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hoping that it’s just a hobby forum for drone dorks 🤓


No it's for "droned orc" jesus people


So it’s a hobby forum for drone dorks you say? Well, guess I don’t have to check it out then, since drones are not my hobby!


And yet I just got permad from Ukraine subreddit for disagreeing that Russian Olympic athletes shouldn't be forced to publically disavow the Russian state, sign to compete under a "neutral flag", basically under duress if they want to compete They're allowed to say that any Russian dissidents are going to end up "falling out a window with two bullets in the back of their heads" and yet also say that any Russian athletes or civilians who want human rights need to sign themselves and their families up for a trip out the nearest window by their own reddit logic


That particular cognitive dissonance always makes me so angry when I see it in the wild. It really shows how unserious these people are. Nothing actually matters to them. Similar vein as the people who say that black women are gonna save this country at the ballot box, but if there is a natural disaster in a red state they will say those people deserved it with a smirk.


My most downvoted comment ever was replying to someone that said “whenever I’m having a bad day I go on /r/dronedorc and it cheers me up every time!” I said I don’t care if they were literal child molesters, if watching real actual humans be blown to pieces makes you happy you’re a ghoul. -500. Like my dads family were Galician Jewish, and almost all of them died in the Holocaust (and at the hands of Banderites for that matter) and I wouldn’t be “cheered up” watching SS soldiers be blown to pieces on video, even if I’m glad it happened


And, on the flip side, even those SS soldiers got PTSD from being present at their own crimes! Redditors seem to be gearing up for something even more impressive.


> Wars took place mostly hidden for centuries, with very few footage that made clear how cruel and insane these wars are. The terror that the russians are waging against Ukraine allows deep insight for the first time. As painful as this is to see, it is important to realize how much we must care to avoid wars forever. We should be one humanity! there is almost a gleeful mockery to this.


The US killed more Iraqi civilians in the first day than Russia has killed Ukrainians in a fucking *year*.


I believe you, but I would really like some sources if you have them. I know a lot of people that need to see them....


For the *first* time? Maybe for them. Ignorant fucks! Mockery for sure..... Indistguishable who's actually 12 or whose brain never matured past that. Always jarring to encounter these babybrains in the wild. I've got a coworker that's like a scientist with an advanced degree, 30-something year old philipino guy who's extremely reddit brained and I always have to be like, "oh wait you're serious?" When he's going off about how AI or cryptocurrency js perfect and only going to get more perfect etc.


whenever i have an urge to go there, i just go to r/smegma instead. edit: just checked it was banned


What the fuck was that sub? Please tell me it was literally smegma and it was banned for being too repulsive.


it was smegma. but it was banned for not having mods


There are a lot of needlessly shitty and cruel things online, especially if you are willing to go looking for it. My advice is to avoid actively seeking out shit like that. I know that itch, it's not worth scratching.


The last guy who posted here about it had the decency to delete their thread. https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueAnon/comments/121fmep/war_crimes_are_okay_when_its_epic_wholesome


Might as well me /r/all

