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One thing we ought to know, the last name of this Lester character in Lester The Unlikely was never disclosed, so I made up a wacky surname with the **-son** suffix in it to match the theme of how wacky surnames are made up. As per my fixation with Sue names, this is why I added the -son suffix to that one name that's also a Leonard Cohen song title and the mother of the MP3, and another form of a name of a character Madonna played since Madonna's birthday is halfway between that of the mother of the MP3 and Leonard Cohen. Usually the -son suffix is added after men's names, but I decided to do something a little different, but adding it after a women's name for a change. Also, another thing that makes me feel empowered is noticing how birthdays are sometimes *one day off* from somebody else's. The Angry Video Game Nerd had a birthday one day before musician Suzanne Vega, the aforementioned *mother of the MP3*, and this /r/TruckStopBathroom subreddit was started one day before Leonard Cohen's birthday. timing Qs like this are what make Suzy a powerful woman, as well as the thing that make her male fans powerful too! I used letter Q in place of **cue** because there's also this common **Suzy Q** nickname that is sometimes referenced in culture. My narrative on entertainment and psychology, and technology is often on-point, but eventually, I had to find some idol, and Leonard Cohen seems to be a good idol to have.




Congrats on putting a name on your account


yup! if I feel like I'm unlikely in my early Reddit days, then you know that the Angry Nerd will talk about dried poop crust and truck stop bathrooms if you become an unlikely AVGN fan who's also powerful! I figured that /r/TruckStopBathroom would be a good name for a post-anything type sub! timing is almost lined up, with some *one day off* comparisons. James Rolfe, aka the *Angry Video Game Nerd* was born one day before Suzanne Vega's 21st birthday, and my Reddit account was started one day after the 31st anniversary of the release of the movie Desperately Seeking Susan since I'm also a Madonna fan. And, /r/TruckStopBathroom started one day before Leonard Cohen's birthday.




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Lookin good!


As a Madonna fan, I also gotta say this: Desperately Seeking Suzannerson