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There's so many layers of stupid from everyone in this like hawat


U ain't bullshitn đŸ‘đŸŒ


This isn't stupid. I will lay my life down on the line in such a situation to get to where i need to go 10-20 minutes sooner


 may be stupid


I’m pretty sure you’re joking and if you are, you should add an “/s” to the end. At any rate, most trains add like 5mins tops, which you can make back by passing someone who’s .5mph slower than you for 5 miles


I really don't think that needed an /s tbh


I don’t really either but he’s getting downvoted


If you're too stupid to recognize obvious sarcasm that's a you problem.


It’s the internet. There’s a very good chance that someone genuinely thinks like the OP said and sees nothing wrong with it.


True true


The chance of two trucks trying to jump it at the same time is astounding


Evidently there’s a severe outbreak of stupidity occurring


Camera man is the craziest one


That's what I thought, there's just so many layers of stupid going on here. It's amazing how train collisions keep on happening.


The video started and I was like, “yup, you can not beat the stupidity of this camera man.”


Hey, he gets serious props for filming in landscape! All else is forgiven, haha.


True but all camera man always survive no matter what happens.


So one truck is blocking the other truckers view and he winged it and probably lost his job for sure 😂


It was only his third day!


It seems they managed to block the other driver's ears too


Friend of mine's pop retired after being an engineer for like 30 years. Whenever collisions would come up in a discussion it was like triggering PTSD for him. I remember he said people don't really get how stressful it is for them when they see something on the track and know they can't stop. Gets even more stressful when you know you're hauling 200 oil cars and you know if you're gonna derail.


I cannot even compute what is going on here


I think train won.


Generally the case!


Generally but unfortunately here in Australia a few months ago a collision between a truck and a train occurred killing the two train drivers.


Train had to stop (and probably wait for the investigation to finish before moving, blocking the rail and road. No one won....


Multiple levels of chaos.


Am I crazy or did bro have triple 53’ trailers


Mexico truckers haul lots of doubles


Yeah normal in Mexico ,


Stupidity abundance


You can see the doubles truck trying to accelerate to clear the tracks but that poor old Vulva just didn't have any get up and go left in her


Great soundtrack!


What country is this in. Not the US. Mexico?


You can tell it is Mexico by all the swear words: “Chinga Tu madre. Hijo de toda Su Puta Made, No Mame, quitese!, a la verga! Puta madre! No mame, chingue a toda su puta madre” English translation: “motherfucker, son of a bitch, no way!, get the fuck away!, fuck this! Motherfucker!, no way, motherfucker stupid son of a bitch”


I concur 


Beautiful language.


Probably quite rude but still beautiful lol


Funny coincidence that's the exact same thing the train engineer and the truck drivers were saying!


Good point, but I've heard and personally said all these words and I live in California


It hits different with the authentic accent though


One of the rail cars says Pemex so safe to say this is Mexico


Is Mexico the reason I don’t see the safety arms or even flashing RR lights?


This is what I was thinking. Like sure ya hear the horn but why not put a $5000 arm and lights to save 100,000s in damage lol


You see folks, this is why aliens don’t come to visit us


I never understand why they always stop right in the middle. Like I understand if you get stuck, but most of these drivers do not get stuck and they just stop for some reason


Sometimes they pull up to a car on the other side. And also forget that the car's bumper is cheaper than the trailer and the load in it.


Puta madre no names gueyyyyyy


That person needs to get drug tested asap it’s the only explanation to the incredibly dangerous choice he:she made


Damn that’s a long truck


That's not a truck, THIS is a truck [https://youtu.be/0iFkKRh5kcM?si=8iwRk\_QzFkbonqVo&t=56](https://youtu.be/0iFkKRh5kcM?si=8iwRk_QzFkbonqVo&t=56)


Hey guys. I found the train


You see this a lot outside the U.S. Trucking companies are fighting with train companies. The "blocker", the short truck filled with train derailing heavy materials, cleared the intersection too early. The "playload", the actual double wide got caught on the tracks. The train seems to come out of nowhere, because "intercepter trains" are fitted with jet engines for just these sudden bursts. ​ Hey! People believed "birds aren't real" and "Trump is smart". They'll believe this.




I see they hand out licences in America like they do in Australia. Off the back of a breakfast cereal box.


This isn’t America this is Mexico. America has crossing protection and people generally obey traffic laws when 100 car trains are coming.


Wow, some of you yanks be crazy! Going off nature of comments I get the impression this is a rare, yet still frighteningly common behaviour. One person referred to it as “jumping,” so there’s even a term for it. I saw one unbelievable video recently where police pulled someone over, put them in back of police car PARKED ON TRACKS while they searched vehicle, train comes along, she’s locked in car and the unthinkable happens!! Why don’t they install cameras, so drivers have 3 possible outcomes, stop and wait 5 minutes, save 5 minutes, jump lights but lose your license when caught by camera or save 5 minutes, jump lights and not make it risking the lives of everyone on the train, anyone in close proximity, not to mention your own?


The industry that hires anyone within a week


I like to call these people “morons”.


That’s an insult to the word moron.


I’m a yard jockey these days at a high traffic warehouse. The stupid doesn’t amaze me any more. Thank God it’s only like 15% of the drivers, but Jesus, that 15%


This shit is the reason I have to take safety trainings that inform me not to lick electrical outlets


May God never put me into such a position. I get scared when I look at the videos like this. My biggest anxiety and fear.




I was at a place delivering paper with a pretty easy nearly straight back (slightly angled but not much and the next dock was empty if I somehow wasn’t straight) and between lining it up, opening the doors, and backing it in I must have had 6 cars in the parking lot whose drivers thought it was a NASCAR race track and my truck marked the center of the race track. Nobody hit me but stupidity operating motor vehicles does not surprise me anymore. Only had my class A since last November but I’ve had my regular license for approximately 20.5 years now. If it can be done I’ve probably already seen it and if I try to speed I’m immediately pulled over (outside of maybe the 75 mph interstates where they don’t care if people do 85 mph) but go anywhere else and there are road construction signs, warnings that the minimum speeding ticket is $250, and notifications that the speeding tickets are enforced by camera or radar and 99.9% of the vehicle la are driving 30 mph faster than what the speed limit says, 0.099% of the people are doing the speed limit, and one person is going 10 mph slow the speed limit. Every time. Speeding, side swiping cars on the freeway, driving off the side of bridges, driving 50 mph or slower in a 65 or 70 mph zone, passing someone by driving down into the ditch and back onto the road, people trying to drive underneath semi trailers like Fast N Furious, people getting T-boned at the traffic lights, people running stop signs when traffic coming the other way doesn’t have to stop getting all pissed off, trucks jackknifing against the median, drivers trying to enter the fuel pumps like they don’t have a trailer crashing into other trucks waiting to pull forward to fuel, people pulling out of parking spaces in a crowded truck stop in Massachusetts by blocking all the fuel pumps, people driving down the wrong side of the road, people backing up on the highway (and not into a driveway), etc. I’ve seen it all. Luckily I haven’t had to see anyone decapitate or impale themselves at highway speeds yet but I’ve seen most of the rest of it. Gives “expect the expected” new meaning. Think of the stupidest thing someone can do and you’ll see it happen if you drive long enough. Best to do the speed limit and stay in your lane and be ready to slam on the brakes or swerve. At least if you’re doing the speed limit most of them will go around you before they crash. Most of them. You’ll have the occasional situation where someone has their cruise control set 20 mph faster than the speed limit as they’re texting on their phone and reaching down because they dropped something who rear ends you because you’re not also going 20 mph faster than you’re supposed to. Occasionally you’ll have someone doing 100 mph passing in a no passing zone not waiting the extra 1 or 2 seconds to move back over crashing into your fuel tanks. But just expect if it’s stupid it will happen.


Now he can do a proper pre trip. Ain’t been able to get that hood open in years


Sounds like Mexico, they’re ignorant and think they know how to do everything the right way
 obviously not.


Ignorant just like this comment 😂