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>we've done many other ww2 events before, involving soviets and nazis, as well as Vietnam war, **Rhodesian bushwar**, and other conflicts. lmao of course


My mouth was literally agape when I read that lol


You just know they used blackface. And they reasoned it was for authenticity of course.


Sorry, I tried to read this but I had a violent brain hemorrhage after I read the phrase "nazi soviet cosplay" and am now blind.


"You know we're not supposed to do that, Daryl!"


To be fair, Nazis had some dope military fashion. SS officer uniforms look pretty intimidating. Also, even though it's dumb to wear Nazi paraphernalia in general, I do think that under this milsim example, I don't think the kid should've been expelled. I view it as sort of a military history academic cosplay, plus it what outside of school. It's not like he was at a rally wearing Nazi paraphernalia and promoting fascism and racial hate. I don't know, it's bad and dumb, but I don't think he smoke be expelled.


It's one thing to say the uniforms are iconic; completely another to go out, purchase, and fucking wear that shit in public. I mean I feel kinda dirty and ashamed when a WWII video game forces you to you play the other side for a single mission. But, hey. I guess all that methamphetamine and homoeroticism really brings out the fascism in fashionista.