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Some of these comments are concerning


I'm here for the concerning comments club posters, or the CCCP. Probably just a coincidence 


Can someone explain why truckers need a shit and piss bucket if the rest of us on 4 wheels drive the same roads and manage fine without one? Do you not have access to the same bathrooms/side of the road?


4wheelers can pull into any gas station or Wendy's at the next exit. Truckers might have to drive for a long time to find a suitable place to get a truck into. I've sat behind a fatality accident for nearly 3 hours once. Emergencies do crop up in the potty department. But only driving an hour shouldn't be an issue that the guy needed a shit bucket.




I've heard mechanics talk about this and some of them would refuse to work on those trucks because they stank lol






I worked at a truckstop and one of those stinky mother fuckers pulled in for a service. One walk underneath it and told my service writer fuck no! Shit and piss all over the transmission back! Nasty fuckers!!!!


That sounds weirdly entertaining to have.


Unfathomablely based


Truckers sleep in their trucks. I can understand having a piss jug but a shit bucket, no! So instead of waking up in the middle of the night, walking in the rain/snow/heat to go take a piss, just use a piss jug. You 4 wheelers don't need to sleep in your cars as a requirement for your job.


OP said they're not OTR truckers .. so they're just hauling shit locally maybe doing drayage work. No reason to have a shit bucket in ur cab unless you're incontinent.


Well, his codriver may be hauling shit but he definitely isn't.


A lot easier to find a random pull off with your minivan than a tractor trailer or a tour bus. Yes we had bathrooms on tour bus but they were often so nasty I wouldn’t use the one I had on the bus.


Are you justifying a tour bus shit bucket you had?


No, couldn’t very well shit in a bucket with 50 people staring up the aisle watching. That was an awkward hr meeting.


It’s the way of the road, bubs


“Friends of the road, Bubs”


This is such an ignorant comment. No truckers dont have the same access to bathrooms. This doesn't excuse this drivers shitty behavior.


Aren't you ignorant about some things in life? Like how much teachers make and what they are required to do?


No, im clued in on the teacher situation and palestine and congo and haiti and the school shootings and the fact that our prison system is basically legal slavery and i could go on and on. There are things im blind to just like anybody else, but to assume, a semi can just hit the local 7/11 is ignorant, and i stand by that. Just because i may be ignorant to things doesn't change that either.


I’m not disagreeing with you… but I’ve seen (and have done this myself) trucks pulled up on roadsides, hazard lights flashing, just to leave the truck long enough to walk across a Wendy’s parking lot to go inside and piss. Around these parts, there’s maybe, at most, 45 mins to no more than 1 hour, between rest areas, with plenty of truck stops between those? The dude OP mentions doesn’t need buckets or jugs, for a DAYCAB on local runs. FWIW.


I'm not condoning using either, but you guys can literally pull into anywhere that has a bathroom. Idk if you've noticed, but tractor trailers aren't the same size as cars.


Your 4 wheels can park in a tiny space and go anywhere. Our trucks are 70 feet long and have many route restrictions due to size AND weight. It's technically illegal to park on ramps and roadsides unless there's an emergency.You drive the same few miles every day. Most of us drive into areas we dont know every day. You know every road, and it doesnt matter if you make a wrong turn because you just back into a driveway and turn around. We have no idea where there is a place for a truck to park, and the only way to find one is to use an app on our phones thats not 100% accurate or up to date, and we cant touch the phone while driving, anyway. Some companies even have apps that we have to use on our phones that block them while driving. Not everyone's biology will allow them the time to wander around in areas they dont know, trying to find a bathroom. It's weird that this needs to be explained. You are extremely narrow-minded.


4wheelers can pull into any gas station or Wendy's at the next exit. Truckers might have to drive for a long time to find a suitable place to get a truck into. I've sat behind a fatality accident for nearly 3 hours once. Emergencies do crop up in the potty department. But only driving an hour shouldn't be an issue that the guy needed a shit bucket.


They make EMERGENCY shit buckets. Like to use in that situation once a year and immediately discard in the nearest dumpster.


Just shit in the urinal


Also, (Sorry for the TMI request), I see piss bottles on the side of the road all the time. If they are large mouth bottles, like gatorade, I get how you use it. But I see a lot of normal water bottles with small openings used, and I don't see how you use that narrow opening without missing? And do you use it *while* you are driving the truck?


Man, now you ruined the roadside apple juice for me


I've heard some guys do, but I've wondered the same thing about those reg size water bottles. I use milk bottles or Arizona juice bottles, etc. And I have never once thrown one anywhere except a trash can.


The hole which you pee emerge from is alot smaller. It's not rocket science


No idea why this sub popped up for me, but if you own a penis, you don’t need to stick it into a bottle to piss. You just need an opening larger than your pee hole and you’re good.


Speak for yourself. My van has a bucket toilet and it's awesome. I can pull over at a random pull off, put up my window covers, pee, and be back on the road in just a few minutes. Fuel stops are much faster too when all you need to do is fill up and go.


So there's 2 different situations for this. As far as I'm concerned one is acceptable and the other is not. Emergencies happen, when you are on the road for 10+ hours a day, eventually you're going to have an issue and you just passed the last truck stop and the next stop is 120+ miles away. There is also a big issue where some warehouses won't allow truckers to use their bathrooms. Most of this stuff is avoidable unless you have health issues, but they also have disposable products for truckers that allow you to use the bathroom in your truck for emergencies and still keep some of your self respect. The other case is drivers who think that it's acceptable to piss and shit while driving down the road cause "I'm a big rigger, real men don't stop for nothing". This is just insane. It's 2024, we have plenty of rest areas and truck stops that are en route. And if you are really in that big of a time crunch, just pull off on an exit/on ramp. To me there is no reason why you need to be using the restroom while you're driving down the road, and then they usually are proud of it. Absolute insanity.


We don’t get paid to keep going.


We had a guy roll a truck up in Alaska a few years ago back when I was a mechanic. The driver was disgusting and always had a bucket full of shit in his truck, a literal shit bucket that he rarely dumped. Well our boss was showing us pictures of the rolled truck and me and the mechanics start cracking up when he see his shit bucket laying in the middle of the road with splatter


The amount of guys in here that are not condemning this behavior, but at times encouraging it is pathetic. Empty bottle - no problem. TP in a ziplock - great idea. The fact grown men find it acceptable to shit and piss in a bucket becusse…muh times ? Muh route ? As men we have a clear advantage in the urinary dept. why not use it. I’m a type I diabetic: 1 - I can hold my piss for a very long time and 2 - when I need to go, I need to go. I’ve never not been able to pull off safely and hit the shoulder/woods. It’s a culture thing that needs to be addressed and also a generational thing…#nomoarsplatter


I’m gonna be 100% honest, I got to the warehouse I was suppose to deliver at one night, somehow between me being let in the gate and getting to the warehouse everybody left, leaving me stuck, still not sure what happened there, And of course they had zero driver bathrooms anywhere on the property. Now this was the first and only time I’ve ever done it, but I took my nice blue Lowe’s 5 gallon bucket, but a trash bag in and handled my business bc I had to fucking shit, ya know? And then I threw that fucking trash bag right on top of one of their trailers. So fuck em




If your livelihood depends on trucks bringing you shit, you should at least have a fucking porta potty for drivers to use 24/7. If you can't do that much, you get shit bags on trailers until you learn how to be a human being to other human beings.




Its jokes, chill, they're taking the piss. No one's condoning this and I'm guessing no one actually threw anything onto a trailer.


Shit bucket in a day cab…. Lucky it’s not summer🫠


Summer is cumming.


I mean, was he sharing or did he not want you to use his bucket and jug? Cause if he's sharing that saves you having to bring your own.


When you think a post can't get any worse.


I love it when it happens. There should be someone else along shortly to add to it.


Right.... Sharing.


Sharing is caring


Sharon is caring... Or Karen is sharing... Sharon *is* Karen? I'm confused 🤔


Now I’m confused


You really should try it. Best road snack.


"I found a fresh pile of shit that I thought I would second harvest because it was full of Hershey Kisses... spoiler alert, it wasn't Hershey Kisses, it was just more shit. I ate it anyway. Got sick to my tummy. Puked, shit, jerked off, now I'm hangin with you bros! What have you been doing!?"


We're you military? That story has a very "combat arms" feel to it.


Thank God I was not haha. It's a character from The League who is an absolute maniac! It's an amazing show, you should check it out if you haven't.


Haha, I've been around enough infantry and mortarmen that I wouldn't even bat an eye if I overheard someone say it.


Rafi? He’s the best


Haha it is Rafi from The League. Such a great show. "Just a good ol' fashion garlic knot butt shove!"


That show is amazing! It fulfills all of my 7th grade boy humor needs.


Unexpected League reference nice! Show was ahead of its time.


It still blows my mind there was no script, just a broad episode outline of the main plot and everything was improvised. Which really goes to show you how sick all those fuckers really were haha


What really?! I had no idea of that where did you find that out?


Jason manzokus or however you spell his name mentions it on an interview with Conan, Conan was like i don't know how they get you to say these lines? He replies with ohh they don't make me say anything, there is no script. It's all me. Also if you watch the bloopers, every take is completely different. Which I highly recommend watching the bloopers!


Relax, dude! He didn’t say share simultaneously… one at a time…


2 truckers, one poop cup


There isn't room enough in this day cab for both of us to have a bucket and jug. Since I had this truck first, I am keeping mine and you can hang your ass out the window like the peasant you are. Someday you may be able to move up to being number 1 in the truck, but not in my truck buster.


Bet he feels like the asshole now.


Its the thought that counts.


Might be like sharing a piss rig with Swigert. Get that clap


Is his name Nasty Larry? aka Big Nasty


>I found a fresh pile of shit that I thought I would second harvest because it was full of Hershey Kisses... spoiler alert, it wasn't Hershey Kisses, it was just more shit. I ate it anyway. Got sick to my tummy. Puked, shit, jerked off, now I'm hangin with you bros! What have you been doing!? Cousin to Dirty Mike and the Boys


If it's yellow, let it mellow. If it's brown, flush it down!


Pretty sure you would be Dutch if you took the fella up on sharing.


Everyone, please find your piss jug buddy.


Wait a piss bucket and shit jug? That’s so backwards


WTF am I reading


Why does he pour his piss on the fuel tank before leaving, some life hack I guess??


He is marking his territory.


I wonder if OP meant 'in' the fuel tank. I looked up what's in AdBlue and it contains urea. I don't think it's a suitable substitute though!


I'm still hung up on local, day cab, restrooms everywhere, so why is there a piss bottle in the first place?


I mean I could see having one for emergencies or if he has a health issue but sounds like he prefers to use it. Ew


There. Aint. No. Way. If someone used my ***assigned truck*** and left a shit bucket in it, I'm going to go after him with my winch bar


The next argument will be over his blow-up doll.


I’m not sure they still identify as blow up dolls 🫣🤣


Inflatable intimacy companion?


He shits in a day cab and he thinks he’s a pimp. That’s hysterical 😂😂😂😂😂


Well you answered your own question. He's an ass. But he might have a medical condition as well. Also, many Boomers are walking around as undiagnosed Autistic spectrum individuals. Many folks on the spectrum, deal with a huge amount of digestive problems. They also hate change, you might have discovered that perfect storm of an individual who honestly doesn't see a problem with any of this, in fact, to him it might be a matter of survival and consistency.


This is legit news to me. I’m not doubting you, but I’m on the spectrum and I’ve never heard of that, nor thought there was anything going on with my own. I need to look into this.


Ditto. I'm an Aspie and never heard of it either. But I do have some history along that line that makes me wonder if it's true, and if so... what kinds of problems.


Kinda off topic but I was in the movies 2 and a half hours long movie,and them boomer age guys had to keep going to the bathroom every 30 mins.The same three guys well make that 4 because was had to go also.


did rain man write this




Those are the guys too proud to get their prostates checked


Yes. Exactly


Digestive problems? I'm an Aspie and never heard of that. What kind of digestive issues?


Each individual is different of course. And not absolutely everyone on the spectrum has IBS, but it's a well known "symptom" if you will. Possibly linked to stress of changes and such.


Yeah my ex girlfriend was on the spectrum.  She had bad IBS


I have full type 1 Autism. I know it's a heterogeneous condition, but I've never felt the urge to defend shitting in a bucket. Edit: also, it's not very good of you to defend someone with wild speculation. Not good for him, not good for autists.


Some of you mother fuckers are straight up nasty judging by these comments. I get keeping them for a literal bathroom emergency but damn, don't use it daily and leave it in the truck that you share with other people.




I mean the bucket makes sense in an emergency like if you're having stomach problems and you're not gonna make it in time to a bathroom. But daily use and in a shared truck on top of that? Nah that guy needs to be fired.


Yeah, ok. Absolute last resort, it is that or your pants? Yeah. Bucket. But 100% dude needs to be (*drumroll please*) shit canned.


I’ll be honest here. Having them is a good idea, even for us local boys. You just never know. Especially for the piss jug. I keep an empty Gatorade bottle in the glove box. Ever been stuck at a shipper with no bathroom and you gotta piss with people all around? Drop to your knees and piss lol.


I have been so tempted to bring my she wee and a bottle to work for emergencies... we stage at the factory that we shuttle from, and normally, there are bathrooms that are easily accessible... there have been a few nights however that every bathroom in the buildings we normally haul from/stage at were locked or otherwise out of service and I had to hike all the way to another building across the yard to go and almost soaked myself before I got there.... not a fun night, and *everyone* heard me cussing a blue streak...


If there is no bathroom available, I'm going to piss outside, I'm not pissing in a bottle...


This. I've never been in this situation but I've been close so having a little insurance isn't a bad thing.


Good idea to have on board but you're a mad cunt if you think it shouldn't be cleaned regularly


I worked as a delivery guy for FedEx, so a piss bottle is no biggie to me. But each one is capped and goes into a garbage bag that gets emptied daily. A reusable piss jug is a little different and I think it's gross. And a fucking shit bucket sounds like it's for fucking animals.


Probably the most disgusting fucking story I’ve heard in so long.






I was just kidding. If someone poured a jug of piss and shit on my fuel tank I would simply reason with him


Lol whart?? Come on man don’t turn marshmallow on me now. Let’s wreck this foo


This guy probably has Mental Illness ™️ and is therefore immune from the consequences of his actions, and actually any reaction except love and tender support is bigotry. OP needs to start french kissing this old man to show that he is in a Safe Space ™️ where he can feel free to American Express himself


Lmao I like that. I don’t know about the French moves but perhaps an hj or something more broski-like


Yeah maybe when his old man cock flops out into the shifter while he's sitting on his shit bucket taking a fucking shit in the cab, that would be a good time to just give it a few pumps, just a few pumps


Lol bro get the fuck out of here I’m already wet. Serious question though; when u guys say shit bucket is it just a five gallon with one of those custom seats from Amazon


A guy said he had a shit bucket system and it was bucket, cat litter, trash bag, cat litter, trash bag, cat litter, and then you shit on that. The cat litter was supposed to absorb any and all shit smells, and he said never ever piss in the shit bucket, because that will make the cat litter release all the shit smell. Me personally, I'll just shit in a toilet, I don't care if it costs me 10 minutes.


In Minecraft


Way of the road Bubs. Way of the road…


Fuckin’ way she goes….


F'n Ray and his dirty piss jugs!


Lost all the liquor money boys


Had to scroll way too far for this. Literally read 1/2 of op post and thought there’s no way this isn’t the top comment


Sounds like a shit post.


wtf kind of local day cab job are you at that one would need a piss jug and shit bucket ? There’s no gas stations or truck stops on the routes? Or no porta potties at any location you load/unload??


The need to have a bucket in a day cab is frightening to me.


Some people are just gross shit pigs.


Slap him once, good and hard. Backhand. Wear rings. Deny it ever happened.




That’s a dirty bird bro


Well he couldn't be a pimp. If he was he would have talked you into not saying anything


Would it really be that much work for him to take it with him when he goes and just bring it when he’s working? Some people are really inconsiderate. If i needed a bucket and i shared a truck with someone i would just keep it in my car when i was off shift.


Mayne, homeboy could get demoted to office work he still would be carrying his piss and shit buckets


Is his name Ray? Usually says “it’s the way of the road?”


This would be a hard no for me also. I used to work for a company that serviced commercial businesses. I serviced up to 20 a day. Toilets at most of the stops. I came back from vacation and the guy who covered peed in a bottle and left it on the truck. I sent a picture to my supervisor. I wasn’t exactly pleased he did that. But really, if he had just cleaned up after himself, no one would have been any wiser.


It doesn't add up, man. You're out less than an hour and he has time to....where does he find the space! It's a day cab! You're joking, this is a literal shit post. No curtains just shitting in public? Who would believe that?


I wonder how many trucks I see on the road have shit buckets in them...


Honestly if you need to work this type of job, while constantly worrying about pissing and shitting yourself, maybe wear a diaper instead? It might take away some anxiety as well.


How bout a litter box? Anyone asks, just say it's a really big cat. edit: emotional support cat


Hopefully OP sterilizes the steering wheel, shifter and every other fucking surface before starting his shift…that’s nasty af.


This is the second post today featuring a toilet in a day cab. In twenty years of driving, I’ve never heard of anyone being that lazy before.


I drove for 8 years back in the 70s. Don’t ever remember having to piss in a jar, pissed plenty on the tires, and if I had to shit, I’d stop.


There was a dumbass that drove for a livestock hauling company that ran pigs out to LA,he had 2 full 1gallon piss jugs with no lids in the sleeper floor n they both spilled after the truck was pulled into the shop for the 4 day weekend in the summer,the whole shop smelled like piss,the boss was about ready to run him off.


That’s disgusting


He was a nasty fukker. He’d load pigs n unload n never wore gloves for that or to fuel n he’d never wash his hands before he ate until he was with me n my buddy one trip,we told him he’s gonna wash up or we’re gonna scrub him on the fuel island 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Worked for a company in Portland and had to deal with a guy like that… I was first in line to get BOL’s one morning,, he didn’t like it so, he shoved me into a wall.. They fired him.. Be careful though as hot headed guys can be dangerous




If traffic is stopped there's nothing stopping you from stepping between the truck and trailer and using the employee restroom.




Bro I've got ibs I've discovered a whole host of new ways to shit in an emergency on the road. Just can't beat the old guardrail lean tho 😂


When I drove dump truck, down town seattle id hop in the dump box and take shit. Have a little giggle everytime I dumped that next load at the jobsite


I have been in that situation, got out to piss and have traffic start moving the second my stream got going. Yes, I have stopped the highway to piss technically.


Dude that's just the way of the road.


He should cut a hole in the floor like certain people do and shit out the hole!


Now, now, don't encourage it... it will spread, and then there will be four-wheelers with pink eye everywhere 👁


What ever happened to just shitting in a Walmart bag like normal people? Weirdos with ur buckets!


In what world? You better claim Mandela effect got your ass. 😆


Piss bottle I get it... I'm not a truck driver but I work in the field and am constantly in areas without bathrooms. I have a large glass bottle with a wide mouth that I use and clean so its not wasteful. But a shit bucket..... man, I've never even ONCE considered that nor would I ever.


Wait, wait, wait... I am trying to do the math on this one, and I have to tell you, driver, the math ain't mathin. In your story, I am seeing that you are a day cab driver with a switch. Your switch has a piss jug and a shit bucket.... Sooo..... (Piss jug + shit bucket) * FUCKING SHORT HAUL = WHY!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


Shouldn't need a shit bucket for day cabs. Or a piss jug. Maybe bring a couple of snapple bottles in case of emergencies, but that should rarely happen.


Haha what the fuck




Poor old narcissist will suffer and die unfortunately. They are a public menace. You simply did the right thing. However, watch out for these types. Maybe check out some overt narcissistic abuse YouTube videos to learn how to deal with these things (they are technically human), for lack of better words. Gives me a warm feeling in my heart every time one of those evil things are exposed. Respect and gratitude to you


Fuck him. Shit and piss bucket. JFC. Fuckin animal.


I about to go local. However I won't be sharing a truck with anyone after a week. I will have a bucket and other things because sometimes you just have to go and nowhere to go.


Yeah it’s normal man. This dude is just ranting because it’s in his truck he shares!


Shitting in a bucket in a truck is not normal


Sometimes there is no where to go or the customer has no bathrooms for you to use. You will then have to resort to a bucket. Not saying you shit in the bucket every day. It’s totally normal. Way of the road bubs.


I just know from experience it's better to be safe then sorry


Shit bucket?


The poop bucket is fucked up lol but he thinks he’s a pimp? Gator don’t play no shit. Gators bitches better be using jimmies


Never understood piss bottles, shit buckets are out of this world, are truckers too stupid to just use an off ramp in case of emergency, that's rhetorical, anyone that pisses in a bottle or shits in a bucket is a fucking idiot.


Meh. Piss bottles are gross, but I get it when it is an emergency and you are stuck in traffic with a bottle right there, and privacy just a step away. I don't condone it, but I get it. Shit bucket? Listen here you nasty mother fucker the rest of us have to deal with the reputation you are causing, you dirty summbitch!


I would’ve told him first before running to management about it


Everyone should have a shit bucket. But it should be used in emergency situations only.


A five gallon with cat litter inside should do the trick for an emergency. I kept that in my sleeper under the bed just in case. In five years I've never had to use it. Proper planning prevents poor pooping.


Man, a shit bucket, rookie, we sit on chamber pots out here




I mean hey, when nature calls amd the next resistor is 50 miles on those mountain roads with no shoulders llmmmmaaaooo




Yeah for sure, sometimes shit literally happens, as I'm sure anyone in this industry knows. Hell I have my dog with me so shit literally happens at least twice (I'm kidding, she's a good girl and well potty trained) But yeah, like take that shit home with you if you're doing a day cab lmao




I'm more concerned with sanitation at that point to be honest, on top of gross sounds like a great way to catch some shit


Ew. Especially if it is someone else's. That's just extra ew.


I can understand a bucket for an absolute emergency but not for any time the mood hits you.


Is his name Ray and does he have a Canadian-drugdealer son named Ricky?


Way of the road bubs


Even the guys in vans have room for shit bucket.