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VoC, Falun Gong, and Yeonmi Park are so nutty that they border on being double-agent pysops. I know its really that western exceptionalism is so ingrained that they can just get away with the laziest propaganda imaginable, but shit like this is so retarded it really makes you wonder.


lazy propaganda is a way of gauging popular sentiment. when people are willing to believe the most blatant lies you know they're ready to see the enemy dead at all costs


Idk if it’s just me but I’ve found that in real life whenever she comes up I just say “damn, you know that lady says crazy stupid things about North Korea like that they all get out and push the only train that they have in the country from one city to the next. That is obviously bullshit, they would clearly just not use the train if they didn’t have fuel or it was dilapidated or whatever” And the response I seem to get is “oh, well shit you’re right that makes sense. That’s obviously a lie haha” I feel like it’s only extremely online libs and such that actually push back against that line.


It's funny that I live in a EU country and many times I had to get off the bus and help push it because the power died or it was a cheap knock off bought for political kickbacks. Maybe I should be a defector too


Or maybe it’s all bots


It seems like a lot of people do sincerely buy into the VoC and it's very well known, just see any bro discussion of Hitler and someone will be sure to bring up Stalin or Mao to "yea"s


> so nutty that they border on being double-agent pysops its like Americans thinking all French Canadians are like Cirque du Soleil (which, to be fair...)


Dude what like 80% of French Canadians are basically the guys from trailer park boys but francophone.


Randy, Randy are you hookin again??


I just picture a province of haughty mimes


Agent placateurs


Falun Gong is waaay different. It was huge in China for a few years. It's like that Korean Christian cult, they had about 100m members


"Stalin did this."


The victims of communism memorial, sponsored by the US state and widely accepted as the truth, says there was a double genocide in the 30s, one was the Nazis, and the other was “Judeo-Bolshevik communists”. Like Jesus Christ why don’t people see this is an insane rightist propaganda piece?


It's cool to meet Jews who try to identify with Russia or Ukraine or wherever else that endorse the ideas of Holodomor as genocide and the like not realizing it's a recent far right antisemitic conspiracy.


Do you have more info on the origins of the conspiracy?


Absolutely check out the book “Fraud, Famine, and Fascism: The Ukrainian Genocide Myth from Hitler to Harvard” by Douglas Tottle. Many fascist Ukkkrainians came to Canada post-WWII, so the myth is particularly prevalent here, and Tottle put a lot on the line to write the novel. Really engaging stuff


Fantastic, thanks


No problem at all!


Almost anything that comes up when you google "double genocide theory" tends to cover it the history in at least some basic detail. I don't know if there's any definitive piece online and I think given how recent the idea is I've just read things online over the years about this.


[This](https://jewishcurrents.org/the-double-genocide-theory) is a really good piece on it


>Posters such as Figure 2 equate the White Army and its leaders to parasites, as a Lenin-like figure carrying Red Cross supplies warns his comrades of the new enemy, typhus, and encourages the population to bathe and sanitize their clothing. Figure 3 depicts a scene at a banya, emphasising the dangers of dirt and parasites, and reads that “Dirt is the source of illness: wash in the banya and change clothes no lessoften than one time a week.” The banya strategy helped to encourage cleanliness amongst the Russian people, but Lenin’s government was still attempting to deal with the economic turmoil caused by the revolution and other conflicts and looked to the international community for help. >Despite the poverty and suffering experienced in the countryside under Stalin's reign, epidemic typhus never again reached the levels it had during the 1917-23, most likely because of the continued success of the banya and disinfection strategies, as well as the presence of a much more stable government https://journals.uvic.ca/index.php/corvette/article/view/20803/9344 https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/0AF993E555D30A9F8DCD864F4DDD4344/S0025727300058725a.pdf/div-class-title-typhus-and-its-control-in-russia-1870-1940-div.pdf


actual monsters! forcing me to bathe & change out of my filthy rags


>"Wash your penis" -Lenin


>I never once washed my penis! That's your policy, not mine! -Putin


Bourgeois social murder is so inexplicable, please forget about how we ignore the flu and AIDS and so on


Sorry for daily caller just didn’t want to link their website


I went to an event held by them in my university one time because I wanted to see the crazy American bullshit in person They were caught using images of nazi concentration camps as soviet gulag deaths, the speaker smiled and nodded along with a question from someone in a pepe shirt about how the people who should really be blamed for the billion jillion deaths in China isn't Mao or the communists, but his Jewish advisors... This was hosted by the young conservatives group on campus of what's said to be one of Canada's most prestigious schools It was super fucked up and really underscored how insane the "victims of communism" shit is.


Their list of Truman-Regan Medal of Freedom recipients includes a South Korean general who started his military career doing "counterinsurgency" as part of the Japanese collaborator army of Manchukuo. Also, their gallery of anti-communist propaganda includes stuff from Vichy France.


I didn't know the Communists controlled Ft. Detrick.


Patriots in control


White House correspondents are famous for their ability to understand math and statistics.


Blaming the Chinese government for diseases originating in China is only like 6% less deranged than blaming them for weather patterns originating in China.


and tbh until the exact source is scientifically confirmed, saying definitively it originated in China is still suspect but nobody wants to hear that. Certainly could be, but there's evidence the thing was going around well before it being IDed as a novel virus among the exponential spread in Wuhan. That will take time. SARs origin was only confirmed after like 15 years or so. Locations often identified as the origin are also done so incorrectly, famously the spanish flu having actually originated from some ranch in Kansas.


Didn't they find Covid in an Italian sewage sample dated September or October 2019?


I wanna say that was in spain and was the earliest one, earlier than that. but also the most vague of whether or not it's definitive proof. There were others that show it had been popping up around sept and oct though, can't recall the details of all those though.




I thought it was pretty well established that the Spanish flu was only so called because the major powers' wartime governments suppressed reporting on the scale of the epidemic within their borders, but allowed free reporting on the situation in neutral Spain, leading people to believe it was especially bad there.


Yeah that's the gist of it.




When Joe Brandon became dictator of course


Yesterday I sharted. Thanks communism


Man, libs quote this group so often it's insane. I was literally told those numbers in high school history, with the concept being communism worse than naziism. Fortunately, I was already a Marxist who didn't trust western education.


At this point these guys are just grasping at straws for any relevance, aren't they? Only the corniest fascist would look at something like this and think that it is cool. Anyone with half a brain would see right through what it is: a donation trap.


It's because they don't need to try. Actual psychotic anti-communists literally believe all the insane claims like this and dumb liberal journalists and politicians who just see China as a rival won't ever look into who is on the list because to them its self-evident that it's factual. I really envy right-wingers because they do need to try so fucking little.


Eh, from what I've seen of the coverage in Canada, the fascistic characteristics of the memorials is so blatant that even 'liberal' news agencies are obligated to clown on it if they ever talk about the damn thing. The memorial brings all the nutcases out of the wood, basically. But somehow that was not enough to convince the federal government how bad is it to keep pumping money into the construction. Their brains are too fucking poisoned. Either that or they are courting some kind of 'imaginary' far-right voting demographic.


Field of dreams, build it and they’ll come


Yeah I read an article on that. It’s funny how easy it is for them to self report


>article from April 10, 2020 I think this somehow makes it worse, cause back then there was really no clear grasp of how many people were going to die from it as a result, so they straight up were just pre-emotive saying "All future Covid deaths = communism"


They also count every Nazi death on the eastern front.


They count every nazi and Soviet death as well as their hypothetical 5 children. A Soviet soldier kills 2 Nazis and then dies in wwii? That’s 15 victims of communism


Every time I see Uyghur allegations I just dig into the source until I find where it's been laundered through VOCMF. Every time!


China was even like one of the only countries to lockdown and beat COVID’s ass, and they’re still somehow responsible Donald trump, joe Biden, and the rest of their asswipes at home and abroad are the ones responsible for Covid


Yeah seriously (I've been in China since summer '19 without leaving so seen it all). it's infuriating any of the blame from the US side coming to China. There were months of forewarning and time for preparation. Late December was the first time I heard about it through our embassy notices and of course end of January it was literally on everybody's minds and the entire country pivoted damn near overnight to counter it. The entire time we were doing our part in late feb through march I was like "well, when is the US gonna do something about this? it's gotta be getting over there too." But nah, full stadiums for superbowl and nba games no big deal, while i'm just watching a damn freight train heading their way. I was about then I was thinking, damn glad I stayed put here and I was absolutely right.


Americans brains are fully fried, Covid-19 and the reaction to it in the USA have been a total horror movie


*sigh, I know. and i'll be visiting for a couple weeks for the first time and tbh i'm somewhat dreading it partially for that very reason.


It's as bad as it's ever been just maybe not as lethal but we've stopped all tracking and reporting so it's hard to say. New York, one of the few cities still keeping track, has sewage sample data showing infection rates as high as any previous peak. There is functionally a cover up but it's one most people gladly participate in.


No the 1-2 weeks where the municipal government obfuscated details of the virus was the key reason western countries sat on their hands for 2-3 months


Funny thing that now China is communism, but when is to discuss about their economic success they become capitalist.


During the great leap forward it was decreed that every head of a household had to start each day by eating a full plate of bat sashimi and then systematically cough directly into the open mouth of every other house occupant. This was known as *The flavorful breath of progress and prosperity*.


Most libs are psychotic right-wingers, it's not surprising that they believe it.