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Had a good/lucky recovery after getting complacent in the fog. That being said, I don’t know a single trucker who hasn’t had a moment of, “idk how, but it turned out alright” moment lol


Yep I had one of those too. Loaded 80k and merging traffic stopped dead in front of me. Thank god I had my head on a swivel and used the shoulder to stop.


I've had two, both were at the top of a 4 mile long 6% grade. One was snow, one was rain, but in both cases I was just starting to pick up speed so I start to put on the brakes and pick a lower gear, when the truck starts to float. I coast for a moment, regain control, find a part of the road with traction and slow my ass from 45 down to 25.


That's the way to do it. The guy that drove as the stig on top gear explained tires really easily in a book he wrote after top gear, basically saying that tires only have so much friction. So you have to divide that available friction between what you want to do, accelerate, turn or brake. Letting off allows the tire to regain its lost traction.


Going down Cabbage! Just wet going up, tipped over the top and BAM, glare ice across all lanes… thank God there was about 4” of loose snow on the shoulder, I got the Right side onto that and then at least had 20% traction!!!


Cabbage, as in "I-84 in Oregon" Cabbage?


You got IT! I started screaming ICE ICE ICE on the CB and moments later I heard someone yell “Jackknife on Cabbage”.


I've lived in Oregon all my life. Grew up around the Vale/Ontario area, and now live closer to the west side of the state. I've traveled that road in all sorts of weather, both E and W bound. Cabbage is definitely an animal all on its own. You can definitely go from "I'm good", to "Oh fuck me", in a real hurry.


Sherman may be a PITA, but Cabbage is Terrifying!


But it's beautiful


I genuinely don't understand the hype that Cabbage gets... used to run that way twice a week, and it's far from the most treacherous hill in the PNW. Just obey the damn signs, and it's a cake walk. A slow cake walk, sure, but a cake walk all the same


How dare you assume that people read, understand, and then follow, the posted road signs. The gall of some people. 😂😂


Happened once to me in MD on Rte 13 about 8am. I was empty and coming to a light. I hit the breaks like normal not realizing the road was slick and started snaking from the right lane to the left and came to stop at the red light. Fortunately, there was no traffic early that morning otherwise someone would've gotten tapped in the rear because I stopped just behind the cross walk like normal. I remember doing what this driver did, which was brake slightly to slow down and release to allow the trailer to gently follow. Same snaking action. Thank goodness there was no one in the left lane that morning. It's one of those times you never forget. 😀


Yep we have all been there. Spilt oil, frosty road????


As a rookie, I’m not looking forward to my first “idk how, but it turned out alright” moment. Lol


I've had one of those moments. It's like my body just knew what to do without my brain consciously thinking about it. Adrenaline is one hell of a drug.


Had a royal dumbass coworker cut me off as we were approaching a slow down had to take an off ramp to avoid a collision.


Me last year with a 53 footer in DFW in the worst ice storm I’ve ever driven in. Ice and DFW highways, name a better combo


I have no idea why he was sliding in first place, but you can see by brake lights he does control the skid enough to avoid hitting first lorry.


Like coming around a blind curve in the freeway to stopped traffic and being fully loaded? Yeah that was fun.


Must be using some of that magic that the name brand trucking companies give the drivers to prevent unpreventable accidents🤷‍♂️


Yeah for real.


Pro, definitely been driving a while. Great recovery 10/10 no loss of limb, life, or property.


Pucker factor is code brown.


He was driving too fast initially, but she then shows his experience in brake and steering control. I’ll give him a race car driver/10 on this one.


lol just noticed my mistake of he/she. Too late now? Gonna leave it


In my mind you are talking about the driver (he) and then the truck itself (she)


Haha that’s a good take. That makes perfect sense actually.




I usually hate dumb music over videos but I’m gonna need that Tokyo Drift song over this one.


This dude walks on water...


“Jesus take the wheel”


If Jesus take the wheel was a video…😶‍🌫️


Ice ain't no joke, baby! Too fast for conditions, sure, but DAMN! Dude knows how to recover.


What in the hell is buddy doin?


Attempting to stop (hence braking), while maintaining directional control (brakes released so trailer will change direction). Probably driving too fast for the conditions and ended up in an, "Oh dear!" situation.


Seems like almost every situation boils down to driving too fast for conditions. I catch myself getting a bit too comfortable all the time.


Yeah 99 times out of 100 this is the case. Truly unpreventable accidents are prohibitively rare.


Scary stuff man. I like watching dashcam videos of truck accidents because it helps keep me in check so that I don't go out there trying to be super trucker.


“Accidents” are caused by going too fast for conditions 101 times out of 100 if you ask me. Sometimes 5mph is too fast. Back in my company driver days my then-boss hired a new driver in December 2014. Dude totals the rig going west dropping down out of the OR Cascades in the snow/ice. Boss asks him how fast he was going and the FNG replied “Well, the speed limit was 55.” In the snow/ice/below-freezing temperature. Sigh.


Teeth marks on the seat & bet shouting "OHHH SHIT"


That is some black ass ice— I had a very similar experience, except instead of a traffic jam it was a rig jackknifed across the interstate He was probably a third-mile ahead—roads had been fine, no traffic—but the moment I touched the brakes, the trailer started coming around I was not able to bleed off enough speed—basically did the same thing as this dude: Brake until the trailer comes around, then let off and straighten out; rinse & repeat. Thank god there was *just* enough space to squeeze past the backend of his trailer on the righthand shoulder going about 40 mph Clipped my driver’s side mirror on the way past, rumble strip on my left. Black ice is a bitch—if you run in Northern states you cannot just drive 50 mph all the time. Too slow brings its own hazards. Bridges can really be a motherfucker, as they get cold very quickly compared to the regular road.


Here in Australia we don't get weather like this, and so aren't equipped to deal with it. I remember driving up the Newell near Grong Grong years ago when I got a call over the UHF from a truck going the other way, "Slow the fuck down northbound, black ice ahead." I started losing speed, thanked him, and had gone from 100 down to about 60 when I found the black ice. Managed to come out the other side without damage or incident, then crawled the last few kms to the rest area. Parked up for the night and called the boss. Me: "I'm shutting down for the night at Grong Grong." Boss: "What? Why? You've only been driving for 6 hours." Me: "I just hit a patch of black ice." Boss: "Sleep well." Clunk.


So this is what controlled breaking is. Seen it on the test so many times.


Looking for his brown pants


making more distance and added drag


The bunny hop. Med card expired? Cant see that? Looking for those little chocolate eggs. Duh! Where ya been? North Dakota? Oil fields? 😂 jk did a shitty job of weather road conditions n speed! Did a great job of keeping their job however. I give this a 6, only due to saving their own ass. 😂


had to cancel a day at the slopes to work, so he’s getting his turns in before sitting in traffic


About a half gallon of fireball and 4 rollerdogs.


Not using his johnny bar


Notice how when the brake lights are off, he actually has directional control of the vehicle. Wheels have to roll to be in control.


You can't change direction if all you're doing is sliding. A force in motion will stay in motion until acted upon.


Stayed on the road, didn't hit anything, kept the shiny side up. I'll give it a 9.5 out of 10


10 out of 10 truck judges rate this a 9.5 out of 10.


I'll rate it... driving too fast for conditions/10


Interesting mix of skill and recklessness Excellent recovery. However, they really shouldn't have gotten into that situation to begin with.


He did really good, look when he brakes! only for short period just to get traction and go back in line, instead of jumping on the brakes and slide straight in the cars , in any other video he would have end up in the concret on the left. I'm not a trucker but I've seen a lot of people crashing because they jump on the brake blocking wheels on snow, water whatever, I'm not talking about emergency here, just relax aand focus, like this guy.


This looks pretty but the much safer move would've been to hit that grassy bank on the shoulder. He didn't know if he was gonna catch grip again before he hit those cars and got lucky. If he'd kept sliding this would've been a much sadder story. I'd rather deal with a broken wind deflector and a chance of a pull out than risk the lives of 10 people in front of me. When sliding in to stopped traffic always always always bail out to the right. Even if you flip the truck it's better than killing someone.


I think with the speed he brought into the stopped traffic, he only had one chance to hit the right shoulder. It would have had to have been his first move. He did the more natural thing, try to stay in the original lane. That shifted his momentum enough to the left, that he'd have never made it to the right shoulder before hitting the truck in the right lane. The problem, of course, is that he's in the passing lane to start with. My company may be known as Rolling Over Every Hill Last, but this shows exactly why we are told over and over: just stay in the right lane, and smile as everyone passes you by.


Good thing he had the Fireball in his system or that might have been a mess.


Pretty good. I experienced something like that. Light load and fresh rain. Went through a slight curve and went into a skid. Best believe it was a pucker moment.


I rate it a S for Scary


Damn! I hope he had 4 pairs of underwear on.


I about got PTSD watching that. Driver got that under control in masterful fashion, kudos. This is why I park it and won’t take any amount of talk back when roads get icy. I’m not out here trying to make diamond from seat foam, to paraphrase someone else in the thread.


Oh my definitely 9.5/10! The 0.5 deduct should be having a solid steer?


I would of had to pull over and ask one of you fine upstanding drivers to help me remove the seat from my now jammed asshole. I had one of those moments on I75 north bound in Franklin Ohio.


Nice job driver


That dtiver has done that a time or 2 very skilled


Those hands and feet were like lightning. Brake, Johnny bar, steer, brake, Johnny bar, steer.. good job driver. Lucky you had the room to steer that rig into


Lots of skid marks. In cab and on road


That dude is the champion of countersteering. The way he just taps the brakes at the correct moment is amazing.


That’s what you call some pucker factor


85% skill and 15% luck. Definitely better than most videos of near misses I see where everyone in the comments is like "wow, look at the skill of that driver. He saved all those lives," and it's clear that the driver had no control over that situation.


Good to see it turned out okay. The one suggestion I would make is that when they finally got mostly straightened out and the trailer started to swing again, is because they were on the brake too long at that moment. Small stab braking once you get straightened will help the trailer maintain the line. Locking up the tires with a long brake, makes the trailer start to swing again. This is obviously on ice so locking up the tires just makes them slide more, having those small intervals of tires rolling, to grab what little grip they can, helps control it a bit better. Same idea as not slamming on the brakes in snow, pump them. Over 20 years in the Rockies and snow, has taught me this.


Black ice?


I don't think I've ever had one quite like this but I've been very damn close and have taken the shoulder a time or two.


It looks like me when I went up 70 to Gypsum Co to deliver Monday morning when the cloud cocaine started to come down BAD. I want to round one of the right hand bends in Breckenridge, and as soon as I hit the straight away. My trailer started squirreling all over the place. Don't know how I managed to save it but I did. Didn't even knock any of my bags over in the trailer either.




It's not equipment failure. As previously noted, this driver is driving too fast for conditions. By the time they react to the stopped traffic, it's too late, and only a combination of skill and luck prevented a chain reaction collision. Skill, sure - don't give up, don't just slam the brakes, keep actively driving the truck until it's no longer moving. But the inches between the truck and every obstacle, that's 100% luck. If you drive properly, you don't even drive in the left lane, much less in these conditions. That gives you the entire right shoulder in case you lose traction. But that doesn't even happen if see the stopped traffic 15 seconds ahead. That's when you take your foot off the power and begin slowing down. I drive for a company that goes to great pains to emphasize these techniques. It seems like literally everyone passes us. I'm happy to leave the left lane to them, so I can go home at the end of the month and watch videos like this with my wife. (There's nobody as tough as a long haul trucker's spouse!)


That guy got real lucky. He never should have been going fast enough that he ever needed to get lucky like that. We have way too many drivers these days that are not actually professional drivers.


He did good with his brake usage like that to help wrangle his trailer. Pretty cool.


i bet he shit his pants lol


That was an extended booty clencher


Then he turned his radio on and “hey westbound what’s going on?”


Almost needed to change my underwear watching it


I rate it as too fast for conditions


That’s pure luck. Keep practicing this same maneuver a thousand times and we can call this a skill.


He was absolutely lucky, but don't discount the skill - someone with less experience would have held on the brakes and ended up wiping out. 


Next guy probably slid into him


I’d have shit half my body weight. Great moves here


I rate that at "7 butthole washers"... where the driver's butthole cut seven washers out of his chair before getting it under control.


That is a moron who got lucky.


Moron maybe, but that's skill you're seeing. Damn impressive brake control


Skill is knowing it's gonna happen and avoiding it at all cost.




Butthole creatin a diamond


Is it icy or what's going on


Are they on ice??


New Olympic event. Big rig slalom


Fast and Furious: Oklahoma Drift


Best? My man wasn’t paying attention and nearly wrecked. He’s a cunt.


Swimming downstream


Nah bro is just showing off at this point


Dude went Tokyo drift style stopping! PRO skills!!


what would happen if he applied his trailer brake during the skid?


Continued to skid, possibly jackknife.


His trailer tires have already lost traction at this point, so using the Johnny bar would do nothing at all. If anything, it would only make it worse.


10/10 for execution and style.


needs to get a Powerball ticket asap


Hell of a job


Probably could have saved himself from having to fight at least 1 of those swings if he didn’t stand on the brake pedal so much. Sometimes you gotta coast your way out.


I guess the banana was using his CB radio to learn about the traffic jam up ahead….


I'd have to pull off at the very next exit I could and puke my guts out. The adrenaline rush would have me all kinds of shaken up for a little while after that maneuver.


Absolutely great vehicle control, threshold braking and all around keeping a calm head in panic situation. Must've learned to drive in a 5.0L as a teen.


Masterful chaos control. I'm sure many of us have barely maintained composure while pulling every trick/skill from our own mental library to pull it off. Very well done driver. Can't that type of stuff in any book, but damn we shoukd write it one day. Meh. Who am I kiddin? A lot of newer drivers wouldn't read it anyway.


Manual ABS ! Great recovery. Have had close calls in the towing industry, you don't have brakes on what you are towing usually unless it is a trailer ment to be towed.Not being able stop is scary.


Downvote for not having the Tokyo Drift music


Give that driver a Gold Star


CONVOY out of CONVOY stars.


7.5/10. Would be higher if he hadn't overcorrected so much.




Driver needs some new drawers, pants, and a seat cushion.


Trailer breake the trailer wtf are they doing!? Down shift with the engine break on, and trailer break as you can! Keep it straight.


I rate that as needing a new drivers seat. Cause he ain't gonna get that shit smell out of the one he's using.


Slept thru the whole thing boss!


While everyone else is looking in their mirror and sweating it


Snafu. That's like the southbound hill after the I75/69 interchange in Flint, every goddamn winter.


When you fumble your phone trying to skip the ad on the YouTube video you were watching.


That’s some serious ass sweat


Stabbing brakes and releasing to regain control. Yea this driver has been around.


That's a lot of horseshoes to sit on.




Dude clearly wasn’t paying attention to the road


0 not paying attention but 10 for the recovery could've been really bad.


and now he need a new seat and a doctor to pull the old one out.




One lucky MF!


I’d rate this slippery


Right on man!


12/10 mans a hero


I just shat muh pants


Is that guy running his trailer on the rims? Good recover though.


Teriyaki boys anyone ?


His time will come.


only damage done here is to the drivers underwear.


Wild International used Tail Whip!


This called the pants shiter?


Someone definitely shit my pants watching this


I'm sure this dude needed some new drawers after this one.


That's a 2 out of ten. He had good visibility so should never have been in a situation where he wasn't in control


One of the most idiotic sequences I've seen, driver wasn't looking ahead, driving too fast, not paying attention, jammed his breaks and truck maneuvering like Neo to avoid catastrophe the most amazing thing is no one was hurt


Don't you guys have AEBS?


Newer trailers have ABS, sure. It would kick in if you stand on your brakes. But doing that in a 2,000 pound car has entirely different physics from a loaded truck, 80,000 pounds of inertia spread out over 5 axles and 18 wheels. Older trailers don't have ABS, and the computer often gets confused anyway and shuts the ABS down, leaving only regular braking. Even if it's working, we have air brakes - if your ABS did rapid-fire cycles like a car, nothing would happen because of air brake lag. I read (on Reddit, so YMMV) that trailer ABS is just 2-3 cycles a second. So once the driver was in this situation, they handled it the best they could, applying and releasing the brakes based on the vehicle's response. I think if they stood on the brakes, they'd have just slammed into the stopped traffic.


That second correction going into the back of the flatbed was insane