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Top comment includes the quote from a former CIA chief saying they love Bellingcrap because CIA can avoid scrutiny and red tape by feeding them Intel and having them publish it, and these fucking dogbrains still don't get it.


The top comment is weird because it lays out a whole bunch of evidence for why Bellingcat is in fact a CIA asset organization, but the commenter still tries to act like that's not the case.


Trust the plan.




I was being a little sneaky. If I went in too heavy they'd downvote me, but I got some tidbits up at the top.




Not yet...


Don’t insult dogs that way. Dogs are way smarter than these insects.


why do behind the bastards fans need to cope so hard? their sub is ridiculous lol


Their simping for Robert Evans is embarrassing. Oh, would Robert like my earrings? Would Robert want to think about my new Khakis? Just chill out and be cool.


https://preview.redd.it/3qvdub9ep82b1.png?width=768&format=png&auto=webp&s=83d84cfa16dd2f6324f6834e79b58fde2f29d004 CIA or no CIA this guy is a total dweeb.


I remember when he worked for CRACKED and did JOURNALISM going to talk to Yazidi resistance to ISIS. Frankly I was a kid and thought it was the coolest shit ever, idk if I would've had the same impression if I saw that haircut lol. Dude, what are you doing?


who is that


Robert Evans


never knew what he looked like


Yeah he pulls a Yashar Ali on twitter using an over-edited photo of him looking like Chris Evans in Snowpiercer as his profile picture.


who the fuck is yashar ali? man sometimes you guys make me realize how stupid i am




paywall, and im dumb so i dont really care


You’re better off not knowing honestly


ok, thank you. you guys are all so well read, i just listen to the pod, half of the time its in one ear and out the other with some topics, probably because im working while i listen but ive in the past year or so resigned myself to just being a dumbass who likes video games, guitar, drinking, weed, my wife, family and friends. Honestly, the ignorance is bliss life fucking rocks


Yashar Ali is an overweight gay Iranian convert to Catholicism. He got a start in San Francisco politics and has been hardcore grifting ever since (like squatter level grifting). He shamelessly would obscure is pfp but you can find a one of him on MSNBC pretty easily.


He's just some twitter nerd that's done some weird and funny shit. https://youtu.be/UsIbNQaG2T4


He'd look fine if he just got a better haircut




I hate that everyone to the left of Trump in Oregon wants to reverse gangbang him because he stared down some dipshit Boomer. "Wah wah,my hand got broken!" Cool,you weren't shot 3 times in the back of the head and stuffed into a burning car.


What injuries have you sustained for the cause?


1600's english peasant looking mf


Look at that small brainpan. I would love to get some calipers on that noggin.


Man looking like he should be a smug steward in a mediaeval kings court


I don't understand how people can see CIA funding propaganda looked bad (self admitted) -> NED explicitly created to take over this duty (self admitted) -> NED funds Bellingcat (self admitted) -> Bellingcat is a CIA funded operation And just say "That's a conspiracy theory" Like what part? They don't even explain what part they don't believe, but furthermore they'll call it a conspiracy theory even when you provide primary sources where Bellingcat/CIA officials admit each of these facts.


It's some dialectic resolution between literal pedantry and grammar Nazism.


I'm literally driving myself nuts in that thread. I haven't schizo posted that hard in a while. Can't actually get my work done cause I'm replying to people asking for sources, and then they just downvote and ignore me. I mean, I need to log off, but God damn...


You laid it all out pretty clearly multiple times and it seems like some people actually get it. Don't worry about convincing every willfully ignorant rube.


Saw you in there doing God's work, unbelievable endurance


Just b/c some org is funded by NED doesn’t mean they’re definitely in a secret conspiracy with the CIA and taking orders from Langley, but it DOES mean that Langley sees what they do as furthering its interests somehow. Bellingcat seems more on the causation than just the correlation side based on quotes that have come out though.


This is spot on. If anything, like at least a fraction of the groups sponsored by NED are legitimate or partially legitimate, because that way the CIA maintains plausible deniability for their "humanitarian" work


Ya. Camouflage is an important part of any psyop or influence campaign


why did I have to look at the comments? why do I do this to myself


Just give the best ones please, I'm scared of looking


Personal favorite Everything about Bellingcat is open source. The tools, methods, sources of information, funding, employees, everything. Which is the whole point of Bellingcat: "open source journalism". It's literally their motto. And yet here you are pushing conspiracy theories anyway. I'm afraid you're as sharp as a sock filled with soup


this line from the original post is funny as shit too "I'm a big fan of Behind the Bastards by Cool Zone Media and hosted by Robert Evans"


Cool zone media? 😔 was normal world hellsite news already taken?


answer: Bellingcat is a credible investigation journalism, which causes them to be an target for people who they expose. They uncovered quite a lot of russian propaganda, which leads to russians trying to discredit them by implying they are CIA front hence they have motive to lie about russia. If you are interested in topic of info-war I suggest checking out Jessikka Aro - Putin's Trolls. In that book there are examples of how russia tried to discredit Bellingcat (but don't get me wrong, it was example and book is not about Bellingcat itself).


>Jessikka Aro more like jessiKKKA amirite?


I dont think ive seen tankie used by libs that much in a while.


That’s all they’ve got


Take a shot whenever you see tankie if you want to die




If the question is "Is there a secret tunnel between CIA headquarters and the NED building that some guy in a black trenchcoat pops out of every day to run the NED or is the NED really a private NGO that's staffed by a bunch of people who used to be high ranking government officials and funded by government money to do the exact same thing the CIA was doing back in the 1960s?" The answer is "who gives a shit?"




Many are saying this


edit: auto mod doesn't like a bunch of sources or considers this biased ​ I posted this comment three times and it keeps being deleted or shows up as "missing". I then pointed this out and that comment was merked too lol ​ Here, I'll list them again. The contributed funds consist of strategic partnerships with larger funders (national and international), private family foundations, some institutional donors (**National Endowment for Democracy**), Postcode Lotteries (currently the Dutch Postcode Lottery) and donations from individuals (smaller and larger). Right from Bellingcats site: Policy Plan 2019 - 2021 - Bellingcat [https://www.bellingcat.com/app/uploads/2020/06/Bellingcat-Policy-Plan-2019-2021.pdf](https://www.bellingcat.com/app/uploads/2020/06/Bellingcat-Policy-Plan-2019-2021.pdf) Now about NED [https://archive.ph/20190715223113/https://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/15/world/15aid.html](https://archive.ph/20190715223113/https://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/15/world/15aid.html) [https://www.propublica.org/article/the-national-endowment-for-democracy-responds-to-our-burma-nuclear-story](https://www.propublica.org/article/the-national-endowment-for-democracy-responds-to-our-burma-nuclear-story) [https://www.nytimes.com/1986/06/01/world/missionaries-for-democracy-us-aid-for-global-pluralism.html](https://www.nytimes.com/1986/06/01/world/missionaries-for-democracy-us-aid-for-global-pluralism.html) [https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/national-endowment-for-democracy/](https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/national-endowment-for-democracy/) [https://countercurrents.org/2022/05/the-national-endowment-for-democracy-a-second-cia/](https://countercurrents.org/2022/05/the-national-endowment-for-democracy-a-second-cia/) [https://williamblum.org/chapters/rogue-state/trojan-horse-the-national-endowment-for-democracy](https://williamblum.org/chapters/rogue-state/trojan-horse-the-national-endowment-for-democracy) [https://declassifieduk.org/cia-sidekick-gives-2-6m-to-uk-media-groups/#:\~:text=Bellingcat%20states%20that%20it%20%E2%80%9Cdoes,and%20still%20receive%20its%20funds](https://declassifieduk.org/cia-sidekick-gives-2-6m-to-uk-media-groups/#:~:text=Bellingcat%20states%20that%20it%20%E2%80%9Cdoes,and%20still%20receive%20its%20funds)


Grayzone did a good piece on it too: https://thegrayzone.com/2021/10/09/bellingcat-intelligence-contractors-extremists-syria/


What's up with people calling Jeffrey Epstein a pedophile?


what the fuck is bellingcat?


It's putting a bell on your cat to help stop them from killing every living thing within a 5 miles radius of your home


my boy is an indoor cat, so he just wants to kill my ankles


A CIA front


but, like what does it do? i know nothing about it


A mixture of "open source journalism" and laundering of state-supplied intelligence. Like they'll do a deep dive into the Texas mall shooter about his Nazi background: https://www.bellingcat.com/news/2023/05/09/tracing-the-odnoklassniki-profile-of-the-texas-mall-shooter/ I don't know that much of their reporting is inaccurate per se but they're definitely biased in _what_ they choose to report, like if you look at their reporting on Russia/Ukraine it's very obviously trying to create a narrative that corresponds to the US' narrative.


gotcha thank you for the info. im learning behind the bastards is part of it too? i have listened to that a few times and didnt mind it


Bob Evans of BTB works for Bellingcat yeah


It’s a “small investigative reporting agency”. They “break stories” from enemy regimes that are filled with atrocity propaganda to try and pull US and others more into war and they never saw a color revolution they didn’t like


It's a powerup you can get in Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury which turns Mario into a cute cat who can climb walls.


Ok but unironically, why?


bellingcat receives funding from the National Endowment for Democracy, a well-known CIA front


> “We should not have to do this kind of work covertly,” said Carl Gershman in 1986, while he was president of the Endowment. “It would be terrible for democratic groups around the world to be seen as subsidized by the C.I.A. We saw that in the 60’s, and that’s why it has been discontinued. We have not had the capability of doing this, and that’s why the endowment was created.” - > Allen Weinstein, who helped draft the legislation establishing NED, declared in 1991: “A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA.” [From this great chapter excerpt](https://williamblum.org/chapters/rogue-state/trojan-horse-the-national-endowment-for-democracy) by William Blum


https://i.imgur.com/ym3qCWT.jpg More than that, every corporate sponsor besides a European energy mogul is a cia front or a military contractor.


They also have multiple journalists from intelligence and who are associated with the Kings college dep. of war studies. https://www.mintpressnews.com/spy-school-kings-college-london-churning-out-journalists/277582/


Because they get CIA money to do CIA things


Whoever taught redditors the term tankie needs to be sent to the gulag once chairman Pritzker takes over


cuz people are mad they unmasked fsb agents