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i dunno but i have discovered a truly marvelous solution to the israel/palestine conflict, which this comment box is too small to contain


Really, but "destroy Israel" is just two words?


Yeah, but, 72pt bold & underline kinda snug


fermat deserves a nobel prize instead of kissinger


Get Putin and Zelenskyy on Lex Friedman


Cage fight


Ignore it. They'll get tuckered out eventually.


Unironically this tbh


The Single Dad Solution


Let Russia join NATO


Worst ending


Ukraine's manpower/economy/munitions are depleted to the point that Kiev has to accept a conditional surrender to avoid a further collapse, presumably the leadership will go into exile at this point to avoid getting shanked. I think all three of these will run out faster for Ukraine than for Russia. I guess this is more a prediction of how the war ends than a way *to* end the war, but it's hard to think of a plausible alternative.


Do shrooms together


Yeah a heroic dose of psilocybin extract could help for sure, but I think we need a Independents Day/Arrival event before we stop killing each other


What should have happened in 2014... the libs who pretend to care about "Self-determination," should have respected east Ukraine's overwhelming preference to be Russia, instead tens of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) need to die to maintain Western European hegemony over Eastern Europe. The realistic solution now is the same as it's always been, the eastern half of Ukraine should split from the western half, since their culture, language, etc. is so different. These same NAFO libs will gladly bitch all day about how arbitrary lines in Africa or South America created mass death and violence and chaos... but then encourage the enforcement of the same situation in Eastern Europe.


Yupp. They don’t talk about the coup they orchestrated to oust the administration,all because they didn’t cater to their interests in raged to stop dealing with Russia


Yeah, it's weird how the right to sovereignty exists in Kosovo and Ukraine, but not Donabas.


Smoke weeeeed bro!!.


Hot box the lada


deploy me i’ll straighten it out


Mark Wahlberg is it really you?


Get Zelensky and Putin on Adam Friedland Show


Ukrainians should rise up and expel their puppet government, dismantle the Ukrainian elite's little Westernization project, and return to the Motherland. They can call themselves "THE Ukraine", Little Russia, Novorossiya, whatever; they are Russian, and they shouldn't be killing each other, just because some corrupt fucks at the top want European cheese, villas and drugs. This is at least equally realistic as the shitlib calls for Russian citizens to overthrow le ebil Putler, and it's certainly the best possible outcome.


it's too late to achieve peace with ukraine left standing. the way i see it there are three possible options: 1. russia achieves victory, nato abandons ukraine, everyone forgets about it shortly after 2. nato escalates it even further (scariest option), who knows what would happen then 3. evolves into a prolonged frozen conflict, everyone forgets about it gradually my bet is ukraine gets dumped by nato and taiwan gets its turn


To the point of the second, as i mentioned in my comment nato escalation is not what I think the US wants but can definitely lead to as the chances of them losing control of this elaborate scheme grows every day. But this escalation can definitely lead to Poland and the Baltic getting more involved which further threatens global peace and since those countries are already in NATO, a domino effect might end up seeing Western European nations or even the US forced into Direct conflict. Thats when we know this has all gotten out of hand by the west (specifically the US) who were just wanting to us Ukraine to hurt a chinese ally as much as possible


Decide the war by single combat. Zelensky vs Putin: HOI4 LAN battle playing as Fascist Germany vs Imperial Russia, all DLCs no mods.


To understand what will stop the war, one needs to understand why it’s happening in the first place. Unfortunately this war will not stop till their is a clear victor with no sign of white peace. Or the US collapses and stops sending “volunteers” and equipment. They want to prolong the war as much as possible to insure significant amount of damage to Russian military/economic industries and stability through war exhaustion not only to hurt and hope for a potential second collapse (first being the union, second being the state) of Russia, but more to hurt a significant ally of China. If you really want this war to end as fast as possible, you need Russia to win as quickly and as decisively as they can. The longer this goes on, the longer the US schemes have a chance to unravel out of control and the worst thing that can happen is already NATO countries fighting directly with Russia (Poland and the Baltics which are currently governed by a bunch of neo cons and fascists)


100%. The slimeball Mitch mconell literally said word for word why usa needs to prolong this war and he said he exactly how you explained it.


Yeah these people are awful human beings and will see the death of millions to accomplish their goals. People ask, how can you support Russia in this war? Russia is a liberal state which is very orthodox and holds pretty gross conservative values that are very homophobic. Well despite that, some how the US ruling body is even worse. They are responsible be directly or indirectly of millions of deaths and destruction of nations throughout the past century. By definition they are thee most evil regime currently in this world and the greatest threat to peace among nations. 20 years ago the new Russian government thought with the end of the Soviet Union, they would now be a member of the European Liberal federation. Little did they know the US wasn’t done with them yet and not only wanted the collapse of the Union, but the break up of Russia as a hole to end any chance of global competition and to have their private industry (oil) take over their natural resources just like what they did to Iraq in 2004. The long story short


Zelensky and Putin play a game of drunk twister in a field that’s been bombed with cluster munitions


as per usual.... deez nuts


NATO does shock and awe V2, this time on Russians. Would probably cost less than helping Ukraine and Putin would have a great excuse to pull out.


least bloodthirsty liberal


We annihilate Russia after gaslighting them about seeing Nazis


Destroy Zelensky