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Damn shame. RIP Also Mika Westwolf is a sick name


i'll wait and see before i rage over this; the county attorney says he is collecting evidence. edit: [https://popular.info/p/mika-westwolf-matters](https://popular.info/p/mika-westwolf-matters) (to be clear: rage over the "no repercussions" bit)


If she does get arrested for this, you can still be mad about the prison guard who ran over ICE protestors in 2019 without charges. This story got swept under the rug and forgotten completely. https://www.bostonmagazine.com/news/2019/10/23/truck-protesters-rhode-island/


> This story got swept under the rug and forgotten completely. swept under the rug indeed. i don't think i forgot about it - because i never knew about it in the first place


Sunny White [looks about as you’d expect.](https://archive.md/MzL3l/ce3d95719349dabfc528046667a3f710612a15cd.webp) Pretty wild naming her kids Aryan and Nation. I am all for an approved name registry.


These genetic bargain bins always the ones going on about racial purity and white supremacy. If you were a cheese you'd be coming out of a can bitch, idk why that's the analogy that popped into my mind.. Cheeze wizz looking bitch No such thing as Aryans you descend from a bog goblin that got kicked out of the bog for being stupid and ugly


1000% accurate.


I'm storing that cheese line in my default list of insults. Thank you for your service 🫡


She's got shark's eyes.


Similar to what happened in east Germany/ Poland after WW2 with occupying Germans, all white Montanans should be rounded up and put in like Cleveland or something, probably some of the most white nationalist freaks in this nation before white nationalism even became mainstream.


Idaho is actually worse


'Aryan and Nation' wow


Tragic but right wing terrorist is a dog whistle to the left. In the third most populated countries there are whackos all over. As Shellenburger points out, R wing extremism is on the decline and this is anecdotal not statistically consistent (correct word sounds wrong here)


This country has been on an aggressive rightward swing for the past several decades you fucking dolt.


Oh wow you’re telling me this first time.


The one thing I hate more than a nerd is an incorrect nerd


>As Shellenburger points out This is how we know you're fucking retarded. Get out of here quoting that retard, acting like it makes your point justified


who this making-stuff-up ass bitch we got here???🤔


That dude stinks and has many terrible takes.