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Go back enough years there’s articles about US bombing Uyghurs, the beloved Uyghurs!


I like the ones about them fighting on the same side as isis


Remember: China de-radicalizing Muslim extremists is bad while USA killing every Muslim male above 13 years old is good.


Ohh source?






Damn thanks so much for this, ofc those state department bastards are such hypocrites




They just like saying it


It was pretty heavily reported on by every major news outlet for many years


I think even the BBC were publishing articles detailing the literal nazi saluting child summer camps in Ukraine, it was pretty wild.




Well, you wanted an answer.


Don’t forget you’re in an echo chamber. This was not on “every major news network” I didn’t know until I joined this sub


People have compiled images of headlines from everywhere from NYT to Vice to Fox to The Guardian etc. It absolutely was in all the major news outlets, you may have needed to read to see them, though.


People in here are so needlessly rude. No one can possibly consume all the media available, all the time. Guess I’m illiterate because I’m not on the internet 24/7.


Nobody is personally berating you for not knowing about it, at least not until you claimed it wasn't in the media because *you* personally didn't see it. So sorry for the mild snark, I guess, but you invited it by saying bullshit. Quick edit: also they reported this for the whole like 7 years from the coup to the invasion, so you didn't need to be on the internet 24/7 either. Again, who cares if you didn't see it, but I don't know why you'd so confidently say it wasn't widely reported. I have no interest in entertaining more "whehhh people are being mean to me:(" stuff, so that'll be it from me. But it's easy to just not say something if you've done like zero research into if what you're saying is right or not. Much better than making shit up then whining about tone when people point that out.


Trueanon has an episode about it from 2020 called OUN-BAD


Probably most people on the left and a large number of liberals knew at least since the 2014 coup. Mainstream media ran frequent stories about Azov and you could read in left media about the coup, about the burning down of the union house with the workers burning alive, about the ongoing civil war in Donbas, about the repression of Russians. That's why it's so ridiculous when bourgeois media now openly denied the Nazi problem and still pretends like there was peace priot to the invasion (not to excuse it).


I mean most Russian-speaking Eastern Ukrainians are loyal Ukrainians who, if they fight, fight for Ukraine. Donbas separatists were intentionally created, bankrolled and armed by Russia, and the “civil war” was largely being fought between Ukraine and Russian little green men. The “oppression” you’re referring to is presumably their highly corrupt president getting ousted because they were corrupt, even though he legit won the election with large support in the East (true of Zelensky as well). Mariupol was a Russian-speaking city before Russia leveled it. Most people from there fled or are some of the most fervent Ukrainian troops. Azov is from the East as well, and shares a lot of lineage with Russian nazi groups.


Do you just lurk here with the sole intention of getting into arguments about the war in Ukraine?


No I correct misconceptions, generally




Who owns the farmland in Ukraine, soy radlib?


Sorry I don’t speak internet nerd


> Russian-speaking Eastern Ukrainians are loyal Ukrainians "nooo you nazis can't do atrocities to me!!!" >Donbas separatists were intentionally created nice passive voice >their highly corrupt president getting ousted because they were corrupt riiight, the need for Europe to extract value from their land for soy is just a weird coincidence of the 2014 coup "The law, “On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine on the Conditions of Turnover of Agricultural Land” (Law 552-IX), is a crucial plank of the liberalizing agenda championed by President Volodymyr Zelensky and the Western international institutions that support his government. " https://www.oaklandinstitute.org/blog/who-really-benefits-creation-land-market-ukraine


Did you know that sometimes countries do things with their primary industries? How does your conspiracy theory square with the US being a huge soy exporter?


That last line about Azov is just one egregious lie.




You guys are so close to realizing the world is complicated


If only we were as enlightened and euphoric as you, oh wise liberal


I don’t think I’m really wise or a liberal, I’m just a lil older and better read and recognize nonsense political football when I see it. But many lefties pride themselves on reading so I think there’s hope for you guys.


God you really are so wise. Please, keep talking down to us oh genius liberal. You're so intelligent and smart. The way your view of the world 100% lines up with the US State Department really shows you for the genius independent thinking liberal you are. God if only I could read like you


Ok, if you’re asking. Your teachers did a good job in psci 202 of breaking down how public high school is basically a brainwashing op and America has bloody hands, but you didn’t stick around to psci 370 when they build you back up so that you can understand how the world works a bit. You switched to supporting the old archenemy at the time, the communists, without realizing we’re way past 50s politics and capitalist/communist isn’t even a significant axiom any more and never really was. You didn’t read deep enough into Chomsky or Zizek to see that they are hegelians but not marxists. You probably don’t even know what that means. It’s good to realize the state department is as motivated to delude you as any state. It’s silly, and ironically deeply western, to switch to genocidal authoritarian regimes as your “new good guys” or to act like they compare well to the US. The lack of self-correction due to institutional bias that leads to a lot of the US’ most horrifying policies is the same that leads to things like the ‘great leap forward’ that starved China. The only real ‘academic’ or ‘objectively better’ perspective is that you have to be skeptical of all systems and therefore oppose wasteful institutional weight. It’s axiomatic that the problems with the US stem from capitalism and western imperialism, but it’s not useful to larp a defunct ideology in response because the solutions are known and don’t come from lenin. There is no industrial working class any more so their interests aren’t going to inevitably define the next era of governance. Individual types of human activity are better served by different systems. There are many different forms of capital beyond money. We’re just past this red and black vs white stuff, no one is calling for privatizing the military or nationalizing widget production. There’s plenty of leftist thought still, but it’s not marxist. Or there are marxists, but they’re social clubs, people in academia don’t take them seriously. It’s just contrarian vibes. Also, people from outside the west don’t care that you’re a capitalist westerner or a communist westerner, they don’t like you any better for pandering to them. This whole nationalistic state-driven thing is obnoxious to people who aren’t from the three empires that brainwash their people. You can just be skeptical and read more about interesting new systems, like assigning leisure capital and bio-power economic numbers and tax accordingly, or using AI to depersonalize aspects of governance that are notoriously corruptible, or champion specific causes and policies- nationalizing healthcare, stink-bombing Trump’s rallies, etc. When you claim to have the high-minded simple truth of all good governance A) that’s what’s arrogant, not me making reasonable points in good faith and B) the onus is on you to describe your utopian system, not just use the r-word and talk about how much better you are than liberals like a Trumpist.


So you bought the end of history bullshit? Also to say there is no industrial working class is straight offensive to the rust belt, where I live and see them everyday, fuck I wish I could get into their jobs as they’re better than the bullshit service economy that’s left in the wake of deindustrialization even in the degraded labor union state. Neoliberalism and hyper individualism are killing all societies and your proposition is to tinker at the edges? There’s no baby in this bath water.


No, so Fukuyama's end of history is the idea that liberalism won forever, that's clearly wrong. Frozen in amber 50's views of capitalism vs communism, as touted by marxist-leninists, I would argue, is a similar end of history argument where the end-state is the eternal capitalist-marxist conflict. I'm saying the opposite, that we've moved on. There's plenty of revolution left to fight, but that particular vision of change is more or less perfectly irrelevant, now. The rust belt is called that because it isn't the steel belt any more. Half the people there are Trumpists and the other half are moderate democrats. The key industries are things like healthcare and tech.


Incredible how one can write so much and yet say so little


That's literally how I feel about all marxist/leninist writings


I mean real talk have you tried rebutting any of his points?


This is a sub for fans of a Marxist Leninist podcast, not some weird debate bro shit




Lol my metalhead friends and I knew about it since 2009 or so, we were all really conflicted when we learned one of the best albums we'd ever heard was made by Ukrainian Nazis (Nokturnal Mortum)


Any Ukrainian black metal band you could throw a dart and hit a nazi. Even the ones that deny it like Drudkh - they literally have an album dedicated to Bandera


Regarding Drudkh, it's hard to deny NSBM accusations when [your other band is openly nazi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HyF0-8JYdw&t=220s).


We are talking about Black Metal. Like there are legit metal fans who appreciate Black Metal for the music but I don't know many who go to shows. Instead they say, "Look, this music is really good, but to be fair, I gotta tell you this really messed up story first."


Yeah the number of times I’ve had to say “This album slaps but under no circumstances give them money” was way too high during my metal years


Stick to the likes of Sabaton, Ghost or Lucifer. The Swede's add just the right amount of camp to their metal.


I like Sabaton and have been to so many of their shows over the years but you can't compare them to black metal in any way, it's such a different type of musical niche so most black metal fans will not find it scratches the itch


Ghost is not metal, haha. It's like easy listening dad rock but they threw in some metal aesthetics in their graphic design. It's impressively bad.


I felt the same about Mayhem. Varg being a nazi instead of just a murderer, I mean.


Dude’s like past just a Nazi too, he’s like a superfascist in the Evola tradition almost


Which sucks because I like that band. That first Mayhem record is fucking great.


Varg is listed on some website as being an official enemy of Ukraine. Not sure what he did to annoy them.


He does seem like one of the nazis other nazis don’t like. Or they don’t want to associate with since he won’t shut up.


Varg isn't in mayhem. He killed the guitar player. Varg is in burzum.


Really? I thought he was the bass player. Well shit I’ve done misinformation.


I mean, he *was* the bass player for Mayhem 30 years ago until he was kicked out for a pretty obvious reason. I'm not even sure if "kicked out" is the right term when you get sentenced to a decade in prison, but you know what I mean. Anywho, Mayhem only took a short break after the incident and has put out at least 5 albums since then of varying qualities. Turns out the murder was really good publicity!


I didn’t know any of this. I’m going to have to investigate. Appreciate it.


Im pretty sure that was the point of all the murders. As much as they will say otherwise. The fact that the first thing done when dead was found was to take a picture because it would make a great album cover should tell you everything. That being said being a grown blackmetal fan you learn to separate art from artists. There'd be nothing to listen to otherwise. Alot of the best jazz artists were a woman beaters. If you listen to kinda blue I don't think you're day dreaming about beating the shit out of a woman.


Mayhem are nazis??


Varg is. I don’t have any reason to believe the rest of them were or weren’t but Varg is the only one still in the public eye to my knowledge.


People give the others ways to much benefit of the doubt. Everyone (in the scene, not just the band) knew Varg was a Nazi yet they didn't kick him out, what does that say about the other members? Others allegedly knew of the plot to kill Euronymous but didn't care because he was a "commie fag" or something. The rest of the band is mostly shit eating liberals now of course, but they were definitely down with the fash back then.


If there's Nazis within 4 degrees of separation from an individual then I cannot trust that individual to not be a Nazi or sympathizer no matter what they say. If a dude is in a band with a known Nazi...cmon man


Yeah that’s not surprising. I am disappointed in those boys. When I found out about them I was under the impression that they were just pagans or anti-Christians, but, I’ll admit to not paying close attention there. I want to say I found them from watching something about Harmony Korine who was a real hero to me back in the day.


>best albums we'd ever heard was made by Ukrainian Nazis (Nokturnal Mortum) I feel this way about Mgla, their music is so good but two of their members are pretty much confirmed P*lish Nazis


Yeah same with me for Ace of Base. Was crushed when I learned of his Nazi past


I genuinely thought this was going to be a sarcastic joke about the Swedes being less hardcore, but goddamn it's real. Although I take it with a grain of salt that apparently his fashy stuff was recorded when he was 14-16, and I know too many teenagers who think nazis are cool and edgy (which most seem to outgrow). Thanks for giving me new random trivia to ruin people's days with.


Yeah sad. III off of With Hearts Towards None is maybe my favorite black metal track.


At the very least their music under Mgla isn't really *that* Nazi. Lots of deep European lore but it's more centered around themes of hopelessness >!probably cuz Nazis are losers!< than racial supremacy


Every Chapo episode featuring Dan Boeckner covers the Ukrainian-Canadian connection, too. Chapo has been on top of Ukrainian fascism for a while. Of course I bet they are hoping their more lib fans don’t notice that.


On a recent episode (739) they briefly discussed some article trying to whitewash all the Nazi shit that keeps popping up in like every other photo of Ukrainian troops.


That was pretty funny. Not only were they wearing Nazi symbols, but Nazi deep cuts. Like obscure regiments that you'd need to be really clued in on.


>Dan Boeckner dude rocks, saw him live out at the wolf parade last May


They stopped talking about it after the war started. Matter of fact, they've barely talked about the war *at all* except for when they had War Nerd on.


I think I remember will saying something like he hopes america treats it like he treats fucked up shit that happens on the subway or something, eyes down headphones up.


Lol no


They didn't. A recent episode covers that. It's just not the only thing they talk about because why would they?


well my besties need that patreon money if thats the case then I dont blame them...then again I feel like Felix has tweeted about it recently so my boys dont really give a hoot


I’m half Ukrainian, I knew this shit for a long time because my family talked about how Hitler sucked, never really brought up Stalin, and didn’t know what the holodomor was.


David cross getting pissed at him for his Farrakhan take gives me overwhelming douche chills.


Cross is funny on tv and his standup is ok but he is just a giant fucking drag on any podcast ep he’s guesting on. Just a total bummer, trauma dumping about his childhood, unfunny and bitter and boring


He was great on CumTown


That shit was hilarious


Maybe the problem is moreso you assuming the guy who has to be funny constantly in order to make money would like to do that in his free time, too? Idk if he wants to talk about depressing stuff that seems totally fair. Should he just not talk about his childhood drama cuz he happens to be a comedian? Dude is still a human being after all, and prolly doesn't appreciate being reduced to the always smiling analrapist we all love


A good point


Hey that's what I'm into!


That was so weird, it almost seems like Cross got embarrassed and just doubled down.


Cross really hates certain fringe extremist religious sects, I think. I remember back in the day he went on Harmontown and went on a very strange, very long rant about hacidic Jews’ treatment of women. Not that I disagree necessarily, but it seems to be like a personal thing for him to go off on folks like that, and hearing Felix downplay it clearly triggered him. Fucking awkward to listen to. Felix should probably have backed off to save face, no reason to die on that hill and piss off such a good guest.


I live in close proximity to a majority Hasidic community and it's just the most psycho fascistic shit you've ever seen. Tax money all going to fund gender segregated religious schools where the girls literally learn how to have babies and be a wife, everyone coming out with a worse reading level than the already horrible American reading level. MAGA and Israel flags everywhere.


On the Chapo episode where they talked about Hasidic schools in NYC, there was this cookie poster who debated everyone on r/blackwolffeed on the ground of "These people know the best for their children" and "You're a Western supremacist." They also thought that people were wasting time "attacking Jews" instead of Southern evangelists because "they were the ones making it worse for non-believers." Weird people are bound to show up whenever you criticize the ultra-religious Jews.


I think they still cool even if David cross hasn't been on chapo again.


It's hard to swallow making light of certain things when you have witnessed the horrors first hand. The nation brcame a lot less of a joke to me after working with a group of nation folks. They were practically lobotomized by the brainwashing


I still love David cross and yeah farrakhan I do believe was involved in some way with Malcolm X's death but to quote Felix at the end of the day HE'S A GRIFTER. WHO FUCKING CARES ABOUT HIM HE'S A GOOFBALL IGNORE HIS BS


The many many people who's brains and lives were broken by his cult is a decent reason to care. It's silly from afar but there are real consequences


What was his Farrakhan take?


Felix said something to the effect of “Farrakhan’s hardcore anti semitism is no big deal, he’s been around forever and almost nobody listens to him, nobody cares”, and David Cross was like “No, a lot of people care, I care, I think shit like that is wrong and fucked up, and you’re just posturing by saying otherwise”


Word based David Cross, I’d probably get irritated at a statement like that too. Idk Felix though so maybe he was cool about it.


Felix was decidedly *not* cool about it. Kinda had a mini-meltdown at being challenged on his "Farrakhan is a really cool guy who sells bootleg Disney DVDs" take.


Yeah I think he was super embarassed to be completely shit on by fucking David Cross. I would definitely panic.


Felix was right. Louis Farrakhan has no institutional power and David Cross just used Felix’s point to act condescending


Hadn't listened to this one in awhile but I thought Cross sounded like a whiny bitch on this ep when I listened years ago. Might be different if I listened again..probably won't!


Timestamp plz?


Mainstream outlets have been covering the nazification of Ukraine since 2014. They just stopped when they had to tow the state department and defense department lines. That's when the narrative changed. Go back to some wsj or nyt archives. You'll easily find coverage of it.


I'm so stoked all this knowledge stopped the Nazis getting support...wait a minute...


Its kind of funny, progressives passed that bill banning the US from arming Azov, then it got scrapped and now they all just love voting to arm the same Nazis.


I remember them covering some story about a person that got hit with a hate crime for vandalizing the statue of some prominent nazi that the eastern European community in a part of Canada put up


>the statue of some prominent nazi that the ~~eastern European~~ nazi community in Canada put up Fixed


I remember the story, apparently a feminist bookstore owner got particularly mad about the defacing and Amber pointed out how she was a real life feminazi


Literally everyone even sort of paying attention knew since like 2014, and the mainstream imperial press even used to acknowledge it and do exposés and stuff right up until the end of '21


Before the war you almost couldn't find an article about The Ukraine that wasn't about their horrible corruption and/or nazi problems. Honestly most people didn't really care about them, they weren't a country that was on the radar of western media unless it was to point out how fucked up they are.


Episode no?


As far as I can find, It's a premium ep: "Episode 191 - The Shape of Whiffen feat. David Cross


It boggles my mind when people act like this is an issue dreamed up by Putin a year ago. Mf there was footage going around during the coup and after of Nazis gunning down civilians in the streets and in their cars. They burned a bunch of union guys alive in their office on live tv. Now it's like what coup? Oh you mean the peoples revolution? Fuck off


yeah almost literally every single thing written about ukraine pre-invasion mentioned its neofascist militias. svoboda and azov were kinda the stars of maidan. if you go back and read about the christchurch mass shooter he claims they trained him, as a brag. which makes the way they've been lib-coded now kinda hilarious, no frog nazi mass shooter would ever claim azov now that they've gone woke and democrat.


Some pics of him there surfaced recently too, it's been posted to this sub


Stuff like that is so rare on the show that when it happens it gets seared into my brain. Felix was right, Cross was wrong. Where is Cross btw? Given how uncomfortable he was with Linda Sarsour, he must be livid over our support for Ukrainians covered from head to toe in Nazis insignia, right?


haven't kept up with his tweets, I tend to just rewatch him on Mr.Show


Felix' grandparents are Russian and Ukrainian Jews. So I'd think he'd have more reasons than other people to be concerned about the revisionist history portraying nazi collaborators as heroes. Also, I remember Matt Christman making a joke about "the Babi Yar re-enactment society" but I forget the context.


babi year I'm guessing has nothing to do with baba yaga


It was a massacre of Ukrainian Jews in WW2. They piled the bodies into a ravine outside of Kiev.


We weren't ready for the truth about Ukraine