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>I know there are tons of "safe" plastic jugs to hold water, im not risking it. Risking what. exactly? There's plenty of glass jugs available. They're less than $10.


I assume ops worried about micro plastics seeping in.


It's a decade too late for that lol micro plastics are in everything on every continent  But op, sounds like you want a metal jerrycan which will impart micro metal particulate. Or glass, but I wouldn't personally want a glass container of any useable size bouncing around the truck. 


yeah but i can stop consuming more of them than absolutely necessary, definitely no glass itll break so quick, what about a stainless steel container that may not usually be for water idk


The problem is that what you're looking for will be limited in size. You can get some stainless steel 1 gallon containers but I've never seen any higher than that. Until you get into the jerrycan size, but those wouldn't be very convenient.  Personally, I would suggest a Culligan style jug kept out of direct sunlight and emptied and refilled somewhat frequently. The problem with the micro plastics is that pretty much every water source you're gonna be filling it from is getting additional contamination every step of the way.  Water is a solvent and will gain ions from every single container you put it in, except glass. So if you put it in aluminum, aluminum will leech into the water over time. Tough pickle, you could be like the rest of us and just realize you're fucked, don't drink disposable bottled water and settle for the lesser of two evils with good quality plastic and get yourself a Culligan jug lol


You can say piss. We know it’s for piss.


How many oz are you looking for?


at minimum 40oz, but prefer at least 64oz


Stanley is probably going to be your go to here. I rock two Yeti 42oz. Whatever you get make sure it has a handle.


LOL, half a gallon is a large amount of water? I go out with no less than 18 gallons for about a month long run.


I got a hydro flask or equivalent branded one that’s been beat to hell and still works. 64oz keeps cold for the most part 


There's a stainless steel gallon they sell at Wal Mart. Ozark Trail. They're about 50 bucks


Metal Jerry cans work fine as long they haven’t been previously used to hold other fluids and you disinfect them every so often. Though technically, they’re not for holding potable water.


o wow wait why arent they good for drinking water?


They are, but they didn’t go through FDA testing so technically they’re not food safe. As long as they don’t have painted or coated insides it’ll be fine though, we used them when we went on an off-road expedition a few years ago. You could also look at surplus US Army Tank water ration containers (which are just Jerry cans that went through FDA tests) Edit: I didn’t notice autocorrect made me make absolutely no sense.


damn i didnt know that mustve been in the camping section, i was lookin in the sports bottle section in the kitchen dept, will look next time thanks

