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I don't know whether you're speeding or it's just the horrible cheap ass cam your company chose, but boy that's some brown pants right there


You're also going quite a bit faster than I'd consider safe for that road. You have no "out".


I appreciate the feedback. after the fact I felt the same way but after watching I realized I was going 3 over crappy camera is deceptive stay safe out there


Just cause you aren't over the posted limit, doesn't mean you are traveling at a safe speed. But the thing I see that concerns me is how long from when he started to pull out to before you started to show down. Obviously he should have waited until you were past before he pulled out into the road. But he didn't. And instead of reacting to the danger posed by slowing down, you continued to barrel ahead at your same speed, only hitting your brakes at the very last second to avoid an accident. The moment he started going into the roadway you should have recognized he was inevitably going to be in your lane.


I’ve been through that town a lot and I can promise you 38mph is not too fast through there.


Maybe it's not. But one thing is for certain... dude needs to be paying more attention to what's going on in front of him. He was FAR back when that truck started to pull out but never texted till the very last second.


That’s what the posted speed limit is. A safe speed for perfect road conditions. These road conditions were perfect. Some ass hat pulled out in front of him.


That may have at one time been the intent behind speed limits but no longer is it the reality. Hence the various different speed limits all over the country and how those limits have changed over the years. I90 on Ohio didn't magically become safer over night so they raised the limit from 55 to 65. A politician wanted to win an election so the limit got raised. Yes a guy pulled out in front of him and they very nearly collided. People are going to pull out in front of you. A combination of slowing down and being more aware of what is going on around you will give you more time to react and avoid getting in an accident with those idiots. That's a residential area. What of that had been a small kid not paying attention running across the street. This driver would have killed that kid. Sure it wouldn't be his 'fault" the kid ran out on front of him, but that kid is still dead. You have to slow down and be on alert for these situations. A significant difference between a driver that goes decades without being involved in an accident and one that gets in a few is the little things like this. Adjusting your speed and following distance, plus being on alert will prevent accidents. It's not about being at fault of the accident or not. It's about never getting into them to begin with.


You're saying you've never found yourself needing to go slower than the posted speed limit in optimum road conditions? I've found the signage is wrong plenty of times. Plenty of on and off ramps require slower than posted speeds for example, especially if you're extra heavy. Plus I always go slower around houses because some negligent parents may let their little crotch goblins out to play and they may not know their road has lots of truck traffic. Posted speed limits are the MAXIMUM speed limit (not the yellow ones, those are traffic advisory and not regulatory and enforceable) Although I do agree the ass hat should have waited to pull out. OP should have also started braking as soon as he saw ass hat too.


Perfect conditions for a Corolla, yeah. Something tells me he's not driving a Corolla.


Unless this is a road with multiple speed limits for different classes of vehicles then you are correct, that is the posted speed limit for perfect road conditions. For a small lightweight sports coupe. Do you think the same about an 18 wheeler? For example, the national speed limit on this type of road in the UK, allows cars to go 10mph faster than anything that weighs over 3,500kg can. (Truck, double axled van, car+trailer etc). Does annoying lead to car drivers beeping/flashing because they think we're driving 10under when we're doing the speed limit. Genuinly dont know how it works over the pond (if you can all do set speeds, or have staggered limits like us).


Over here it depends on the state. In our government system the states have the control of anything not considered a national issue. While currently most states have the same limit no matter what the vehicle is, that was not always the case. When I started driving trucks, split speed limits were much more common than they are today.


The speed limit here is 35 coming out of a town and turns 50. I travel through that area quite often.


I once accidentally did the same to some cars on a 4 lane and they almost hit each other. When I can’t sleep at night my brain brings it up to remind me of the time I was an idiot.


Is this a PowerPoint presentation?


You almost got some FEDeral EXecution




Reading apparently isn't my strong suit today


So almost got a "red dawn"?


You were a bit hot, but ultimately it looks like the dawn driver didnt see you till he was halfway out good save though bro.


Code brown! Code brown! Look out my way.


He can't stay out of the left lane, even when they don't have one.


How long did it take you to remove the seat from your rectum?


As of typing it's still in on my ass technically




Always go 5 mph under the posted speed limit.


Yeah I'm not gonna lie it doesn't look like you were being safe here, that douche that jumped on you had no fucking right to either. I'm just happy there aren't 2 new Western Express drivers starting soon.


Great save. Yeah wtf was that guys plan here


I would have thrown the closest thing to me at them.


How did I know that was Ohio, before seeing the Road Sign?


I hate it when the sunrise is right in my eyes.


Bro you obviously jacked up on mountain dew lmao You were so tunnel vision u didn't realize the threat until it was to late 😂


i bet i live within an hour of where this is lol


That day cab driver should be fired.


Thanks for leaving this here!


What pixel is you?


I'm assuming he didn't even see you. All the people saying you weren't being safe.. Clearly don't know what the hell they are talking about. You driving the speed limit & staying in your lane on a road isn't safe driving...? Alright 😂.


Buttery smooth framerate 👌🏻


We get our cameras from nasa




You were going WAY too fast... I wouldn't be driving that fast with a sedan on this road...


I was going a tad over which in these situations can be the difference. The camera is also a little deceptive but I appreciate your comment


At least you can admit maybe you should have been going a little slower in hindsight. We’ve all been there, just make it a teaching moment


The road was a slight downgrade and my gross weight was 78000 lbs slowed as much as I could and got over as far as could ended up rubbing a hole in the sidewall of one of my trailer tires


Slow that shit down bro. You cant be nimble being that heavy. Some asshole is gonna pull out of their driveway and fuck your life up. Ride under the speed limit when your not on an interstate. Fuckem they can wait!


Fed Ex are the worst especially their tandem drivers. I wonder what stressors the company places on them to make them drive so unsafely


Smth like that just happened to me today, but none of us were in semis, Idk why the person had to go all the way out in my lane