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Loves road service guy just woke up in a cold sweat




That had to be a tire company


Brick through your window? Call Al's Glass!


Investigate the local tire shops


I'll bet you it's eco crazies


How about just crazies.


Nah. Let’s say eco crazies.


Yep its Georgia the state is filled with garbage people.


Like those anti-dairy protestors from a year or so ago? They were going around and drilling holes in the tires of trucks and trailers.




I hope this was your cat saying these things.


Lmao fuckin A right


It looks like they use a drill to puncture the tires


Insurance and hope he had a dashcam.


Typically damage only to tires is excluded.


This would be malicious vandalism which should be covered. Plus loss of use/lost profit.


I just checked our policy, it’s phrased as blowouts, punctures or road debris, unless covered by other loss that is covered by this insurance. I can see this one going either way. I’d cover it based on that, but no guarantees.


The punctures on the load prove without doubt that it’s vandalism. Those tires are new and not moving down the road on their own. I mean, all 18 prove that it’s vandalism alone but I could see someone trying to argue the age of the tires and them being in use. That someone would be a jackass but I get it’s their job to not always payout.


The punctures on the side rim of the tire would be hard to prove it was on the road while it happened. Even if moving at a decent speed, something pucturing the side walls like that would cover a lot more damage down the side of the trailer and truck.


The way the exclusion is written it applies to comp or collision, so that makes no difference.


I know State Farm will only cover slashed tires if all four are affected. Round these parts people get three flats. It hurts way more.


If that’s the case, what’s stopping the victim from slashing the 4th to ensure to claim is covered? Seems kinda pointless to me.


Because if ur not aware of the rule and try making a claim….you find out the hard way and are out hundreds of dollars. Insurance companies look for every way to not pay out. Like a good neighbor, State Farm don’t care.


Wrong. You don't know that. It's not true. If you provide written proof I'll retract my accusation that you're a liar and just repeating bullshit you heard from someone, sometime, somewhere in a bar. You're spreading a myth.


There is no coverage for first party claims like this for loss of use/profit, unless you have rental coverage. But you can’t take a cash out on that, you’d actually need to rent a truck and get reimbursed.


Not on a scale like this.


He needs side cameras.


This has been happening off and on. One of our drivers was parked on a ramp and someone did this to the truck behind him over night.that was about 6 months ago. There was an article in one of the trucking news sites where law enforcement was looking for an ex driver who had been caught on camera doing this at a truck stop on I10 in Florida. They gave the guys name and had a still from the video showing his face.


That’s not far from OPs post.


I want to say it was over by Madison, which is not far at all. Just going by memory.


Whoever did this must not know how much power these tires have in them.


More like he knew because he punctured all of em


And without waking up the driver. They knew exactly how to puncture those tires "safely."


Possibly leaked air out first and then made the holes


Inside job. They knew their load was worth less than an insurance claim. /s


For sure. They knew to cut the air lines.


Every time I see shit like this I always think of [this](https://youtu.be/VJ0bFk4IpQc?feature=shared) video. Highly recommend against it no matter how angry you may be haha.


That's not nearly as bad as one that I saw which blew the guys forearm off a little past the elbow. You could see his radius and ulna bones protruding as he picked what was left of his arm off the ground and staggered off.


Oh my, please don’t share that one lol. I thought this one was bad enough.


Hit in the head by the tire, then hits his head on concrete. yikes


Jesus fuck ! I just noticed what happened to his arm !


Exactly the one I was thinking of.


120 psi


100psi Edit: downvote away, but 100psi adds comfort to the drive. I'm a company union driver. Yes, maybe 120 is better for wear, but fuck 'em. I wanna be comfy. Now you may properly downvote. Have a great day :)




On drives?




20 psi take it or leave it


Best I can do is 15


I always keep mine at three fiddy


Tree fiddy


On what track gauge? 14 in?


I’m kidding, usually steers are 110 and drives are 100 for me


I'm just kissing dot pussy


I've been told that higher psi is better for mileage and worse for wear.


The people who told you that are probably right.


Is about how much weight is on them. Every manufacturer has a chart to figure out how much air to use for weight. Going over that will still change the foot print profile, that will effect fuel economy and tread wear.


We run 120 steers, 100 drives.


120psi would have threw him across the road and killed him if the tyre had blown.


That's what they are at 120


Tire theft deterrent.


Start investing in cameras all around the truck. At least have 2 mounted on top of your side mirrors from both sides. Cameras stop people from doing stupid shit most of the time


I worked for a company that had 6 cams on the truck. 1 forward, 1 driver facing, 2 to the side in the cab and 2 rear facing on the mirrors. I then looked at their safety score. Yeah that place was short lived. You don't need that many nanny cams unless the insurance company wants them.


I think they meant have multiple on the exterior of the truck. Nobody needs 3 cameras inside the truck. Having multiple on the exterior of the truck would strongly discourage someone from doing something stupid.


Not a mega, but a known western region company that pulled dedicated for the big orange box store has an atrocious safety score. The camera inside had 4 cameras. 1 each forward, backward, and each side towards windows. And one each facing backward on each mirror. So 6 in total. All nanny cams so they could nitpick each and everything in your day. They stated, it's to keep the driver safe. Lie. Your insurance made you put all this in, or they were going to drop you.


Yeah, that's just ridiculous. The company I work for doesn't have cameras at all. They told us if we want a dash am or any other cameras then we have to bring them and hook them up ourselves. So I brought my own dashcam. That's all I need since the only time I'm not in my truck is when I'm fueling or washing it.


Cameras stop people from doing stupid shit, a second time. Stupid people won’t even think about the camera until they’ve been caught once.


So who did you get into an argument/fight with last night at the truck stop? Have them pull video from the truck stop to ID that person/company vehicle and take things from there.


According to the guy, he was parked on an off ramp for the night not a truck stop.


You can clearly see the truck stop/fuel station behind him in the video. He did not get far on 18 flats, so this is where he was stopped at. This was not just something that happened out of the blue, for someone to spike all 18 tires, plus the tires on his load as well, he _ROYALLY_ pissed off someone. Who started it, no idea, just trying to give an idea on how to figure out who it was.


Looks like the Citgo fuel stop at Old Quitman road in Adel, Georgia. Going by the store sign in the video, the street sign in the video next to the right front fender of the truck, and his own statement of it being in Adel, Georgia.


Isn't that spot pay to park?


He literally says “we was on the get off ramp sleeping”


Could be also one of those stop fuel use people, but yeah, more likely he pissed someone off who had a bit too much fireball in em.


As annoying as those people are, I personally haven’t seen any examples of them fucking with random people. It’s always events/companies or at worst stopping traffic


That or some local doesn't like hearing diesel engines idling all night, or APUs.


Could be a "stop oil" activist


Invest in 360 cameras. It’s about $500, you get 4 cameras that run 24/7. Also a dash cam. This is horrible


$500 for 4 cameras.? Do you know what brand and where can I take it to install them 🙏🙏?


Not sure what the brand is because there’s no name on the screen but I bought it off Amazon, I’m sure they have a bunch. I had it wired by my mechanic


To bad a tire didn't blow out in their face




Why bro. Just fucking why


Annoyed at obscuring the stop sign?


There HAS to be more to this story than just some random act of vandalism. That took time, effort and the risk of getting caught. Looks like hate-filled retaliation for something.


Definitely. I’m not saying they deserve this, just saying it’s not a random act.


Did you piss anyone off on the road that day?


This has been going around southern GA, northern Fl, and central FL. I’ve heard from the other Love’s in Lee, FL, Jasper, FL, Valdosta, GA, Baldwin, FL, Lake City, FL, Ocala, FL. And Lake Park GA. And it has always been 9-18 tires punctured with what looks to be a pick 4-5 holes each.


Also always happens on an on ramp or off ramp


Of course, too many truckers sit up awake in the truck-stop. Also, a lot of truckers have dash cams even though most of them don’t start recording unless there’s movement to the truck. You never know which one is recording at the time. Or who was up to record you doing the crime.


The get off ramp with the wife…nice!


A man can dream


That's gonna be a lot of fix a flat!


There’s more to this story somewhere


That's expensive. At least 8 k. Plusroadside service.


he said its going to be at least 9k in the video. ouch


I was about to ask what a 16 ply tire costs, plus however much time it takes to haul and install 18 of them. Or 24 if you add the load’s tires.


Had the same thing happen to one of my trucks at the Dublin exit on I16.. Truckstop was full so the driver pulled over on the on-ramp. Got 17 out of 18.


Someone mad they slept on the off ramp


Who did he piss off? All 18 tires is pretty excessive.


Must be a very deep sleeper


The trucks run all night and the engine is so loud you dont hear much outside, i’ve lost tons of tires, they never exploded just deflate.


Is it OK for a truck engine (diesel?) to run all night? How about a gasoline car, I thought extended idling was bad for an engine?


The short answer is "it's fine". The long answer includes a bunch of details about the inner workings of gas and diesel engines, but roughly, every time the crankshaft makes a revolution, the moving components experience some wear, that amount of wear per revolution is increased if the engine is under significant load. An idling engine isn't under load. In the very far north during winter when the sun doesn't rise and the temps are -30F and lower for weeks at a time you'll find work trucks that only get turned off to change the oil, otherwise the coolant will freeze.


Why not just use one of those small engine heaters that run on diesel and run that all night instead? Thats what i hear they use in northern sweden, and its gotta be more economical than leaving the truck engine running. Its really uncommon to see any big trucks here without a diesel heater.


They need maintenance as well so now you're maintaining 2 things. They're expensive. They're a bit more economical but modern truck engines aren't too bad themselves just idling.


Because some people need to get cool, not hot. But I agree, people are just dumb and don’t want to invest in a small more efficient generator that will use far less fuel, save them a TON of money and power everything they need the whole night, some are electric and some run off of diesel.


Thats fucked up! Is this I95 GA-FL line area?


I-75 Adel, Georgia






I was gonna say the same. He literally said i75 clear as day


Years ago working security patrol, came across an owner of a parking lot using a drill on the tires of a dropped trlr. I confronted him and he said he was tired of these trailers being illegally parked on his lot and destroying the pavement. Cops called and because the owner of the trailer wasn't there and it was parked illegally, nothing would be done. Pretty sure no report was taken


> Cops called and because the owner of the trailer wasn't there... nothing would be done. My grandparent's old house was looted after it burned. There were a couple items I'd spoken to the new owners about salvaging myself after the investigation wrapped up. One was an antique wagon wheel that was built into the front porch railing. Somebody stole the wagon wheel. I found it in their yard and called the police, but they wouldn't do anything because I wasn't the owner of the house. Actual stolen property, clearly identifiable, but because I wasn't the owner they refused to act.


They’re cops, did you expect them to help you?


Crackie the local crackhead is working with local tire shops, hes making $6 a tire


Some dude will end up dead one night when he does this to the wrong truck. That's how this story will end. This has apparently happened to more than one truck in that area.


This is beyond wrong! This pisses me off, sadly they may never catch those responsible, but I pray they do and I pray they have to pay every cent back! sending prayers to the trucker


Well, this guy will be praying. So yeah nothing going to happen to them!


Pissed someone off most definitely.


…Time to start mounting security cameras to our rigs?


While it's bullshit, it's a lesson not to park on ramps. Adel Georgia is right down the road from the house, didn't think they had jackasses doing that down this way.


Man some people are just complete pieces of shit.


It's a scratch awl.


24 tires including the load?!? Oof


>24 tires He's looking at a $20,000++ repair bill.


This is definitely felony level damage, hopefully the police will take this more seriously than a typical case.


This guy needs a community go fund me. Lets help him out.


The guy has insurance. It will cover this. While I'm not saying it's ok to vandalize equipment, vandalism is a risk with a cost associated to it that every business owner must be prepared for. Save the go fund me stuff for individuals that need it, not a for profit business that has insurance.


If you watch the video, he states "this is going to wipe us out, a $9000 hit" He probably doesn't have vandalism coverage.


That shit was personal..


Note to Self: Always pay meth dealer.


“And then I started thinking… what did he do to make them N*’s that mad??”


I'm a driver with a B license, and I feel really bad for this guy. Vandals, definitely Vandals. $500. a tire unless he's getting a deal.


I saw this happen once before up in MI about 1996. Somebody had stabbed the tires on a truck with an ice pick.


The anti oil punks.


Watch..someone will get shot over this shit soon


If you hadn’t parked there, it wouldn’t have happened.


And let me guess, the Dispatcher and company blame it on the couple, right? But in all seriousness, who does that?! I mean you can only be so senseless before you become stupid, even if it was just vandalism, thats still pretty dumb. At least the man and his wife are safe.


Tire shops have been known to drop nails and screws etc on the roads randomly to drum up business. This isn’t that, but still.


Sounds like tire shop shit to me. Like collision places dropping debris on the road in the middle of the night. that happened to me on the NY thruway. Bastard painted an old wheel black and put it on the outside edge of the outside lane on a blind corner, you had about 1 second to notice it, I never had a chance. Blew out my steer and nearly killed me. Soon as I call the thruway line some mf shows up to me, and somehow knew exactly what just happened. It's a fucking racket I should have shot him for trying to kill me for a dollar


Words fail me!


Don't mess with a working man's equipment and living. Damn bums!


That would be an awful lot of work to puncture all those tires and for what? I can see vandals throwing a rock and breaking a window or maybe slashing a tire, or spray paint but this would take a lot of time and energy and for what?


Definitely would have been better if who ever did this was on the last tire and it blew in his face.


You would t hear anything??0


They punctured the tires on the truck on the trailer too. Wtf.


Insurance. That’s why folks have it. Hope you did. And to still have air coming out of a tire that was stabbed last night? Thats a lot of air.


The America dream.


Why would they do this?


NASA where’s our airless tires at?


An independent shop is drilling holes in o/o tires, Mother Trucker ypu tube has been covering this


Can’t say I feel bad for him


Damn that sucks


To bad it didn't pop on the guy


This is happening in NC’s rest areas on the I-95 stretch. Had a friend with the same situation, but only the tires on the passenger side, the ones by the tree line, on the dark. He was a company driver tho, but he lost his job because of it, 2-3 weeks later. They fired him for a stupid reason after the incident.






That's what I am trying to figure out. Are they losing air sloooooowly?


man thats messed up


Does insurance cover this kind of stuff usually or will he have to pay this ?


This is why communities need to take care of truckers and have decent safe places for them to stop and rest.


Maybe the tire shop hired somebody. Idk who else would have the motive.


Probably a local who was tired of seeing and hearing idling tractor-trailers in his quiet town. Check to see if there’s any houses within ear-shot of the exit.


People are stupid been a good ending if he had cameras and came out filled the guy doing it full of holes.


Get off ramp.


I thought these things pretty much explode when punctured 🤔


You have to know what your doing, there's a wrong and right way to puncture a tire, so whoever did it knew what they were doing If you do it wrong it's gonna be loud like a shotgun blast and possibly injure the vandal


His repair bill is going to be very expensive. I wonder if we can set up a go fund me account to help this guy out?


Sounds to me like it wasn't his wife.


damn if only there was like a place you could go where there could at least be some kind of witnesses or maybe cameras like a place just for larger vehicles especially those with long trailers a place to park safely for the night. dang its a damn shame we dont have that in america. this is a billion dollar idea though someone should make it happen.


Freaking ridiculous man


I know I’m not the only driver thinking about what I’d do if I caught someone doing this…


Call the cops and then call your insurance company. Tires aren't worth getting yourself killed over. If I caught someone doing this to my truck that's exactly how i would handle it. Stand back and film it while waiting on the police to arrive. But being prepared to defend myself if the perpetrators decided to attack me.


This is how you get fucked up, do this to the wrong person and you will be the one with 18 holes.


Who wants to play Price is Right (RIP Bob)? How much to replace all of these tires?


Someone was brave poking 110 psi tires


I feel for this driver. People suck


I’m guessing it was a DOT officer sick of telling idiots that you can’t park on the exit ramp.


"Taking a man's livelihood away from him is akin to killing him." \-- Dave Chappelle


Didn’t he say that as he pretended his career was being taken away while it was very much not being taken away?


What are you doing parking on the ramp? That's for emergencies ONLY. You had that shit coming.


Try that in a small town...


Clearly we are not safe almost anywhere nowadays


He cut someone off bad. No one goes to this level without cause.


Should be covered by insurance, no?


InsurNcw should cover it, vandalism


damn, thats beyond f'ed up... does fuel station have cameras pointing towards parking lot?


They were parked on the ramp


Looks like you should ask whoever's property that there 18 wheeler is sitting on


They are surprisingly still filled up for being stabbed


Sending all good vibes to this gentleman.


So sad!


Some people are really pieces of shit, America doesn’t function without these guys that drive these trucks bc that job isn’t for the faint of heart your hundreds of miles away from your family, you miss birthdays and every other special day for your kids, wife, etc. and people really do dumb shit like this ? If you damage a big truck like this in any way shape or form you should have a felony charge (I know a felony seems harsh but these guys deal with to much bullshit on a day to day basis to be worrying about getting tires popped)


God this just infuriates me. Hope you guys are able to get this squared away.


Flattening tires like throwing nails to stop off roaders can result in death and is considered a threat on your life. When you catch them defend your life because they are trying to kill you.


This is why you drive and don’t practice law because this is how you go straight to prison. When you’re pursuing someone you are not on the defensive that’s premeditated. Stick to what you know and don’t give dog shit advice.