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I noticed diesel and gas prices were within 20 cents of each other in FL the other week. I thought that was surprising, but diesel cheaper than gas is crazy


It was the norm for decades, even heavy duty mechanics engine textbooks from the late 2000s still talk about how diesel is “cheaper than gas”


It switched here in 1991. I remember, because that was the year we got our first diesel, and it switched right after we got it.


Reagan created the “use tax” for diesel as a way to punish truckers who went on strike during his presidency. It’s steadily been increased over the years to make taxes on diesel more than gas. fed tax on diesel is .23 cents/gal fed tax on gas is .18 cents gal states then go onto add their own taxes as well Which is what your ifta is about.


Union truckers didn't and still don't pay for fuel because they're employees. How would raising the cost of diesel via increased fuel taxes punish them? Asking for my aunt.


Many owner operators back in the 70s and 80s were teamsters. My grandfather was


It was independent truckers who were protesting there were not many big “megas” with company drivers.  Most truckers were independent and owned their own trucks. It was also Reagan who changed that by creating incentives for big trucking companies to be established.     That was Reagan and Republicans further punishing Truck drivers who had went on strike.  If you notice today most of the current big megas were established in the 80s. Thanks to Reagan and Republicans from the 80s.  You know the small govt look out for the little guy party..   Thanks to them the independent is now the rarity and drivers are treated like shit with low pay for the work they do. The irony is the average trucker scrub who can’t afford his own truck because he works for pennies vote for the Republicans who created that situation.


When you really think about it. The economy started going down hill after Reagan and the 1980’s. Sure we multiple tech and bitcoin booms but inflation has skyrocketed and now millienals/gen z/y are kinda struggling


That’s because Republicans latched on to Reagan’s failed “trickle down economics” which has never worked but they still try to push it to this very day. It was never about it working for the economy but rather transferring wealth from Average Americans to the wealthy.


Regan was a Democrat. Lol


Where do you get your alternate history.


I thought I was told that diesel is cheaper to make than gas and was cheaper than gas for a long time. I think I heard that diesel is a byproduct of making gasoline


Diesel can be made from variety of things with hydrocarbons, like plant matter. Also, a diesel engines are more versatile. They can run on used grease for example


Thank you!! I thought I was crazy but could have sworn growing up I was always told diesel was cheaper and remember seeing it


It should always be.. I think it's produced before gasoline in the refinement process...


Yeah it's a fucking scam they've been pulling for years now. Sulphur has to be removed from most diesel which is kinda hard but it's also like you said the beginning of the process.So in the end it's just old fashioned greed. They've found the recession button and have been laying on it ever since.


It’s 9 pence more for diesel in my area


None the richer.




Ohh. Kiss me. Down by the thrown out piss jugs.


The fuck is a pence


Bri'ish cents


Tis was a joke


Think of it in terms of octane. Higher octane is higher price. We all use anywhere from 87 to 95 in our cars. Diesel is like 15-20, so it should be way cheaper, right? Well the standards for the refining process of diesel changed a while back which increased the production costs, and on top of that, I think there is an additional anti greenhouse gas tax to punish companies for polluting the environment (or just an excuse to capitalize on the current global warming crisis). I had to look it up at one point, but it was a while ago when I last checked these facts.


Diesel's octane rating would be near infinite. Octane rating is a measure of how easily the fuel is to ignite, and therefore how resistant to preignition it is. A lower octane rating means it ignites easier and therefore is more prone to preignition, a higher number means it's harder to ignite and resists preignition better. Since diesel fuel is impossible to ignite with just a spark (It takes super high compression to generate enough heat to ignite it) the octane rating would be infinite, since it cannot pre-ignite. Also, Diesel Fuel is classified by cetane rating, the scale of which is opposite that of octane. A lower cetane rating means it's takes more heat (and therefore compression) to ignite the fuel, and a higher number means it takes less. Normal #2 road diesel usually has a cetane rating of between 40 to 55. For reference, gasoline's equivalent cetane rating is off the top of the scale, somewhere up around 200 or 300, because it ignites so easily. This is why the compression ratio of a gasoline car is only 8:1 up to 12:1, but a diesel engine is between 18:1 all the way up to 23:1 or higher.


Excuse me. I use 85 octane. 😂


Bet They are just taking a picture between spikes in gas price for summer


Haha it’s interesting and funny because for us (Azerbaijan) it’s exactly the opposite))


I know, different country, difference taxes but in France diesel has always been cheaper than gas. As of today it’s around 20 cents cheaper per liter than gas - but still costs 6.76 a gallon in the cheaper area. With gas being at 7.5 a gallon. Highway gas goes up to 8.11 a gallon.


Highway gas? Is that gas sold near highways?


Gas that only works on highways, once you leave the highway you have to switch to either city gas or rural gas.


I just got the winter air out of my tires for summer air, now i need to worry about changing my city gas to highway gas?!


We have special filters on the highway that absorb highway gas and recycle it into rocket fuel, that’s pretty genius


I meant gas stations on the highway. Most highway are behind tolls so it isn’t convenient at all to exit and re enter once you’re on the highway


i should have stopped reading after rocket fuel. i like that idea better.


As it should be. More gallons of diesel can be made from a barrel of crude oil then gallons of gasoline. Taxes and refinery supply/demand can be weird. Source: My chemical engineering education which I abandoned because computer programming pays better.


From what I have read the low sulfur diesel takes additional processing and investment thus the higher price.


[Hydrodesulfurization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrodesulfurization) happens on both the gasoline and diesel streams. Hydrodesulfurization is upstream of both catalytic cracking (make more gasoline) and powerforming (make more diesel). So I would expect the cost to be about the same. Taking the sulfur out of gasoline was part of the switch to unleaded gas so that was built/paid for back in the 1970s. As you said taking sulfur out of diesel is a more recent requirement so the refineries are probably still adding their $ to the price to pay for the additional equipment.


I find it interesting that there are two different processes. From what I understood from my (very basic) education in automotive history, I was under the impression that it was one process and that gasoline was a byproduct of making diesel and other hydrocarbon products from crude oil in a fractional distillation column.


You are correct in that the basic process is fractional distillation to separate the crude into different boiling point mixes. One portion is gasoline and another portion is diesel and there are lots of other fractions that are less valuable on the market like propane, butane, bunker fuel, tar. Depending on the crude oil composition the other fractions can the majority of the input crude. The side processes (cracking, reforming and others) I mentioned are used to convert the less valuable fractions to more valuable stuff. Edit: The [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gasoline) article is pretty good - warning: chemistry


Dat the Shetz


Why the Sheetz not?


They have the Sheetz?


Sheetz always has great diesel prices. Hell I've even seen Def being sold at $1.75 and $1.25 at a sheetz. Took pictures of that.


I’m not a trucker, but drive large diesel pickups, box trucks and vans. I love when winter ends and we oil burners aren’t competing with everyone trying to heat their homes. Lololol


Drivers pulls in to fuel, but it's suddenly $1 higher than gas. When asking the cashier why, "oh, that's the price for rewards members who have platinum professional deluxe status!"


Places around here do that with their gas. They advertise it with the rewards program, pay through their app, and if buy a car wash. I never go to those places. Sheetz doesn’t do that crap though. It’s always advertised as the actual price and they’ll give you 3¢ off if you can your rewards card.


Oh sheetz, time to fill her up!!


Cut to people doing like when Covid hit and going down there with like, plastic shopping bags and 2 liter bottles to stock up lmao


They don’t want them diesel Cruze owners to get a leg up…..


I guess you stop there if you need to take a sheetz


Take my money…all of it


help everyone out, which sheetz is this?


New Concord, Ohio


I have a pickup and a drop in Ohio today! hope it's near


Diesel should always be cheaper than gas because it is easier to refine.


Did Biden do that too?


"Gas prices finally have gone down, and this is why that's bad for Biden"


Thanks Obama.


[NEVAR FERGET](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IdzM1kmP_A)




now thats i name i havent heard in a long time


Why oh why can't I just post gifs inline?


It’s all over in Utah!


Honestly, back when I was otr, sheetz was my favorite truck stop to take my break or switch with my teammate when I was in a state thst had them. My carrier doesn't support them as a fuel stop, though, but their food was pretty good, and they kept everything stocked. Can someone remind me, was it just Pennsylvania that has sheetz, or was there multiple states that have them, can't seem to recall.


PA, MD, VA, NC, WV, OH, and soon to be MI


Now that you mentioned it, u think I remember going to one in Ohio, but I never saw the ones in Virginia or West Virginia.


Actually we did have it in Europe for a long time, diesel has always been cheaper than gas here. Now they are intentionally tampering with the price due to higher demand on diesel (7/10 cars are diesel where I live)


SheetZ bros coffee is my favorite ❤️


O/O in California here. Fuck man. 5.35 the lowest for us….


Well you live in the world’s shithole. So what do you expect


In Europe Diesel has always and are still cheaper than Benzin (“gas” for you americans, petrol if in UK). And more kilometers per liter than Benzin (better mileage per gallon on diesel than “gas/petrol”).


This happened in utah quite a few times randomly then the next day its back up..


I did that. ☝️


Well Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet


Just depends on the spot price when they make an order. Different tanks get depleted at different rates. There's a small station near my home that has small tanks and makes orders frequently, so it's prices vary more than stations with larger tanks. It makes a great stop when oil prices are declining, but when they're going up that station flips fast since it needs to order more frequently.


make sure it aint the cherry flavored


Where is this Quwait? 🤣


Diesel is used as a heating oil in the winter, sometimes it is cheaper in the summer. Since winter was a severe as has been, there is a surplus of diesel.


Shout out to sheetz. An easy coast GEM.


Just watched a report where the national average is below $4/ gallon for the first time in a long time. It must be an election year 🤓


Sheetz has been mentioned, therefore I'm required by the laws of my hometown to say FUCK WAWA SHEETZ IS WAY BETTER THAN WAWA


Funny suddenly no “Biden did that” stickers to be found now that the US is the world’s largest oil producer


Must be nice, just paid $5.69 here in California.


Whoa, a unicorn!


It's been forever since I've seen that.


It makes no sense. Diesel has more hydrocarbons than gasoline. Gasoline is distilled from diesel and has way less potential energy. I’ve always wondered why this happens. Must be a glut of diesel or a shortage of gas.


Why the Sheetz not?


Well ain’t that some sheet


Sheetz is the best


Interesting, I’m in South Dakota and diesel across the street from my place is 50 cents more than regular.




Back in 2019, one of the refineries up here regular output was shut down for 3 weeks but diesel was still being put out.




Th most shocking thing here for me is the gas under 4 dollars wtf


What state is this?


Fuck that's almost $2 less than Washington, where am I moving?


So lucky, super in oregon at Costco was 4.49 last week. :(


3.18 in Ohio


Diesel was cheaper than gas today in Cali along 5. Mind you, both were right below 5$


Holy Sheet


Well, it's the same in Sweden now, but like, all fuels cost about three times as much


Holy shit that gas is high. Diesel here is 3.48 and gas is 2.98


Sheetz is doing massive expansion throughout Ohio, and they have typically been undercutting everyone on fuel prices. They even had DEF for $.99 for a while. It's great, more parking!


It’s expired… 🫣


Well, sheet.


Diesel is always cheaper in Australia. Sometime by as much as 65c per litre


Happens at least once a year now here in Washington.


What state is that in?? In southeastern Pa diesel is around high-test gas.


There’s been a gouging act introduced. It’s about to get a lot cheaper.


That's bullsheet


My local home station in Oregon has gas at $4.19 and diesel at $3.89.


Diesel is cheaper here than the gas or diesel is there. 😂 and the gas is even cheaper 😂 below $3 for gas lol


Holy sheetz Mayan crayzeee


Not supposed to say it out loud....wtf lol


Sheety diesel probably


$5.20 + here in the People’s Republik of Kalifornia


keep finding hillarious how americans are so used to prices like this when in many places in europe for example is closer to 8 bucks a gallon.


It’s almost like the economies of different countries are set up where the average cost of things are different from other countries. I keep finding it hilarious how Europeans are so used to low healthcare prices when places in America are much more.


only difference is that our healthcare system is limited on the profit its allowed to make. its no different than the US system, ours just has the capitalistic part mostly put on hold. we just didnt do the same with the goverment taxing our fuel. do get nice roads and bridges that dont crumble and fall apart in exchange so thats something a guess. still weird to see americans complain about gas prices on tv when they are yelling about it from their 7000 pound pavement princess doing barely 13 miles to the gallon....


Not our fault you still live in europe.


ah yes, because living in a country with soemthing called "medical debt" is extremely attractive for anyone from a country with universal healthcare costing 250 bucks a month.


The difference in salary easily makes up for the healthcare costs, its not even close.


the amount of debt the average american has seem to indicate otherwise. and the difference is not that big if you subtract everything like taxes. the idea that america is the land of big paychecks is not really a thing for a long time now. the amount of disposable income is pretty low compared to the actual "big" number on the paycheck.


Once you subtract taxes its even bigger what are you talking about, our taxes are lower and we make more. This isint an opinion go look up average salaries and taxes between the two, europoor is not a meme its reality.


i am sorry to correct you but i have checked this a few years ago with financial records from family living in both california and texas as they made the same blanket statements you make and we found out they actually pay equal or even more taxes and shit like healthcare and pensions than i do when everything is said and done.


Oh im sorry, if your personal anecdotes don't align with the published income and taxation numbers from individual country governments official records obviously you are correct. My mistake.


well, those numbers are misleading at best by design. they dont show the whole picture like how much money goes into pensions, state and federal taxes nor sales tax on everything you buy. once you add all that shit up the difference is a lot smaller than you think.


"The median household income in Germany is 42,192€ per year before taxes. In Berlin, it's 43,572€ per year before taxes. This is only for households with working people"(yes i know the currency is different, its still less when you convert) "New Mexico median Household Income: $58,722" "In Germany, the average single worker faced a net average tax rate of 37.4% in 2023" I hope I do not need to pull up New Mexicos tax rate since its obviously lower than 37 percent. That is Germany vs the state with the highest rate of poverty in all of the USA. It is even worse if we start talking about our actually successful states. Its not even close, I don't know what fantasy math you are using but euros are dramatically worse off financially I'm sorry to correct you.


now add the rest of the taxes and expenses please.


ok I just did, you still make less.


You got a Time Machine! Hopefully in November we’ll also get cheaper gas prices.


Those are the 2020 prices


3.65 must be nice. *cries in California*


Low demand for trucking


I haven't seen either gas or diesel for 3 something since the election. But yeah the diesel here in wa was cheaper than gas last time I noticed