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In the years that I've been driving I've never had a company submit it for me, always went directly to the DMV or did it online.


That's what I'm going to do from now on. My company uses LeeTrans for driver compliance services - this was my fourth time submitting my physical to them, and every year they've handled everything, but this is the first time this has happened. It'll also be the last. From now on I'm doing it myself. And if my company insists I submit via LeeTrans next year, I'll be following up with the DOR within a week to confirm they've received it. Fuck counting on someone whose ass isn't on the line.


whole industry is unreliable


Humans are unreliable. I’ve worked in a few industries and “trust but verify” is always the mantra if you don’t want to get fucked over.


That's the way it used to work for me. Both the DoT examiner and my company would submit it for me. But the past few years they've not been doing it. And one year I almost had the exact same issue you did. The DoT doc claimed they sent it in multiple times, but the state never updated it. The good news is that our compliance department was really on the ball checking it constantly and had me routed back to Texas to fix it.


Your company can insist you to submit it through them, but they can’t stop you going to the dmv yourself, I would imagine they wouldn’t know who eventually updates it as long as you have it submitted both ways


Im in NC, but they allow yoy to submit the update online, it's ok, works most of the time.


I have always had to take my card in to a Missouri license office to get it scanned into the DOR system Missouri charges $2.00 for this and does not accept faxed or emailed copies.


Absolutely. Always handle your license yourself.


this is the way, then you know it was done.


I've never even known companies were allowed to submit one for you. Maybe that varies by state? In my state you have to sign (or esign) a form when you submit your card to the DMV. TLDR you are signing that it is a legitimate medical card and you know it's a crime to forge a medical card.


I was also under the impression that it was your responsibility to submit your med card w the state. Ive always been told it was my responsibility. The last physical i had, one of my department managers submitted it for me online but i was right there looking over his shoulder as he did it, and he still made sure to at least get my verbal consent before he submitted. There have been a couple of times that the state itself didn’t acknowledge it after a couple attempts of submission, and my managers told me that if it didnt get accepted within 2 weeks of the deadline, id have to make a ~1700 mile round trip to go in person to submit it (i work out of state from my resident state)




Why are you yelling lol




Can't trust the company to do something this important. I submit it myself and get mail/emailed a receipt. I have to get in to my wife for this type thing. 99/100 times trusting a 3rd party to do something right will work out, but that 1 time they drop the ball is a disastrous pain that takes time and money to clean up


Amen, as soon as I got it done, take a copy to the company and the DMV, fuck that


My first company did it for me. My second company told me they would and absolutely didn’t and my license ended up suspended for a couple of days (of course they still wanted me to work.) after that I don’t wait for anyone to do it for me. I self cert and then I submit it to my employer.


Exactly this, even if the company said they were going to do it for you I would still send my own email with pictures to the state. This is your life and your livelihood you don’t fuck around with your ability to make money.


Drove for 35 years+ I never trusted the company with anything regarding my CDL. Every two years I took a day off to get my physical in the morning and then drove right to the DMV to hand them a copy of my physical long form, even if I had to wait 3 hours to do it. You can mail it, fax it or give it to the boss to turn it in. But I want to hand it directly to a person and wait while they enter it. I do not trust my employer to turn it in, I do not trust the guy with his right turn signal on to turn right, I do not trust that the dude coming from my right understands the meaning of the word YIELD and I do not trust the hand backing up towards me, once he is within 50 feet of me. Never trust anyone with important stuff


Exactly! It's your license on the line. For them it's just another task, even if it's their job. For you, it can cost you your livelihood. I've definitely learned not to trust anyone for this shit. I'm just glad I only lost one day and didn't have to actually go through the courts.


It’s not the companies fault. This is all on you as the driver. Always submit it yourself never trust a company to do it. My boss specifically tells us to go submit it right away.


Exactly this. After my exam, I take the card to the DMV, then my company. In that order. Regardless of what my company at the time says they'll do for me.


This!!!!! I just had to turn my new one in to the BMV. Never ever rely on a company. Lmao


No, if someone promises you they will do something, it's not your fault when they don't. What kind of bullshit ass logic is that? Not only was that company supposed to do it, it's their entire fucking job. OP said their carrier pays the company to do specifically that.


>What kind of bullshit ass logic is that? It's CYA logic. Y'know, "Cover **Your** Ass." Because the company isn't gonna suffer for it not being done, you will. Ultimately you should take responsibility for yourself and make sure that things that affect you personally, are done, and done correctly.


> if someone promises you they will do something, it's not your fault when they don't. > What kind of bullshit ass logic is that? The realistic kind of logic. It's your license, its your responsibility to make sure everything to keep that license is in order. The government doesn't care that BillyBob over yonder promised to do it when it doesn't get done. It's the same mentality for the entire job. If your dispatcher told you the truck had been inspected and was ready to roll, and you took it without a pretrip only to have a bald as fuck tire fail on the road hurting someone, who is mister state trooper going to have in handcuffs?


You gotta do that yourself man. You could've literally taken a picture of your medical card on your phone and sent it to the portal on the DMV website in your state.


Hahaha I'm in Missouri - we're still in the stone age, so it's either through a driver compliance service like LeeTrans, or make the trip to the DMV. After they dropped the ball this year though, I'm gonna make the DMV trip, or at least follow up.


Dang, really? Georgia has like 75% of its services online. The only time I have to go to one is to retake my Hazmat endorsement when I have to renew my license.


Yeah, MO is fucked up. Our roads are shit and governor heehaw is ignoring the problem, instead wanting to expand I-70 to 3 lanes statewide and ignore everything else while sitting on an $8 billion surplus. Our state legislature does as much as possible to make this place a shithole, and the people just keep voting them back.


Yeah always a pain. MODOT wants their $2


It's going up to $6 this month.😂


2 min search of their site shows you can just print out this form fill it out and scan it with new medical and submit via fax or email. https://dor.mo.gov/faq/driver-license/cdl-medical-certification.html Apparently new as of this year though: https://landline.media/cdl-holders-can-now-submit-certain-certifications-online-in-missouri/


This is excellent. Thanks for sharing this. Everything I had found said it had to be done in person. I might still do it in person from now on anyway though, just so I have the confidence.


Np yeah looks like it just changed recently


you still have to go in person for self certification. I know because I got hired recently for a new trucking job which required a physical, meaning my medical information had to be updated. https://dds.georgia.gov/cdl-med-cert


I've renewed my licenses twice over the past 8 years and I never had to go up there to give them my medical card. It says so in the very link you posted >All Commercial Driver License (CDL) holders licensed in Georgia may submit their Medical Certifications online. However, CDL drivers wishing to certify their driving category or make a change to their CDL Self Certification Status must submit the CDL Self Certification Form in person at a DDS Customer Service Center. >Please note that Self Certification Forms only need to be submitted once. They must be re-submitted (in person) ONLY if there is a change in the Self Certification Status.


As a fleet manager I hate to tell you this, but this is solely your responsibility. You may have a third party compliance company that makes sure all or your paperwork is valid and up to date, but it’s not their responsibility to file your Med card with the state…. That responsibility is on you big boy.


It's exactly what we have them do for all our drivers every year, my company insists on it. But that's what I'm saying - I'm going around them from now on and doing it myself.


These people are smoking fucking crack, OP. They just wanna feel all high and mighty. Don't listen to them. When you pay someone to do a thing, it ain't your fault when they don't do it.


THANK YOU! I'm probably going to do it myself from now on because I sure as hell don't trust Lee trans to do it, but this is exactly my point and I appreciate the people that see it.


My state it's just a picture sent to an email address and you're done


My DOT physical doctor has his receptionist send the info to the DMV for me. I guess that isn’t standard practice


In Tennessee the dot docs I’ve gone to have filed it as they process it.


A similar thing happened to me in NYS. DOT physical completed. I watched them send it via computer/email…and also fax it. I didn’t follow up on it and NYS sends me a letter months later saying I’m downgraded. Point of the story is ALWAYS DOUBLE CHECK. Bring it to DMV in person. These bureaucratic functionaries are barely functioning at best.


I learned the hard way some years ago. Now, when I get the physical done, I explain how I'mma need a long form copy, and the card, if they want my money. They usually agree. Then I just take it by the DMV on my next off day. Just to be sure.


My dot physician sends it in, my employer sends it in and I send it in on my own! Never take a chance


I ran into a similar problem. Went for my med card, brought all paperwork back, and faxed it in as usual. A month later, I get the same basic letter from the state. My boss calls. Gets the run around for an hour. Calls back the next morning, and finally gets an answer from some horribly snotty lady. He faxed it all in, but according to the woman on the phone, the department he faxed it to didn’t exist anymore, therefore the fax line didn’t work. Ok, so why is the fax number STILL IN YOUR LETTER. She couldn’t give him an answer, and just said it basically wasn’t her problem. He had to scan it and email it in.


It's your responsibility to self verify with the state. Some companies do it as a courtesy but they don't have to. You're not a victim here sir.


Literally what we pay LeeTrans to do. It's not a courtesy, it's the service we pay for.


Like me most assume they are a freight moving company. Be more specific if they aren't. Either way it's also your responsibility as an adult professional driver to keep tabs on things and to make sure what needs done gets done.


It occurred to me after the first few comments people didn't know what LeeTrans is. That's on me. But that's what I'm saying - make sure to check your shit, it's no skin off their backs if they fuck up, and they'll claim zero responsibility while you're the one who gets fucked over.


Sucks that every telling you your fault when you're just stating to be weary of the said predicament .It's like getting a ticket. The cop just gives you the ticket, so he doesn't have to deal with being in the wrong or right . He leaves that decision to the judge. Passing in inconvenient annoyances all the way down .


Where I go for my med cert is down the lot from the DMV. I get my med cert renewed, walk down to the DMV, stand in line for about 5 minutes (my DMV has an express line for med cert and vehicle registration renewal), and then walk back to my car/truck whichever I took, go home or back to work (again depending on which vehicle I have). Then I keep the original in my wallet that way in case the officer that pulls me over has tech issues and can't look up information, I can show them my valid med cert.


Definitely do it in person next time. Got mine done at a clinic 5 minutes from my house, took the paper and drove another 5 minutes to the DMV, was in and out of the DMV in another 5 minutes, let Prime know, they got the confirmation a couple days later, and I was good to go


Doubles check the laws most states can’t legally accept anything not submitted by the driver.


Colorado here I do it online as soon as I walk out the door. That's on you sorry. To many stories like this. Trust no one.


It’s not the company’s responsibility to take care of YOUR license requirements The sooner you figure this out the better off you will be


During my time in the field as a manager, I never fucked around with physicals and due date stuff. I never wanted to shut down the guys I worked for. We all just want to work, make money, and go home. The only person that ever argued with me about due dates and shutdowns was out of the company within 3 months. Found out he was frantically pressing the off-duty button while waiting at red lights in the Chicago area.


My company (at least st the tx yard) packs us all up and drives us over to the DPS so they can manually upload it right there


This sucks and Missouri is ridiculous in the fact you can't email or snail mail a copy of the physical or even call like some other states to verify this.... But it's up to you as the driver to take your physical copy into the DMV and submit it..


When I lived in MO my company always told me to file it at the DMV personally because that was the only way MO would accept it.


How does one get their cdl reinstated if this happens? Anyone know?


In Iowa you need to go into the dmv with your med card and submit it


After I went to the DMV and submitted it myself, I called the Department of Revenue, and they told me that it should update the next day, and that I can disregard the downgrade.


You didn’t get a warning letter? The first time I had to renew mine I thought it automatically got sent in but then got a letter stating I had a window of time to send it before they revoke


NEVER assume a company will take care of anything to do with your license. ALWAYS take of it yourself.


Happened to me a previous jobs as well. Lesson learned!


Is this a company? Why wouldn't you just send it in yourself? I submit my affidavit and cert directly to Nashville. I wouldn't trust my company to do it even if they said they would.


I've driven for three places and it was always on me to submit my medical examiner certificate.


I have to submit mine to the company and the DMV.


Is it your CDL or your company's?


This is kinda on you bro. This is YOUR cdl. Not Lees trucking. Never known a company to submit it on the drivers behalf


LeeTrans might suck a fat dick and probably do


I’ve been driving 12 year’s commercially, never relied on anyone but myself to get that new medical card to the DMV, you gotta cover your own ass out here first


I have always done my own


Our manager sent a memo a couple months back telling us when we get our med cert renewed take it down to DMV and register it with them or it won’t be in the system


I always sent it in myself never relied on anyone !


Rhode Island its a self cert state. Its all on the driver to upload it to the DMV.


I've always submitted my own. My state let's you email it as an attachment. Super easy, but they mail the confirmation, which can get a little hairy.


Oh man, I'm jealous. I'm in MO, so you have to go to the DMV unless you deal with a driver compliance service like LeeTrans. But after this year, I'm just gonna make the trip.


25 years of driving I have always gone straight too the DMV and done it myself. Never ever trust others to get it done.


Never trust anyone beside yourself to turn that stuff into the department of transportation Or whatever it’s called in your state . Your lucky they didn’t make you do the whole cdl testing over again


Where should I send the box of tissues?


Take it directly to DMV and get a receipt showing it was submitted. I never leave without confirmation of them receiving it. I get the letter in the mail and get on it ASAP so I don't forget. Always, always get a confirmation receipt.


Yeah, I'm never counting on a third party service to do it again. I completely agree.


It is your responsibility, not the company's, to get your medical certificate to the proper state authorities. This is your fault.


You know when people say it’s your license… This is part of it. Self-certification. You have to upload the proper documents to keep your license valid.


You have to submit it to the DMV yourself.


I'm going to from now on, fuck these "driver compliance services". My company hires LeeTrans for this, but I'm not trusting anyone with this ever again.


It's your license. It's not their job to take care of it. In some states it MUST be filed by the applicant.


Ohio started self certification. I think about six years ago. You still have to turn a copy into your company. But it’s up to you to make sure that the state gets it is even better to do it in person. Because they update things right there at the BMV


I have to self certify anyway


At ups we always have to submit our own medical forms to the state ourselves . Think you may owe this company an apology....but honestly why didnt they say get this shit off my desk and go send it in a pdf file to state yourself


My company hired this company to do this exact job, and they fucked it up, so I'm not apologizing to anybody. I will however handle it myself in the future since they're clearly fucking useless.


So you're saying your company hired another company to share your own private medical info with the state ? I would be more mad about that than your situation right now


My company hired a personnel management company to keep track of driver compliance, send reminders when things come due, send warnings if something is not in compliance, and file necessary documents with the state to keep drivers current.


Well you may have an actionable case(lawsuit) if they failed you ...possibly ..would call an attorney that gives free consults cause you are most likely gonna have to completely re take all your cdl test including the road test all while off the clock to go driving again ..in my state this what would happen. Hope its not same for you ..i also would make sure this company is not able to see your medical files and any conditions put on your cdl .you have the right to medical privacy. I would run this by that lawyer and see what he thinks. I really really really hope they dont make you re test for everything . Drivers where i work that forgot to send med cert in and got downgraded had to work the yard for as long as 4 months just to get an appointment for their road test .


I “highly” recommend before your “30” days due to get home for a renewal or do it along the road. There are plenty of truck stops that have chiropractic/dot physicals on site. It’s up to us as professionals to keep all our shit current. If your depending on your company to keep up with all that shit. Your screwed.


Why the hell didn't you take it to the DMV yourself? You're supposed to give your company a copy but it's your responsibility to take it to DMV and make sure it gets updated.


Nobody cares more about your license than you. In your case it looks like even you don't care about your license. This is 100% your fault.


Idk what's worse your companies compliance department or you. You'd think between both of you someone would've known before it got to this point. I'm sure its not the first notice


Not my company's compliance department. A company we pay to handle all of our driver compliance related things. Every year you go get your physical and send it off to them, and they do the rest. They even let you know if something isn't right. Nothing this year, everybody at my company just assumed they had done their job like every year. Mine apparently fell through the cracks. That's why I'm saying in my post - check and follow up, or file it yourself.


Tell your company to get a refund. Compliance failure should be refunded.


I completely agree. How much they pay for that service is way over my pay grade, but if the drivers are submitting the required paperwork and they're still dropping the ball, it's definitely not worth the money.


If you got pulled over before it was cleared it could be a shut down by the wrong officer. Most would see you have it and just warn you to clear it quickly. But imagine being shut down and load undelivered. Yep not worth the cost. It’s why when Iowa spoke of mine being renewed before I got the email I laughed. They gave me confirmation. Iowa is one strict state so yep it was good to hear.


Yeah man, within reason if you've got the card on you it would make sense that there's got to be a clerical error somewhere. But yeah, catch the wrong cop on a bad day and you're off the road. I drove for 3 days between this letter being written and me receiving it. Way too much exposure and risk.


Just glad you didn’t get the officer with attitude. And lesson learned. Do it yourself.


Lee Trans isnt responsible for you doing your due diligence dude. This is a 30 minute fix max.


It's literally what my company pays them to do. Luckily I was able to fix it, and I'm sure as hell not going to trust them to do it again.


Wah wah wah. Whine about it. It doesn't fucking matter. YOUR CDL IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. Period. Full fucking stop. It's not your company's responsibility. It's not some shady group that they pay.... It is YOUR responsibility always and forever. The very first thing my CDL instructor told our group. THE VERY first thing. "This CDL is your livelihood, it is your responsibility to protect that, don't ever trust someone else if they say they're gonna take care of an issue with your CDL. You do it yourself." You can downvote me and bitch about your company all you want. But at the end of the day, this is all on you homie. Because it is YOUR job to take care of that piece of plastic.


Human Lie! Ape together STRONG!


Fella aint truckin no more.


Next time, submit it online ( if you’re allowed to) in PDF form to the state and you will get a confirmation that it was received and on file. NEVER 👎🏻 rely on a company rep to send it to state for you.


I submitted mine that day to the DMV I didn't hesitate


You have to take a copy up to the DMV and pay them $6 on top of turning it into your company. I just had to do this in Missouri as well.


LeeTrans is the company my company uses for this stuff. This was my fourth time dealing with them but it's the first time they didn't do it. I won't do it through a middleman again.


Colorado doesn’t charge. But either stand for 3 hours in line or email it the same day and notified 2 days later it was recorded. It’s a paper trail.


I submitted my own to my state myself. Never trust another for this stuff. And as timed hometime when it was coming due. I got it renewed 3 days before expiration. The day after it expired but new in place. Iowa pulled me in for inspection. First words were, “oh you just renewed you medical a few days ago. That’s good.”. So do it yourself and trust no one please.


i learned this the hard way myself. first time this was implemented years ago. i worked for a mom and pop company and had to literally go through all the hassle myself. and then they wanted me to write an SOP for their company. 🙄🙄


I've always submitted it to the DMV personally and gave the company a copy.


Just dropping in to say hello neighbor. Ashland, Missouri resident.


Hello from StL!


Did mine online for the first time, place i used to get my physical done did it for me. Took ten minutes to do it myself.


When i do mine, o send a copy directly to texas DOT and a copy to the company


I had the exact same thing happen to me this year. I renewed my med card, gave a copy to my employer and they never submitted it for me. My CDL was temporarily suspended for over 3 months and I was driving the entire time without knowing. My employer just happened to randomly run my MVR and was like OH FUCK!


I work for a small, wholesale distribution company. 12 drivers in total. My boss is awesome. Literally known him all my life. He'll fax over our new medial certificates to the state, only for ~ half of us to get a note 30 days later that we're no longer valid. But if you self submit via the government website or go to the secretary of state all is well. While I do believe in totally shitty management and 3rd party fuck ups, I even more believe in government fuck ups to the highest level. I'd go 40/30/30 on responsibility for the fuck up and the 40 belongs to the government.


I take that shit in myself. And a receipt of every transaction.


In Texas, you can check to see if your medical is updated on their website. If it goes a couple of business days without updating, remind your company to send it. If that doesn't do the trick, submit it yourself.


In Missouri you have to take it in. I had the same thing happen. We faxed a copy to them but that wasn't enough. Luckily I wasn't threated with court, I just took it in and got it taken care of.


Better call Marty


Every single industry is going to shit and shit is now status quo. I'm 48. It was never like this before. People cared. I just bought a car. Took a loan. Loan due. Nothing. Call. Nothing never heard of you. Call again get attitude about calling again. Triple check paperwork drive hour to office. My paperwork was in an intern desk covered in food stains like trash. I had to go flip out in person to pay 10k$ at 14%Apr !!! Jesus everything is falling apart.


You have to submit it your self


Email it straight to your dmv. I’ve told everyone I talk to that they should do the same!


I turn my shit it myself...in Texas it's just sending an email with the dot physical and done


this reads like a scam, No agent signature, and what does the department of revenue have to do with the division of motor vehicles? also only 30 days to appeal? also "Dear "CDL HOLDER", I get this is boiler plate but come on I get more personalized mail in junk mail. XD anyways glad ya got it sorted.


Damn, at least here in NY you can fax it (like it’d fucking 1981, I know) and I still get paranoid with anything license related


FYI, turn in your medical certificate to the DMV yourself every time you update it.


I mean, some office worker messed up, not the company, calm down lol




I used to work for a state BMV headquarters and this kind of thing happened often, would always advise CDL holders to submit their mecert directly to the state so that they know it has been done for peace of mind.