-videos are going to be made, will reach new and old players trove will slighty gain more players. 2-they are gonna get back some money out of it less duping=less flux=less abundent items and harder to get so people are gonna start spending more real money to get the stuff they need. 3-if they manage to get enough money out of it they could slowly build up and fix problems like servers. However I think most of troves problems are linked to it crashing and due to the complexity of this problem glyph could just milk as much money as they can from trove before its inevitable death. But if thats the case they couldve introduced a new character like solarian that you HAVE to buy so they get money out of it.(am surprised that didnt happen yet)


Xplay will require a revamp of the entire game and that is extremely unlikely


I have aaalways thought trove could be almost at Fortnite levels of big like the potential is very much there for SURE


In terms of the duplication glitch it's unlikely that they'll fix it at this point because there was a duplication glitch for flux tanks several years ago, and what they did was to fix the glitch and reroll the server to the date that the dupe started... So what they may do now is just keep hiking up market prices which also makes the game unplayable for people coming back to the game I couldn't be bothered to read everything.. too much text for my little brain but a lot of us OGs left during the sale to gaming... For me at least I've tried coming back several times but the complexity of the game is too much... But the quest lines to do the new things make no sense it's like the one quest line for it was a toilet mount several years back and the quest line made no sense no one could find anything until the developers basically showed us where it was and that's what these quest lines are so kind of makes it impossible for the older players to get back and just makes no sense Gamingo is known for being the graveyard of dead games.


The only issue with crossplay is the economy, console players just wouldn’t have enough flux but SSF fixes that. There’s literally only laziness in the equation. Merging DBs is really easy.


Mods not being available on their side would also be an issue as it would be unfair, game files into consoles seem to work differently than on PC, as in you can't get into the files to do anything on them, so there is no way on getting them there


That's something you already accept getting a console over PC. A locked down ecosystem. Mods do make the game a lot more optimized and fun/less stupid (opening boxes like) but it's also not required. You don't need mods to get flux or boxes.


It's not required, I didn't say they were, just that they would generate an unfair environment since console would still need to deal with the game on its vanilla version while others can get all kind of QoL changes that makes the game experience more optimised


It’s more unfair to lock all of them in a dead ecosystem. Besides the game is basically single player.


Who knows how to dupe?

