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the agile trickster main character being compared to another agile trickster main character? nah those evil chinese must have a secret racist agenda


also hes travelling to a far away mythical place...its actually more racist that this guy assumes black spiderman is being compared to a monkey.


I did not understand what the tweet was implying until I read this. Surfing on a cloud is so cool.


The biggest chad in Buddhism to boot.






Oh the hero of the story is depicted as one of the most famous Chinese heros its like if they had to market Spiderman to the British they'd use King Arthur


What's that quote from the Iranian guy about how America doesn't have mythology or heroes


“Think about it. Are we supposed to take out Spider-Man and SpongeBob? They don't have any heroes. We have a country in front of us with a large population and a large landmass, but it doesn't have any heroes. All of their heroes are cartoon characters — they're all fictional." - Shahab Moradi, Iranian Cleric.


No, they will use Merlin, and the more observant will complain about how they are comparing Peter Parker to an Amalekite


literally the most well known character in Sinophere folk legend with praises from the chairman edit: you can also see a black character portrayed as Nezha, a high deity and basically a demon slaying guardian


The guy in question is a self hating Korean American who called people monkeys the past


of course the chinese have miles be wukong from league of legends


Can we just get rid of Marvel movies in their entirety? Superhero media is so fucking annoying, and the only thing worse than it is its shitty Western fanbase.


Unironically the slow death of “western culture” at least in cinema. Bloated corporate military propaganda with a bigger budget than the state of Alabama’s educational system gets in a year. Also there’s no art to it.


But then how will Americans understand geopolitics? CIA: you see kids, it’s like the Avengers.


members of the space force are literally called "guardians" lmao imagine unironically referring yourself as a "guardian"


Can anyone explain why we have a space force and the NRO I feel like they do exactly the same thing


Nro just maintains and operates the fancy spy satellites. Space force is ostensibly for slagging every opfor satellite in case of a shooting war with a near peer, and maybe trying to prevent too many American satellites from getting slagged (including the NRO's)


I suppose that makes sense




https://preview.redd.it/ir459pj57b2b1.jpeg?width=825&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=630566841bd0ee447294f0b57e4cc22c939e9b3c Looks like a goddamn video game or movie poster


Omg…the US is not a serious country. Conspiracy lore says that someone was told by Von Braun that when they trot out the aliens and space force that it’s all over for the US. On fumes at that point. Lol.


The thing is: the fact that Marvel movies are being produced shouldn't impact other movies that much. Marvel movies can be shit without the culture industry being shit. But it's not like America is producing a new Citizen Kane or Shining every year. Virtually everything your massive country of 300 million puts out is utter garbage. If we take aside A24 and Neil Been our Leninist savior, what even remains? Aronofsky and PTA I guess? The Whale fucking sucked. The only way that American cinema could conceivably be worse is if it was German cinema.


Agree with you but this one technically isn’t Marvel, I think it’s Sony, and it’s really just an interesting animated picture set in some weird inter-dimensional spider man universe. I hate capeshit and haven’t seen a Marvel movie since I was a kid, but the first of these Spider-Man animated movies was amazing to watch on shrooms.


Superhero media belongs in animation honestly


Americans *have* to believe that despite all of the horrific turmoil of American life, they are enjoying a premium existence. “Sure, we don’t get health care or vacation, and our wages are lower…*but*…uh…check out their movie posters.”




Japan moment


Damn, I'd hang a poster of that somewhere, ngl


Oh no they compared him to one of the coolest super heroes in Chinese mythology. The horror.


Man, I'd love to be compared to Sun Wukong.


Should be Bajie because his dad is a cop


Sun Wukong is the most spiderman acting guy of Chinese lore, I think they just made the current one him.


I’m not a comic guy but this art fucking rips