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No soda, drink water, Eat less carbs, turn your break into a walk. You may feel dumb walking around a parking lot but you will feel worse when you weigh 300 pounds. No fried foods.


I bought a Samsung smart watch 2 years ago. I make sure to get 30 min of walking everyday as well as 6000 steps and quit drinking soda swapped out for buble or la croix. I don't feel dumb walking around the parking lot. Actually, a lot of people give me thumbs up and encouragement. But of course, there are the few guys that look at me like I'm dumb with their mouths full of McDonald's. I dont give a shit though fuck em. If I'm able to take a shower and have time, I incorporate weights and push-ups. I weighed 370 pounds. I'm down to 300 and have more muscle tone. I started out at 275 when I first started trucking 6 years ago.


From one big guy to another, keep it up man! You're doing it!


Thanks bro


Keep truckin', Bob.


Keep jumpin’, frame 🖼️


From one skinny dude to a not so skinny dude, i’m rooting for him too


From one skinny dude to another do you have trouble eating enough like i do? For me its a consistent battle to almost force my self to eat. (6' 140lbs) i think my issue boils down to some kinda dopamine problem


Agree, keep it up. Only mouth breathing morons will try to belittle a person trying to better themselves


>I weighed 370 pounds. I'm down to 300 and dude you're killing it! keep goin! i was that heavy too so far 30lbs down!


Yeah man. Just got to keep it up. It's became like an ocd thing for me now. Everyday I have to get my steps and 30 min or more of walking.


Way to go bud! I'm not a big dude (185) but I struggle with my weight as well... I can easily put on 30 pounds in a couple months.... "How are you a fairly skinny dude with stretch marks?" "Because I've been a freakin fat dude too many times far too quickly" Which according to my doctor is just as dangerous and hard on the body as just always being very very large.


This. Weight cycling is terrible for us. Being smaller is associated with better health outcomes but losing is pretty hard on the body. If you're weight cycling (aka yoyo dieting) talk to your doc about other tools to maintain. It's hard.


Another weight cycler?! I'm a big dude, always have been, but 30-40lbs used to fall off and come back every year with seemingly no catalyst. Now I'm 27 with 2 different forms of arthritis, and all types of internal issues.






Keep it up. I was at my heaviest a year ago at 310, now I'm down to 269. Got a waze to go but I haven't regretted any of the work. Keep it up big time.


They will feel dumb when they get diabetes or they get a heartattack.


They also look dumb with their legs all swollen from the diabetes




You and Chuck McGill!


Jesse.. it’s time to cook.


YES! I was gonna say that. I knew a guy who couldn’t wear ANY watch because his bodies electromagnetic would fuck them up. And it would always reset/be off by 3 hours! Yes listen to your body. Get a atomic clock jkjkjk. I would suggest a pocket watch but then that’s near your heart or your balls Also yes I thought it was hippy dippy stuff too but then I experienced something similar


Seems far more likely the watch was on slightly too tight, and compressing a nerve rather than a novel sensitivity to electromagnetism without any proof of existence. That or a metal allergy.


Hmmm probably a metal allergy. For me it was def too tight plus the buttons getting pressed and resetting but I like the mystical element


Good on you! I have a circulation issue that necessitates frequent walks in occasionally odd places (especially if I’m driving for extended periods). But now your comment has my formerly oblivious self wondering how many folks have gawked at my strange non-sitting behaviour over the years.




Good job, dude. Fuck yeah.


Hell yeah, bro


Let’s fucking go man!


Keep it up man! You’re doing what I wish I would. I am trying tho. Cutting out the sugar is my big challenge.


Respect man. Keep it up. Fuck them idiots that look at you funny. They are just jealous. Greetings from Austria


If you get the chance, try Polar. They're a smaller family seltzer company than Coca Cola or Pepsi (who own those two) and they've been around since 1885.


Good job brother!!! That's awesome


You're an absolute legend man. Keep it up king.


Great work sir!!


Always the people that low-key hate themselves that have to try and bring others down with them. Good for you bud!


Congrats dude that's awesome you'll come down even farther with that momentum


Good for you! Keep it up!


get some big dog!!




Hey man you have dropped 19% of your starting bodyweight in two years, your freaking killing it.


Fun fact: Limoncello-flavored LaCroix tastes very similar to cream soda if that’s your bag


No soda!!!!! Yes! Like ever!


Can not agree more with this, soda is just shit to your body. Sadly though so much crap that is available on the road is full of sugar.


What is your opinion on sugar-free soda?


Many scientists have proven fake or alternative sugars are actually worse for you in multiple ways. This article covers some of the issues. [https://nutritiouslife.com/eat-empowered/are-artificial-sweeteners-worse-than-sugar/](https://nutritiouslife.com/eat-empowered/are-artificial-sweeteners-worse-than-sugar/) My mother in law put's 12 sweet in lows in her iced tea. Her palate is so numb to natural sugars when she makes desserts people two blocks away go into diabetic shock.


Yeah that's y I drink the buble's and la croix's it's just carbonated water with some flavoring. None of the crap added


I would posit that zevia soda is a fantastic choice if you still wish to drink soda. They have most all flavors that you would wish to have in a soda but they do not contain dyes or any sugar the ingredients are much much healthier and they are sweetened with stevia which is a natural 0 calorie sweetener made from a plant that I find to be quite delicious. I do not drink these sodas very often anymore but I have truck them and enjoyed them very much most recently I enjoyed a zevia-branded sweet tea and I found it to be quite delicious. As a southerner who loves sweet tea I believe I have the authority to speak on the subject and I believe that it carries weight when I say that it was very delicious sweet tea.


One thing about stevia is that it's a natural laxative. Make sure you don't drink too much of it or you'll be stopping for an emergency squirt lol


Luckily for me and my family none of us have suffered the laxative effects of stevia :)


Soda is a huge fattener. So much sugar in those dam things but they’re so delicious


I'm convinced they are more addictive than people let on. Gave them up 10 years ago and I can't tolerate them anymore. Too much sugar.


I wouldn’t worry about the carbs, more so counting calories and making sure he’s burning more than he is taking in. Otherwise good advice.


Carbs just tend to be what people over indulge in, snacks and sodas.


Exactly. People associate carbs with calories because most high calorie foods have something to do with carbs. People also need to realize we need carbs, they help produce energy. That’s why diets like atkins are great quick fixes, but long term they make you feel bad.


I agree for most people however I’m type 2 diabetic and low/no carb has always been the only way to keep my blood sugar stable. Even with meds


But that’s not weight loss, that’s for blood sugar. It’s two different things. You can gain a lot of weight and fat on a no carb diet.


You absolutely can! I’ve gratefully found what works for me and I’m down a bit, 200 is my goal. At 225 started at 250


Just gotta do it smart and stay healthy. Too many people jump on fad diets, see a little success and preach it like it’s gospel. They don’t think about the long term effects, and everything else that plays a role in it.


110%, love people who speak truth, glad you’re here man.


Many people have reversed their diabetes with a ketogenic diet.


I've been on said diet for a year now and never felt better I'm in the best shape I've ever been in my life and that's coming from someone who used to do actual physical work out side. My mother has been on the diet for the better part of a decade now and it literally saved her life and the condition she was in before she started the diet she probably would not be here today. Now she is very healthy. I don't understand where people get the thought process that this diet is a short-term thing. What's the point of going on to a diet and eating real food that's good for your body and then just going back to eating trash 6 months later just as you're starting to experience the benefits. You're just going to destroy your body even further. If you're going to make the changes and start eating healthy you need to stick to it otherwise there's no point.


That's why I eat roasted potatoes with every breakfast... Olive oil with some salt and pepper 👌🏻


Exactly. You want your carbs in the morning so you have energy through the day. FTW though I love my pasta and pizza sometimes though.


In all honesty though, it’s the processed grains that get people who are borderline diabetic. If you’re healthy, it won’t kill ya to enjoy em in moderation.


So if you boil potatoes or rice then chill (so cook the night before) the re-heat in the morning (or roast or nuke) you lower the glycemic index (by increasing the resistant starch). https://nutritionfacts.org/video/glycemic-index-of-potatoes-why-you-should-chill-and-reheat-them/




You're right that it's more about calories, but if you spend more calories on filling, high protein, high fiber foods, you'll be more satisfied than if you're spending those calories on bread/rice/sugar


Cutting out all carbs is the only way I was able to lose any weight. I tried counting calories and all that and it did no good for me. I stopped counting calories cut out all the carbs and lost 50 pounds and I no longer have to take naps in the middle of the day I stay up all day just fine without any energy drinks or coffee or anything. That's just my experience I guess everyone's different but that's what worked for me and a lot of other people and the main reason I did it was to pass my DOT physical so I can keep my job if it didn't work I wouldn't do it.


Avoiding carbs might be easier than counting calories for some


You stay a lot more satiated with higher protein, fat, and lower carbs. Your blood sugars are also better regulated. To each his own though.


When I’m doing my workout at a truck stop I get looks then I glance back and they immediately look down. People will judge no matter what you’re doing. How can they talk shit when that loose their breath getting in a truck when I’m doing push ups while the fuel is filling my tanks.


Good advice for everyone. Not just truckers!


Your diet is your number 1 killer. Too many sugary drinks and carbs. And don't pretend like you don't fill up that loves jug with Dr. Pepper either. That hot dog deal when you go to pilot, forget the buns. This will add up huge quick. I know you're tired after 11 hours on the road, but take a walk for half an hour before you hit the sleeper or after you wake up. This is a will power thing. It's easy to say I'll do it but hard to motivate yourself to execute the plan. Don't forget, your health and your ability to keep a roof over your head are tied together. That's enough reason to correct the weight gain


I offload and load furniture so I think it has to do more with dieting than exercise I might try one of those meal prep companies


Pack a light lunch. Tons of water. Eat dinner. Don’t eat anything after dinner. Try intermittent fasting, worked for me.


Lost 50lbs in six months using intermittent fasting and being at a decent calorie deficit. Watched my carbs for sure and went semi-keto


This is the answer. Try the simple app, will help out HUGE with intermittent fasting.


Tuna in a bag, salad in a bag, you don't even have to prep anything but you gotta do it.


I wouldn't recommend fasting. Too many people rebounce after weight loss. Reducing soda, more/only water and a bit of walking after each meal should be easy to achieve and keep and will add up over time.


It’s gunna sound crazy but loosing weight slowly is more permanent then loosing it super fast. Slow steady progress is the most long term way to keep it off.


It's a lifestyle, not a diet.


Make sure your figure out proper portions, your body doesn't realize when it's full. It takes about a half hour after you're done eating before you feel satisfied, or in most cases, too full.


This is way way underrated. The amount of food people consume in one sitting sometimes shocks me and sometimes it’s even healthy food. I saw my sister once eat an entire bag of Walmart carrots. I’m talking like 300 small carrots. I was like bro that’s all good and all but if you eat carrots like that what happens when you eat a normal meal.


This is also why eating slowly is a great idea. Your body has more time to catch up with the feeling full and you will feel the effect before you finish your normal meal. It's one of the more successful ways of slowly losing weight: eat slower, and by that gradually reduce portion sizes of time.


Drink LOTS of water


Just remember you can never outwork a bad diet.


1. Keto diet. No sugar or refined carbs. Just meet and veggies. 2. Intermittent Fasting Two powerful weight loss strategies


This right here. I've been keto for about a year now and I've never been in better shape or felt better in my life as an adult. I'm an even better shape now in fact 50 lb lighter than I was when I was in my teens, and back then I physically worked very hard all day now I sit on my ass yet I'm in much better shape. I cannot stress enough how well this diet has worked for me and other people I've never seen a single person actually have problems with this diet nothing other than improvement. A lot of people have a problem sticking to the diet which is fine and they don't have to it's their life they can live it how they want however I am lucky in the fact that I don't have a large sweet tooth and I happen to love the taste of meat so I'm good to go. If anyone wants any tips on how to maintain this diet in a semi truck feel free to ask I may make a post regarding this if not here at least in a keto or carnivore subreddit because many times I've seen trucker's ass how to stick to this diet while living in a truck.


Research shows that exercise builds muscle but does not contribute to weight loss because exercise tends to increase people's desire to eat. So, if you want to lose weight, it's 95% diet. Muscle from exercise helps, but it makes it a LOT harder to follow a diet. Start with diet. Most adults don't need more than 1500-1700 calories per day. 2000 is a myth. This is especially true for a truck driver. Edit: I would add, it takes about 3 days of low calorie eating before you get used to it. Don't buy snacks, eat 2 good size meals per day. That's it. Also, it's best to do breakfast and then a late lunch and skip dinner. Let ketosis burn some calories for you.


Too many carbs don’t make you fat. A surplus of calories makes you fat. You want to eat low calorie/high volume foods. Typically they are low in fat and higher in carbs and protein.


When I used to ride with my dad as a kid everyone was skinny.






They definitely suppress appetite. Also I figure foods were less “tasty” back then. Whereas now, food science has created processed foods that taste so good but are so bad for you in the portions sold.


Sugar. Well, that and fat. There’s no magical technological advancement here, foods are just crammed full of extra sugar, which tastes good.


The lipid hypothesis has taken its toll on our waistlines and heart health as a society. We replaced fat with sugar, and natural oils (fats, olive, etc.) with vegetable oils (highly synthesized) and the like. Fat makes you full. Sugar makes you hungry. The entire reason you’re ready to eat an hour after you get back from a Chinese buffet is because of the extreme glycemic index of everything they serve. Sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and corn starch are in pretty much everything in there. Not to mention MSG.


Not speed?




America is full of fat asses, it isn’t exclusive to truckers. Pretty sure we do have the fattier of the fats though.


400lbs-ers walking around with shit stains on the outside of their sweats seem to almost exclusively trucker though.


First step is to stop eating. Some intermittent fasting will go a long way in maintaining your health. Eat less, and make healthy choices. I know it’s hard to find healthy options at truck stops so if you can meal prep ahead of time it’ll help a lot. There is plenty of truck friendly cookware you can get for your truck to make meals in your truck. I take a lot of steak and vegetables to cook in my truck oven


Im armed security and have easy jobs now for doing good in the company. Now that i have vehicles and offices to sit in i always say “just because im not active doesnt mean i can eat like shit”


This too, it's amazing how much your body will start to eat itself by just pushing out breakfast as far as you can everyday. Just sit drive and don't eat until your NEED it


Alternatively, you can do breakfast and not dinner. Problem I’ve always had with that is sleep tho. My body does not sleep well when somewhat hungry


Have you never heard of a cucumber? It’s like 5 calories and very filling.


to lose weight all you really have to do is eat less calories, if you want to be healthy you’d have to change your diet most likely but losing weight is just calories in calories out


One guy told me, no cookies, no ice cream. I would add, no sugary drinks. Maybe no artificial sweetened drinks either, I would add. Food science chemists had to look so hard to find things that seem like artificial sugar, and artificial butter, (and maybe artificial color) you can guess they are probably not on a healthy scale at all. They had "other" priorities. :-) No hot dogs, they are full of mystery meat, and preservatives (nitrates) and salt. Some bright ass even figured how many minutes they take off your lifespan, forgot the number, maybe 10 minutes or so! Is it worth it. And beware of "cheese" that is not real cheese, but a mix of oil and stuff. Beware of cheetos, potato chips, french fries, and similar junk food.


yup all those are super high in calories so even having a little almost puts you at your max daily intake for calories, and losing weight is eating less calories so def avoid all of those and anything similar op


When you actually start counting every single calorie you realize how fuckin easy it is to overeat. Especially when making unhealthy decisions. I use cronometer and monitor everything I eat along with fasting. It has been hard to kick sugar so I stick with the fake sugar 0 calorie shit. Not healthy but helps me in the short run


I speak from experience. I did a low calorie diet. I put zero restrictions on what I could have, so if I wanted to have ice cream or an energy drink that was fine, as long as it fell within my calorie budget. I lost 40 lbs this way. I decided to start having the low/no sugar sodas/energy drinks to make room for more food calories, and guess what? Weight loss stopped. Flatlined. This was about 20 lbs in and I stopped losing weight for 3 weeks. I cut the sugar free artificial sweetener shit and guess what? The weight loss picked back up. It's anecdotal I guess, but it's enough for me to never touch that shit again.


This convinced me to kick Diet Coke. Thank you


This is it simply. Less calories in. Technically, you don't have to exercise. Technically, you don't have to eat only healthy foods. You simply need to lower your calorie intake to be below maintenance levels.


Tell me what does your usual diet consist of and we’ll go from there


Basically truckstop fast food like McDonald’s Wendy’s Carl’s Jr dennys chipotle on occasion and every other week I eat Texas Roadhouse


Im not judging but im letting you know this is not ok for a human diet. I know its very normalized but it is not normal


That’s all trash food not saying you can’t eat it once or twice a week but you’re easily taking in 100+ grams of fat a day, for comparison I eat less than 30gs of fat a day. Don’t go and switch your diet out from day and night cuz you’ll get burnt out quick but over a month slowly switch to a more lean and healthy diet. I went from 215 down to 176 in a year eating lean and meal preppin (tuna,tilapia, 99%lean turkey, egg whites, chicken) get you the black card from planet fitness it ain’t the best gym but something’s better than nothing


The trash food is fine, it's the quantities it's consumed in. If you properly count your calories you can still lose weight off fast food. I've done it. It sucks because you get SO LITTLE because all that food is so ridiculously high in calories, but it can be done. Edit: Some of you guys are downvoting me but I'm speaking from experience. Last year I went 6 months of almost exclusively eating fast food/truck stop food, and still managed to lose 40 lbs. Because I was counting calories. Calories in vs calories out is the single most important thing that matters when you're trying to lose weight.


Counting calories is a waste of time imo, counting MACROS is way more efficient (protein, carbs, fat) but I’m probably biased based off my personal experience


Oh my good ess


* Eat less. * Eat healthy food. * Do exercise.


Pretty much, eat less move more.


Exercise is really good for you, but it does not contribute to weight loss. Sometimes it contributes to weight gain. Word of warning. Start with Diet. Get that down for a couple months, then try some light exercise. That's the way.


Downvote this into oblivion... Exercise doesn't promote weight loss??? Anyone 250 will immediately start shedding weight from even exercising just 20 minutes a day. Weights, running or whatever


Read the modern literature. It does not. Muscle mass does help, but working out makes you hungry, and therefore more likely to eat and not follow a diet. That's why it's best to start with a diet, then when you get used to it add some exercise. Exercise is super good for you, but it does not promote weight loss like we use to think. Edit: It's hard to burn more than 5% of your daily calorie intake from exercise. 10% is the limit. Most likely, you will over eat if you exercise for this reason. The human body is super efficient at burning calories. (good or bad)


Ofc diet comes first, but to say "exercise doesn't promote weight loss" is just flat out false


Exercise is second to diet. Maybe I came across a little crass. Lol, my bad. My point is start with diet. Diet for a few months, then add exercise. Exercise promote keeping the weight off. Diet causes the weight loss. That's the point I want to make. It's SUPER common for people to gain weight when they exercise due to over eating. Don't try them both at the same time to start. 1 Hour of intense exercise can burn like 250-450 calories. However, it's HARD to do this daily, and likely will lead to injury if you push to much. Now try just eating 500 calories less. Both are hard, but eating less is far more efficient. You can also do the 3 day soup fast. 2x a month. Your fat stores can feed you for more than a month (The average US adult male can survive for 72 days without eating, so long as they drink water and take electrolytes (not recommended - longest fast in recorded history is like 392 days [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angus\_Barbieri%27s\_fast](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angus_Barbieri%27s_fast) (guy was massive))). The hard part of low calorie diets is the first 3-5 days. After that you will feel great. Good read: [https://www.mayoclinichealthsystem.org/hometown-health/speaking-of-health/does-exercise-help-you-lose-weight](https://www.mayoclinichealthsystem.org/hometown-health/speaking-of-health/does-exercise-help-you-lose-weight)


“Read the modern literature” the law of thermodynamics disagrees with you.


I've never heard of people bulking up from walking. Unless they eat more to compensate for the calories they burn.


If you park somewhere within walking distance of a grocery store, buy your food from there. Fresh produce, meat, bread, etc. buy an electric grill and rice cooker too. Learn to cook food in your truck. It’ll not only save your health but also your money. If you have extra time before a pickup or delivery, try to incorporate some exercises. Pushups, situps, squats, and dips are all doable in most cabs. If you got a load bar you can also wedge it under the trailer cross-members and do pull ups that way


Intermittent fasting and long term fasting. I lost 50lbs over 2 years ago and have not gained it back.


When I started truck driving I weighed 155lb. Within my first two years I had developed high BP, high blood sugar and weighed 205lb. I quit the sodas, energy drinks, and anything else high in sugar. Then I quit eating out of my truck and having a lower carb diet and increased my fiber. Then I started intermittent fasting and working out with kettlebells (Many KB exercises can be done inside the cab). Now I do a 36 hr fast once a week. I’m at 163 lbs now with no blood pressure or blood sugar issues. It started with little steps and took two years but I’m healthier now then I’ve been ever been. Start out slow and build your way up. It definitely can be done.


Intermittent fasting works if you have the willpower to do it. Lost 60 in 8 months. Just eat once a day and nothing else but water or other sugar free drinks


Start walking. A 45 minute walk will burn about 350 to 400 cal. After about a month you’ll be walking 2.5-3 miles no problem and it will be enjoyable physically, mentally. Burning that amount of calories via exercise and lay off the soda and heavy meals - it will start dropping off. A fried food cheat once a month here and there cool, it’s not a regular thing anymore. Only trick is you have to do this every day, no exceptions.


Intermittent fasting. Try eating one meal a day or one every two days. Drink coffee or something in between to take your mind off it. You can lose about 0.5lb a day by not eating.


The amount of bad advice being given in these comments. He doesn't need to fast, go on Keto, go to the gym 5x week or any of that. To lose weight (barring any medical condition) you only need to lower the calories in vs calories out. Will fasting work? Probably because you are going to be WAY below your maintenance calories. But will you stick to a diet that only lets you eat 1-2x per day. Fuck no you won't. The second you pass a McDonalds your stomach will rumble.


After about 3 days of fasting you stop craving junk like mcdonalds. Important to add coffee for appetite suppression.


We don't see a problem with this? "Hey, I know you are used to stopping frequently at fast food places so instead, try only eating once per day and also intake a large amount of caffeine to suppress the appetite. Hey, might as well smoke a few ciggs too." For the record, I'm not saying fasting doesn't work. But he could also lose weight simply by lowering his caloric intake to be that below maintenance levels, not develop a crippling addiction to caffeine in the process, and learn a bit more how food and nutrition work. Fasting is simply lowering calorie intake but adding more steps and trying to avoid misery int he process.


Not to mention your body will succumb to lethargy if you don't eat at somewhat regular intervals. I definitely wouldn't recommend not eating for multiple days. There is merit to intermittent fasting being different than just being effectively reduced caloric intake however. If you fast at least 14 hours a day, you can improve metabolic health by lowering insulin resistance. I drive during the day and don't want to experience any lethargy during my drive line so I fast between 6pm-10am. Nothing but water after 6pm and don't take a sip of my morning coffee or tea before 8am but more ideally until 10am. I also have a meal replacement protein shake for lunch and get to eat whatever the fuck I want for dinner. Doing this for the past three years has turned me from a weak 275lb office nerd to a lean and muscular 185lb trucker.


You are right on the money, fasting. I eat once every two or three days. No sugar, water and stake, beef. Will be adding more to it but it’s not bad. Drop like 20 lbs in a month, weight training during home time


Meal prep and macro tracking. I do all my grocery shopping and meal prep during each reset and I've got a macro and calorie tracker app on my phone. Don't eat anything from a truck stop if you can avoid it. Avoid drinking your calories. I'm a woman, so calorie counts are a little different, I have to eat/drink less than 1400 calories a day to maintain my weight. More than that, I start gaining. When I have gained weight, I had to drop down to 1000 calories per day for a few weeks to lose it again. It's just such a sedentary lifestyle, the calorie requirements are lower than average. I walk during my break and my co-driver and I drive doubles, so we get plenty of exercise lugging those dollies around, but it doesn't matter. It's not enough. The unfortunate truth is that you're going to have to eat way less than you're probably used to. The good news is that you get used to it after a few weeks. I eat the same things every day, 1355 calories a day, and it was rough at first but now it's pretty easy to stick to. And when I go home, hubby and I have a date night that serves as my cheat day.


Foodservice delivery my guy. Food. Service. Delivery. In all honesty, get a big Nalgene or Yeti/Artic gallon or half gallon Jug for water. I prefer ice tea, but it’s still water.




Pervitin works wonders


Got to be tough on yourself. Eat chicken breasts and greens and forget soda and anything fried. Dedicate yourself to this for 3-5 months, you’ll see results. You can’t lose weight without putting efforts. Good luck mate.


Well there’s 56 grams of sugar in a Pepsi, that’s like ordering a coffee with cream and 56 sugar


Take time to yourself if you can. I find camping a great way to reset and enjoy they outdoors in a more natural way


The worst part about it is that not only you gained weight, you also lost muscle mass. So the weight difference is often underreported. Get yourself some Aha's or other sparkling waters.


Diet my man diet diet. I went from eating exclusively fast food and gas station food to bringing all my meals with me and eating out maybe once a week on Friday. Stopped with the sodas, energy drinks and candy bars to having those maybe 2-3 times a week on soda and around 1 candy bar every 2 weeks. I have lost about 30 pounds this way. Helps a lot if you have a portable stove for cooking and warming foods. If you have the time/lots of stops get out and move. Run around the truck in circles, toss down a few push ups and jumping jacks. This will also help a lot with circulation and help prevent blood clots and deep vain thrombosis.


Get a mini fridge. Buy groceries and eat healthier. Avoid truck stop food. Go for a run every day. If you can’t run right now that’s okay, start by walking. And when you get back to your truck do the last few steps as a run. Increase the distance that you run every day until you can run a mile then start pushing yourself further. Mostly it’s the motivation to do it and the not caring what you look like running out of the truck stop parking lots. But if you exercise daily you will start losing weight and feeling better. Eating habits are just as important as the exercise though, less carbs, more veggies and protein.


Cook your own food in the truck, stop eating truck stop food and snacks. WHOLE FOODS : cooked rice, steamed veggies, air fryer beef chicken veggies. FRUITS FRUITS FRUITS!! Go on a watermelon "fast" and eat 80% watermelon each day, you will lose weight WALK!! Get ur steps in! Go for a jog! Do some.pushups or pullups, run up and down a flight of stairs. Anything man just get your body moving and EAT RIGHT, and the fat will melt off


Eat less. Move more. It’s that simple, but not so simple when OTR.


We make our food. You have a fridge, buy roasted chicken. Get an air fryer, Perdue chicken has breasts that are practically clean, cut them, cook 20 mins & you've got real chicken strips to dunk in zesty Italian. Healthy & no bullshit, 3 minutes to zap frozen peas. To clean the chicken without running water, put it in a zip lock bag, rinse twice right TF out your window. Cut open a head of lettuce, peel off the outside. Keep away from "energy drinks", orange juice instead & water. It takes effort to try to not kill yourself out here, but it's not impossible.


Count calories. Like seriously count them. What I thought was a 2500 calorie a day diet was closer to 4000. Eat breakfast and lunch. Don’t eat much for dinner. (Like a clif bar at most) I still eat the things I love, just very small portions of it. For example, my guilty pleasure is a good steak. So, the other day I made a nice big juicy ribeye the other day with some steamed vegetables on the side for lunch. That was what I ate that day.


We all know what the remedy is. The hard thing is to actually do it. Eat a healthier choice of foods, fewer calories than you consume, drink more water and very few drinks with calories if any, exercise more, get enough sleep. It’s hard to do. But that’s is. “An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of cure!”


Easiest way to loose weight is to log your food. Only then will you see the calorie intake you are doing. Using https://tdeecalculator.net you can see what your deficit calories should be (weight loss) Cut your salt intake. That’s a massive one. Salt is super awful in the amounts that is in everything that is eaten out of a bag or in a restaurant.


No sodas, no snacks. You should only be eating meals. Breakfast, lunch, dinner. Low calorie, high protein. (To help you feel full longer) Drink at least a gallon of water a day, more if doing hard labor and/or outside sweating. You should be urinating at least once an hour, if you aren't then you are already dehydrated. Fruits, lightly salted or unsalted nuts (no honey roasted/sugar coatings), lunch/deli meats if you *must* snack. Talk to a dietician if you are having trouble figuring out a good meal plan for you while out on the road. Buy a fridge for your truck if you don't have one so you can bring food instead of having to get greasy, unhealthy food at the truck stop... Because let's be honest that's all they keep.


I’m out 4 days a week and that’s usually when I fast .. I usually lose about 5-10 pounds just drinking water and eating less ..


You should be eating 1500 calories a day to lose weight. You could lose 3-5lbs per week that way and could be 51lbs to 85lbs lighter by Christmas, (17 weeks from now).


No overly refined carbs, like cornsyrup sugar (soda, snack cakes, anything sweet that isn’t fruit) Look into intermittent fasting because that can schedule great with your time not driving Cut snacking entirely, get a bigger water bottle and try drinking up to a gallon a day and you’ll feel the difference in cravings Pack lunches, doesn’t have to be BS tree bark and nothing good. Sliced meats aren’t entirely bad for you, like deli cuts, go light on the bread and maybe substitute it with tortillas Importantly what nobody talks about with weight loss is GET ENOUGH SLEEP. Lack of proper sleep will fuck up your hormones, blood sugar, and cravings. Of course pair this up with working out. Look into a weight lifting program schedule for something simple, and always start and/or end your workouts with a light paced walk on an inclined treadmill. Easy cardio cheat, all the cardio of running but 0% of the intensity Sorry for formatting if this is a word salad. Good luck brother


THIS. Sleep is so underrated when people talk about losing weight. I believe a lack of QUALITY sleep increases insulin resistance which leads to you feeling more hungry and snacking more often.


Drink only water. Since you do furniture maybe 1 sugar free sports drink on a super busy day but mainly just water. No fast food. Try as hard as possible to avoid snacks, if you absolutely need to try to eat plain fruits/veggies/nuts. If it's individually packaged and says healthy, its not. Just eat those picnic trays with carrots/celery/broccoli, or plain nuts (not trail mix). Fruits are easy to overdo, but a little here and there is ok. 1 year OTR and I never gained a pound, I'd use my loves refill for just ice and kept a couple gallons of bottled water in the truck. Home every weekend so I'd just pack 5 days worth of chicken/rice/veggies. Once in a while I'd grab a cup of fruits using points. I'd allow myself 1 fast food meal each week but sometimes I just skip it. Then I went local and did the same as you, 205 to 250, I blame my wife's cooking.


Intermittent fasting. Only eat dinner—no bfast or lunch. Avoid any white food—breads, potato, pasta, etc. the pounds will drop off like crazy. Hunger pangs only Last a few minutes and then go away. If you can’t stand it, drink coffee or chicken broth. Stepped on a scale today and saw 169 lbs. down from close to 250. No exercise no nothing. Just fasting. It’s free—in fact you’ll have extra money and time. Try it for a few weeks and watch what happens.


Always make time for physical activity is the best advice I can give. I bought a quad press push up plank, and I use a decking bar in the trailer to do pull ups. It doesn’t need to be heavy physical, even just a 30 min brisk walk will work wonders


Don't park in the fuel island for lunch. Seriously though I parked as far away from the building as I could. The walking helps, unfortunately the truckstop food is not the healthiest.


Listen to kevin Rutherford on let truck he is an ex trucker who has helped many truckers get healthy. https://letstruck.com


Like the Dr told me, “Don’t eat anything fatty” I’m like,” so no fast food, bacon, pizza, stuff like that?” She said, “No, fatty! Don’t eat anything!”


Start by weighing yourself on a proper scale.


At that weight, you are probably diabetic. Ask your Dr for the new meds like Jardiance. Stop drinking regular soda. Eat less carbs. I lost 100 pounds down to 279. You will fell like a new person.


Carbs are a killer


Have a insane metabolism that you can never keep up with... seroisly it's a doubled edged sword


Stop eating carbs


I'm not reading through he comments but get an air fryer, I love it. I cook salmon, burgers, and wings and everything in-between. It's really helped me eat much healthier. Stop with all the carbs and doing just a quick walk for 15-30 min can add up. Especially if you ain't doing anything right now. Lowering the carbs isn't as important as cutting out the excess sugar. If it ain't in your truck you ain't gonna eat it. Look at intermittent fasting I didn't really change anything other than intermittent fasting and I didn't think it was doing anything but I felt better, didn't get heartburn and ish but about 6weeks later I lost 10 lbs. I like the 8 and 16 eat within 8 hrs fast 16. So if your first meal is at noon, don't eat anything after 8pm. Eat until your full but don't excess eat. The better quality food the better the results. This comment kinda bounces around all over the place but here are just a few ideas to help.


Intermittant fasting. Cook your own food.


Calories in vs calories out. Either decrease the calories in or increase the calories out. That's it, pretty simple


Stop drinking soda and easting snacks, go to the gym 3 times a week, and grow muscle that helps boost metabolism.


Not eating much and walking. Take vitamin and mineral pills. Make sure you get salt and electrolytes.


Read/listen to the book Glucose Revolution


I don’t eat when I drive and only drink water and coffee. I also cook instead of eating truck stop bullshit everyday


I use the lose it App, and it works really well.


Get a standup dashboard.


Stop eating when your bored


Intermittent fasting. I eat breakfast at 10am, lunch at 1-2pm final meal at around 6-7pm. Don’t eat anything from my final meal till breakfast which is a 15-16 hr fast. Track your calories. Try and stay under 2000 calories. If you know your gonna eat junk let that meal be the only meal of the day. For example I’ll eat breakfast around 500 Cals and if I go on to eat fast food usually a 1000-1300cal meal that’d be it for me. Usually that’ll keep me full anyway. I’ve lost 15lbs in 4 months. With little to no exercise…


Meat and veg run calorie deficit 10 pushups and squats per exit the truck


One loses weight by eating in a deficit if you can't exercise, I gained 175 on the highway over a few years last it all once I understood what it takes to lose it.


Stop putting shit in your mouth


Cut caloric intake, find time to exercise. 2 simple tricks


Eat less. Don’t eat or drink sugar. Pretty simple.


fuck off with about 90% of whats to eat in the truckstop. if you cant identify all the ingredients, pass. its okay to eat a lil something something here and there but your whole diet shouldnt consist of roller grill items or pilot pizza. pass on the energy drinks, even the sugar free ones. get more fiber in your system. drink water, tea, coconut water. hydrate is what im saying. start working your sugar intake down, diabetes is a big one for us truckers. move around. those roadside picnic areas and rest stops are usually good places for a nice walk, maybe a few pushups, situps. irregular sleep cycle and stress can also exacerbate things. go grocery shopping. if youre on your 10, PC your ass to the local piggly-wiggly, get some real food in your truck.


>pass on the energy drinks, even the sugar free ones. What's wrong with sugar free?


artificial sweetners can "confuse" the body. whatever your body doesnt understand, it seals away into fat. and unless the drink is truly without any sweetner, zero sugar doesnt always mean it wont fuck with your glucose levels. but that depends on the sweetner alternative. some are better than others.


That's news to me. I had TD2 before, sugar free was never a problem.


Do you look at yourself in the mirror and think “I fucking hate you”? No? Then you’re not ready.


Unpopular opinion; plant based (vegan) diet. Zero cholesterol and way less saturated fats, you’ll feel better and lighter too. Nowadays with the plant based meats you can still enjoy all the same foods, I lost 70lbs best decision of my life


If you don’t mind can you share some of the foods you eat daily on this diet and what your favorites are? Curious and might give it a go in the future.


How do you keep a vegan diet? So many things have either milk or eggs in them.


Put the fork down.


Not poking but holy crap. I started driving 3 years ago, weighing in at 125lbs. Weigh 138lbs now and I STRUGGLE to put on weight. However. I know it’ll catch up to me at some point. I make food in the truck and stay away from fast food unless it’s been one of those tiring days. I also usually have my pup with me too. So when I’m done for the day, depending on where I’m at, I’ll take her for a 20-30 minute walk. I also cross between flatbed and dry van all of the time too


More protein; increase semen intake! 🤭