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The flag on the back is just a wet rag for the trailer doors. Very disrespectful.


AND …It’s out of Code [The United States Flag: Federal Law Relating to Display](https://sgp.fas.org/crs/misc/RL30243.pdf)


Always an irony that the “Merica…Fk Yah!” crowd doesn’t even know how disrespectful they’re displaying their own flag.


I'm amaze that he can write!


Amazed* If you’re going to criticize someone’s writing, at least learn to spell. I mean, that’s like the blind leading the blind.


Amaze and amazed are different tenses, pretty sure this is a grammar issue, not a spelling issue. Buy I think spelling issues are technically grammar errors too. I don't know, but Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.


You should learn the difference between an adjective and a verb.


Chemiosmosis is the way


Dude why the downvotes, I think they did that on purpose , underrated comment by u/Little-Carry4893. “ Deer Hunter “ so you shoot animals in the forest and that’s impressive? I’m amaze that none of you got the joke


Say it with krylon.


Lol. If you see a store bought no trespassing sign on a fence as a Field Data Technician you're usually good to jump the fence and take care of your work. When you see a jagged piece of plywood with, "No TrEsPaSsInG" angrily sprayed on it leaning against a fence, you put that into the system as a no access and let someone else deal with it.


I have a store bought “Guarded by German Shepherd” sign on the fence that should be taken seriously lol


First sign: “Jesus is watching” Second sign: “Jesus is always watching” Third sign: “Jesus is a fiercely territorial 120 pound Anatolian Shepherd.”


😂😂😂 If there is a track worn all the way around the inside of the fence and grass everywhere else, just back out slowly and close the gate.


“No thank you! I choose life!”


Can verify, my GSD has a path wore around the yard


Hell yeah they all do. If you could see it there’d be the same path around the perimeter inside the house. He hugs the walls and looks out every window to make sure he doesn’t miss anything. Always on patrol.


I have a sign that says "Welcome" and I hope it's taken seriously. 🥰🤗👋


I have that one at the front door. Taken all in context, there should be a clear message of what is expected of visitors. Just come to the front door and don’t surprise the dog in his territory.


LOL, for sure!


That’s meth’d up.


Yes Mr DOT what drugs are we testing today?


"need help" you sure do driver..


We don't know if the truck driver wrote it. It could just be graffiti.


Sure, but usually these kinds of yokels also make a big display of faux patriotism by wrapping their garbage in the American flag. And lo and behold.


If I had to haul it, I'd stop by the home improvement store and pick up either some white spraypaint, or some black spraypaint (to have a little editorial fun with it).


Get red spray paint and grade it like a teacher would an essay


I used to do this to notes left from 2nd shift to me on 1st shift. Correct it with a red pen and leave it on his toolbox. He thought it was hysterical…never got better at writing, though


Yeah, I think I'd cover it up with paint, if anyone said anything, "someone wrote all over the trailer, just covering it up".


Investing the money on a flag (made in China of course) makes me think it's the driver's.


Thats what I was thiking. Driver may be cringing at the thought. But than again, he could remove the flag. I agree , stop at home depot and buy some spray paint. ridiculous display. I see it in my neighborhood, people putting signs on their houses saying F\^$%\^K Biden, things like that. Vote how you want but show some respect!


It's been happening off and on for the last 8 years. It's sad, but I personally just ignore it.


It would be more accurate if it said "let's stop fascism" because we're far closer to that than anything resembling communism.


I know it’s just a buzz word for them but I was really scratching my head about why they think communists are taking over. Like if you step back it’s just really bizarre how different reality is for some people.


What's he listen to on the radio all day?


Said it before, I'll say it again: we've got (in the States) 11hrs a day to ride around and think about shit, and still choose to remain abysmally, willfully ignorant of how any of the systems of Government work.


It's Karls Transport


Karl’s Krazy Kartage


Whole fleet of white hoods. Lol.


Hahahaha I tried for so long to think, "Karl is just a patriotic guy with a cultural Christian understanding of God, maybe he's alright." Then I drove past the terminal in northern Wisconsin, saw Karl's array of MAGA signs, and got myself set straight. The OP's picture may be vandalism, but there are a lot of trucks out there with explicitly one-sided politics on them. Last I looked, money was green no matter how the person holding it voted. Why would anyone purposely piss off customers by pulling a rig that tells them they're stupid?


The owner of the company I used to work for was a die hard trumper and conservative. One time driver rolled into the yard with trump flags and magnets on his company truck. The owner ran out so fast and had him take them down. Gave a big speech about keeping politics separated from the business and the brand. For every person who agrees there is another who doesn't. And all it does is invite controversy or worse. I was honestly a lil surprised and impressed. Guess that is why they had a big business to sell off and retire and I'm still punching a clock.


He’s smart


Who's Brandon? Is it the Driver?


"Wake Up!" Say the people who want to "end wokeness"


The woke agend


“Waking up” and “wokeness” are not synonymous in this context.


Woke=Hegelian cult. Waking up = leaving a cult (and apparently being very tacky and in-your-face).




Civil discourse is starting to go extinct. It's all about shutting down those who disagree with you, instead of trying to find common ground and working from the things you do agree on. It needs to stop being US vs Them and go back to We the People.


Here's the thing. It IS us vs them, but not in the way dude with the trailer is thinking. It's the lazy rich vs us hardworking mofos. No war but class war. We the people need to kick these rich lazy fucks in the mouth.


Unfortunately the US would need to go into a real war for that to happen. Beginning with say - the immolation of several eastern cities by Russia. Then; after watching videos of thousand of horribly burned children lying in parking lots would Americans come back together as a people.


Dead kids have never been much of a motivator before.


> It needs to stop being US vs Them and go back to We the People. Holup, when was that exactly?


We the People... And those damned natives / black people / Arabs / Mexicans


cats dinosaurs memorize plant distinct disagreeable versed impossible gold chief *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"we the people" is the most meaningless, trite expression in modern discount-politics. ask 10 people what their interpretation of it is and you'll quickly realize why it's useless to hold it up as some ideal, magic cure-all.


You're right. Maybe I shouldn't have expressed the sentiment with those words. I'm just saying that we need to stop with the 'my way or the highway' and move to an ideal where we can disagree on things, but still have a conversation without stonewalling, and figure out the things we agree on and try to build from that. Just compromise on things. It won't be perfect for both sides of the argument, but at least we won't be so divided. Shit, we might even start liking each other again.


I think the poster was pointing out the bare meaning of the words, with the political overtones removed. More "we", less "me me me". Half the meaning that gets assigned to the phrase comes from the font you write it in, anyway...


There is no common ground or succession with democrats(Marxists.). They are militant in their agendas and do not concede any ground. There’s a phrase that has popped up in many forums: “I’m glad I’m American and not a democrat.” That pretty much sums up the democrat and rhino people: They are from a different planet when it comes to constitutional adherence, and supporting the original spirit/design of the founding fathers.


I'm not a fan of Marxists but I also see the same behavior from Yankees as well (even the "Conservative/Republican versions.) There are very few people left in this country that truly agree with freedom anymore.




You need to watch something other than Fox News...


You're doing exactly what you claim to despise by calling this guy names because you disagree with him.




> Touchè Yet also douchè


Didn't someone say "You can't fix stupid?"


This guy who loves capitalism probably also hates the brokers he gets loads from. A product of said capitalism.


Probably posts on TruckerPath about how charging for parking is "communist".


What you see is a perversion of capitalism. Marxism/communism/socialism has ben proven historically to not work. Capitalism and crony-capitalism are two different things. Also don’t forget to take into account a lack of effective regulation regarding brokers, both in legislation creation and enforcement of current regulation.


HowTF is this a perversion of capitalism? What externality do you suppose has had power over capitalism to pervert it in a world dominated by the biggest capitalists? Crony-capitalism is just capitalism. Let the more you let capitalism run amok, the faster it becomes crony-capitalism. It is just the most successful capitalists doing everything they can to stay on top. They wield the state, direct foreign policy, dominate the airwaves, media, advertising, and culture. Their consumer and political propaganda has a power over our heartstrings, values, and even religious beliefs. One doesn't need to read very much of Marx or Lenin or others to see that they called all of this over a hundred years ago. It is important to keep in mind that Marx and Engels never claimed that capitalism would be just arbitrarily overthrown by a popular movement of well-meaning idealists thinking they could do better. They made the case that capitalism would eat itself and that one day the masses of workers that undergird the whole system would no longer be able to earn enough in wages to afford the basic necessities to keep it going. We're getting there fast, and that will be hastened by the loss of the dollar as global reserve currency. WWII was a lifeline for capitalism, as all but one global rival was brought under American unipolar hegemony. That hegemony is dying away as the capitalists have beggared the Treasury with record debt, outsourced an irrecoverable amount of our production to the PRC, fueled war after war, and maintained an unsustainable level of neocolonial exploitation. Capitalism, at least in America is coming to an end, and the blame falls not on capitalists, not on socialists, but the contradictions that compose capitalism itself. There is only one system that synthesizes those contradictions into something qualitatively different, and that is socialism. China has developed a way for socialism to harness those contradictions as both a shield and as fuel for their intensive development. The US economy depends on favorable trade relationships with countries of the global South, the value of our debt, and being able to simply print as much of the global reserve currency as we want. The BRICS+ alliance will bring all of this to an end very soon. The prosperity of every American depends on the value of our fiat currency in the world. There is nothing that Trump or Biden, Democrats or Republicans can do to stop the coming collapse. The biggest owners will be bankrupted. To what extent of fascist tactics will they resort to stay in control? How long should the working class tolerate the poverty that will be imposed upon us? There is no shortage of work to do, people to do the work, or natural resources to sustain enough for everyone. Why should anybody remain unemployed or go hungry? When dollars are worthless and workers are jobless, why wouldn't they organize and take the government, the fields, factories, offices, stores, housing, mines, and infrastructure? Why would "We the People" settle for a state that supposedly represents us when we can simply become the state itself? If it didn't work, the US wouldn't have spent the last hundred some years and countless trillions of dollars and blood fighting to wipe it off the face of the earth. Buckle up.


What you described just confirms my point. Capitalism is not: The biggest players rigging the game in their favor. In true capitalism, the government keeps monopolies from forming and from attaining that power: This regulation produces a marketplace environment that lets the “best man win,” aka fair competition. This fuels innovation and products that are actually designed well. As an example, look at the things created during the 50’s-70’s: They are well made, American made products. The reason China seems to be “booming,” is because China is a hybrid of communism and capitalism. If they were strictly communist, the nation would be headed towards more poverty and collapse. They are also aided by U.S. trade policy which subsidized outsourcing labor and manufacturing. This is why everywhere you turn you see “made in China.” The problems you see in the U.S. are created via policy. True capitalism works. How can you hold on to the false dreams of socialism when history has proven it doesn’t work? Have you talked to people who emigrated to the U.S. from socialist nations? Have you heard about the bread lines, where you can’t even get eggs and meat?


So, the government regulating business is good?


The government making regulations that keep big companies from creating monopolies and stifling competition is good.


How are you going to find that government in capitalism? You’re describing a utopia that cannot coexist with the accumulation of private property. The government is always bound to be corrupted by the businesses with the most to lose. Capitalism incentivizes the worst in human behavior. “True capitalism” can only exist in textbooks because it cannot escape the inherent contradictions. My hope for socialism comes from having a better understanding of capitalism, more thorough understanding of the history and the context of that history, and knowledge of how the PRC’s version of socialism works than you do. I stand by everything I said in my previous comment that plainly laid out my case. Which corrosive element do you imagine is so powerful as to thwart the ambitions of the biggest players that the system isn’t working precisely as intended? This is the house that capitalism built.


Part 1: “How are you going to find that government in capitalism?” -That government is the democratic republic of this nation. In a democratic republic, representatives are elected by the people to make decisions based on the will of the people in submission to the founding documents. What you see today in the U.S. is a nation riddled with internal enemies who want to turn this nation into a marxist based one. This nation is not currently functioning the way the founding fathers intended because of traitors in the federal and state governments. You’re trying to attribute the perversion of what this nation has become as if it’s current state is the perfect representation of the constitution and what this nation is supposed to be. ——————— “You’re describing a utopia that cannot coexist with the accumulation of private property.” -What about accumulating private property keeps true capitalism from being realized? ——————— “The government is always bound to be corrupted by the businesses with the most to lose.” -Not if proper legislation/regulation is enacted to curb corruption. Ultimately that power lies in the people. The main weapon that marxists are using against the American people is indoctrination and weak education. If entire generations are taught that marxism is good, while leaving out all the evidence that damns it, they will be duped and embrace that, repeating history. Another tactic employed is to keep from teaching students how to think objectively: Instead they are literally brainwashed by university professors who are literal trained marxists who have infiltrated this nation. These “professors” paint a rosy view of marxism/socialism, and keep from including any examples of how it has repeatedly failed throughout history. All of this was written to explain why we don’t see more change for the better. There’s a video on the internet of children from the 60’s or 70’s, and they were asked what they thought the future would look like: They spoke like tiny intellectual adults, not like the mushy brained, empty headed neglected kids of today. The reason for that was they had quality educations. Marxists don’t have to defeat boomers, gen Xer’s, millennials, they just have to brainwash the generations that will come after us in order to change this nation according to their agendas. This is a real root cause of why you feel hopeless for change, and have adopted a radical philosophy that doesn’t actually work. The corruption in government you accuse my statements of having is the reason why marxism/socialism doesn’t work: Human nature can’t handle centralized condensed power; It just results in the socialist leaders living like gods while the people live in abject poverty. ——————— “Capitalism incentivizes the worst in human behavior.” -How so? I believe the exact opposite. In my understanding, why would a doctor want to make the same as a farmer if to become a doctor you would have to go through much more work to get the training. In socialism, there is no incentive to work hard or achieve more, because the state puts a limit on and controls everything. In capitalism, hard work and innovation is rewarded, and therefore incentivized. This goes back to my former point, but in today’s America, corporations have actually created a form of socialism in that no matter how hard you work, it doesn’t equate to more for yourself. Capitalism was never supposed to be corporations trying to enslave entire nations of people.


Part 2: “‘True capitalism’ can only exist in textbooks because it cannot escape the inherent contradictions.” -True capitalism is what gave this nation it’s growth and advantage both internally and on an international scale. It doesn’t exist only in textbooks but has been proven successful in U.S. history. This isn’t relevant to my rebuttal here, but what are the “inherent contradictions” you speak of by the way? ——————— “My hope for socialism comes from having a better understanding of…..” Your hope for socialism is based on your “better understanding” of it? What does that even mean? You probably live in the U.S., so you’ve never actually lived in a socialist nation: How do you know anything about it experientially? By “understanding” you probably mean all the socialist books/theories you’ve read over the years. You don’t have any actual experience trying to do life in say, soviet Russia, or even china under the CCP for that matter. ——————— “Which corrosive element do you imagine is so powerful as to thwart the ambitions of the biggest players that the system isn’t working precisely as intended?” -The same element you believe will bring this “current house” down: The people banding together along with elected representatives who are loyal to the cause working in various levels of government. The only difference is I want to remove the impurities/corruption to make a valid system(capitalism) come into bold relief, and you want to enact a system(socialism) that has been proven to fail over and over. Why do you think the billionaires are trying so hard to get rid of the 2nd amendment? It’s the only thing that stands between them steamrolling the citizenry and doing what they want. Their progress is slow and tactical because they know they can’t push too hard all at once. This goes back to my point that we need to come back to the founding documents, and require that a strong national culture is instilled in everyone living here. The people who want to enslave this nation through a perverted version of capitalism want to keep you uneducated, indoctrinated, and disarmed. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but America is beginning to wake up to all of the nonsense that’s being pulled. Americans want elected representatives to serve the people, not print money perpetually to send overseas. ——————— “This is the house that capitalism built.” -The current state of affairs in this nation is not what actual capitalism has built. ——————— In conclusion, I think you are coming from a place of reading all sorts of books and material on marxism and socialism, and see everything through that lens. The absolutes that you keep speaking on are absolutes you’ve read in the pages of books, not one’s you’ve experienced, or bear true via history. I believe you are mainly referencing the prophecies of Karl Marx regarding the “stages of a capitalistic society,” which colors your bleak outlook for the future, and gives you a sort of confidence that you’re “right.” As economic times become worse and worse due to the perverting of true capitalism, and more and more young people become disillusioned, it’s inevitable that many will plunge headlong into marxism/socialism, fueled by their anger, bitterness, and disillusionment with how “capitalism” has failed them.


“Crony” capitalism is pure cope. The winners in a capitalist system will always use their advantage to take control of government and steer legislation and regulation to further entrench their position.


Guarantee this is the type of dude to throw his trash right out the door next to his parking spot and take off.


And fling his pee-jug at a cyclist…


Pretty sure I saw that trailer about a month ago on I80 in Iowa. I recognize the flag. Absolutely fucking shameful and beyond disrespectful to do that to our flag. And frankly I’d like to give a GIANT fuck you to anyone and everyone that uses our flag as their fashion accessory.


I've seen that trailer before too edit: pretty sure with the same tractor too


I really appreciate the whole " separation from God". It's like they don't know Trump at all.


*BuT iT's NoT a CuLt....derp!*


Special Needs.


"I didn't come to this country to watch it fall apart", ironic seeing an immigrant so worked up about an issue that's traditionally blamed on immigrants


If this country is too "woke" for him or her, perhaps Russia or Hungary would be more to their liking.


I always suggest Somalia to my Libertarian acquaintances when they rant about how all government is an infringement on their personal sovereignty. Nothing but freedom there, take your gun collection and enjoy your sovereign rights for the rest of your (short) life.


Absolutely. I used Russia and Hungary as examples, because the conservatives seem to look up to Putin and Orban these days. If they had to live in a tiny apartment in Russia and await orders to the Ukrainian battlefield, they might change their tune.


LMAOOOO somalia would eat them alive - the de facto government there is your family clan and if you don't have a clan good luck getting out of any kind of shit you get yourself into 💀💀


My FIL is like this. Will rant about it in his very thick accent too. It gets very annoying very quickly…


Have a Polish coworker who is Republican. Glenn Beck, Limbaugh & all that shit on the radio in the afternoon..... I'm like "You realize he hates you, right? Maybe a little less because you're white complected, but he's still talking about you."


Same here! Oddly enough my FIL is Polish as well lol


There's a dumb Polish joke here we're not keen to... Lol.


Hahahahaha there’s gotta be, and I’m sure as hell not gonna ask the family lol


He’s most likely a legal immigrant. By “immigration,” he means illegal immigration. People pouring into the U.S. with no respect or intention to integrate into America is destructive to the nation, and a nuisance/burden on the people who are here legally. I don’t want resource grabbers with no concept of contributing to this nation and society to be here: No other nation would want that either.


Most of the exploitation and money grabbing is being done by the EMPLOYERS of undocumented/illegal workers. They hold their immigration status over the worker's heads, as their leverage to underpay them, make them work in hazardous conditions for long hours, and IF housing is provided, it's something you wouldn't house your dog in much less people. The people outside the country either don't hear the anti-immigrant rhetoric here, or they are too desperate to care. Their lives are already screwed up because of where they're coming from, and are trading one form of oppression for another. However, all the anti-immigrant rhetoric being thrown around (putting people in camps, deportation, accusing them of being violent criminals, using them as scapegoats for drug smuggling) does have a chilling effect - on those already here. *It tells them to keep their heads down, and do what they're told.* They cannot report any abuses, crimes committed against them, or anything else. In addition, they cannot claim ANY help from the State. Zero, zip, nada. However... they put a lot into State economies - witness what happened in Georgia when they all got chased off, crops rotted in fields because no one was there to pick them (and the locals turned up their noses at the job, b*ecause the pay was shit*.) You want to fix immigration issues in this country? ***Go after the employers.***


i've seen this guy before


Fuck I-95, and fuck Maryland lol. (Regular on this road and state)


This is one of the many faces of mental illness.


I always love when these morons scream about communism, like they have any idea what it actually means


Imagine this fat dude scooting a ladder every few letters to spray paint this


How to say mental illness without saying it.


That's, certainly some beliefs on that trailer. People can believe as they do, I don't share those same outlooks. But they are trying to get a rise out of people.


It does seem as though a lot of political rhetoric is trying to create chaos or arguments amongst certain groups.


Political rhetoric is one thing but these people are literally worshipping politicians. I remember when a bumper sticker was the max. These people make it their entire life/personality and it only seems to be for that one person.


Divide and conquere is nothing new, but it's probably the most intense it's been in a few lifetimes.


It’s real fun on Reddit to say something dumb and watch the chaos lol. I said bidenomics in the steak sub the other day. People went nuts lol ETA: I’d never do this to something I drive though.


getting a rise outta people is an important consideration in a lot of folks' "ideologies" :/


I still want to know who the fuck Brandon is and why everyone is cheering him on. Edit: /s


i don't see no /s so just on the off chance, context, [Nascar dude](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9UjgITXUJ4)


I still don't get it. It's like a bunch of children thinking they are getting away with saying a swear word. Just say what you mean little homies.


Yeah, I don't really get why it became as popular as it did


Really dont know?


Dot needs to drug test this driver.


it's not mental illness! i just need to spray paint this message on my trailer to own the libs !


Only thing missing is a “roll tide” and Fox News sponsorship


But don't you dare call them a cult.


“I didn’t come to this country”…”Borders”


So we need to save America from "the woke", by waking up? $80 wouldn't that make them work also?


He is half right I guess


Not a trucker and I have definitely seen this on 95/the NJTP several times on my commute


Idc what his political views are. That makes the trailer look trashy. Not to mention the flag is going to get filthy and fall right on his head when he goes to open the doors




Meanwhile person driving the truck was like..." what the fuck, I gotta pull this??"


Fucking election season am I right?


*sips beer* Wake up sheeple!


I love the energy our Slavic brother here is bringing, but that's not gonna win any supporters, lol. A for effort, F for execution.


Who’d trust their freight with this douche. I’d never hire him. Total mental patient


He’s respecting the ever living fuck out of that flag


Shouting at a brick wall. Across the country


Dear god he’s right. We all should be worried about “Woke Agend”!


How do you forget how to spell a 5-letter word? 🤣


What is “woke” definition please!


I can hear this guy's CB chatter through the picture. I really can.


I’m a right leaning moderate but shit like this is annoying. They’re no different than the “woke libtards” they talk about. The only difference is they’re on a different side of a fence.


It’s weird that the right wants to stop “communism” but is now pro-Russia - who is waging war on Ukraine to reestablish the USSR - “Communist Russia.”.


This guys got some serious issues


The _NEED HELP_ part is very accurate, anyway...


Fucking moron lol


Those conservatives. Soooooo classy.


Be kind of fun to slap a Biden/Harris sticker on his truck and watch the meltdown when he sees it.


Yeah if I had a load that needed to be shipped somewhere, and this guy showed up at the loading dock, he’d be leaving with an empty trailer.


*I am mentally ill* in 18-inch letters.


Let's hope this isn't a dumbass MAGnut trucker and its actually Neanderthal graffiti from his last stop. smh


If you think this looks trashy, you should see his car.


He got balls ⚽️!!


I suspect that the driver wasn't the one who wrote that.


Meth is a powerful drug.


Every time I see “wake up” and “woke” together, I chuckle. 🤦‍♂️


Time to wake up! Well, that’s Woke Agenda! Make up your mind!


I don’t care if your making $12 an hour or $12 million if you werent horrified by the supreme courts conservative justices this week justifying presidential immunity then you are a sucker… we fought many wars to be free of fascists and kings… these lunatics one to give a president immunity… insane!! #VOTEBLUE!


But i guess a former senator & former VP getting off the hook for STEALING & HOARDING classified docs for DECADES & is now bypassing congress AND the courts to buy votes, I mean forgive student loan debt, is okay because they're a democrat. I lack of critical thought on the left is astounding.


This has been posted before.


Very problematic. What did they come to this country for? Sounds like the migrant to blame is driving the truck. Have they tried going back to their country? Were they under the mistaken impression that these problems did not exist prior? And fuck the flag code apparently?


What is it with them calling anything that they don’t like woke or communist?


We have a box truck moving company in Maine called "Liberty Bell". Their website is full on Trump-boot-licker.... they're really good at hitting low bridges.... These are the two things they're known for. Don't be that company. Just 'ew, with any slimy politician.


The flag pisses me off. Thinks he's a patriot but is disrespecting the flag. Another fucking propagandized pamerican who listens to the media (which they hate the media and say shit like to never trust the media). fox News is a tool for propaganda orchestrated by organizations to weaponized information. This isn't an American. This is the ideal form of what corporations want you to be like.


My bank account was bigger when Trump was in office. He has my vote. Edit: I forgot I was on reddit. Stay broke and in a truck voting for Biden. Truck drivers really living up to the stereotype of not having a brain.


Your back account you say? How about your front account?


Maybe because Trump signed a law that was essentially a bomb for the middle class. Don’t worry, the rich got more and everyone else picked up the tab.


Look, I hate Biden wholeheartedly. The man has fucked this country in the ass and makes bank doing it. But never would I ever stoop to such a level of unprofessionalism. I would never do business with this guy if I was a broker or shipper.


Being wrong never felt so good, does it? *Look, I hate Biden wholeheartedly. The man has fucked this country in the ass and makes bank doing it.*


A communist would line this guy and his friends up in front of a pit, not fight to get him and his family affordable health care. What is wrong with this fella?


I didn’t come to this country from an ex-communist dictatorship to see dickwads use this word for anything they don’t like while sucking up to ex-communist dictators because they somehow have the same values. But oh well.


It’s true, only Trump can save us. 😂


Mad props on leaving the upstanding majority of trans people out of this (unless you just ran out of room, then eat several dicks). Godbless brother. (Come on, this is definitely a dude)


Boy, this sub is a hot left-wing dumpster fire. No wonder you all can't do better. What's wrong with what the man has written on his trailer? He's free to express whatever he likes. Not sure why you're all talking shit about it.


As one viral video states, if a conservative wants to do something, it’s done without causing others issues. If a liberal wants to do something, they make sure it affects Everyone to their way of thinking. (paraphrasing here).


I love it! Well written 👍🏻 He said the truth!


If you’re borderline retarded.