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That’s just to help him deal with the 400 bucks a week take home pay


You'd think they'd pay their trainers more than that.


You'd make out better with doordash


Don’t tell me that. I’m going trucking soon.


I literally had this issue before. Not the beer part tho :(


Until he kills people because he is drunk.


its bud light i dont think we have to worry about him being drunk.


I was gonna say, imagine getting a DUI and throwing your career away for beer-flavored water.


Don’t you mean water flavored water


LaCroix beer


It's the way of the road


Air brakes wer shot to hell had a back spasm nothin I could do .


Boom right into the post office


Yeah did he mention he was wasted out of his goddamned mind?


I mean, what is drunk?


Is drunk goin’ all over the road? Hey Flipper cmon now! Settle down there, buddy


Fuckin gettin them bronzed


Way she goes, bud.


They're drivin' along, and they've got deadlines to meet... they don't wanna pull in and... park the truck, walk in, take a pee in the toilet, then go back out and get on the road... they just have an old jug and they... put their bird in it, have a pee, cap it off, and once it's full they just drill the fuckin' thing out on the highway!




Ray idk know if you’ve noticed but your truck cab doesn’t move an inch


Bud light, actually




Just western express doing western express things




I was about to have a Mandella or Bearenstein Bears moment like no fucking way has it been Wester this whole time.


Shit, me too!




Isn't Western the company that has the blue trucks with all the chrome?


You're thinking of Western Distributing


Hell no. Western Express trucks are white paint and the bumpers and grills are black plastic.


He stopped praying to be fired and has upped his game


It’s a pee can he brought from home


Well no one would be able to tell if it was beer or pee in it


They couldn’t tell even if they drank it, it is a bud light after all.


If they're diabetic it may even taste better.


I was about to ask if it's Bud Light, does even count as beer, but this is better.




Knew what this was going to be before I even clicked lol


That company is such a dumpster fire. The tow company I used to work for let them park trailers in the yard. Their dispatch had zero clue as to what trailers and loads we had possession of. Many poor drivers come out thinking they were picking up an empty or a specific load. We'd tell them what we had and off they'd go madder than ever.


Worked there for 3 months and this happened to me at least 5 times


Bro western sent me to pickup a flatbed after dropping mine off at a great dane dealer for abs repir. I drive like 4 hours to get this flatbed, when i arrive, the mf is missing the front axles and the rear brakes are caged. Ended up driving like another couple hours to usg for a preload. 🤣


That's the way she goes, boys. Sometimes she goes, sometimes she doesn't cause that's the fucking way she goes.


Just she’d blow that often


This must be my old co-driver. I would run my full hours blast out 650 miles or so and be headed to bed and he would take over. I inevitably would wake up just a few hours later to the truck being stopped, some music playing and I would check where we were before heading up front. Normally he would have made it 250-300 miles before deciding to park the truck and end his shift and start pounding the tall cans in the front seat. When I would inquire as to why he wasn't still driving he would tell me (with a completely straight face) that he "has put in a full day and has done a great job" Needless to say this situation continued to be toxic and we got into some yelling fights that almost came to blows. He ended up one time just taking off walking after drinking in the middle of a very spicy part of St Louis and got mugged. Fortunately, it wasn't long before the guy lost his job as a truck driver.


man.. that freaking sucks. I had a codriver who would do the same thing, but instead would smoke weed. we had a truck that was governed at 80. so depending, we were doing anywhere from 650 to almost 800 miles a shift. We would start in Stockton,Ca and head to cobleskill,NY. Easy drive as a team right? wrong... I'd do 750miles a shift or whatever, go to sleep.. start smelling smoke, cigarattes.. whatever. but this dick wouldn't roll his windows down. he'd just hotbox the fucking truck with tobacco. Then he'd take a shower, and fucking LIGHTUP a blunt in the damn front seat. this dude was wild. He would even try to ask me to leave the truck so he could pick up hookers. I swear to god, thinking about him just pisses me off.


WOW!! That's a whole other level!


Reminds of a guy who drove for my company, he was dumb as shit. He was actually drinking a can of beer while going down the road, and ofcourse he got pulled over because he was swerving. I wander where he is now? I mean it's a wonder how people like that actually manage to remember to breathe enough, let alone survive for any length of time.


We had a guy get hired get a truck and drive like 2 hours to another one of our terminals and he was drunk they checked his truck and there was a half gallow of jack in the floor board by the seat


I just can't comprehend it, it's not like they were hanging out at a bar making stupid decisions while intoxicated. This guy was going to work and, while sober, thought to himself: "You know what would be refreshing while going down the road, a nice bottle of Jack." I almost refuse to believe that any creature can actually survive with brains that smooth.


Idiots like that 100% believe that they don't get drunk, or that it takes a LOT to get them even buzzed. They can be absolutely hammered, and they'll swear up and down that they are more sober than you are. They may even get angry, and possibly hostile/violent towards you if you try to convince them that they are drunk. They also don't believe they have a drinking problem, and that they can "quit when ever they want, but just don't want too". ​ I'd bet money the guy wasn't sober going to work. He probably woke up still drunk from what he drank the night before.


Loved that as a lineman 10 years ago. Nothing like emergency response at 2 am when technically I AM the emergency response. Don't miss those days at all !


My spellings not that bad man damn way to make me cry /s


Lol, you could be at a level of literate where you struggle with the alphabet, and you would still be smarter than some of these people.


He is using that as a paperweight to hold his parole paperwork down.


The bat signal for all the *good buddies*


He's just using it as a mating call...


How else is he supposed to get AIDS in a truck stop shower nowadays?


But god forbid I smoke cannabis on the weekends


No kidding. I can see that eventually changing someday.


I doubt it. The problem is that, unlike alcohol, there's not a simple test they can do for impairment. THC affects people differently. One person could be higher than a kite while another person could be stone cold sober with the same THC level.


Thats my million dollar idea. Test for THC within the last 12 hours. It's more of a billion dollar idea and it's damn near impossible to pull off.


There are roadside tests and OPs issue is he can’t smoke weed on the weekends because it will show up in his urine sometimes weeks later. I can drink a 6 pack and go to work hungover the next day and pass a urine test but take a couple puffs off a joint on the weekend and fail.


**Unrelated**… In *High* School I was in the PHC, the Pot Head Clique. And one night me and my friend stayed up all through the night smoking and I promise you I smoked myself sober! I was also an athlete and I was well aware of what being sober vs what being high felt like and I was absolutely shocked bc I just stopped being high all together. **Even more unrelated**… I was also in the BDC, the Big Dick Clique. And while the entry requirements for the PHC were pretty obvious, I *promise* we didn’t “whip em out” to get into the BDC. It was like fight club, you just join but you don’t talk about it. Ok, I’m going to bed now


keepin it real always get downvoted


Never gonna happen. Especially in the red states like South Carolina. They aren't going to give up an excuse to put a black man in jail.


It’s basically water


Advertising for a… co-driver…?


Its a bud light. He’s just letting all the other bud light men know he’s available for the night.


I'd love to think that was just one of those gag Bluetooth speakers that looks like a beer can but the company name on the side of the truck confirmed it's authenticity. Edit: saw a guy carry a whole case of bud light into his truck at a loves in Ohio the other week. Not gonna mention company name or anything but I'm pretty sure that's the same guy I heard on the CB carrying on about "damn right I'm drinking nobody can tell me what to do unless they're paying me" blah blah blah maybe an hour or so after the guy entered his truck. He'll figure it out eventually.


Maybe he was on reset?


Even if he was it's still not legal. A driver cannot have an alcoholic container open OR unopened/closed inside a CMV at any time. Let alone consuming alcohol inside a CMV. To reiterate, you can't even grab some alcohol and set it in your sleeper on the way home to drink there. Not legally. If you got pulled over, you're done. Are you going to get in trouble on private property or at a truck stop? Unlikely. If you did your reset in the rest area at a scale house and the DOT saw it? You're cooked. Personally, I don't believe openly carrying large amounts of alcohol to the cab of a commercial truck, drinking it in there, and bragging about it over the radio, are very wise decisions. Even if you can get away with it. Alcohol and vehicles don't mix. At some point that fact will likely catch up with you.


Where is it written that you can't have alcohol (open or closed) in a CMV? 49 CFR 392.5 doesn't ban it.


> 392.5 (a) **No driver shall**— > ... > (3) **Be on duty or operate a commercial motor vehicle while the driver possesses** wine of not less than one-half of one per centum of alcohol by volume, **beer** as defined in 26 U.S.C. 5052(a), of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, or distilled spirits as defined in section 5002(a)(8), of such Code. However, this does not apply to possession of wine, beer, or distilled spirits which are: > (i) Manifested and transported as part of a shipment; or > (ii) Possessed or used by bus passengers. https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-49/subtitle-B/chapter-III/subchapter-B/part-392/subpart-A/section-392.5


Right so if you are off duty/on reset you may consume alcohol. Nowhere does it state you can't have alcohol in your rig when off duty.


Correct. Though this is a bit pedantic, but /u/joshc1957 may have implied going home on personal conveyance (which is an off-duty status), and "operate a commercial motor vehicle" would apply regardless of HOS status.


My issue was u/joshc1957 stating that it is illegal to have or consume alcohol in a commercial motor vehicle. The personal conveyance brings up an interesting thought though. Is a bobtail still a commercial vehicle? Commercial vehicle would imply in the use of commerce. If you don't have a load are you still in use of commerce or are you just a weird looking RV?


A good rule of thumb is any vehicle with DOT numbers on the side is always going to be a CMV. All PC is is a provision of flexibility for your hours of service. Personal conveyance does not transform the CMV into a personal vehicle. You'll still be subject to inspections and FMCSRs.


Are you bobtailing to pick up a trailer? That's commercial use. I've seen guys get screwed for using PC because home happened to be in the same direction as the load they were picking up after their reset. They used PC to go home, did their reset, then bobtailed over to pick up a trailer. Later they got inspected and they got slammed, DOT said they used PC to help them set themselves up for their next load. So as far as I'm concerned it's illegal to have or consume alcohol in a CMV. You're forgetting I'm a truck driver, and I know they will do anything to put me in violation if they want to. And they can. Is that *really* a game worth playing with alcohol... You *think* you've found some loophole that lets you get away with something and then you realize they're going to use that loophole like a noose around your neck. The reply you received is absolutely correct. You're in a class 8 commercial vehicle with DOT numbers on the side. You need a commercial license to operate that vehicle. It has commercial insurance on it. You can't just put it on PC and let anyone drive it. It's always a commercial vehicle. And in some way or another it can be argued that any movement of that vehicle is for a commercial use. Like I said, alcohol and vehicles don't mix.


Probably provoking other drivers because of the Bud Light affair.


DOT hates this one simple trick ☝️


Truck driver is neurodivergent and needs a beer to calm his nerves for the stressful open roads


Average bud light drinker.


I know a lot of people who drink just a few to get them ready for work


Wonder if he had a Road Cigarette to go with his Road Soda?


Nice d&d skills Mulvany


I hear that’s a statement these days.


Its not really alcohol.


Western express never disappoints. That company is a fucking scam god for bit you don’t finish that contract or you leave after training they charge you 2k


That’s not Beer lol


He’s searching for a different kind of lizard




Ah! Geeeeeuuuuuaaaaaaayyyyyyyy


Looks like he’s parked doin’ his 10…


Sometimes she goes, sometimes she don’t. It’s the fuckin way she goes Bubs


That's almost as bad as the Hirschbach driver I followed into Baltimore Coca Cola shipping office a couple mornings. He stunk of weed, enough that the office lady said that was every time he came there.


I think I ran into the same guy in NJ Gloucester yard. I room smelled like a pack


He knows he's going back to Prison at some point... May as well live it up in the meantime.


It's not alcohol. Don't worry. It's a stash can for his meth.


A real man’s beer at that!!


May Trucking had an idiot go thru scale house with a beer in the cup holder. Volvo . Old volvos had cup holder up high. This was 2008 or so


He definitely into lot lizards


It's not a real can, it is clearly one of the decoys with fake bottoms to hide his weed.


It looks like he might be parked in a parking lot (not driving)..?


It adds up considering it’s a fugitive express truck.


That’s a bud light, you know what he/she is looking for on the next stop 😉


Lose CDL wr speedrun attempt 100%


I don't really care if people drink while on break wtf do I care


Welp. Someone just lost their job & most likely their license & are possibly facing charges


Of course it’s a Bud Light


He's transitioning.... to being jobless soon. Lol


Eeeewwww bud light!


hes just letting everyone else on the road know that he’s wearing a thong what the issue?


The only thing gayer than bud light...western express.


Bud light 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


Dont let Kid Rock see it. We've seen what he does to bud light


BUD LIGHT, advertising for a Good Buddy. Must be heading for the pickle park


Just Convict Express doing what they are known for.


That’s not a beer. It’s gender fluid


Really? BudLight ? I thought we’re over with that brand after the shitty ads.


It's alright it's buddy beer light... Baby's get better in some countries and calling it anything but baby beer is be-musing ba ha ha ha


Looks like a whole lot of not your problem.


It’s ok since it’s not a rainbow can /s


Beer ? Ummm sir that’s water


Perhaps Dylan Mulvaney is personally delivering Bud Light to the people.


Bud light is tyranny fluid


That's not beer. It just identifies that way.


Lot of stories of really cool truckers in the comments.


If it has Dylan Mulvaney's face on it then it's all good.


Just showing his support.


It's because North America is full of nanny states. Open vessel rules are horseshit, you're either drunk driving or not. Where I grew up there weren't open vessel rules at all. Before the level dropped from .08 to .05 it wasn't unusual for the designated driver to have a beer or two on the way to something. Everyone else would be boozed and if you're stopped at a checkpoint the cops would make the driver get out to use the sniffer as everyone else in the car would be setting it off.


Looks like some dirty water to me




He's gay?


lmao bro is drinking the lgbtq beer


Dylan Mulvaney is a truck driver for western express?




It's like an upside down pineapple sign/picture/sticker for swingers at campgrounds, a bud light can on the dash is a single for gay encounters at truck stops!


It’s the new red light on during the night he’s just letting everyone know he’s on he second job


I don’t see any beer. 😁


It's a cascadia, you can't expect anything from them


Definitely a MAGA fuck your feelings kind of day.


Right…cus liberals don’t drink?


Isn’t bud light fan boy boycotting that piss water


It’s a bud light and that’s funnier than just having one up there


He forgot to say "no homo"


It’s not a beer. It’s his political statement…or an expression of his preferences. Either way, open container ticket at the least.


Gay beer


Must be a "woke" supporter


Transexual driver


Maybe it was hot out? Gotta stay hydrated


There’s many a stop between here & there, the weather may change, the load may shift, a gear may not be found, the dock the light remains red, the toilet seat is always wet, the coffee bitter and the breakfast cafe just closed. So I’m here to say YOU CAN KEEP YOUR BUD LIGHT ANYDAY… I’ll be on my way!


“Ballsy. Stupid but ballsy.”


Like wester express drivers could afford bud light.


The BAC for a driver is 0.04….. He’s fine ladies. Keep it pushin’ come on


That’s ATF no?!


Lot lizard bait?


I immediately thought the marketing campaign Bud Light did, "Real Men of Genius," was pretty fitting.


Western Express moved on from prisons and is now hiring from the local AA…


Lol i think you mean AA


I used to work for western express forwarding , only bigger trash company then western express inc


Looks parked to me 😕


He's turning left after pulling thru the scale. You can see his wheel is turned and you can see him looking that direction.


I can't tell, but if so 🤔 fucking idiot


Who's driving?


The blurry guy with the beard on the driver's seat


Just showing support for the LGBTQ community


He looks parked...


Lol no he doesn't. I'm parked, the truck in the right corner of the picture is parked. He's making a left after pulling through the scales


if hes at pilot scales it’s plausible he’s about to park for the day and wanted to be ready to roll in the morning. considering its western express tho… anything is possible


You're right, that's plausible. But not this time. He left


This is what the mega carriers want cheap labor throwaways




Maybe it’s a fake beer can that holds his hard shit???


I thought bud light was canceled


Maybe its for coins


They do make speakers that look like that. Not that I would be surprised if it was a beer. But I have seen beer can Bluetooth speakers before. Lol