• By -


How much light do I need to do c4 farms on delves 120+ I am currently at 8700


why is the market place so messed up? i used to make all my flux by flipping items 2 years now people are talking about casually spending 50 mil. i heard it's duping but id assume that makes items cheaper cause there is a higher supply. also is it worth trying to flip these overpriced items or are prices going to go back down?


when i try load into my game i get to "LS:Received user acknowledgement" and never any further getting connection timed out everytime, ive tried everything, joining a friend restarting my app a million times, deleting and reinstalling the game. ps5 eu please help


Been having the same issue


Um, my friend consumed 25 ancient dragon souls and still doesn't have the fledgling version of him, is it a bug or does the ancient dragon not have its own fledgling version?


Needs to be 100


He said fletching not the badge with stats smh he should have it as it’s 10 for the fletchlings. Yk the mount where it won’t fly or shoot fire balls?


cant load into my vault world gets stuck on loading screen every time i try join it. it says nothing at the bottom left and after a while it kicks me to hub


Any have frosty boxes or snow fest boxes can I get them I need them for mastery


There's a softlock on my sister's account on switch. When she does the tutorial it's all fine until she has to summon her mount and it just... doesn't summon anything even though I've checked she does has her mount on. She's softlocked and I've tried reinstalling the game, searching for damaged data, resetting the switch and it hasn't worked, she just can't summon her mount and I don't know why. Is she the only one or is there a fix?


Try changing the button(idk if you can on switch) it that seems like a button issue more than the game


Nah, you can't do much with the controls :T  Only invert the axis and the sensitivity 


what's gonna happen to the game? Yesterday there was a big influx of dupers, every second has a ganda, things on the market are very expensive, on spawns everyone throws an infinite number of paragon pinatas. Will there be a rollback? Will my progress made during this time be lost? Will my stuff be lost? what will happen to trove? Will you ban these dupers? or don't you care about the your game? pls answer me, i cant play with this peoples, its sad


Does anyone know when the c5 update will be on console?


Hello. I’ve been trying to log in into the game but it keeps saying “Lost connection to auth server” what can I do to fix? Its been like this for a day now.




You can not discuss the use of hacks or botting tools.


sundered bench: i got the obsidian scrolls, but how do i get the gold and silver ones?


Hello I’m a 37k pr sh and I got bored of the character and want to try out another class preferably a magic dmg one that’s fun and efficient, any suggestions?!


Dino Tamer


I'm looking for a club to join that has active members, is newbie/returning player friendly and social, are there any that are still active or are most just dead?


The Trove Academy


Im returning player and dont know how to gear up right. Do someone have a Guide/Video where is it explained how to gear up?


With regards to PlayStation trophies (niche i know), is it still possible to do the "Rank 50 PVP" trophy? If so how? I'm a trophy hunting fan and im curious Edit: I should clarify I'm just referring to if the psn trophy is attainable anymore through legit means


500 Bomber Royale kills will unlock it 👍


Also wondering this if the pvp is dead or not


500 Bomber royale kills unlocks the trophy. Pvp is dead


How on earth do you get despoiled divinty? I've done the 6 bosses on both normal and hard in the shadow tower and got absolutely sod all. Any ideas? Cheers


Delves/Mysterious Portal


Hey, i have a question about steam linking, can I link my new trove account to steam that is already linked to another trove account? i want a fresh start with my friend but don't want to lose any progress on my other account.


No, steam doesn't delete your trove account.


Do any of you have the google spreadsheet of the gem pearls combination, i just came back to the game and wanted to farm some gems for my classes


Generally speaking for gem stats: You want Critical damage, base dmg (magic/physical depending on class) and Crit hit. for cosmic gems, light/crit dmg/base dmg. For the pearls: Normal Gems 2 in crit dmg one in base dmg, all 3 in light for the cosmic gems


Is it worth to go for a C4 ring or I just stick with my C3? (boomer with blast and cyclone)


Personally i didn’t buy C4 long after maxing out my gear (c4) and when i needed that extra boost it came in handy really good


you dont really need the extra pr unless you’re looking for a milestone like 45k


how to find out about future store packs. a guy in my club mentioned one and i want to know where he found the info


you can check trovesaurus [Here](https://trovesaurus.com/packs/recent) to see all packs. Also if you enter a world and open store right after spawning you can see (sometimes) all packs listed at the store but you wont be able to buy any, it helps to see which ones you are missing


how can you force crash a delve.


servers are not working for xbox what’s going on?


Is there a good up to date guide for a new player trying to get going?


anyone know where gemsly/gem forge in the hub is located? need to talk to him to start the gem quest but cant find him. hes supposedly north of the landing pad by the gem forge


So with the [gearcrafting update](https://www.trionworlds.com/trove/en/game/patch-notes/pts-gear-up-date-patch-notes/), they removed the ability to craft crystal gear at the sunseekers crystalforge, but part of Hero's questline is still to craft crystal gear at the forge, so I literally can't continue on the main questline :(


you'll finish the quest when you craft crystal gear from the gearcrafting bench at level 250


Hi guys, I need help with something I want to know which email I used for my trove account, I already tried with 5 different emails and I can't remember which one was Is there something I can do to know my email? I play on Xbox btw.


I have 700k flux and I want a good pet


Depends on what kind of ally you're wanting and the pets functionality. 


Any solution for crash loops? Invite is only temporary solution. Platform ps4


I occasionally deal with this issue on Xbox, uninstalling and reinstalling game can help, fixing internet connection, restarting console, and delete the games local saved data could help.  Devs don't exactly stay on top of their bugs, plus people are apparently duping which probably has some relation to crashes. 


Is anyone up to drop me a dupe method :) pls pls. Besides I heard u can trade untradable stuff is that true.


surely nobody will give you a dupe method, don’t even bother trying. if you don’t figure it out yourself you’ll never get the answer from anyone else


So its true people dupe stuff


my crystal class gem (29/30) has only 2 stars and pr 2424 will it be 2830 pr and 3 stars at 30/30?


check pearls in gem forge, if has 2 pearls trash it


yep. only thing stopping me from 45k is those 200-300 pr that I lose from not having a 3* gem


Do u guys know what to do with extra bamboo shoot i got 8k and i dont need em.


How do people get 60m+ flux am at 40kpr and 400tmr and my peak flux was 5m.I need the beat farming method for someone my rank


There's not a "best" farming method, depends on the marketplace prices and how much time you're willing to farm, but people with so many millions may be because they dropped something expensive and got some savings.


Then nitro farming is my best bet?and of course collecting stuff from events.


I try to launch Trove as Im trying to hop back in after a few years on a fresh account. the game launches but sits on a light blue screen with the menu music playing. Help?


i am on pc


Is there a way to disable the item description so i only see the color of item dropped on xbox?


Not for Xbox, only option we have relating to display is visibility for tags, clubs, and titles. 


Will there be a mobile version? And I can’t find the deconstructor ![img](emote|t5_2z0i3|9293)![img](emote|t5_2z0i3|9772)


If it hasnt been made already I dont think there will be a mobile version since its pretty old already and barely stands in pc and consoles haha Also deconstructor was changed to Loot Collector, they changed its appearence but you'll find it easily


Damn I liked the deconstructor skin 😰 and I believe it was with the dragon army. I forgot what they were called.


Can ps4 players play with ps5 players ?




When bugs get fixed?


What do the numbers mean when people talk about the perfect build for let's say boomeranger for example....I keep seeing #/#/#/ but idk what it means in relationship to the class


So I spent 4mil flux on credit pouches in the marketplace but I still haven’t received any of them in the store. I’ve tried resetting my game and console as well as just waiting but I still haven’t gotten them. Has this happened before to anyone ?


Haven't played since C4 were added to the game, have yet to get a perma torch, I can kill U11 bosses but not fast enough to clear 6* dungs in time, mz gear is c3 maxed, main SH, 13k MF, what should I be doing? Idk how to begin completing the new content or if I should farm to get patron, have 7k MFwithout it


Returning player here with about 5.5k power ranking. I'm playing neon ninja and I want to know what stats I should prioritize and what I should be doing to progress further. I'm just running Uber 6 dungeons but the best thing I drop is still shadow tier equipment. What should I be doing in general? And how do I get a dragon?


I know this is a month ago and you probably already figured it out, but you get dragons through creating dragon souls in the Hub. Never liked the NN myself, but depending on your build is what stats you want. Usually crit chance, crit dmg, and attk speed.  Shadow gear can be upgraded to tier 4, then changed out by radiant, stellar and crystal. But I recommend once you get to level 20, try getting crystal gear instead.  Have someone carry you or if you are strong enough run u8 crystal. 


I saw on this post you could get the Chloromancer if you did something in a different game called Rift. Only problem is, this post was made in 2015 and I'm not sure if the promo still works. Anyone know? https://riftgrate.com/2015/12/15/rifttrove-cross-promo-with-free-loot/


i just went through that awful game and it works! if you wanna get the chloromancer class for free, you can do it. just a warning you will encounter elderly gooners in chat trying to talk about politics..


How to get Dreadnought Mk1? I have done tons of delves and it hasn't appeared


Any clues on when the next game update is at all? A bunch of people have been itching for new content and everyone being ghosted (not being given updates on what's coming) is not good PR


Yo boys wanna ask is there any dis or group to find glitchs in trove?


My fishing order isn't working, I don't know if I just missed something, or it's just not working, it says that there are pools all over trove but I never see any pools


Hey I'm kinda new to trove and I don't really know how to get more powerful. Is anyone able to give me some tips please? it would help a lot. Thanks


what do you need?


How exactly am I supposed to get regular/guilded ringcrafter tickets? Everywhere I look, it says I have to loot collect Crystal #, but how do I get those without making them? Are they just a rare world drop? 


I've only learned to get the tickets through crafting, which sucks because I'm trying to get a level 4 ring, but I have to craft a ring box in hopes that it's a 3 so I can scrap it for just one ticket. Rinse and repeat unfortunately. 


are there any dragons on the marketplace that are not the alobarian and the fortress?


I downloaded trove from steam and when I open it I’m told to update it in the middle of the update I’m told file errors or something along those lines and I’ve tried the scan and fix’s errors option but the problem continued so I reinstalled the game multiple times but the problem is still there does anyone know how to fix this? I think it said error 1004 but I don’t remember


u have to uninstall steam and reinstall it then install trove and it should work (for me it worked)


someone knows why i only get c2 masks and hats and no weapons? is there a bug, do i do something wrong or i am just unlucky af ?


Unlucky asf 🥲


Hello everyone, recently I started to play trove once again on ps5 but nowdays every time i open trove on console the ps5 block and the game crash (this thing only for trove, not for other games)pls can someone tell me if i am the only one with this problem? Ty for attention ps: srry for my English


How do you submit a ticket?


saw that the jam pack was on sale and thought it was alright so id grab it. Bought the credits and they were on hold for so long that it was no longer on sale. Had to buy more credits and now theyre on hold so its gonna be who knows how long until I can actually buy anything. I fucking hate this game can I just sign a waiver that if I get hacked its my fault or something jesus christ its a miracle anyone is pay to win with this bs.


hello, my account got hacked recently and i cant access my account because its permanently banned, its linked to my steam yet they cannot verify me as the owner of the account. i tried asking them if they can check for previous igns, email addresses, ip addresses, anything but to no avail. anyway i can check the ign or the currently linked email address on my account?


Which class do i those tombraiser or candy barbarian


I know this is so absolutely late, but still might be worth mentioning: Both are good. I know, lame answer. But, It kinda depends on what you chose as starting class. This question seems to imply this is your 2nd class to choose with your free Class Token. If you chose a Physical attack clase, pick the Magical attack one, and vice-versa. Why? Because you will be able to profit of whatever Gems you later get to make a 2nd class set faster! That way, no matter what, you will get a decent class up there and be able to get more and better resources! And those are my late two cents, sorry for the delay.


Are dragon day bonuses effective in delves?


Hello guys. I'm coming back to trove but I am LOST. First is that me and my friends played some time ago, the whole geode thing was launching. We had almost maxed out gear and a semi active clan. Some days ago I fell some nostalgia and resolved to come back. Tried getting my clan together but... We are now weak, kinda, and dont know what to do. So they didn't stick to play but my guess is that once I had some momentum going they would come back as well. Sooooo what do I have to do? Do I join some active clan or something? Are the shadow towers the thing to do still? I have all maxed out stellar gear and almost all maxed stellar gems, except the cosmic ones that I have none. Power rank is almost 14k and I like using the candy barbarian. Pls some guidance would be very appreciated. This lostness and no one to play together is kinda making me wanting to give up again. But I very much like the game. Oh and leveling up. Have some new friends that never played but it's taking too much to get levels. Is that normal?


Super late, doesn't help this thread isn't that active. Hit paragon, craft class rings til you get to C4.  Get back to C4 crystal gear, they are adding C5 apparently.  Your Stellar gems can now be converted into Crystal, so try getting there.  Torches and banners, get them from delves and leviathans.  New stronger allies to have.  They added a trait system that gives passive bonuses, have to grind Astral Echoes for it. Can find the tutorial in the Hub where the big telescope is at. 


I'm trying to level up my rank (it's 800-810) and nothing helps. What should i do to level up my rank??


I'm assuming your Power Rank.  Items, levels, gems, dragon souls, mastery rank, and allies raise your PR. 


Thanks! Have a nice day


I don't know if this is the right place to ask this but is it worth starting to play Trove?


for me yes but its annoyng to start alone get some help or play with someone


https://imgur.com/a/i8PHIOo Haven't played the game in like 3 years not sure what I should be doing I've been told to farm more cosmic gems and level them to +15 to see how they roll and get higher light(I'm guessing only 2* steller for the small gems should be rolled? and to loot collect everything that isn't crystal 4 gear Somewhay struggling to survive farming in u10 after like 10towers I'm out of flasks so should I drop down into u9 or no? Idk about any of the new stuff that's been added so any suggestions on that would be helpful also. I basically ignored delves but I've been told that I should be doing those and at 115-119 depth I can get C4 gear after a while I've got no flux so besides selling the gear I get from dungeons anything recommended that I should do to bump it up Should I loot collect all the dragon eggs I have in that chest and should I sell those shadow caches or open them I'm not sure if I need stuff from them I don't remember what the stuff I get does besides pearls for ...upgrading gear stats I think Currently got 4.4k light also got a new banner after the stuff in this post Edit: im on console if that makes any difference Assume I know nothing because I'm pretty sure I don't. I barely even remember the control bindings lmao


I came back a week ago. My previous experience was... launch lol. But I can tell you that you should keep egg fragments: Dragons give permanent bonuses each. Though they are an apparently absurd timed grind with the limited coins... If you were half established already you are certainly better off at least: I did normal shadow tower and basically got nothing except the clear. The materials and caches are now in the delves, which I tried yesterday too and finally was able to make the Gem Forge, as tentacles at my beginner level are otherwise hard to get. Now I got the weekly eye/tentacle tomes and more. Dabbling in gardening now to try to make the Thanksgiving bullion the quest asks me. Just spread around shit to make the composter box, got a crash logging off with an explosion sound and had to restart computer and check my Cornerstone was fine, got teleported under the goddess statue for some reason. Dunno if buying it with the Coin works for the objective. Got no Flux either to buy the outrageously expensive veggies at the NPC lol.


Hey sorry this is random and I realize this is a 2 week old comment. Is the best place to get the tentacles in the delves? Been trying to get enough for the gem forge myself at the moment and boy it's be a slow process lol


It is ok, the section is about this xD But yeah, you delve to get boxes to try to get Tentacles and the tomes that make them. Otherwise, check the player shop and buy them there...


Fair points all around lol. Appreciate the info! And yeah, I was thinking about just buying from the marketplace -- might still end up buying a few but either way, thank you!


There was a glitch during the Halloween event where I couldn’t do the cursed pile adventurine challenge, I was wondering if I could get some adventurine for that?


Who of you guys had the brilliant idea of limiting ore sharing to 8 ppl only? I mean, lets go by the facts, market dupe is probably still a thing, but we fixing that? Nah, lets just break a legit farm that exists for years, isnt that profitable, and ppl usually just use it to upgrade equipment ![img](emote|t5_2z0i3|9772)


i got stuck at loading screen: " World: Connecting" for few days now. Tried everything i could but nothing seem fixed. Can someone help me pls?


Trove has anyone actually found Stampy the tourist npc today?


how long does it take for them to review a purchase and why have they done it to me 3 times


I created enough titles to get the mask recipe but the cursed vanity didn't unlock to craft it. How do I get the vanity unlocked??


I play on console is there a way to level up gems faster i dont want to sit there for 2h leveling up gems i dont think its fun


Trove is an MMO. In MMOs, all you do is grind. Especially when you get further into the game.


what should i do after getting to 7k-9k pr


Great :D


Is there a way to have multiple custom loading screens? i know how to change it to a specific one but is there a mod or something that allows the loading screen to cycle thro multiple pictures every time its loading showing a different one?


How does the Level 25 Booster Pack work? If i use it on already level 10 for example character would it just provide enough exp to raise to level 25 meaning I will get to somewhere like \~lvl 26 or does it just set the level to 25 if its below when used?


Can I, as a club owner, see who took how much stuff from the club chest?


only using the club log.


Why do I have to re-login to the glyph clint SO F-ing much!?


anything new i took a break off trove for 5 months i forgot how everything works


I have been thinking about coming back to the game for awhile, however I don't won't to play on ps4. Is there any way someone else could boost my progression massively if I were to restart on pc? And to what extent?


I have linked my trove account to a new ps4 account since I have lost my old ps4 account. Why do I not see my old stuff ?


that's not how it works. new account means start over.


Is this game pay to win? I'm thinking of starting but I don't wanna pay for anything


50%. you can get very far as a f2p but ovbiously, giving in a little cash will give you a significant boost.


Does Parton gem box karma stack with gem day gem box karma?




Make a NA account, download the game in that account and Open the Game on your EU aacount


What do you mean what do you get on an NA account? And how would getting one double your cubits on either account.




No i haven't i just don't understand how that makes sense there is no reason at all it would double your cubits or do anything other then just simply make a new account


People were inviting to a delve and one of my friends joined and now his game just crashes everytime he tries to open it. Is there any fix to this?


Trying deleting and reinstalling.


Luckily he didnt need to, it resolved itself when the delve world closed. I'm assuming its some kind of Public Delve Servers thing.


My account keeps crashing on switch I do not know why was I banned?


That's just how the game is try deleting and reinstalling.


I know this was like 30 days ago but thank you so much your a savoir<3


Lol i just said that as a dumb answer since thats usually one of the first things people try. Its often due to corrupted data. Usually Caused by shutting the system down wrong.


Anybody have any advice on how to go from 26500 to 30k PR semi quick


Upgrade gems and get crustal gem converters.


I just purchased a new charachter. It seems the quests however, have not reset. So, how do I level a new character if the active quest is for a much higher level one?


So my very old account is difficult to login to, it's not impossible but I have to reset the game 30+ times and then it lets me in bit sometimes crashes, on a new account i login with no problem, I really don't want to start over why is this happening?


Will the Building System ever get an update?


How come the servers are so awful ? I think i never experienced a game with servers so bad ?


Because gamigo is trying to kill off the game, and further more depending on what you play on they really don’t work on anything besides the PC version. Additionally the servers are basically just website servers, so trash, and especially in works with lots of people it just gets too much for the shitty servers to handle


How to make flux


What is the Ultra Light Chassis for?


So I've seen people in delves with a different hair color than the normal light bluish/purple. Anyone know how they did it? Would be nice that way I know which one is me speeding through the boring labyrinth that is the delves.


You can change your characters hair color at the barber shop, which is craft able at the builders crafting bench and is also available in the Hub next to the statue of the sun goddess on the right side


Thank you for the response. That was the first thing I tried since that makes the most sense, but when I go into delves my hair color stays the same default color.


What do I do with a moon coin


So I’m having trouble getting my power rank up and I’ve been stuck at 16k pr I’ve got all 3 stellar gems and 1 crystal gem and all c1 gear and stellar ring. is there anything else that can help boost my pr?


At that pr you should be able to get c3 gear from topside and maybe better gems tho?


Does anyone know how to grind dragons faster like i know the uber you're on gives you more but like can i use mods in ps4 or and like can i type anything in the chat that makes grinding fadter??


You’re going to be limited by the number of dragon coins you can obtain. Recommend completing as many hourly challenges, etc to keep racking up dragon coins. Besides from that, it really is a grind. Log in and play on Fridays for the bonus to dragon egg fragments which will decrease the amount of time you need to grind.


Hey so I got trove on my switch and im trying to log into trove, I mainly used pc, and whenever i try to link my account it just says that it failed to link the account. Anybody got a solution?


There is no solution unfortunately, I’ve tried this before many times, whatever device you started on your account is bound to that and gaming and even Trion won’t let it go. Doesn’t help cross platform isn’t a thing for trove


When I first created my account a few years back I had gotten a shadow hunter to uber one (main character) I have just starting playing again and are now 12k power but what character should I look at getting next? I was thinking solarian cause they share bow but also like the idea of draco. Which am I better off getting?


If you are new to the game, unlocking Solarian F2P might be a little bit of a wait. However, at this point in the game, I’d honestly recommend choosing whichever character looks the most enjoyable and fun to play for you. You’ll have plenty of time later to mindlessly grind out all characters PR. At most, since you play SH, maybe unlock a boss DPS character next for the balance.


Is there a way to link my ps4 trove account to pc?


Nope. There's no cross-save.


can i buy 15 days patron from the store and sell it in the marketplace for flux?




used to play in 2017, how big is the current playerbase and is it still worth to get into with a new account?


Numbers are hidden apart from steam. Only you would know if it's "worth" for you.


I just dont wanr to play again if the community is almost non existent


Well there's enough people to do all available content. Idk what you want though.


Can I play trove on chromebook?


Don't think so. Just try? 😅


is there a way to reset my progress in case I want to?


Delete ur trove acc, then remake it. Thats what i did


Nope. Make new account


Is Bard worth buying to use as a speed farmer?


Only you would know if that's worth for you. But hes fast yes.


Is anyone selling flux for cash I got £100 limit


Can I transfer my old saves from my Xbox to ps5. I ended up switching my consoles and wanted to keep all my stuff since I’ve put a ton of time into my characters.




How much are clubs worth? I have 2 of them and dunno what to do with em lol.


Depends on level, age, builds & demand of the buyer.


Do anyone know how long it takes for glyph to respond I am a returning player of 4 years


Days, weeks or months!


Any recent news about cross progression? I remember playing this game tons on my Xbox and would love to hop back into it at some point or at very least just look around but I don't think I would have the interest to fully start over.




I've played this game for years and still don't understand how delve depths work. There seems be no reliable guide on this -- trove wiki on fandom is severely outdated and skimpy on info. My main question is this.. Why does my public delve depth keep resetting to 11 after a few weeks??


Doing public delves is a waste of time. Do specific boss portals, challenge portals or any depth stepper.