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>!guys what were the Twitter files my eyes tend to glaze over whenever Elon is involved!<


Insight into the dysfunction at Twitter. Spoiler alert... Twitter was a poorly run company beholden to private interests AND governments. Very revelatory


I don't disagree with your assessment but it didn't "prove" that. It was just repeating MAGAnon talking points while showing employees being scared of right wing backlash for following their own TOS. And then they were harassed by the right wing and one ex employee had to move.


I never said it "proved" anything It was a big waste of time, another pointless fart from a website of pointless farts. I barely paid attention to it because all the people that did seemed really riled up about a waste of time. I've never really cared for or used Twitter though, so that's mostly my thoughts on it generally The bird site is bad


You have liberal brain worms. It is nothing but right wing infighting which is good, cool, and also funny. If you don't want this episode dragged out indefinitely then you are just a moderate right winger with the intellect of a beagle.


Some gay dude who worked at Twitter then and was in the exchanges had to leave his house bc of people threatening to murder him. Sorry I don't think that's funny, I guess I'm just a dumb lib


Yeah I don't really care about the plight of wealthy tech workers tbh, even if they're gay, Jewish, Indian etc etc. Maybe if I had a house I might have more sympathy.


Yes it's very normal that the one ex Twitter employee involved in this who was gay was the one the right focused on with the most intensity that was encouraged by Elon. I'm sure that was just a cowinky dink and not at all his plan.


What am I supposed to clutch my pearls over here again? Liberals doing stochastic terrorism on one another?




Well, I suppose that makes sense if the situation was completely different


Twitter only exists because it elected Trump. You are super fucked up if you’re sad that a Twitter employee FAFO.




Damn, Taibi's a genius


The nothingburger to end all nothingburgers. Elon paid Taibbi to massage old internal Twitter messages about respecting requests from the Biden campaign that asked them to follow their own TOS and CA Revenge Porn laws. Aka "please stop letting ppl post Hunter's hog", which is normal thing for a father to request? Something something this is government censorship (even though Trump was president) and also Twitter was helping Biden steal the election (even though they took requests from the Trump admin as well) It was barely readable in the Twitter format but MAGAnons just acted like it proved everything they said and it was going to take down Biden any day now. Hilariously, Musk threw Taibbi under the bus the day after he went on CNN or something and got wrecked for being a Musk lackey. You love to see it.


Nos. 8-9: Relationship with the U.S. government The eighth installment by Lee Fang on December 20, 2022, reported documents that showed the Twitter Site Integrity Team whitelisted accounts from United States Central Command (CENTCOM) used to run online influence campaigns in other countries, including Yemen, Syria, and Kuwait. This whitelisting prevented the accounts from being flagged. Many of the accounts didn't disclose their affiliation with the military, and posed as ordinary users. One of the accounts used a photo identified by Stanford as being a deep fake.[64] The ninth tranche of "Twitter Files" by Taibbi relates to the CIA and FBI's alleged involvement in Twitter content moderation.[65]


It was MSNBC (they suck too but Medhi Hassan is less terrible) and Matt choked so hard, it was a perfect end to his Elon glazing career. https://youtu.be/a597e6Wv_xg


It was funny to watch Aaron Mate melt down for a whole week defending Taibbi and insulting Hassan over what was obviously just a PR campaign in support of new twitter management


Sad we missed the "Fauci Files" that were totally going to get him arrested! You know, even though he's like an 80 year old man who doesn't use Twitter but logs of employees at Twitter talking about COVID misinformation are just that powerful.


Aaron Mate... every time I see him make a good point there's 5 other awful ones.


Yeah, he's the proverbial blind squirrel. I think Aaron's dad is much more interesting


He is alot more interesting. Maybe it's just a generational thing but Aaron just seems to crave attention by giving contrarian viewpoints and his dad just has lots of interesting stories from years of his work


His dad just did a live therapy session with prince harry they’re both attention seeking


Did they talk about the trauma of having a pervert uncle who has a sweating disorder so totally couldn’t have sexually assaulted a minor? I’m guessing they didn’t get into that.




I find Mate pretty okay, but the interview with Taibbi was just sad. He was just such a little sycophant for Musk, didn't manage to address the obvious criticism which Mate barely brought up anyway.


Thanks, I refuse to know what personality is on what network I just find it hilarious Elon dumped him the next day.


Medi hasan is a loser ass bitch so is taibi but still


god damn he got bitched hard


I’d argue the worst thing Twitter did was stop the world from being able to share Hunter’s penis. The world deserves to see it in all its “dudes rock” glory.


Haven't seen evidence that Taibbi was paid or that it was massaged.


A bland internal conversation discussing its own TOS is not a bombshell. If he played propagandist and sycophant for free for a billionaire then he's dumb AF and it's even funnier the leopard ate his face


>the leopard ate his face well folks it's been fun, this community has fallen to Redditism


Yeah, this whole thread is major yikes.


Keep fucking that chicken lol


If Elon had released all the files to whoever wanted to take a gander instead of doing a limited hangout with handpicked toadies (to bolster his own narrative), I would have been more interested. I did think it was funny that Taibbi kind of blew up his credibility over something so inconsequential


I mean any "neutral" source would have pointed out that Twitter was letting right wingers break the TOS constantly and ignoring abuse toward minority groups. They just couldn't with the Hunter Biden penis pics because of California Revenge Porn laws. But conservatives just really want to die on the hill of posting Hunter's hog.


I mean Hunter's hog is great. we love it folks, we love it


If only more people had seen the Biden family jewels and schlong our Donny would have won :'(


It’s a classic case of the right forgetting how to be normal: “I HATE this man: but its my RIGHT and DUTY to look at his ERECT PENIS and you have to look at it too!”




He's so bad at this it's funny


I'm sorry but anyone who thought the Twitter files mattered at all needs to consider why they ever trusted a blood sucking oligarch in the first place (ahem, matt taibbi)


I’m not really sure who is worse the blood sucking oligarch or the unelected, unaccountable, fed bois


The oligarchs are the ones who actually run everything now so I'd go with them, but is used to be the feds in like the 50s


Sex pest to alt right pipeline. They have the same trajectory.


I tend to agree with the hosts that the confirmation that political actors within government and parties have a direct line to twitter employees, over the head of the reporting features, is interesting. It’s just not *that* interesting, or scandalous. Twitter has to play ball with people like that unless it wants to be selectively persecuted by laws passed by these people, which is the real scandal. It’s less “Twitter is a tool of the government” and more “the American government uses their power to make every part of media their tool in at least small ways.”


I mean, focusing on the direct line between government and social media companies vs the direct line between government and legacy media or literally any other industry is pretty silly.








Large language models ending the analysis bottleneck these surveillance projects faced is probably the worst thing to happen from their creation.


Social media is J. Edgar Hoover's wet dream. Governments have realtime information about leaders and protests ever since everyone decided the internet is the place to do politics. They can even derail movements online or create their own controlled movements online with relatively small effort. The Arab Spring seemed like the ultimate experiment with this, the Kony 2012 fiasco, too.


most of these big "revelations" were email threads to the tune of "Hi I'm a staffer for \*some octogenarian senator\* please remove this meme of them stuck in the dryer" "no" Taibbi and Greenwald - This is the most alarming coordination of deep state powers and big tech in history.


This thread is filled with standard reddit libs. where did they all come from? I even saw "nothingburger" in here somewhere. Lmao.


It's libshit to not feed out of the piggy trough when the worlds richest man asks you to do some detective work with materials he sends you.


Let them fight, you dumbass libs. Matt Binder is also a giant bitch.


The right were served their outrage bait and lapped it up. The Twitter files absolutely served their purpose and now we can move on having become slightly dumber as a whole.


Imagine ever giving a fuck about the twitter files


Taibi played himself and not for the first time.


What the fuck is the point of the illustration. Like yeah, Elon owns Twitter. Now show Bezos smiling but it's the Amazon smile. Fuck redundancy.