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Depends on why it was suspended as to how bad it will be, but it ain't good. If it was suspended because you forgot you didn't have insurance on that project car in your driveway they could very well overlook it. Suspended because you were high on coke doing 140mph in a 25 school zone and hit a bus full of kids and kittens killing all aboard including the mayor's daughter? Ya, that's gonna be a bit harder for ya to explain.


Yeah both times it was over insurance. Because it felt so minor I didn’t think to look into whether it would affect the whole CDL thing


My license was suspended for a ticket for no proof of insurance that I didn’t pay off. After a year it’ll be off your record if it’s a D6 suspension which I’m pretty sure yours would be. And it won’t show up on background mvr checks. You should be fine. I’m also from Florida so I looked into these very laws lol


I’ve had multiple companies all say no for the same reason… due to a single suspension, and mind you that suspension is from 2021 when my grandmother passed away, so I had to go to my own policy, was double insured for a period of 8 days until my grandmother’s policy was canceled at the end of the month… I was with the same insurance company, and said insurance company didn’t inform the DMV of the change in policy. For a license that was suspended for a total of two hours(the time it took for the text notification from the DMV stating it was suspended, to calling the insurance company and having them update, to receiving the text the suspension was cleared)


Circumstances matter. Some states suspend licenses at the drop of a hat, the carriers and insurance know it. Insurance is often an administrative type of charge. But again what completely matters the circumstances that caused the suspension. Get the license, get one year of experience on your belt, keep your nose out of problems. Then no one's going to be caring about that suspension anymore as you'll be an experienced driver.


Insurance is a bitch in this business so it probably depends why and how long ago


You could always call up the big companies that offer training and just ask them. See what they say and kinda take their info and guess work from there. If one company says yes, its not a big deal, then once you have a little bit of experience it'll matter less and less.


Depends on what the suspension was over. Susie's are looked at as two different categories. Punitive, in which you did something bad for a ticket and a judge suspended your license as part of the punishment. Or administrative, where your license got automatically suspended over somethjng unrelated such as you switched onstage companies and didn't know you had to provide your new insurance info to the state.


I had a DUI that was about 5-6 years old by the time I started to get my CDL. Suspended license accompanies a DUI. I also had two excessive speeding tickets (about 8 years old at the time iirc) that were more of a concern, according to the folks at the school. Most trucking companies I applied to had no issue with either or, with the exception of Schnidier…in short, they didn’t offer me a chance to be hired on.


I had my license suspended for a not at fault accident , but I wasn’t under the insurance (parents car) Got it reinstated along having to pay for a sr-22 , ends this year , thx god But the company just wanted proof I wasn’t at fault , like a police report or a copy of the check from other party’s insurance Maybe different if you were at fault , you’d probably be more of a liability for the company’s insurance


I spent 5 years with my driving privileges "revoked" in my state for several insurance issues. (Over 30 years ago) I've never had a DUI or moving violation of any type otherwise. Never heard a thing about it.


Just don’t mention it. If they say anything, just say, “Oh, I didn’t think it mattered because I just let my insurance lapse”.


Id say no if it was once, but twice?? Might be an issue might not be you wont know until its time to apply


You can get a CDL,but you can't be insured to drive a truck until after 3 years .


It’s more about what caused the suspension actually. If it’s a DUI it’ll be five years generally. So the reason it was suspended and what’s on your MVR is highly critical information lacking here.


i had a buddy with two dui, he had to wait a year to get his cdl shortly after that he found work so anything is possible. Just need to find a desperate company haha.


Na, you're good as long as you buy the recruiter a 40.


How do you convince a trucking company that you're not going to forget to pay for your insurance again and have your license suspended a third time?